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Line 496: FROM wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt,mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch

492: --MMTT used to get children task.
493: --wwtt used to get the parent task.
494: SELECT COUNT (1), wwtt.transaction_temp_id
495: BULK COLLECT INTO l_num_of_child_tasks_tbl, l_parent_temp_ids_tbl
496: FROM wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt,mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch
497: WHERE mcce.cycle_count_header_id = mcch.cycle_count_header_id
498: AND mcce.inventory_item_id = wwtt.inventory_item_id
499: AND mcce.subinventory = wwtt.subinventory
500: AND mcce.locator_id = wwtt.locator_id

Line 8310: l_from_cc := l_from_cc || ', mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce ';

8306: l_from_cc := ' FROM ';
8307: -- l_from_cc := l_from_cc || ' mtl_system_items_kfv msiv ';
8308: l_from_cc := l_from_cc || ' mtl_system_items_vl msiv '; --Bug 11798973 Modified to fetch translated value
8309: l_from_cc := l_from_cc || ', mtl_item_locations_kfv milv ';
8310: l_from_cc := l_from_cc || ', mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce ';
8312: /*Bug 3856227 -Added the table mtl_cycle_count_headers in the from clause
8313: if the task is of status pending, queued, dispatched, active
8314: or if the cycle count name is not null.*/

Line 8385: (SELECT MIN(mcce.cycle_count_entry_id) from mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce , mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch

8381: /* 8522232 added the code to use a subquery approach
8382: so that when selecting min(mcce.cycle_count_entry_id)all the columns need not be
8383: in gruop by clause of outer query which is causing many issues.*/
8384: l_where_cc := l_where_cc || ' and mcce.cycle_count_entry_id IN
8385: (SELECT MIN(mcce.cycle_count_entry_id) from mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce , mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch
8386: WHERE mcce.organization_id = :org_id
8387: and mcce.cycle_count_header_id = mcch.cycle_count_header_id ' ;
8388: IF i = 1 THEN
8389: -- Bug #3732568. Added Rejected status counts (4) in the NOT IN list.

Line 11707: FROM mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce,

11703: l_non_cycle_count_number := l_non_cycle_count_number + 1;
11704: ELSE
11705: SELECT mcce.cycle_count_entry_id
11706: INTO l_transaction_temp_id_table (i)
11707: FROM mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce,
11708: wms_dispatched_tasks wdt
11709: WHERE mcce.cycle_count_entry_id =
11710: rec_wwtt.transaction_temp_id
11711: AND mcce.cycle_count_entry_id = wdt.transaction_temp_id(+)

Line 11822: UPDATE mtl_cycle_count_entries

11819: IF l_cycle_count_number > 0 THEN
11820: FORALL i IN l_transaction_temp_id_table.FIRST .. l_transaction_temp_id_table.LAST
11821: -- Update cycle count entries (parent as well as child records) bug 11705135
11822: UPDATE mtl_cycle_count_entries
11823: SET task_priority = l_task_priority_table (i),
11824: last_update_date = SYSDATE,
11825: last_updated_by = p_user_id,
11826: last_update_login = p_login_id,

Line 11830: FROM wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch

11826: last_update_login = p_login_id,
11827: standard_operation_id = l_user_task_type_id (i) --R12: Update User Task Type Id
11828: WHERE cycle_count_entry_id IN (
11829: SELECT mcce.cycle_count_entry_id
11830: FROM wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch
11831: WHERE wwtt.transaction_temp_id=l_transaction_temp_id_table (i)
11832: AND wwtt.is_modified = 'Y'
11833: AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = mcch.cycle_count_header_id
11834: AND mcce.inventory_item_id = wwtt.inventory_item_id

Line 11943: FROM wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch

11939: WHERE wdt.status IN (2, 3)
11940: AND wdt.task_type = 3
11941: AND wdt.transaction_temp_id IN (
11942: SELECT mcce.cycle_count_entry_id
11943: FROM wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch
11944: WHERE wwtt.status_id IN (1, 8)
11945: AND wwtt.is_modified = 'Y'
11946: AND NVL(wwtt.num_of_child_tasks,1)>1
11947: AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = mcch.cycle_count_header_id

Line 11978: FROM wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch

11974: NULL, l_update_date, p_user_id, l_update_date, p_user_id,
11975: p_login_id, wwtt.task_type_id, wwtt.priority,
11976: wwtt.move_order_line_id, wwtt.operation_plan_id,
11977: wwtt.to_lpn_id
11978: FROM wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch
11979: WHERE NVL(wwtt.NUM_OF_CHILD_TASKS,1) > 1
11980: AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = mcch.cycle_count_header_id
11981: AND mcce.inventory_item_id = wwtt.inventory_item_id
11982: AND mcce.subinventory = wwtt.subinventory

Line 12013: FROM wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch

12009: last_update_login = p_login_id
12010: WHERE task_type = 3
12011: AND transaction_temp_id IN (
12012: SELECT mcce.cycle_count_entry_id
12013: FROM wms_waveplan_tasks_temp wwtt, mtl_cycle_count_entries mcce, mtl_cycle_count_headers mcch
12014: WHERE wwtt.transaction_temp_id=l_transaction_temp_id_table (i)
12015: AND wwtt.is_modified = 'Y'
12016: AND NVL(wwtt.num_of_child_tasks,1)>1
12017: AND mcce.cycle_count_header_id = mcch.cycle_count_header_id