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Line 15: * PARTY_SITE_ID Primary Key to HZ_PARTY_SITES Table

11: *
12: * *** Filled when address is retrieved from HZ_LOCATIONS Table ***
13: * *** Associated API that fills the records is GET_PARTY_ADDRESSES ***
14: * PARTY_ID Primary Key to HZ_PARTIES Table
15: * PARTY_SITE_ID Primary Key to HZ_PARTY_SITES Table
16: * LOCATION Primary Key to HZ_LOCATIONS Table
17: * GEOMETRY Spatial Geometry of the Address
19: * *** Filled when address is retrieved from PER_ADDRESSES Table ***

Line 35: , party_site_id hz_party_sites.party_site_id%TYPE

31: * END_DATE_ACTIVE Date till which the Party Site is active
32: */
33: TYPE address_rec_type IS RECORD(
34: party_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE
35: , party_site_id hz_party_sites.party_site_id%TYPE
36: , location_id hz_locations.location_id%TYPE
37: , address_id per_addresses.address_id%TYPE
38: , street hz_locations.address1%TYPE
39: , postal_code hz_locations.postal_code%TYPE

Line 58: , party_site_id hz_party_sites.party_site_id%TYPE

54: TYPE address_tbl_type IS TABLE OF address_rec_type;
56: TYPE address_rec_type1 IS RECORD(
57: party_id hz_parties.party_id%TYPE
58: , party_site_id hz_party_sites.party_site_id%TYPE
59: , location_id hz_locations.location_id%TYPE
60: , address_id per_addresses.address_id%TYPE
61: , street hz_locations.address1%TYPE
62: , postal_code hz_locations.postal_code%TYPE