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Line 170: FROM bom_operation_sequences

166: SELECT UNIQUE bon.from_op_seq_id
167: FROM bom_operation_networks bon
168: WHERE bon.from_op_seq_id IN (
169: SELECT operation_sequence_id
170: FROM bom_operation_sequences
171: WHERE routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
172: )
173: AND NOT EXISTS ( --bon.from_op_seq_id NOT IN
174: SELECT 'X' --unique bon1.to_op_seq_id

Line 179: FROM bom_operation_sequences

175: FROM bom_operation_networks bon1
176: WHERE bon1.to_op_seq_id = bon.from_op_seq_id
177: AND EXISTS ( --bon1.to_op_seq_id IN
178: SELECT 'X' --operation_sequence_id
179: FROM bom_operation_sequences
180: WHERE bon1.to_op_seq_id = operation_sequence_id
181: AND routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
182: )
183: );

Line 200: FROM bom_operation_sequences

196: INTO l_count
197: FROM bom_operation_networks bon
198: WHERE bon.from_op_seq_id IN (
199: SELECT operation_sequence_id
200: FROM bom_operation_sequences
201: WHERE routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
202: );
203: IF(l_count = 0) THEN
204: x_err_code := -1;

Line 244: FROM bom_operation_sequences

240: SELECT effectivity_date,
241: nvl(disable_date, l_rtg_rev_date+2)
242: INTO l_eff_date,
243: l_dis_date
244: FROM bom_operation_sequences
245: WHERE routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
246: AND operation_sequence_id = start_op_seq_id;
248: --IF (l_eff_date > l_rtg_rev_date OR l_dis_date <= l_rtg_rev_date) THEN

Line 337: FROM bom_operation_sequences

333: SELECT UNIQUE bon.to_op_seq_id
334: FROM bom_operation_networks bon
335: WHERE bon.to_op_seq_id IN (
336: SELECT operation_sequence_id
337: FROM bom_operation_sequences
338: WHERE routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
339: )
340: AND NOT EXISTS ( --bon.from_op_seq_id NOT IN
341: SELECT 'X' --unique bon1.to_op_seq_id

Line 346: FROM bom_operation_sequences

342: FROM bom_operation_networks bon1
343: WHERE bon1.from_op_seq_id = bon.to_op_seq_id
344: AND EXISTS ( --bon1.to_op_seq_id IN
345: SELECT 'X' --operation_sequence_id
346: FROM bom_operation_sequences
347: WHERE bon1.from_op_seq_id = operation_sequence_id
348: AND routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
349: )
350: );

Line 368: FROM bom_operation_sequences

364: INTO l_count
365: FROM bom_operation_networks bon
366: WHERE bon.from_op_seq_id IN (
367: SELECT operation_sequence_id
368: FROM bom_operation_sequences
369: WHERE routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
370: );
371: IF(l_count = 0) THEN
372: x_err_code := -1;

Line 410: FROM bom_operation_sequences

406: SELECT effectivity_date,
407: nvl(disable_date, l_rtg_rev_date+2)
408: INTO l_eff_date,
409: l_dis_date
410: FROM bom_operation_sequences
411: WHERE routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
412: AND operation_sequence_id = end_op_seq_id;
414: --IF (l_eff_date > l_rtg_rev_date OR l_dis_date <= l_rtg_rev_date) THEN

Line 773: FROM bom_operation_sequences

769: l_stmt_num := 15;
771: SELECT nvl(standard_operation_id, -999)
772: INTO x_standard_operation_id
773: FROM bom_operation_sequences
774: WHERE operation_sequence_id = l_operation_seq_id;
776: IF x_standard_operation_id <> -999 then
777: -- EA NSO-WLT


785: INTO x_subinventory_code,
786: x_locator_id
789: WHERE BOS.operation_sequence_id = l_operation_seq_id
790: AND BOS.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
791: AND nvl(WOD.standard_operation_id, -999) = nvl(BOS.standard_operation_id, -999)
792: AND WOD.organization_id = p_organization_id;


798: INTO x_subinventory_code,
799: x_locator_id
802: WHERE BOS.operation_sequence_id = l_operation_seq_id
803: AND BOS.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
804: AND nvl(BSO.standard_operation_id, -999) = nvl(BOS.standard_operation_id, -999)
805: AND BSO.organization_id = p_organization_id;

