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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

    SELECT 'Encumbrance Exists'
    FROM jai_encum_tax_details
    WHERE document_type   = cp_document_type
    AND distribution_id = cp_distribution_id;
Line: 43

    SELECT line_location_id
    FROM po_encumbrance_gt
    WHERE distribution_id = cp_distribution_id;
Line: 50

    SELECT po_line_id
    FROM po_line_locations_all
    WHERE line_location_id = cp_line_location_id;
Line: 57

    SELECT poh.currency_code, poh.rate,poh.po_header_id
    FROM po_headers_all poh, po_lines_all pol
    WHERE poh.po_header_id = pol.po_header_id
    AND pol.po_line_id   = cp_po_line_id;
Line: 66

    SELECT distinct(line_id)
    FROM po_encumbrance_gt
    WHERE distribution_id = cp_distribution_id;
Line: 73

    SELECT currency_code, rate,requisition_header_id
    FROM po_requisition_lines_all
    WHERE requisition_line_id = cp_req_line_id;
Line: 81

    SELECT *
    FROM jai_encum_tax_details
    WHERE document_type   = cp_document_type
    AND distribution_id = cp_distribution_id;
Line: 150

                        SELECT nvl(sum(po_tax.tax_amount * DECODE(tax_code.modifiable_flag,
                                                                  ((100-nvl(tax_code.mod_cr_percentage,0))/100),1 )*
                                                                  DECODE(po_tax.currency,'INR',1/nvl(poh.rate,1),1) ),0)
                        INTO ln_nr_tot_tax
                        FROM JAI_PO_TAXES PO_TAX,
                        JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL              TAX_CODE,
                        PO_HEADERS_ALL               POH,
                        PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL        POLL
                        WHERE po_tax.line_location_id   = poll.line_location_id
                        AND poll.po_header_id         = poh.po_header_id
                        AND po_tax.tax_id             = tax_code.tax_id
                        AND poll.line_location_id     = ln_line_location_id
                        AND NVL(tax_code.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 165

                        SELECT NVL(SUM(po_tax.tax_amount * DECODE(tax_code.modifiable_flag,
                                                                  NVL(po_tax.modvat_flag,'Y'), 1,
                                                                  DECODE( po_tax.currency, 'INR', 1/NVL(poh.rate,1), 1) ), 0)
                        INTO ln_rec_tot_inclu_tax
                        FROM jai_po_taxes          po_tax
                        , jai_cmn_taxes_all     tax_code
                        , po_headers_all        poh
                        , po_line_locations_all poll
                        WHERE po_tax.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
                        AND poll.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
                        AND po_tax.tax_id = tax_code.tax_id
                        AND poll.line_location_id = ln_line_location_id
                        AND NVL(tax_code.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
Line: 206

                    SELECT nvl(round(sum(po_tax.tax_amount * DECODE(tax_code.modifiable_flag,
                                                                    nvl(po_tax.modvat_flag,'Y'),((100-nvl(tax_code.mod_cr_percentage,0))/100),1 )*
                                                                    ( dist.quantity_ordered / poll.quantity )),2),0)
                    INTO p_nr_tax_tbl(i)
                    FROM JAI_PO_TAXES            PO_TAX,
                    JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL            TAX_CODE,
                    PO_HEADERS_ALL               POH,
                    PO_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL         DIST,
                    PO_LINE_LOCATIONS_ALL        POLL
                    WHERE po_tax.line_location_id = dist.line_location_id
                    AND dist.line_location_id     = poll.line_location_id
                    AND dist.po_header_id         = poh.po_header_id
                    AND po_tax.tax_id             = tax_code.tax_id
                    AND dist.po_distribution_id   = p_dist_id_tbl(i)
                    AND NVL(tax_code.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 223

