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Line 29: ws_prf := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_ODIURL');

25: -- Check for 'SoapHttp' string in the profile value
26: -- if found launch 10g soap request function MSC_E1APS_ODIScenExecute10g
27: -- else launch 11g soap request
29: ws_prf := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_ODIURL');
30: sql_cnd := 'select INSTR('''||ws_prf||''','''||srch_str||''') from dual';
31: EXECUTE immediate sql_cnd into chk_cnd;
33: IF (chk_cnd > 0) THEN

Line 44: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');

40: || ScenarioName || ''
41: || ScenarioVersion || '
42: || ScenarioParam || '
44: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');
45: UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(Time_Out);
46: -- UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(36000);
48: http_req:= utl_http.begin_request ( WsUrl, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1' );

Line 101: ws_prf := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_ODIURL');

97: -- Check for 'SoapHttp' string in the profile value
98: -- if found launch 10g soap request function MSC_E1APS_ODIInitialize10g
99: -- else launch 11g soap request
101: ws_prf := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_ODIURL');
102: sql_cnd := 'select INSTR('''||ws_prf||''','''||srch_str||''') from dual';
103: EXECUTE immediate sql_cnd into chk_cnd;
105: IF (chk_cnd > 0) THEN

Line 117: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');

113: soap_request:= ''
115: || '
117: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');
118: UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(Time_Out);
119: -- UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(36000);
120: http_req:= utl_http.begin_request ( WsUrl, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1' );
121: utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');

Line 189: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');

185: soap_request:= ''
187: ||'E1TOAPSPROJECT.PVD_BASE_DATE='||BaseDate ||'
189: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');
190: UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(Time_Out);
191: --UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(36000);
192: http_req:= utl_http.begin_request ( WsUrl, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1' );
193: utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');

Line 265: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');

261: soap_request:= ''
263: || '
265: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');
266: UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(Time_Out);
267: -- UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(36000);
268: http_req:= utl_http.begin_request ( WsUrl, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1' );
269: utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');

Line 359: DEM_SCHEMA := fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA');

355: l_schema_id NUMBER;
356: BEGIN
357: msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('Entering: MSC_E1APS_UTIL.DEM_WORKFLOW - '
358: || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
359: DEM_SCHEMA := fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA');
360: IF fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA') IS NOT NULL THEN
361: l_user_id := p_user_id;
362: IF l_user_id IS NOT NULL THEN
363: l_sql := 'select user_name, password from '

Line 360: IF fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA') IS NOT NULL THEN

356: BEGIN
357: msd_dem_common_utilities.log_debug ('Entering: MSC_E1APS_UTIL.DEM_WORKFLOW - '
358: || TO_CHAR(systimestamp, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
359: DEM_SCHEMA := fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA');
360: IF fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA') IS NOT NULL THEN
361: l_user_id := p_user_id;
362: IF l_user_id IS NOT NULL THEN
363: l_sql := 'select user_name, password from '
364: ||dem_schema

Line 382: l_url := fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_HOST_URL');

378: msd_dem_common_utilities.log_message('Component is not found.');
379: END IF;
380: END IF;
381: IF l_user_name IS NOT NULL THEN
382: l_url := fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_HOST_URL');
383: -- Bug#7199587 syenamar
384: -- Do not hard-code 'EBS Full Download' workflow name here. Get its ID from lookup, get its name from demantra schema using the ID.
385: /* Bug#8224935 - APP ID */
386: -- l_wf_lookup_code is a schema_id in the database and meaning column in common lookup

Line 467: demTimeOut := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_DEM_WF_TIME_OUT');

463: /* Calling DEM WorkFlow */
464: DEM_WORKFLOW(errbuf, retcode, l_wf_lookup_code, ret_process_id, p_user_id);
466: /* Profile for Demantra WorkFlow TimeOut */
467: demTimeOut := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_DEM_WF_TIME_OUT');
469: IF retcode= -1 OR ret_process_id = -1 THEN
470: msd_dem_common_utilities.log_message('DEM WORKFLOW NOT LAUNCHED');
471: RETURN 2;

Line 511: fc_url := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_FCURL');

507: END IF;
509: IF dem_flag = DEM_SUCCESS THEN
510: /*Copies the file from Demantra Server To E1_file_DS */
511: fc_url := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_FCURL');
512: IF fc_url IS NOT NULL THEN
513: fc_ret_value :=MSC_E1APS_DEMCL.CALL_ODIEXE('EXPORTFILESFROMDEMANTRASERVER' ,scenario_version ,'' ,fc_url);
514: IF fc_ret_value = FALSE THEN
515: MSC_UTIL.LOG_MSG(MSC_UTIL.G_LVL_FATAL_ERR, 'File copy failed.' );

