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2 /* $Header: PAORGB.pls 120.6 2011/01/21 12:24:03 vikarora ship $ */
3 --
4     /*
5     NAME
6       pa_os_predel_validation
8       Foreign key reference check.
9   */
10   --
11   PROCEDURE pa_predel_validation (p_org_id   number) IS
12   BEGIN
13       --
14       --      This procedure is not necessary in this version of PA.  All
15       --      organization_id references in PA are limited to only those
16       --      organizations that belong to the organization hierarchy used by
17       --      PA.  The Define Organizations form already ensures that an
18       --      organization cannot be deleted if it belongs to a hierarchy.
19       --      This procedure remains for possible future use.
20       --
21         NULL;
22   END pa_predel_validation;
23   --
24   PROCEDURE pa_os_predel_validation (p_org_structure_id   number) IS
25 -- This procedure checks that if an Org structure has been specified for
26 -- PA use then it should not be allowed to be deleted.
28     dummy1		VARCHAR2(4);	--	into arg for main SELECT
29     cursor check_org_structure_exists  is
30     select 'X'
31     from  pa_implementations_all pai
32     where ( (p_org_structure_id = pai.organization_structure_id)
33            OR (p_org_structure_id = pai.proj_org_structure_id)
34            OR (p_org_structure_id = pai.exp_org_structure_id)
35           );
36   BEGIN
37       --
38       --      hr_utility.set_location('PA_ORG.PA_OS_PREDEL_VALIDATION', 1);
39       --
40     IF (pa_imp.pa_implemented_all) THEN
42      -- Check if the Org Structure being deleted
43      -- is used in PA Implementations
44      --
45       open check_org_structure_exists;
46       fetch check_org_structure_exists into dummy1;
47       if check_org_structure_exists%found then
48         hr_utility.set_message (275,'PA_ORG_CANT_DEL_HIER');
49         hr_utility.raise_error;
50       end if;
51       close check_org_structure_exists;
53       --
54       -- Check if structure being deleted is the struture used for
55       -- burdening in PA (10.7+):
57       dummy1 := NULL;
59       BEGIN
60         -- Check if this Org Structure is used for burdening'
61         /* Bug 5405854: The check has to be made from pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions
62            as this has the details about the burden schedule revisions.
63            We should not be looking at the hierarchy attached at the
64            Business group.
65         SELECT 'X'
66           INTO dummy1
67           FROM hr_organization_information
68          WHERE organization_id = pa_utils.business_group_id
69            AND org_information_context = 'Project Burdening Hierarchy'
70            AND to_number(org_information1) = p_org_structure_id;
71         */
73         /* Replacing the above SELECT with the below SELECT statement. */
74         SELECT 'X'
75           INTO dummy1
76           FROM sys.dual
77          WHERE exists (
78             SELECT 'X'
79               FROM pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions ind
80              WHERE ind.organization_structure_id = p_org_structure_id
81              );
82       EXCEPTION
84           NULL;
85       END;
87       IF ( dummy1 IS NOT NULL ) THEN
88          hr_utility.set_message (275,'PA_ORG_CANT_DEL_HIER');
89          hr_utility.raise_error;
90       END IF;
93      ELSE
94       --   pass validation.
95 	   NULL;
96      END IF;
97   END pa_os_predel_validation;
98 -------------
99   PROCEDURE pa_osv_predel_validation (p_org_structure_version_id number) IS
100 -- This procedure checks that if an Org structure Version  has been specified for
101 -- PA use then it should not be allowed to be deleted.
