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1 package body hr_dm_download as
2 /* $Header: perdmdn.pkb 120.0 2005/05/30 21:16:58 appldev noship $ */
4 /*---------------------------- PRIVATE ROUTINES ------------------------------*/
8 /*---------------------------- PUBLIC ROUTINES ------------------------------*/
10 -- ------------------------- main ------------------------
11 -- Description: This is the download phase slave. It reads an item from the
12 -- hr_dm_migration_ranges table  and calls the appropriate TDS package
13 -- download procedure to download the data into data pump interface table i.e.
14 -- hr_pump_batch_lines.
15 --
16 --
17 --  Input Parameters
18 --        p_migration_id        - of current migration
19 --
20 --        p_concurrent_process  - Y if program called from CM, otherwise
21 --                                N prevents message logging
22 --
23 --        p_last_migration_date - date of last sucessful migration
24 --
25 --        p_process_number      - process number given to slave process by
26 --                                master process. The first process gets
27 --                                number 1, second gets number 2 and so on
28 --                                the maximum nuber being equal to the
29 --                                number of threads.
30 --
31 --
32 --  Output Parameters
33 --        errbuf  - buffer for output message (for CM manager)
34 --
35 --        retcode - program return code (for CM manager)
36 --
37 --
38 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 --
40 procedure main(errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
41                retcode OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
42                p_migration_id IN NUMBER,
43                p_concurrent_process IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y',
44                p_last_migration_date IN DATE,
45                p_process_number       IN   NUMBER
46                ) is
47 --
49   l_current_phase_status   VARCHAR2(30);
50   l_range_phase_id         NUMBER;
51   l_download_phase_id      NUMBER;
52   e_fatal_error            EXCEPTION;
53   l_fatal_error_message    VARCHAR2(200);
54   l_table_name             VARCHAR2(30);
55   l_status                 VARCHAR2(30);
56   l_phase_item_id          NUMBER;
57   l_business_group_id      NUMBER;
58   l_migration_type         VARCHAR2(30);
59   l_string                 VARCHAR2(500);
60   l_short_name             VARCHAR2(30);
61   l_no_of_threads          NUMBER;
62   l_cursor                 NUMBER;
63   l_return_value           NUMBER;
64   l_chunk_size             NUMBER;
67   -- cursor to get the table and range to be processed
68   cursor csr_table_range is
69   select mr.phase_item_id,
70          mr.range_id,
71          mr.starting_process_sequence,
72          mr.ending_process_sequence,
73          mr.status,
74          tbl.table_name,
75          tbl.short_name,
76          pi_dn.batch_id
77     from hr_dm_phase_items pi_dn,
78          hr_dm_tables tbl,
79          hr_dm_migration_ranges mr,
80          hr_dm_phase_items pi_rg
81     where pi_rg.phase_id = l_range_phase_id
82     and  pi_rg.phase_item_id = mr.phase_item_id
83     and  mr.status = 'NS'
84     and  mod(mr.range_id,l_no_of_threads) + 1 = p_process_number
85     and  pi_rg.table_name = tbl.table_name
86     and  pi_dn.phase_id = l_download_phase_id
87     and  pi_dn.group_id = pi_rg.group_id
88     and  pi_dn.status in ('NS','S', 'E');
90   -- get the migration details
91   cursor csr_migration_info is
92   select business_group_id,
93          migration_type
94   from hr_dm_migrations
95   where migration_id = p_migration_id;
97   l_table_range_rec        csr_table_range%rowtype;
98   l_no_of_rec_downloaded   number;
99   l_range_id               number;
100 --
101 begin
102 --
104   -- initialize messaging (only for concurrent processing)
105   if (p_concurrent_process = 'Y') then
106     hr_dm_utility.message_init;
107   end if;
109   hr_dm_utility.message('ROUT','entry:hr_dm_download.main', 5);
110   hr_dm_utility.message('PARA','(p_migration_id - ' || p_migration_id ||
111                                ')(p_last_migration_date - ' || p_last_migration_date ||
112                                ')', 10);
113   -- get the download phase_id
114   l_download_phase_id := hr_dm_utility.get_phase_id('DP', p_migration_id);
116   -- get the range phase_id
117   l_range_phase_id := hr_dm_utility.get_phase_id('R', p_migration_id);
119   -- get the business_group_id and migration_type
120   open csr_migration_info;
121   fetch csr_migration_info into l_business_group_id, l_migration_type;
122   if csr_migration_info%notfound then
123     close csr_migration_info;
124     l_fatal_error_message := 'hr_dm_download.main :- Migration Id ' ||
125               to_char(p_migration_id) || ' not found.';
126     raise e_fatal_error;
127   end if;
128   close csr_migration_info;
130   -- find the chunk size
131   l_chunk_size := hr_dm_utility.chunk_size(p_business_group_id => l_business_group_id);
133   if l_chunk_size is null then
134      l_fatal_error_message := 'hr_dm_download.main :- Chunk Size not ' ||
135              'defined for business group ' || l_business_group_id;
136      raise e_fatal_error;
137   end if;
139   -- find the number of threads to use
140   l_no_of_threads := hr_dm_utility.number_of_threads(l_business_group_id);
143   -- loop until either range phase is in error or all range phase items have
144   -- been processed
146   loop
148     --
149     -- get status of download phase. If phase has error status set by other slave
150     -- process then we need to stop the processing of this slave.
