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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 4

  PROCEDURE  verify_org_change(X_insert_update_mode     IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_calling_module         IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_project_id             IN NUMBER
            ,  X_task_id                IN NUMBER
            ,  X_old_organization_id    IN NUMBER
            ,  X_new_organization_id    IN NUMBER
            ,  X_project_type           IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_project_start_date     IN DATE
            ,  X_project_end_date       IN DATE
            ,  X_public_sector_flag     IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_task_manager_person_id IN NUMBER
            ,  X_Service_type           IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_task_start_date        IN DATE
            ,  X_task_end_date          IN DATE
            ,  X_entered_by_user_id     IN NUMBER
            ,  X_attribute_category     IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_attribute1             IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_attribute2             IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_attribute3             IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_attribute4             IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_attribute5             IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_attribute6             IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_attribute7             IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_attribute8             IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_attribute9             IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_attribute10            IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_pm_product_code        IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_pm_project_reference   IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_pm_task_reference      IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_functional_security_flag IN VARCHAR2
            ,  X_outcome                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895

 -- ====================================================================
 --  Default logic of client extension is as follows
 -- ====================================================================
 -- The default client extension does not do any validation for organization change.
 -- User needs to add code or uncomment the commented code to perform the validations.
 -- The validations inside the client extension will not be performed if your
 -- responsibility has the Function 'Projects:Org:Update:Override Standard Checks'
 -- assigned through Functional Security.

    -- Define local variables

    X_cdl_check             NUMBER;
Line: 80

	select count(*)
	into X_cdl_check
	from sys.dual
	where exists (select  null
		from    pa_expenditure_items_ALL pai,
			pa_tasks t, pa_cost_distribution_lines_ALL pcd
		where   pai.task_id = t.task_id
		and pai.expenditure_item_id = pcd.expenditure_item_id
		and     t.project_id =X_project_id);
Line: 91

	select count(*)
	into X_cdl_check
	from sys.dual
	where exists (select  null
		      from    pa_expenditure_items_all pai,
		      pa_cost_distribution_lines_aLL pcd
		      where   pai.expenditure_item_id
		       = pcd.expenditure_item_id
		      and pai.task_id = X_task_id);
Line: 113

	select count(*)
	into X_rdl_check
	from sys.dual
	where exists (select  null
		      FROM     pa_draft_revenue_items
		      where    project_id = x_project_id);
Line: 121

	select count(*)
	into X_rdl_check
	from    sys.dual
	where exists (select null
		      from   pa_draft_revenue_items
		      where  project_id = x_project_id
		      and  task_id in
			 (select task_id
			  from   pa_tasks
			  connect by prior task_id = parent_task_id
			  start with task_id = x_task_id));
Line: 145

       select count(*)
       into X_dil_check
       from sys.dual
       where   exists (select null
		       from pa_draft_invoice_items
		       where  project_id = x_project_id);
Line: 153

       select count(*)
       into X_dil_check
       from sys.dual
       where exists (select null
		     from   pa_draft_invoice_items
		     where  project_id = x_project_id
		     and  task_id in
			    (select task_iD
			     from   pa_tasks
			     connect by prior task_id = parent_task_id
			     start with task_id = X_task_id));