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Line 197: * user is not a valid user in fnd_user (user_name does not exist or is enddated).

193: * param x_msg_data
194: * param x_msg_count
195: * Errors : Expected Errors
196: * requester_user_name or password is null
197: * user is not a valid user in fnd_user (user_name does not exist or is enddated).
198: * user does not have an email in fnd_user table.
199: * Other Comments :
201: * For the default workflow (JTAUMPSW) that is called by this API the following are valid:

Line 198: * user does not have an email in fnd_user table.

194: * param x_msg_count
195: * Errors : Expected Errors
196: * requester_user_name or password is null
197: * user is not a valid user in fnd_user (user_name does not exist or is enddated).
198: * user does not have an email in fnd_user table.
199: * Other Comments :
201: * For the default workflow (JTAUMPSW) that is called by this API the following are valid:
202: * 1. Whether or not approval is needed is determined by the usertype_id.

Line 258: from fnd_user

254: CURSOR c_item_key IS SELECT JTF_UM_PSW_WF_S.nextval FROM dual;
256: CURSOR c_user(l_user_name in varchar2) IS
257: select email_address
258: from fnd_user
259: where user_name = l_user_name
260: and (nvl(end_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate OR
261: to_char(END_DATE) = to_char(FND_API.G_MISS_DATE));

Line 1086: * FND_USER update : The update of fnd_user table is done using fnd_user_pkg

1082: * requester_user_name and email is null
1083: * requester_user_name is not a valid user
1084: * requester_email does not correspond to a valid user
1085: * Other Comments :
1086: * FND_USER update : The update of fnd_user table is done using fnd_user_pkg
1087: * procedure as recommended by fnd (bug 1713101)
1089: * If only the user name is passed then the email is defaulted using the following logic
1090: * 1. Email address from fnd_users where user_name = p_requester_user_name

Line 1090: * 1. Email address from fnd_users where user_name = p_requester_user_name

1086: * FND_USER update : The update of fnd_user table is done using fnd_user_pkg
1087: * procedure as recommended by fnd (bug 1713101)
1089: * If only the user name is passed then the email is defaulted using the following logic
1090: * 1. Email address from fnd_users where user_name = p_requester_user_name
1091: * 2. Email from per_all_people_F where person_id = employee_id
1092: * (retrieved from fnd_users using the user_name)
1093: * 3. Email from hz_contact_points where owner_type_id = party_id and
1094: * owner_table = 'HZ_PARTIES' and contact_point_type = 'EMAIL'.

Line 1092: * (retrieved from fnd_users using the user_name)

1089: * If only the user name is passed then the email is defaulted using the following logic
1090: * 1. Email address from fnd_users where user_name = p_requester_user_name
1091: * 2. Email from per_all_people_F where person_id = employee_id
1092: * (retrieved from fnd_users using the user_name)
1093: * 3. Email from hz_contact_points where owner_type_id = party_id and
1094: * owner_table = 'HZ_PARTIES' and contact_point_type = 'EMAIL'.
1095: * Party_id here is obtained from the customer id stored in fnd_user
1096: * where user_name = p_requester_user_name.

Line 1095: * Party_id here is obtained from the customer id stored in fnd_user

1091: * 2. Email from per_all_people_F where person_id = employee_id
1092: * (retrieved from fnd_users using the user_name)
1093: * 3. Email from hz_contact_points where owner_type_id = party_id and
1094: * owner_table = 'HZ_PARTIES' and contact_point_type = 'EMAIL'.
1095: * Party_id here is obtained from the customer id stored in fnd_user
1096: * where user_name = p_requester_user_name.
1097: * In all the above cases the user, employee, party etc. have to be valid.
1098: *
1099: * If only the email address is specified, the user name is determined using a similar logic

Line 1100: * 1. User_name from fnd_user where email_address = p_requester_email_Address

1096: * where user_name = p_requester_user_name.
1097: * In all the above cases the user, employee, party etc. have to be valid.
1098: *
1099: * If only the email address is specified, the user name is determined using a similar logic
1100: * 1. User_name from fnd_user where email_address = p_requester_email_Address
1101: * 2. User_name from fnd_user where employee_id = person_id (retrieved from per_all_people_f
1102: * using the email_address)
1103: * 3. User_name from fnd_user where customer_id = hz_contact_points.owner_type_id and
1104: * owner_table = 'HZ_PARTIES' and contact_point_type = 'EMAIL' and

Line 1101: * 2. User_name from fnd_user where employee_id = person_id (retrieved from per_all_people_f

1097: * In all the above cases the user, employee, party etc. have to be valid.
1098: *
1099: * If only the email address is specified, the user name is determined using a similar logic
1100: * 1. User_name from fnd_user where email_address = p_requester_email_Address
1101: * 2. User_name from fnd_user where employee_id = person_id (retrieved from per_all_people_f
1102: * using the email_address)
1103: * 3. User_name from fnd_user where customer_id = hz_contact_points.owner_type_id and
1104: * owner_table = 'HZ_PARTIES' and contact_point_type = 'EMAIL' and
1105: * contact_point = p_requester_email_Address

Line 1103: * 3. User_name from fnd_user where customer_id = hz_contact_points.owner_type_id and

1099: * If only the email address is specified, the user name is determined using a similar logic
1100: * 1. User_name from fnd_user where email_address = p_requester_email_Address
1101: * 2. User_name from fnd_user where employee_id = person_id (retrieved from per_all_people_f
1102: * using the email_address)
1103: * 3. User_name from fnd_user where customer_id = hz_contact_points.owner_type_id and
1104: * owner_table = 'HZ_PARTIES' and contact_point_type = 'EMAIL' and
1105: * contact_point = p_requester_email_Address
1106: *
1107: * If both email and user name are passed, the combination is validated using the above logic.

Line 1254: if not fnd_user_pkg.changePassword(username => l_requester_user_name,

1250: if x_return_status <> FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS then
1252: end if;
1254: if not fnd_user_pkg.changePassword(username => l_requester_user_name,
1255: newpassword => l_password) then
1257: end if;

Line 1261: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser (

1257: end if;
1259: -- update the password date to null to force user to change psswd upon
1260: -- first login
1261: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser (
1262: x_user_name => l_requester_user_name,
1263: x_owner => 'CUST',
1264: x_unencrypted_password => l_password,
1265: x_password_date => null);

Line 1274: update fnd_user set

1270: -- password upon first logon
1271: -- not needed now as FND API allows setting the password date to null
1272: /*
1273: --begin
1274: update fnd_user set
1275: password_date = null
1276: where user_name = l_requester_user_name;
1277: */
1278: /* exception