151     -- if null returned, then assume it is not started.
152     --
153     l_current_phase_status := nvl(hr_dm_utility.get_phase_status('DP',
154                                                                 p_migration_id),
155                                 'NS');
157     -- if status is error, then raise an exception
158     if (l_current_phase_status = 'E') then
159       l_fatal_error_message := 'error in download phase - slave exiting';
160       raise e_fatal_error;
161     end if;
163     l_no_of_rec_downloaded := 0;
164     open csr_table_range;
166     -- fetch a row from the phase items table
167     fetch csr_table_range into l_table_range_rec;
168     exit when csr_table_range%notfound;
169     close csr_table_range;
170     l_range_id := l_table_range_rec.range_id;
172     -- update status to started
173     hr_dm_utility.update_migration_ranges(p_new_status => 'S',
174                                          p_id => l_table_range_rec.range_id);
176    -- call download table range code in TDS package
177    -- passing business_group_id, r_migration_data.last_migration_date,
178    -- l_phase_item_id, l_number_of_threads
181    -- build parameter string
182    l_string := 'begin hrdmd_' || l_table_range_rec.short_name ||
183               '.download( ''' ||
184                l_migration_type || ''',' ||
185               l_business_group_id || ', ''' ||
186               p_last_migration_date || ''', ' ||
187               l_table_range_rec.starting_process_sequence || ',' ||
188               l_table_range_rec.ending_process_sequence || ',' ||
189               l_table_range_rec.batch_id || ', ' ||
190               l_chunk_size ||',' ||
191               ':l_no_of_rec_downloaded); end;';
193    hr_dm_utility.message('INFO','Call to TDS ' || l_string , 6);
194     -- bind variables
196     l_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
197    hr_dm_utility.message('INFO','Open dynamic cursor ' , 7);
199     dbms_sql.parse(l_cursor, l_string, dbms_sql.native);
201    hr_dm_utility.message('INFO','Bind dynamic var ' , 8);
202     -- bind the out variable of the download procedure.
203     dbms_sql.bind_variable(l_cursor,':l_no_of_rec_downloaded',20);
205    hr_dm_utility.message('INFO','Get return value  ' , 9);
206     l_return_value := dbms_sql.execute(l_cursor);
208    hr_dm_utility.message('INFO','Get variable value  ' , 10);
209     -- get the value of the download procedure.
210     dbms_sql.variable_value(l_cursor,
211                             ':l_no_of_rec_downloaded',
212                             l_no_of_rec_downloaded);
214    hr_dm_utility.message('INFO','Close dynamic variable  ' , 10);
215     -- close the cursor.
216     dbms_sql.close_cursor(l_cursor);
218     -- update the no of records downloaded for the range.
219     update hr_dm_migration_ranges
220     set row_count = l_no_of_rec_downloaded
221     where range_id = l_table_range_rec.range_id;
223     -- update status to completed
224     hr_dm_utility.update_migration_ranges(p_new_status => 'C',
225                                           p_id => l_table_range_rec.range_id);
226     commit;
227   end loop;
228   if csr_table_range%isopen then
229      close csr_table_range;
230   end if;
232   -- set up return values to concurrent manager
233   retcode := 0;
234   errbuf := 'No errors - examine logfiles for detailed reports.';
237   hr_dm_utility.message('INFO','Download - main controller', 15);
238   hr_dm_utility.message('SUMM','Download - main controller', 20);
239   hr_dm_utility.message('ROUT','exit:hr_dm_download.main', 25);
240   hr_dm_utility.message('PARA','(retcode - ' || retcode ||
241                              ')(errbuf - ' || errbuf || ')', 30);
243   -- error handling
244 exception
245   when e_fatal_error then
246     if csr_table_range%isopen then
247       close csr_table_range;
248     end if;
249     retcode := 0;
250     errbuf := 'An error occurred during the migration - examine logfiles for detailed reports.';
251     hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main',l_fatal_error_message,'R');
252     hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main','(none)','R');
253   when others then
254     if csr_table_range%isopen then
255       close csr_table_range;
256     end if;
257     retcode := 2;
258     errbuf := 'An error occurred during the migration - examine logfiles for detailed reports.';
259     -- update status to error
260     hr_dm_utility.update_migration_ranges(p_new_status => 'E',
261                                           p_id => l_range_id);
262    hr_dm_utility.error(SQLCODE,'hr_dm_download.main','(none)','R');
263 --
264 end main;
265 --
266 end hr_dm_download;