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2 /* $Header: POXGCTUS.pls 120.6.12020000.2 2013/02/10 20:14:49 vegajula ship $ */
4 -- Read the profile option that enables/disables the debug log
5 g_fnd_debug CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) :=
8 -- Read profile option 'contracts enabled'
9 g_contracts_enabled CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) :=
12 -- <11i10+ Contracts ER Auto Apply terms>
13 -- Read profile option 'Auto Apply Contracts template'
14 g_auto_apply_template CONSTANT VARCHAR2(1) :=
17 -- declare categories table type based on contracts item category type dfn
18 SUBTYPE item_category_tbl_type IS OKC_TERMS_UTIL_GRP.category_tbl_type;
20 -- declare items table type based on contracts items table type definition
21 SUBTYPE item_tbl_type IS OKC_TERMS_UTIL_GRP.item_tbl_type;
23 -- define table type for supplier user list
24 SUBTYPE external_user_tbl_type IS PO_VENDORS_GRP.external_user_tbl_type;
26 -- Contracts variable codes TBL Type
27 SUBTYPE variable_code_tbl_type IS OKC_TERMS_UTIL_GRP.variable_code_tbl_type;
29 -- Contracts variable values TBL Type
30 SUBTYPE variable_value_tbl_type IS OKC_TERMS_UTIL_GRP.sys_var_value_tbl_type;
32 -- other
34 g_module_prefix CONSTANT VARCHAR2(50) := 'po.plsql.'||g_pkg_name||'.';
36 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 -- API to indicate if Procurement Contracts has been enabled or not.
38 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 FUNCTION is_contracts_enabled RETURN VARCHAR2;
41 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
42 -- Overloaded PROCEDURE to indicate if Contracts has been enabled or not.
43 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 PROCEDURE is_contracts_enabled
45             (p_api_version               IN NUMBER --bug4028805
46             ,p_init_msg_list             IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
47             ,x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
48             ,x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
49             ,x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
50             ,x_contracts_enabled         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
52 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 -- Returns the Contract document type to be used for a purchase order
54 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 FUNCTION Get_Po_Contract_Doctype(p_sub_doc_type IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
57 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
58 -- Returns the Contract document type to be used for a  Modification
59 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
60 FUNCTION Get_Po_Contract_Doctype_Mod(p_sub_doc_type IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2;
62 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 -- API to return supplier users for the given PO document. Please check cooments
64 -- body for more details.
65 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 PROCEDURE get_external_userlist
67           (p_api_version               IN NUMBER      --bug4028805
68           ,p_init_msg_list             IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
69           ,p_document_id               IN NUMBER
70           ,p_document_type             IN VARCHAR2
71           ,p_external_contact_id       IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
72           ,x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
73           ,x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
74           ,x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
75           ,x_external_user_tbl         OUT NOCOPY external_user_tbl_type);
78 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 -- Overloaded API to return supplier users for the given PO document.
80 -- Please check comments section in the body for more details.
81 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 PROCEDURE get_external_userlist
83           (p_api_version               IN NUMBER      --bug4028805
84           ,p_init_msg_list             IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
85           ,p_document_id               IN NUMBER
86           ,p_document_type             IN VARCHAR2
87           ,p_external_contact_id       IN  NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
88           ,x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
89           ,x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
90           ,x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
91           ,x_external_userlist         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
93 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
94 -- API to generate the list of distinct item categories used in a PO document.
95 -- For more details please check the comments section in the body.