Line 884: bom_operation_sequences bos

880: cursor get_ops is
881: select bos.operation_seq_num op_seq_num,
882: bos.operation_sequence_id op_seq_id
883: from bom_operation_networks bon,
884: bom_operation_sequences bos
885: where bos.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
886: and bon.from_op_seq_id = bos.operation_sequence_id
887: union
888: select bos.operation_seq_num op_seq_num,

Line 891: bom_operation_sequences bos

887: union
888: select bos.operation_seq_num op_seq_num,
889: bos.operation_sequence_id op_seq_id
890: from bom_operation_networks bon,
891: bom_operation_sequences bos
892: where bos.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
893: and bon.to_op_seq_id = bos.operation_sequence_id;
895: type t_number is table of number index by binary_integer;

Line 979: , bom_operation_sequences bos1

975: select bos1.operation_seq_num
976: , bos2.operation_seq_num
977: into l_from_opseq_num, l_to_opseq_num
978: from bom_operation_networks bon
979: , bom_operation_sequences bos1
980: , bom_operation_sequences bos2
981: where bos1.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
982: and bos2.routing_sequence_id = bos1.routing_sequence_id
983: and bon.from_op_seq_id = bos1.operation_sequence_id

Line 980: , bom_operation_sequences bos2

976: , bos2.operation_seq_num
977: into l_from_opseq_num, l_to_opseq_num
978: from bom_operation_networks bon
979: , bom_operation_sequences bos1
980: , bom_operation_sequences bos2
981: where bos1.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
982: and bos2.routing_sequence_id = bos1.routing_sequence_id
983: and bon.from_op_seq_id = bos1.operation_sequence_id
984: and bos2.operation_sequence_id = bon.to_op_seq_id

Line 1132: FROM bom_operation_sequences

1129: -- BA NSO-WLT
1130: SELECT nvl(standard_operation_id, '-999')
1131: INTO x_standard_operation_id
1132: FROM bom_operation_sequences
1133: WHERE operation_sequence_id = p_end_id;
1135: IF x_standard_operation_id <> -999 then
1136: -- EA NSO-WLT

Line 1576: from bom_operation_sequences

1572: -- EA: CZH I_OED-1
1574: select operation_seq_num
1575: into v_op_seq_num
1576: from bom_operation_sequences
1577: where operation_sequence_id = v_operation_sequence_id;
1579: return v_op_seq_num;

Line 1642: from bom_operation_sequences

1638: -- EA: CZH I_OED-1
1640: select operation_seq_num
1641: into v_op_seq_num
1642: from bom_operation_sequences
1643: where operation_sequence_id = v_operation_sequence_id;
1645: return v_op_seq_num;

Line 2076: bom_operation_sequences bos

2072: -- BC: CZH.I_OED-2, consider replacement
2073: select distinct bon.from_op_seq_id,
2074: bos.standard_operation_id
2075: from bom_operation_networks bon,
2076: bom_operation_sequences bos
2077: Where bos.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2078: and bos.operation_sequence_id = bon.from_op_seq_id
2079: and bos.standard_operation_id = l_std_op_id --p_standard_operation_id --Fix for 2265237
2080: and nvl(bos.disable_date, l_rtg_rev_date+1) >= l_rtg_rev_date -- CZH.I_OED-1

Line 2086: bom_operation_sequences bos

2082: UNION
2083: select distinct bon.to_op_seq_id,
2084: bos.standard_operation_id
2085: from bom_operation_networks bon,
2086: bom_operation_sequences bos
2087: Where bos.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2088: and bos.operation_sequence_id = bon.to_op_seq_id
2089: and bos.standard_operation_id = l_std_op_id --p_standard_operation_id --Fix for 2265237
2090: and nvl(bos.disable_date, l_rtg_rev_date+1) >= l_rtg_rev_date --CZH.I_OED-1

Line 2096: bom_operation_sequences bos

2092: select distinct
2093: bos.operation_sequence_id,
2094: bos.standard_operation_id
2095: from bom_operation_networks bon,
2096: bom_operation_sequences bos
2097: Where bos.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2098: and bos.standard_operation_id = l_std_op_id
2099: and (bos.operation_sequence_id = WSMPUTIL.replacement_op_seq_id(
2100: bon.from_op_seq_id,