                    SELECT NVL(ROUND(SUM(po_tax.tax_amount * DECODE( tax_code.modifiable_flag,
                                                                    NVL(po_tax.modvat_flag,'Y'), 1, (NVL(tax_code.mod_cr_percentage,0)/100))*
                                                                    DECODE( po_tax.currency, 'INR',1/NVL(poh.rate,1), 1)*
                                                                    (dist.quantity_ordered/poll.quantity)), 2), 0)
                    INTO ln_rec_tax_inclu
                    FROM jai_po_taxes          po_tax
                    , jai_cmn_taxes_all     tax_code
                    , po_headers_all        poh
                    , po_distributions_all  dist
                    , po_line_locations_all poll
                    WHERE po_tax.line_location_id = dist.line_location_id
                    AND dist.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id
                    AND dist.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
                    AND po_tax.tax_id = tax_code.tax_id
                    AND dist.po_distribution_id = p_dist_id_tbl(i)
                    AND NVL(tax_code.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
Line: 244

            Modified all the select statements which derive the non recoverable tax to fetch the amounts in document currency*/
            ELSIF p_dist_type_tbl(i) IN ('REQUISITION') THEN

                lv_doc_type := 'REQ';
Line: 285

                        SELECT nvl(sum(req_tax.tax_amount * DECODE(tax_code.modifiable_flag,
                                                                   nvl(req_tax.modvat_flag,'Y'),((100-nvl(tax_code.mod_cr_percentage,0))/100),1 )*
                                                                   DECODE(req_tax.currency,'INR',1/nvl(lines.rate, 1), 1 ) ),0)
                        INTO ln_nr_tot_tax
                        FROM JAI_PO_REQ_LINE_TAXES     Req_TAX,
                        JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL          TAX_CODE,
                        PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL lines
                        WHERE req_tax.requisition_line_id   = lines.requisition_line_id
                        AND req_tax.requisition_header_id = lines.requisition_header_id
                        AND req_tax.tax_id                = tax_code.tax_id
                        AND lines.requisition_line_id     = ln_req_line_id
                        AND NVL(tax_code.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 299

                        SELECT NVL(SUM(req_tax.tax_amount * DECODE( tax_code.modifiable_flag,
                                                                    NVL(req_tax.modvat_flag,'Y'), 1, (NVL(tax_code.mod_cr_percentage,0)/100))*
                                                                    DECODE( req_tax.currency, 'INR',1/nvl(lines.rate, 1), 1 ) ), 0)
                        INTO ln_rec_tot_inclu_tax
                        FROM jai_po_req_line_taxes    req_tax
                        , jai_cmn_taxes_all        tax_code
                        , po_requisition_lines_all lines
                        WHERE req_tax.requisition_line_id = lines.requisition_line_id
                        AND req_tax.requisition_header_id = lines.requisition_header_id
                        AND req_tax.tax_id = tax_code.tax_id
                        AND lines.requisition_line_id = ln_req_line_id
                        AND NVL(tax_code.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
Line: 337

                    SELECT nvl(round(sum(req_tax.tax_amount * DECODE(tax_code.modifiable_flag,
                                                                     nvl(req_tax.modvat_flag,'Y'),((100-nvl(tax_code.mod_cr_percentage,0))/100),1 )*
                                                                     DECODE(req_tax.currency,'INR',1/nvl(lines.rate, 1), 1 ) *
                    INTO p_nr_tax_tbl(i)
                    FROM JAI_PO_REQ_LINE_TAXES     Req_TAX,
                    JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL          TAX_CODE,
                    PO_REQ_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL dist,
                    PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL lines
                    WHERE req_tax.requisition_line_id   = lines.requisition_line_id
                    AND req_tax.requisition_header_id = lines.requisition_header_id
                    AND lines.requisition_line_id     = dist.requisition_line_id
                    AND req_tax.tax_id                = tax_code.tax_id
                    AND dist.distribution_id          = p_dist_id_tbl(i)
                    AND NVL(tax_code.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') = 'N';
Line: 354