102 --
103     dummy1		VARCHAR2(4);	--	into arg for main SELECT
104     cursor check_org_structure_ver_exists  is
105     select 'X'
106     from  pa_implementations_all pai
107     where ( (p_org_structure_version_id = pai.org_structure_version_id)
108            OR (p_org_structure_version_id = pai.proj_org_structure_version_id)
109            OR (p_org_structure_version_id = pai.exp_org_structure_version_id)
110           );
111   BEGIN
112       --
113       --      hr_utility.set_location('PA_ORG.PA_OSV_PREDEL_VALIDATION', 1);
114       --
115     IF (pa_imp.pa_implemented_all) THEN
116       --
117       -- Check if this Org Struct Version is not in the OSV
118       -- named in PA_Implementations
119       --
120       open check_org_structure_ver_exists;
121       fetch check_org_structure_ver_exists into dummy1;
122       if check_org_structure_ver_exists%found then
123         hr_utility.set_message (275,'PA_ORG_CANT_DEL_HIER');
124         hr_utility.raise_error;
125       end if;
126       close check_org_structure_ver_exists;
128       --  Check if structure version being deleted is the structure version
129       --  used by PA for burdening (10.7+):
131       dummy1 := NULL;
133       BEGIN
134         --  Check if this Org Structure is used for burdening
135         /* Bug 5405854: The check has to be made from pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions
136            as this has the details about the burden schedule revisions.
137            We should not be looking at the hierarchy attached at the
138            Business group.
139           SELECT 'X'
140           INTO dummy1
141           FROM hr_organization_information
142          WHERE organization_id = pa_utils.business_group_id
143            AND org_information_context = 'Project Burdening Hierarchy'
144            AND to_number(org_information2) = p_org_structure_version_id;
145         */
147         /* Replacing the above SELECT with the below SELECT statement. */
148         SELECT 'X'
149           INTO dummy1
150           FROM sys.dual
151          WHERE exists (
152             SELECT 'X'
153               FROM pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions ind
154              WHERE ind.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
155              );
157       EXCEPTION
159           NULL;
160       END;
162       IF ( dummy1 IS NOT NULL ) THEN
163            hr_utility.set_message (275,'PA_ORG_CANT_DEL_OSV');
164            hr_utility.raise_error;
165       END IF;
167     ELSE
168       --   pass validation.
169 	   NULL;
170     END IF;
171 --
172   END pa_osv_predel_validation;
173 --------------
174   PROCEDURE pa_ose_predel_validation (p_org_structure_element_id number) IS
175 -- This procedure checks that if Start Org has been specified for
176 -- PA use then it should not be allowed to be deleted from the hierarchy.
177 --
181       (
178     dummy1		VARCHAR2(4); --	into arg for main SELECT
179 --
180     cursor check_start_org_exists is
182            SELECT 'X'
183         FROM pa_implementations_all pai,
184              per_org_structure_elements ose
185         WHERE  p_org_structure_element_id = ose.org_structure_element_id  /*Start-Added for bug:8285339*/
186 	AND ((pai.org_structure_version_id = ose.org_structure_version_id
187         AND pai.start_organization_id   =  ose.organization_id_child)
188         OR (pai.proj_org_structure_version_id =  ose.org_structure_version_id
189         AND pai.proj_start_org_id   = ose.organization_id_child)
190         OR ( pai.exp_org_structure_version_id =  ose.org_structure_version_id
191         AND pai.exp_start_org_id = ose.organization_id_child)) /*End-Added for bug:8285339*/
192         UNION /* Added for bug 5405854 - Burdening start org */
193         SELECT  'X'
194         FROM    pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions ind,
195                 per_org_structure_elements ose
196         WHERE   ose.org_structure_element_id = p_org_structure_element_id
197 	AND     ind.org_structure_version_id = ose.org_structure_version_id
198         AND     ind.start_organization_id = ose.organization_id_child
200       ) ;
201   BEGIN
202 -- hr_utility.trace_on(null, 'RMBUG');
203 -- hr_utility.trace('START - pa_ose_predel_validation');
204 	--
205 	--	hr_utility.set_location('PA_ORG.PA_OSE_PREDEL_VALIDATION',1);
206 	--
207     IF (pa_imp.pa_implemented_all) THEN
208 --
209 --	Check if this Element is the starting org specified in
210 --      PA_Implementations for Reports, '
212       open check_start_org_exists;
213       fetch check_start_org_exists into dummy1;
214       if check_start_org_exists%found then
215         hr_utility.set_message (275,'PA_ORG_CANT_DELETE_STARTORG'); /* Message_name changed for bug fix 1713199 */
216         hr_utility.raise_error;
217       end if;
218       close check_start_org_exists;
220         -- Check if structure element is used by PA for burdening (10.7+):
222            dummy1 := NULL;
224            BEGIN
225              -- Check if this Element is in the Project Burdening Hierarchy'
226              /* Bug 5405854: The check has to be made from pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions
227                 as this has the details about the burden schedule revisions.