Line 2129: from bom_operation_sequences bos,

2125: Bug 3659838*/
2126: /*Bug 3659838 Following SQL is added for this bug*/
2127: select count(*)
2128: into l_counter
2129: from bom_operation_sequences bos,
2130: bom_operation_sequences bos2
2131: Where bos.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2132: and bos.operation_sequence_id IN
2133: (select from_op_seq_id opseqid

Line 2130: bom_operation_sequences bos2

2126: /*Bug 3659838 Following SQL is added for this bug*/
2127: select count(*)
2128: into l_counter
2129: from bom_operation_sequences bos,
2130: bom_operation_sequences bos2
2131: Where bos.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2132: and bos.operation_sequence_id IN
2133: (select from_op_seq_id opseqid
2134: from bom_operation_networks bon_A,

Line 2135: bom_operation_sequences bos_A

2131: Where bos.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2132: and bos.operation_sequence_id IN
2133: (select from_op_seq_id opseqid
2134: from bom_operation_networks bon_A,
2135: bom_operation_sequences bos_A
2136: where bos_A.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2137: and bon_A.from_op_seq_id = bos_A.operation_sequence_id
2139: select to_op_seq_id opseqid

Line 2141: bom_operation_sequences bos_B

2137: and bon_A.from_op_seq_id = bos_A.operation_sequence_id
2139: select to_op_seq_id opseqid
2140: from bom_operation_networks bon_B,
2141: bom_operation_sequences bos_B
2142: where bos_B.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2143: and bon_B.from_op_seq_id = bos_B.operation_sequence_id)
2144: and bos2.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2145: and bos.operation_seq_num = bos2.operation_seq_num

Line 2872: from bom_operation_sequences bos

2868: select 1
2869: into x_return
2870: from bom_operation_networks bon
2871: where bon.from_op_seq_id in (select bos.operation_sequence_id
2872: from bom_operation_sequences bos
2873: where bos.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2874: --BC: CZH.I_OED-2, should consider replacement op
2875: -- and NOT(bos.effectivity_date <= l_rtg_rev_date
2876: -- and nvl(bos.disable_date, l_rtg_rev_date+1) > l_rtg_rev_date)

Line 2889: from bom_operation_sequences bos

2885: select 1
2886: into x_return
2887: from bom_operation_networks bon
2888: where bon.to_op_seq_id in ( select bos.operation_sequence_id
2889: from bom_operation_sequences bos
2890: where bos.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
2891: --BC: CZH.I_OED-2, should consider replacement op
2892: -- and NOT(bos.effectivity_date <= l_rtg_rev_date
2893: -- and nvl(bos.disable_date, l_rtg_rev_date+1) > l_rtg_rev_date)

Line 2976: FROM bom_operation_sequences

2972: -- get bos.operation_seq_num and compare with p_op_seq_num
2973: begin
2974: SELECT operation_seq_num
2975: INTO l_op_seq_num
2976: FROM bom_operation_sequences
2977: WHERE operation_sequence_id = l_op_seq_id
2978: AND routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id;
2979: -- BD: CZH.I_OED-2, should consider replacement
2980: --AND effectivity_date <= l_rtg_rev_date

Line 3128: from bom_operation_sequences bos,

3124: -- bon.from_op_seq_id,
3125: -- l_rtg_rev_date), -1) = l_wo_op_seq_id
3126: where bon.from_op_seq_id IN (
3127: select bos.operation_sequence_id
3128: from bom_operation_sequences bos,
3129: bom_operation_sequences bos2
3130: where bos.operation_seq_num = bos2.operation_seq_num
3131: AND bos.routing_sequence_id = bos2.routing_sequence_id
3132: AND bos2.operation_sequence_id = l_wo_op_seq_id

Line 3129: bom_operation_sequences bos2

3125: -- l_rtg_rev_date), -1) = l_wo_op_seq_id
3126: where bon.from_op_seq_id IN (
3127: select bos.operation_sequence_id
3128: from bom_operation_sequences bos,
3129: bom_operation_sequences bos2
3130: where bos.operation_seq_num = bos2.operation_seq_num
3131: AND bos.routing_sequence_id = bos2.routing_sequence_id
3132: AND bos2.operation_sequence_id = l_wo_op_seq_id
3133: )

