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Line 240: from qp_pricing_phases

236: -- Essilor Fix bug 2789138
237: -- Commented for bug#2894244
238: CURSOR l_phase_cur(p_phase_id NUMBER) IS
239: select pricing_phase_id
240: from qp_pricing_phases
241: where pricing_phase_id = nvl(p_phase_id, pricing_phase_id);
243: -- Added the following variables for bug#2572053
244: --l_rltd_exists VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';

Line 268: /*update qp_pricing_phases PH

264: END IF;
265: -- bug 3448292
266: -- Changed the update statement to look for pricing_phase_id other than 1, bug 2981629
267: -- also rearranged the tables and changed the optimizer hint
268: /*update qp_pricing_phases PH
269: --at least 1 PRG modifier exists with rltd line
270: set rltd_exists = (
271: select /*+ ordered use_nl(rlt lh) index(ll QP_LIST_LINES_N5) * / 'Y'
272: from qp_list_lines LL, qp_rltd_modifiers RLT, qp_list_headers_b LH

Line 317: update qp_pricing_phases PH

313: and ph.pricing_phase_id > 1;
314: */
315: if (nvl(p_pricing_phase_id,2) > 1)
316: and (p_call_from is null or p_call_from = 1)then
317: update qp_pricing_phases PH
318: --at least 1 PRG modifier exists with rltd line
319: --[julin/4698834] removed qp_rltd_modifiers RLT; per bug, needs to be 'Y' if PRG simply exists
320: set rltd_exists = (
321: select 'Y'

Line 335: update qp_pricing_phases PH

331: where PH.pricing_phase_id = nvl(p_pricing_phase_id,
332: PH.pricing_phase_id)
333: and ph.pricing_phase_id > 1;
334: --atleast 1 modifier of type OID exist
335: update qp_pricing_phases PH
336: set oid_exists = (
337: SELECT 'Y'
338: from qp_list_lines LL, qp_list_headers_b LH
339: where LH.list_type_code = 'PRO'

Line 350: update qp_pricing_phases PH

346: PH.pricing_phase_id)
347: and ph.pricing_phase_id > 1;
348: --at least 1 modifier of level line_group exist
349: if (nvl(p_pricing_phase_id,3) >2) then
350: update qp_pricing_phases PH
351: set line_group_exists = (
352: SELECT /*+ ordered use_nl(lh) index(ll QP_LIST_LINES_N4) */ 'Y'
353: from qp_list_lines LL, qp_list_headers_b LH
354: where LH.list_type_code in ('DLT','DEL','SLT','PRO','CHARGES')

Line 366: update qp_pricing_phases PH

362: PH.pricing_phase_id)
363: and ph.pricing_phase_id > 1;
364: end if;
365: --at least 1 freight charge modifier exist
366: update qp_pricing_phases PH
367: set freight_exists = (
368: SELECT 'Y'
369: from qp_list_lines LL, qp_list_headers_b LH
370: where LH.list_type_code = 'CHARGES'

Line 402: select manual_modifier_flag into d_manual_modifier_flag from qp_pricing_phases

398: l_manual_exists :='Y';
399: end if;
400: end if;
401: elsif p_automatic_flag is not null then
402: select manual_modifier_flag into d_manual_modifier_flag from qp_pricing_phases
403: where pricing_phase_id = I.pricing_phase_id;
404: if d_manual_modifier_flag= 'A' then
405: l_automatic_exists :='Y';
406: elsif d_manual_modifier_flag='M' then

Line 480: update qp_pricing_phases

476: ELSIF l_manual_exists = 'Y' THEN
477: l_manual_modifier_flag := 'M';
478: END IF;
480: update qp_pricing_phases
481: set manual_modifier_flag = l_manual_modifier_flag
482: where pricing_phase_id = I.pricing_phase_id;
484: l_automatic_exists := 'N';

Line 494: /* update qp_pricing_phases I

491: --Added for bug#2894244
492: -- Changed the update statement to look for pricing_phase_id other than 1, bug 2981629
493: -- also rearranged the tables and changed the optimizer hint
494: /* update qp_pricing_phases I
495: set manual_modifier_flag =
496: (select /*+ ordered use_nl(h) index(l QP_LIST_LINES_N5)
497: decode(min(l.automatic_flag)||max(l.automatic_flag),'YY','A','NN','M','B')
498: from qp_list_lines l, qp_list_headers_b h