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1 Package Body pqh_synchronize_local_tct as
2 /* $Header: pqtatlcp.pkb 115.1 2003/05/22 21:37:42 srajakum noship $ */
3 --
4 --
5 Procedure copy_global_attr_to_local(errbuf       out nocopy varchar2
6                                   , retcode      out nocopy number
7                                   , p_short_name in varchar2) is
8 --
9    cursor c1 (p_transaction_category_id number) is
10                 select *
11                 from pqh_txn_category_attributes
12                 where transaction_category_id = p_transaction_category_id;
13    cursor c2 (p_short_name varchar2)is
14                 select transaction_category_id,business_group_id
15                 from pqh_transaction_categories
16                 where short_name = p_short_name
17                 and business_group_id is not null;
18    l_ovn number;
19    l_txn_cat_attr_id number;
20    l_glb_txn_cat_id number;
21    l_check varchar2(30);
22    --
23    l_lcl_txn_cat_attr_id  pqh_txn_category_attributes.txn_category_attribute_id%type;
24    l_lcl_txn_cat_attr_ovn  pqh_txn_category_attributes.object_version_number%type;
25 --
26 begin
27     -- idea of pulling short_name is that same script can be reused for
28     -- other transaction categories, if required.
29     -- pull the global txn cat for the short name, as attributes are
30     -- attached with global transaction category by default.
31     --
32        l_glb_txn_cat_id := pqh_workflow.get_txn_cat(p_short_name);
33     --
34        for i in c1(l_glb_txn_cat_id) loop
35         -- pull all the txn_category_attributes for the global txn cat
36            for j in c2(p_short_name) loop
37             -- pull all txn_cats irrespective of the Business group for the short name
38                begin
39                   select txn_category_attribute_id,
40                          object_version_number
41                     into l_lcl_txn_cat_attr_id, l_lcl_txn_cat_attr_ovn
42                   from pqh_txn_category_attributes
43                   where transaction_category_id = j.transaction_category_id
44                   and attribute_id = i.attribute_id;
45                   --
46                   -- If the attribute exists for the local transaction category, update its value set.
47                   --
48                   if i.value_set_id IS NOT NULL then
49                   --
50                   pqh_txn_cat_attributes_api.update_TXN_CAT_ATTRIBUTE(
51                          p_validate                       => false
52                         ,p_txn_category_attribute_id      => l_lcl_txn_cat_attr_id
53                         ,p_value_set_id                   => i.value_set_id
54                         ,p_value_style_cd                 => i.value_style_cd
55                         ,p_object_version_number          => l_lcl_txn_cat_attr_ovn
56                         ,p_effective_date                 => trunc(sysdate)
57                        );
58                   End if;
59                   --
60                 exception
61                   when no_data_found then
62                     -- attribute doesnot exist, call the insert api.
63                      pqh_txn_cat_attributes_api.create_TXN_CAT_ATTRIBUTE
64                          (
65                          p_validate                       => false
66                         ,p_txn_category_attribute_id      => l_txn_cat_attr_id
67                         ,p_attribute_id                   => i.attribute_id
68                         ,p_transaction_category_id        => j.transaction_category_id
69                         ,p_value_set_id                   => i.value_set_id
70                         ,p_object_version_number          => l_ovn
71                         ,p_transaction_table_route_id     => i.transaction_table_route_id
72                         ,p_form_column_name               => i.form_column_name
73                         ,p_identifier_flag                => i.identifier_flag
74                         ,p_list_identifying_flag          => null
75                         ,p_member_identifying_flag        => null
76                         ,p_refresh_flag                   => i.refresh_flag
77                         ,p_select_flag                    => i.select_flag
78                         ,p_value_style_cd                 => i.value_style_cd
79                         ,p_effective_date                 => trunc(sysdate)
80                        );
81                end;
82            end loop;
83        end loop;
85      When Others Then
86       errbuf := SQLERRM;
87       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, errbuf);
88       RAISE;
89 end copy_global_attr_to_local;
90 --
91 --
92 END pqh_synchronize_local_tct;