Line 3213: from bom_operation_sequences bos

3209: into l_count
3210: from bom_operation_networks bon
3211: where bon.from_op_seq_id = l_op_seq_id
3212: and exists (select bos.operation_sequence_id
3213: from bom_operation_sequences bos
3214: where bos.operation_sequence_id = bon.to_op_seq_id
3215: and bos.effectivity_date <= l_rtg_rev_date
3216: and NVL(bos.disable_date, l_rtg_rev_date) >= l_rtg_rev_date
3217: );

Line 3354: From BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES bos, wip_operations wo

3350: Begin
3352: Select bos.operation_seq_num, wo.quantity_waiting_to_move
3353: into l_rtg_op_seq_num, l_qty_at_tomove
3354: From BOM_OPERATION_SEQUENCES bos, wip_operations wo
3355: Where bos.operation_sequence_id = NVL(wo.operation_sequence_id, -999)
3356: and wo.wip_entity_id = p_wip_entity_id
3357: and wo.operation_seq_num = p_op_seq_num
3358: and wo.organization_id = p_organization_id

Line 3479: FROM bom_operation_sequences

3475: --4. Check if there is an operation with sequence 1 in the routing of the job
3476: BEGIN
3477: SELECT 0
3478: INTO l_consider_op_seq1
3479: FROM bom_operation_sequences
3480: WHERE routing_sequence_id = l_rtg_seq_id
3481: AND operation_seq_num = 1;

Line 3877: FROM bom_operation_sequences

3873: disable_date
3874: INTO replacement_op_seq_id,
3875: eff_date,
3876: dis_date
3877: FROM bom_operation_sequences
3878: WHERE operation_sequence_id = p_op_seq_id;
3880: --IF NOT( l_rtg_rev_date >= eff_date AND l_rtg_rev_date < nvl(dis_date, l_rtg_rev_date+1) ) THEN
3881: IF NOT( l_rtg_rev_date between eff_date and NVL(dis_date, l_rtg_rev_date+1) ) THEN

Line 3885: FROM bom_operation_sequences bos,

3881: IF NOT( l_rtg_rev_date between eff_date and NVL(dis_date, l_rtg_rev_date+1) ) THEN
3883: SELECT bos.operation_sequence_id
3884: INTO replacement_op_seq_id
3885: FROM bom_operation_sequences bos,
3886: bom_operation_sequences bos2
3887: WHERE l_rtg_rev_date between bos.effectivity_date and nvl(bos.disable_date, l_rtg_rev_date+1) --HH24MISS
3888: AND bos.operation_seq_num = bos2.operation_seq_num
3889: AND bos.routing_sequence_id = bos2.routing_sequence_id

Line 3886: bom_operation_sequences bos2

3883: SELECT bos.operation_sequence_id
3884: INTO replacement_op_seq_id
3885: FROM bom_operation_sequences bos,
3886: bom_operation_sequences bos2
3887: WHERE l_rtg_rev_date between bos.effectivity_date and nvl(bos.disable_date, l_rtg_rev_date+1) --HH24MISS
3888: AND bos.operation_seq_num = bos2.operation_seq_num
3889: AND bos.routing_sequence_id = bos2.routing_sequence_id
3890: AND bos2.operation_sequence_id = p_op_seq_id;

Line 3928: bom_operation_sequences bos

3924: SELECT count(*)
3925: INTO x_rowcount
3926: FROM bom_operational_routings bor,
3927: bom_operation_resources bres,
3928: bom_operation_sequences bos
3929: WHERE bor.routing_sequence_id = p_sequence_id
3930: AND bor.common_routing_sequence_id = bos.routing_sequence_id
3931: AND bos.operation_sequence_id = bres.operation_sequence_id
3932: /* BD HH24MISS*/ /*

Line 3951: bom_operation_sequences bos

3948: SELECT count(*)
3949: INTO x_rowcount
3950: FROM bom_operation_resources bres,
3951: bom_operation_sequences bos
3952: WHERE bos.operation_sequence_id = p_sequence_id
3953: AND bos.operation_sequence_id = bres.operation_sequence_id
3954: /*BD HH24MISS */ /*
3955: AND nvl(p_routing_rev_date, SYSDATE)