                    SELECT NVL(ROUND(SUM(req_tax.tax_amount * DECODE( tax_code.modifiable_flag,
                                                                     NVL(req_tax.modvat_flag,'Y'), 1, (NVL(tax_code.mod_cr_percentage,0)/100))*
                                                                     DECODE( req_tax.currency, 'INR',1/nvl(lines.rate, 1), 1 ) *
                                                                     (dist.req_line_quantity/lines.quantity)), 2), 0)
                    INTO ln_rec_tax_inclu
                    FROM jai_po_req_line_taxes    req_tax
                    , jai_cmn_taxes_all        tax_code
                    , po_req_distributions_all dist
                    , po_requisition_lines_all lines
                    WHERE req_tax.requisition_line_id = lines.requisition_line_id
                    AND req_tax.requisition_header_id = lines.requisition_header_id
                    AND lines.requisition_line_id = dist.requisition_line_id
                    AND req_tax.tax_id = tax_code.tax_id
                    AND dist.distribution_id = p_dist_id_tbl(i)
                    AND nvl(tax_code.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
Line: 449

                    /*If record exists then update it with the tax amount and status*/

                    UPDATE jai_encum_tax_details
                    SET nr_tax_amount  = ln_doc_curr_tax_amt,
                    func_nr_tax_amount = ln_func_curr_tax_amt, /*10421803 - Replaced p_nr_tax_tbl with ln_func_curr_tax_amt*/
                    status             = DECODE(p_action,PO_CONSTANTS_SV.RESERVE,'RESERVED',
                                PO_CONSTANTS_SV.CANCEL ,'CANCELLED',
                                'FINAL CLOSE'          ,'CLOSED'),
                    last_update_date   = sysdate,
                    last_updated_by    = fnd_global.user_id,
                    last_update_login  = fnd_global.login_id
                    WHERE document_type      = lv_doc_type
                    AND distribution_id    = p_dist_id_tbl(i);
Line: 467

                    INSERT INTO
                    jai_encum_tax_details( DOCUMENT_TYPE          ,
                    DOC_HEADER_ID          ,
                    DOC_LINE_ID            ,
                    LINE_LOCATION_ID       ,
                    DISTRIBUTION_ID        ,
                    CURRENCY_CODE          ,
                    NR_TAX_AMOUNT          ,
                    FUNC_NR_TAX_AMOUNT     ,
                    STATUS                 ,
                    CREATION_DATE          ,
                    CREATED_BY             ,
                    LAST_UPDATE_DATE       ,
                    LAST_UPDATED_BY        ,
                    LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN      ,
                    VALUES( lv_doc_type     ,
                    ln_doc_header_id        ,
                    ln_doc_line_id          ,
                    ln_line_location_id		,
                    p_dist_id_tbl(i)        ,
                    lv_doc_currency_code    ,
                    ln_doc_curr_tax_amt     ,
                    ln_func_curr_tax_amt    ,
                    sysdate                 ,
                    fnd_global.user_id      ,
                    sysdate                 ,
                    fnd_global.user_id      ,
                    fnd_global.login_id     ,
Line: 551

  SELECT nr_tax_amount
    FROM jai_encum_tax_details
   WHERE document_type   = p_source_doc_type
     AND distribution_id = p_source_doc_id;
Line: 559

  SELECT nvl(sum(nr_tax_amount),0)
    FROM jai_encum_tax_details
   WHERE document_type   = p_source_doc_type
     AND doc_line_id     = p_source_doc_id;
Line: 588

		INSERT INTO jai_encum_tax_rvrsl_dtls( ACCT_TXN_ID            ,
																					SOURCE_DOC_ID          ,
																					ACCT_SOURCE            ,
																					SOURCE_DOC_TYPE        ,
																					DOC_NR_TAX             ,
																					DOC_REC_TAX            ,
																					LAST_UPDATE_DATE       ,
																					LAST_UPDATED_BY        ,
																					CREATION_DATE          ,
																					CREATED_BY             ,
																					LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN      ,
																					OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER  )
																 VALUES ( p_acct_txn_id          ,
																          p_source_doc_id        ,
																          p_acct_source          ,
																          p_source_doc_type      ,
																          p_nr_tax_amount        ,
																          0                      ,
																          SYSDATE                ,
																          fnd_global.user_id     ,
																          SYSDATE                ,
																          fnd_global.user_id     ,
																          fnd_global.login_id    ,