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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 38

     	FROM   	mtl_system_items_b mi
     	WHERE  	mi.inventory_item_id = x_item_id
     	AND	mi.organization_id = x_organization_id;
Line: 46

	     	Select	process_enabled_flag
	     	Into	l_process_org
	     	From	mtl_parameters
	     	Where	organization_id = x_organization_id;
Line: 131

Select 	Sum(trans_qty),trans_um
From    ic_tran_pnd itp,
        rcv_transactions rcv
Where   rcv.oe_order_header_id = p_oe_header_id
And     (rcv.oe_order_line_id = p_oe_line_id
         rcv.oe_order_line_id in
                          (select line_id
                           from   oe_order_lines_all
                           where  header_id = p_oe_header_id
                           and    line_set_id = p_line_set_id
And     rcv.shipment_header_id = itp.doc_id
And     rcv.transaction_id = itp.line_id
And     itp.doc_type = 'PORC'
And     itp.lot_id = p_lot_id
And     itp.delete_mark = 0
Group by trans_um;
Line: 210

      Into   l_rma_lot_uom
      From   oe_order_lines_all
      Where  header_id = p_oe_header_id
      And line_id = p_oe_line_id;
Line: 219

         Select decode(length(uom.unit_of_measure), 1, uom.unit_of_measure,
                       2, uom.unit_of_measure, 3, uom.unit_of_measure,
                       4, uom.unit_of_measure, uom.uom_code)
         Into   l_rma_lot_opm_uom
         From   oe_order_lines_all , mtl_units_of_measure uom
         Where  header_id = p_oe_header_id
         And    line_id = p_oe_line_id
         And    uom_code = ORDER_QUANTITY_UOM;
Line: 244

         Select decode(length(uom.unit_of_measure), 1, uom.unit_of_measure,
                       2, uom.unit_of_measure, 3, uom.unit_of_measure,
                       4, uom.unit_of_measure, uom.uom_code)
         Into   l_rma_lot_opm_uom
         From   mtl_units_of_measure uom
         Where  uom_code = p_rma_lot_uom;
Line: 270

         Select nvl(SUM(QUANTITY),0)
         Into   l_rma_lot_qty
         From   oe_lot_Serial_numbers
         Where  (line_id = p_oe_line_id OR line_set_id  = p_line_set_id)
         And    lot_number = p_lot_no
         And    nvl(sublot_number,' ') = nvl(p_sublot_no,' ');
Line: 319

            Select item_um
            Into   l_lot_recv_uom
            From   ic_item_mst
            Where  item_id = p_opm_item_id;
Line: 623

/* Selecting the shipped quantity for that Lot and Sublot */

Cursor Cr_Io_lot_shipped_qty IS
SELECT ic.trans_um ,sum(ic.trans_qty)*-1
FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_delivery_assignments assign,ic_tran_pnd ic,
oe_order_lines_all ol
WHERE  ic.lot_id = p_lot_id
and assign.delivery_id = p_order_num
and wdd.delivery_detail_id =assign.delivery_detail_id
and wdd.delivery_detail_id = ic.line_detail_id
and wdd.source_header_id = ol.header_id
and wdd.source_line_id = ol.line_id
and ol.source_document_id =p_req_header_id
and ol.source_document_line_id = p_req_line_id
and ic.line_id = ol.line_id
and ic.doc_type ='OMSO'
and ic.delete_mark = 0
and ic.completed_ind = 1
group by ic.trans_um;
Line: 644

/* Selecting the quantity received for that Lot and Sublot*/

Cursor Cr_Io_delivered_quantity IS
SELECT ic.trans_um,sum(ic.trans_qty)
FROM ic_tran_pnd ic ,rcv_transactions rcv
WHERE ic.lot_id = p_lot_id and ic.doc_type ='PORC'
and ic.line_id =rcv.transaction_id
and rcv.requisition_line_id = p_req_line_id
and rcv.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id
and rcv.transaction_type in ('DELIVER')
and rcv.shipment_line_id = p_shipment_line_id
and (rcv.req_distribution_id = p_req_distribution_id or rcv.req_distribution_id is null)
group by ic.trans_um ;