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Line 479: from ams_list_headers_vl

475: l_valid_flag VARCHAR2(1);
476: l_dummy_flag varchar2(1) := FND_API.g_true ;
477: cursor c_check_create_mode is
478: select FND_API.g_false
479: from ams_list_headers_vl
480: where list_name = p_listheader_rec.list_name
481: and view_application_id not in (522,691);
482: cursor c_check_update_mode is
483: select FND_API.g_false

Line 484: from ams_list_headers_vl

480: where list_name = p_listheader_rec.list_name
481: and view_application_id not in (522,691);
482: cursor c_check_update_mode is
483: select FND_API.g_false
484: from ams_list_headers_vl
485: where list_name = p_listheader_rec.list_name
486: and list_header_id <> p_listheader_rec.list_header_id
487: and view_application_id not in (522,691);
488: cursor c_check_update_mode_02 is

Line 490: from ams_list_headers_vl

486: and list_header_id <> p_listheader_rec.list_header_id
487: and view_application_id not in (522,691);
488: cursor c_check_update_mode_02 is
489: select FND_API.g_false
490: from ams_list_headers_vl
491: where list_name = p_listheader_rec.list_name
492: and list_header_id <> p_listheader_rec.list_header_id
493: and nvl(purge_flag,'N') = 'N'
494: and view_application_id in (522,691)

Line 498: from ams_list_headers_vl

494: and view_application_id in (522,691)
495: and owner_user_id = p_listheader_rec.owner_user_id ;
496: cursor c_check_create_mode_02 is
497: select FND_API.g_false
498: from ams_list_headers_vl
499: where list_name = p_listheader_rec.list_name
500: and nvl(purge_flag,'N') = 'N'
501: and view_application_id in (522,691)
502: and owner_user_id = p_listheader_rec.owner_user_id ;

Line 2604: FROM ams_list_headers_vl

2600: IS
2602: CURSOR c_listheader IS
2603: SELECT *
2604: FROM ams_list_headers_vl
2605: WHERE list_header_id = p_listheader_rec.list_header_id;
2607: l_listheader_rec c_listheader%ROWTYPE;

Line 3310: SELECT * FROM ams_list_headers_vl

3306: l_sqlcode varchar2(100);
3308: /*
3309: CURSOR fetch_list_details (list_id NUMBER) IS
3310: SELECT * FROM ams_list_headers_vl
3311: WHERE list_header_id = list_id ;
3312: l_reference_rec fetch_list_details%ROWTYPE;
3313: */