96 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 PROCEDURE get_item_categorylist
98           (p_api_version   IN  NUMBER
99           ,p_init_msg_list IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
100           ,p_doc_type      IN VARCHAR2 := NULL  -- CLM Mod project
101           ,p_document_id   IN  NUMBER
102           ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
103           ,x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
104           ,x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
105           ,x_category_tbl  OUT NOCOPY item_category_tbl_type
106           ,x_item_tbl      OUT NOCOPY item_tbl_type);
108 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
109 -- API to allow saving of changes to contract terms based on PO status
110 -- For more details on usage and assumptions, please check the comments section
111 -- in the package body
112 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
113 PROCEDURE IS_Po_Update_Allowed (
114   p_api_version            IN NUMBER,
115   p_init_msg_list          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
116   p_doc_type               IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,  -- CLM Mod project
117   p_header_id              IN NUMBER,
118   p_callout_string         IN VARCHAR2,
119   p_lock_flag              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
120   x_update_allowed         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
121   x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
122   x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
123   x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
125 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
126 -- API to make changes to Po headers whe template is attached or dropped from a
127 -- purchase order. For more details on usage and auumptions, please check comments
128 -- in package body
129 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 PROCEDURE Apply_Template_Change (
131   p_api_version            IN NUMBER,
132   p_init_msg_list          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
133   p_doc_type               IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,  -- CLM Mod project
134   p_header_id              IN NUMBER,
135   p_callout_string         IN VARCHAR2,
136   p_template_changed       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
137   p_commit                 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
138   x_update_allowed         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
139   x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
140   x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
141   x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
143 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
144 -- API to check which variable values changed since last PO revision
145 -- For more details on usage and auumptions, please check comments
146 -- in package body
147 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
148 PROCEDURE Attribute_Value_Changed (
149   p_api_version            IN NUMBER,
150   p_init_msg_list          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
151   p_doc_type               IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,  -- CLM Mod project
152   p_doc_id                 IN NUMBER,
153   p_sys_var_tbl            IN OUT NOCOPY VARIABLE_CODE_TBL_TYPE,
154   x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
155   x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
156   x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
158 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 -- API to return value of po attributes reffered in Contract Terms
160 -- For more details on usage and auumptions, please check comments
161 -- in package body
162 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 PROCEDURE Get_PO_Attribute_Values(
164   p_api_version            IN NUMBER,
165   p_init_msg_list          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
166   p_doc_type               IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,  -- CLM Mod project
167   p_doc_id                 IN NUMBER,
168   p_sys_var_value_tbl      IN OUT NOCOPY VARIABLE_VALUE_TBL_TYPE,
169   x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
170   x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
171   x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
173 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
174 -- API to return last Signed or Approved(no signature required)revision number
175 -- For more details on usage and assumptions, please check the comments section
176 -- in the package body
177 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
178 PROCEDURE Get_Last_Signed_Revision (
179   p_api_version            IN NUMBER,
180   p_init_msg_list          IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
181   p_doc_type               IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,  -- CLM Mod project
182   p_header_id              IN NUMBER,
183   p_revision_num           IN NUMBER,
184   x_signed_revision_num    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
185   x_signed_records         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
186   x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
187   x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
188   x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER);
190 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
191 -- <11i10+ Contracts ER Auto Apply terms>
192 -- API to apply  the default contract template to a purchasing document
193 -- For more details on usage and assumptions, please check the comments section
194 -- in the package body
195 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
196 PROCEDURE  Auto_Apply_ConTerms (
197           p_document_id     IN  NUMBER,
198           p_template_id     IN  NUMBER,
199 	  x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
201 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
202 -- <Contracts ER Auto Apply terms>
203 -- API to get  the default contract template to a purchasing document
204 -- For more details on usage and assumptions, please check the comments section
205 -- in the package body
206 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 -- <PAR Project> :  After autocreating PAR to MOD, target doc id must be passed
208 -- which would be Mod Draft id created. Rewriting whoel procedure to support new
209 --API from contracts
210 PROCEDURE  Copy_Conterms_Mod(  --CLM Mod
211           p_document_id     IN  NUMBER,
212           p_draft_id        IN  NUMBER,
213           p_to_mod          IN  VARCHAR2 := 'N',
214           p_mode            IN  VARCHAR2 := 'CREATE',
215           p_target_draft_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
216           x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
217 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 -- API to copy contract terms to modification
219 -- For more details on usage and assumptions, please check the comments section
220 -- in the package body
221 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
222 -- CLM Mod
224 PROCEDURE get_def_proc_contract_info  (
225 	          p_doc_subtype     IN  VARCHAR2,
226 	          p_org_id          IN NUMBER,
227 	          p_conterms_exist_flag IN VARCHAR2,
228 	          x_template_id     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
229 	          x_template_name   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
230                   x_authoring_party OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
231 	          x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
234 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 -- <R12 Procurement Contracts Integration>
236 -- API to get authoring party and template name from a document.
240 Procedure Get_Contract_Details(
237 -- For more details on usage and assumptions, please check the comments section
238 -- in the package body
239 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
241     x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
242     p_doc_type              IN  VARCHAR2 := NULL,
243     p_doc_subtype           IN  VARCHAR2,
244     p_document_id           IN  NUMBER,
245     x_authoring_party       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
246     x_template_name         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
247 );
249 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
250 -- FP CU2-R12: Migrate PO
251 -- Function to check if the last archived version has conterms
252 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
253 FUNCTION get_archive_conterms_flag (p_po_header_id  IN NUMBER)