Line 549: DbLink := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1_DBLINK');

545: Session_number Number;
548: Begin
549: DbLink := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1_DBLINK');
550: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');
552: IF (Time_Out is NULL)Then
553: Time_Out:=36000;

Line 550: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');

548: Begin
549: DbLink := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1_DBLINK');
550: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');
552: IF (Time_Out is NULL)Then
553: Time_Out:=36000;
554: END IF;

Line 619: IF (fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA') IS NOT NULL AND x_table_presence > 0) THEN

615: FROM dba_tables
616: WHERE owner = owner AND table_name = 'MDP_MATRIX';
618: IF (updateFlag = MSC_UTIL.SYS_NO) THEN
619: IF (fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA') IS NOT NULL AND x_table_presence > 0) THEN
620: x_dem_schema := fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA');
621: IF (fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_TRUNCATE_STG_TABLE') = 'Y' ) THEN
622: x_sql := 'truncate table ' || x_dem_schema || '.t_src_sales_tmpl';
623: execute immediate x_sql;

Line 620: x_dem_schema := fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA');

616: WHERE owner = owner AND table_name = 'MDP_MATRIX';
618: IF (updateFlag = MSC_UTIL.SYS_NO) THEN
619: IF (fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA') IS NOT NULL AND x_table_presence > 0) THEN
620: x_dem_schema := fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA');
621: IF (fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_TRUNCATE_STG_TABLE') = 'Y' ) THEN
622: x_sql := 'truncate table ' || x_dem_schema || '.t_src_sales_tmpl';
623: execute immediate x_sql;
624: x_sql := 'truncate table ' || x_dem_schema || '.t_src_item_tmpl';

Line 621: IF (fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_TRUNCATE_STG_TABLE') = 'Y' ) THEN

618: IF (updateFlag = MSC_UTIL.SYS_NO) THEN
619: IF (fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA') IS NOT NULL AND x_table_presence > 0) THEN
620: x_dem_schema := fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_SCHEMA');
621: IF (fnd_profile.value('MSD_DEM_TRUNCATE_STG_TABLE') = 'Y' ) THEN
622: x_sql := 'truncate table ' || x_dem_schema || '.t_src_sales_tmpl';
623: execute immediate x_sql;
624: x_sql := 'truncate table ' || x_dem_schema || '.t_src_item_tmpl';
625: execute immediate x_sql;

Line 639: IF fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_ODIURL') IS NOT NULL THEN

635: -- Updating TP_SITE_CODE with BILL_TO and SHIP_TO .
636: -- If Partner Address like 'E1_BILL_TO+9718+9718+Oilers Bikes Inc.'
637: -- Then the site is BILL_TO else catogorizes as SHIP_TO SITE.
639: IF fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_ODIURL') IS NOT NULL THEN
640: select attribute15 into e1_instance_name from msc_apps_instances
641: where instance_id = parInstanceID;
642: --check If instance using both Legacy and E1 Intergration
643: --bug#10021262

Line 709: DbLink := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1_DBLINK');

705: DbLink varchar2(100);
706: err_msg1 varchar2(4000);
707: BEGIN
708: -- Get profile value and check for DB errors
709: DbLink := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1_DBLINK');
711: if (DbLink is NOT NULL) then
712: chk_sql := 'select err_msg from wr_execution_status@' ||DbLink|| ' where session_id = '''|| session_no || '''';
713: else

Line 759: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');

755: || ''
756: || ''
757: ||'';
759: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');
760: UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(Time_Out);
761: -- UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(36000);
763: http_req:= utl_http.begin_request ( WsUrl, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1' );

Line 821: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');

817: || ''
818: || ''
819: ||'';
821: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');
822: UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(Time_Out);
823: -- UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(36000);
824: http_req:= utl_http.begin_request ( WsUrl, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1' );
825: utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');

Line 957: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');

953: || ''
954: || ''
955: ||'';
957: Time_Out := fnd_profile.value('MSC_E1APS_WS_TIME_OUT');
958: UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(Time_Out);
959: -- UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout(36000);
960: http_req:= utl_http.begin_request ( WsUrl, 'POST', 'HTTP/1.1' );
961: utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');