228                 We should not be looking at the hierarchy attached at the
229                 Business group.
230              SELECT 'X'
231                INTO dummy1
232                FROM sys.dual
233               WHERE p_org_structure_element_id IN (
234 		 SELECT org_structure_element_id
235 		 FROM hr_organization_information info,
236 		      per_org_structure_elements ose
237 		 WHERE info.organization_id = pa_utils.business_group_id
238 		 AND ose.business_group_id = pa_utils.business_group_id
239 		 AND info.org_information_context = 'Project Burdening Hierarchy'
240                  AND to_number(info.org_information2) = ose.org_structure_version_id
241                  );
242               */
243               /* Replacing the above SELECT with the below SELECT statement. */
244               /* Check if the organization being deleted is used in Burdening */
245 -- hr_utility.trace('before check');
246 -- hr_utility.trace('before check p_org_structure_element_id IS ' || p_org_structure_element_id);
247               SELECT 'X'
248                 INTO dummy1
249                 FROM sys.dual
250                WHERE exists (
251                      SELECT ics.organization_id
252                        FROM pa_ind_compiled_sets ics,/*10327103 changed the table used from "pa_ind_cost_multipliers" to pa_ind_compiled_sets*/
253                             pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions irr, --Bug 6074710
254                             per_org_structure_elements ose
255                       WHERE ose.org_structure_element_id = p_org_structure_element_id
256 			/* Added below 2 conditions for bug 6074710*/
257                         AND ose.org_structure_version_id = irr.org_structure_version_id
258                         AND ics.ind_rate_sch_revision_id = irr.ind_rate_sch_revision_id
259                         AND ose.organization_id_child = ics.organization_id); /*10327103*/
260 	/*Bug 10327103. Uncommented the above condition and changed the table used .*/
263             EXCEPTION
264               WHEN  NO_DATA_FOUND  THEN
265 -- hr_utility.trace('after check exception');
266                 NULL;
267             END;
269 -- hr_utility.trace('after check');
270             IF ( dummy1 IS NOT NULL ) THEN
271                 hr_utility.set_message (275,'PA_ORG_DEL_LINK');
272                 hr_utility.raise_error;
273             END IF;
275 	ELSE
276       --   pass validation.
277 	   NULL;
278 	END IF;
279       --
280   END;
282   PROCEDURE pa_org_predel_validation (p_org_id number) IS
283   -- This procedure will check if the org being deleted
284   -- has been specified for PA use.
285   -- This procedure will be called from the Define Org form.
287     dummy1		VARCHAR2(4); --	into arg for main SELECT
288 --
289     cursor pa_org_exists is
290       select 'X'
291       from   pa_all_organizations
292       where organization_id = p_org_id;
294     cursor nlr_org_exists is
295       select 'X'
296       from   pa_non_labor_resource_orgs
297       where organization_id = p_org_id;
299     cursor bill_rate_org_exists is
300       select 'X'
301       from pa_std_bill_rate_schedules
302       where organization_id = p_org_id;
304   Begin
305     open pa_org_exists;
306     fetch pa_org_exists into dummy1;
307     if pa_org_exists%found then
308       hr_utility.set_message (275,'PA_ORG_CANT_DEL_PAORG');
309       hr_utility.raise_error;
310     end if;
311     close pa_org_exists;
312 --
313     open nlr_org_exists;
314     fetch nlr_org_exists into dummy1;
315     if nlr_org_exists%found then
316       hr_utility.set_message (275,'PA_ORG_CANT_DEL_NLRORG');
317       hr_utility.raise_error;
318     end if;
319     close nlr_org_exists;
320 --
321     open bill_rate_org_exists;
322     fetch bill_rate_org_exists into dummy1;
323     if bill_rate_org_exists%found then
324       hr_utility.set_message (275,'PA_ORG_CANT_DEL_BRORG');
325       hr_utility.raise_error;
326     end if;
327     close bill_rate_org_exists;
329   End;
331 END pa_org;