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Line 5052: from okl_trx_types_tl tl

5048: AND rul.rule_information_category = 'LATOWN'
5049: AND khr.id = chr.id
5050: AND chr.id = rbk_chr.orig_system_id1
5051: AND exists (select null
5052: from okl_trx_types_tl tl
5053: where tl.language = 'US'
5054: and tl.name = 'Rebook'
5055: and tl.id = ktrx.try_id)
5056: AND ktrx.KHR_ID = chr.id

Line 6269: from okl_trx_types_tl tl

6265: AND rul.rule_information_category = 'LATOWN'
6266: AND khr.id = chr.id
6267: AND chr.id = p_rbk_chr_id
6268: AND exists (select null
6269: from okl_trx_types_tl tl
6270: where tl.language = 'US'
6271: and tl.name = 'Rebook'
6272: and tl.id = ktrx.try_id)
6273: AND ktrx.KHR_ID = chr.id

Line 7194: FROM OKL_TRX_TYPES_TL ttyp,

7190: 'OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B' sla_source_line_table,
7191: trx.try_id sla_source_try_id,
7192: cle.cle_id sla_source_kle_id
7193: --Bug# 6373605 end
7195: OKL_TRX_ASSETS trx,
7196: OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B txl,
7197: OKC_K_LINES_B cle,
7198: OKC_LINE_STYLES_B lse,

Line 7219: --OKL_TRX_TYPES_TL ttyp

7215: --Bug# 3156924:
7216: /*----------------------------------------------------
7217: --AND exists (select null
7218: --from OKL_TRX_ASSETS trx,
7219: --OKL_TRX_TYPES_TL ttyp
7220: --where trx.id = txl.tas_id
7221: --and trx.try_id = ttyp.id
7222: --and ttyp.name = 'Internal Asset Creation'
7223: --and ttyp.language = 'US'

Line 7273: FROM OKL_TRX_TYPES_TL ttyp,

7269: 'OKL_TXD_ASSETS_B' sla_source_line_table,
7270: trx.try_id sla_source_try_id,
7271: cle.cle_id sla_source_kle_id
7272: --Bug# 6373605 end
7274: OKL_TRX_ASSETS trx,
7275: OKL_TXD_ASSETS_B txd,
7276: OKL_TXL_ASSETS_B txl,
7277: OKC_K_LINES_B cle,

Line 7300: --OKL_TRX_TYPES_TL ttyp

7296: --bug# 3156924
7297: /*-------------------------------------------------------------
7298: --AND exists (select null
7299: --from OKL_TRX_ASSETS trx,
7300: --OKL_TRX_TYPES_TL ttyp
7301: --where trx.id = txl.tas_id
7302: --and trx.try_id = ttyp.id
7303: --and ttyp.name = 'Release'
7304: --and ttyp.language = 'US'

Line 7413: okl_trx_types_tl ttyp,

7409: --Bug# 6373605 start
7410: fa_book_controls fbc,
7411: --Bug# 6373605 end
7412: okc_k_items fa_cim,
7413: okl_trx_types_tl ttyp,
7414: okl_trx_assets trx,
7415: okl_txl_assets_b txl,
7416: okc_k_lines_b fa_cleb,
7417: okc_line_styles_b fa_lseb,

Line 9045: from okl_trx_types_tl ttyt,

9041: trx.tas_type,
9042: txl.tal_type,
9043: txl.id tal_id,
9044: trx.creation_date
9045: from okl_trx_types_tl ttyt,
9046: okl_trx_assets trx,
9047: okl_txl_assets_b txl,
9048: okc_k_lines_b cleb,
9049: okc_line_styles_b lseb

Line 10851: from okl_trx_types_tl ttyt,

10847: trx.tas_type,
10848: txl.tal_type,
10849: txl.id tal_id,
10850: trx.creation_date
10851: from okl_trx_types_tl ttyt,
10852: okl_trx_assets trx,
10853: okl_txl_assets_b txl,
10854: okc_k_lines_b cleb,
10855: okc_line_styles_b lseb