Line 4240: from bom_operation_sequences bos

4236: l_stmt_num := 50;
4238: select bos.operation_seq_num
4239: into p_start_seq_num
4240: from bom_operation_sequences bos
4241: where bos.operation_sequence_id = l_start_op_seq_id;
4243: exception

Line 4311: from bom_operation_sequences

4307: begin
4309: select operation_seq_num,routing_sequence_id,operation_type
4310: into l_opseq_num,l_routseq_id,l_operation_type
4311: from bom_operation_sequences
4312: where standard_operation_id = p_stdop_id
4313: and operation_sequence_id = p_opseq_id;
4315: l_eff_date := WSMPUTIL.EFFECTIVE_DATE(l_opseq_num,l_routseq_id,l_operation_type);

Line 4318: from bom_operation_sequences

4315: l_eff_date := WSMPUTIL.EFFECTIVE_DATE(l_opseq_num,l_routseq_id,l_operation_type);
4317: select standard_operation_id into l_eff_stdop_id
4318: from bom_operation_sequences
4319: where effectivity_date = l_eff_date
4320: and operation_seq_num = l_opseq_num
4321: and routing_sequence_id = l_routseq_id
4322: and operation_type = l_operation_type;

Line 4348: from bom_operation_sequences

4344: begin
4346: select operation_seq_num,routing_sequence_id,operation_type
4347: into l_opseq_num,l_routseq_id,l_operation_type
4348: from bom_operation_sequences
4349: where department_id = p_dept_id
4350: and operation_SEQUENCE_id = p_opseq_id;
4352: l_eff_date := WSMPUTIL.EFFECTIVE_DATE(l_opseq_num,l_routseq_id,l_operation_type);

Line 4355: from bom_operation_sequences

4352: l_eff_date := WSMPUTIL.EFFECTIVE_DATE(l_opseq_num,l_routseq_id,l_operation_type);
4354: select department_id into l_eff_dept_id
4355: from bom_operation_sequences
4356: where effectivity_date = l_eff_date
4357: and operation_seq_num = l_opseq_num
4358: and routing_sequence_id = l_routseq_id
4359: and operation_type =l_operation_type;

Line 4385: from bom_operation_sequences s

4381: l_max_date date := NULL;
4382: l_min_date date := NULL;
4383: begin
4384: select count(*) into l_count
4385: from bom_operation_sequences s
4386: where s.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_seq_id
4387: and s.operation_seq_num = p_oper_seq_num
4388: and s.operation_type = p_operation_type
4389: group by s.operation_seq_num;

Line 4394: from bom_operation_sequences s

4391: if (l_count = 1) then
4393: select s.effectivity_date into l_eff_date
4394: from bom_operation_sequences s
4395: where s.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_seq_id
4396: and s.operation_seq_num = p_oper_seq_num
4397: and s.operation_type = p_operation_type;

Line 4405: select max(s.effectivity_date) into l_eff_date from bom_operation_sequences s

4402: else
4404: begin
4405: select max(s.effectivity_date) into l_eff_date from bom_operation_sequences s
4406: where s.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_seq_id
4407: and s.operation_seq_num = p_oper_seq_num
4408: and sysdate <= nvl(s.disable_date, sysdate+1)
4409: and s.effectivity_date <= sysdate

Line 4426: from bom_operation_sequences s

4423: else
4424: begin
4425: select max(s.effectivity_date) into l_max_date
4426: from bom_operation_sequences s
4427: where s.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_seq_id
4428: and s.operation_seq_num = p_oper_seq_num
4429: and s.effectivity_date < sysdate
4430: and s.operation_type = p_operation_type

Line 4444: from bom_operation_sequences s

4441: else
4443: select min(s.effectivity_date) into l_min_date
4444: from bom_operation_sequences s
4445: where s.routing_sequence_id = p_routing_seq_id
4446: and s.operation_seq_num = p_oper_seq_num
4447: and s.effectivity_date > sysdate
4448: and s.operation_type = p_operation_type

Line 5606: from bom_operation_sequences bos

5602: Select 1 into l_count
5603: From dual
5604: Where Exists (
5605: Select 'Jobs with Qty At this Operation Exists'
5606: from bom_operation_sequences bos
5607: , wip_discrete_jobs wdj
5608: , wip_operations wo
5609: Where wdj.common_routing_sequence_id = p_routing_sequence_id
5610: and wdj.status_type = WIP_CONSTANTS.RELEASED