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Line 779: FROM ecx_tp_headers

775: ecx_cln_debug_pub.Add('Entering notify trading partner', 1);
776: END IF;
777: SELECT company_admin_email
778: INTO l_email
779: FROM ecx_tp_headers
780: where tp_header_id = l_tp_id;
781: IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
782: ecx_cln_debug_pub.Add('Queried the following from ecx_tp_headers using l_tp_id:' || l_tp_id, 1);
783: ecx_cln_debug_pub.Add('l_email:' || l_email, 1);

Line 782: ecx_cln_debug_pub.Add('Queried the following from ecx_tp_headers using l_tp_id:' || l_tp_id, 1);

778: INTO l_email
779: FROM ecx_tp_headers
780: where tp_header_id = l_tp_id;
781: IF (l_Debug_Level <= 1) THEN
782: ecx_cln_debug_pub.Add('Queried the following from ecx_tp_headers using l_tp_id:' || l_tp_id, 1);
783: ecx_cln_debug_pub.Add('l_email:' || l_email, 1);
784: END IF;
785: l_role := null;
786: l_temp := null;

Line 1314: FROM ECX_DOCLOGS doclogs, ecx_ext_processes eep, ecx_tp_details etd, ecx_tp_headers eth, ecx_standards estd

1311: BEGIN
1312: SELECT to_char(eth.tp_header_id)
1313: INTO p_tr_partner_id
1314: FROM ECX_DOCLOGS doclogs, ecx_ext_processes eep, ecx_tp_details etd, ecx_tp_headers eth, ecx_standards estd
1315: WHERE doclogs.internal_control_number = p_xmlg_internal_control_number
1316: AND eep.ext_type = doclogs.transaction_type
1317: AND eep.ext_subtype = doclogs.transaction_subtype
1318: AND eep.standard_id = estd.standard_id

Line 1627: FROM ecx_tp_headers eth, ecx_tp_details etd, ECX_TRANSACTIONS ecxtrans, ECX_EXT_PROCESSES ecxproc, ecx_standards estd

1624: BEGIN
1625: SELECT ecxproc.EXT_TYPE,ecxproc.EXT_SUBTYPE
1626: INTO l_xmlg_transaction_type, l_xmlg_transaction_subtype
1627: FROM ecx_tp_headers eth, ecx_tp_details etd, ECX_TRANSACTIONS ecxtrans, ECX_EXT_PROCESSES ecxproc, ecx_standards estd
1628: WHERE eth.party_id = l_tr_partner_id
1629: AND eth.party_site_id = l_tr_partner_site
1630: AND eth.party_type = nvl(l_tr_partner_type, eth.party_type)
1631: AND eth.tp_header_id = etd.tp_header_id