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1 package body pay_nz_rec_pkg as
2 /* $Header: pynzrec.pkb 120.3 2005/09/21 01:55:42 snekkala noship $ */
3   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
4   -- Selects the Regular Payment Date for the Period Id that is passed in.
5   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
6   function period_payment_date
7     (p_time_period_id in pay_payroll_actions.time_period_id%type)
8   return per_time_periods.regular_payment_date%type is
10     v_payment_date    per_time_periods.regular_payment_date%type;
12     cursor payment_date
13       (c_time_period_id in pay_payroll_actions.time_period_id%type) is
15     select regular_payment_date
16     from   per_time_periods
17     where  time_period_id = c_time_period_id;
19   begin
20     open payment_date (p_time_period_id);
21     fetch payment_date into v_payment_date;
22     close payment_date;
24     return v_payment_date;
25   end period_payment_date;
27   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
28   --  Selects the first Action Sequence of the current Financial Year for
29   --  that Assignment. The start of the Financial Year is obtained from the
30   -- call to another package function.
31   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
32   function first_action_sequence
33     (p_assignment_id  in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type,
34      p_time_period_id in pay_payroll_actions.time_period_id%type)
35   return pay_assignment_actions.action_sequence%type is
37     v_action_sequence    pay_assignment_actions.action_sequence%type := null;
38     v_payment_date       per_time_periods.regular_payment_date%type  := null;
40     v_start_of_year_day  constant varchar2(5)                        := '01-04';
42     /*Bug #3306269 - Added per_assignments_f with date_effective checks, and
43                      added action_status check for ppa and pac */
44    /* Bug #4200412 - Added p_time_period_id */
45     cursor min_sequence
46       (c_assignment_id       in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type,
47        c_period_payment_date in per_time_periods.regular_payment_date%type) is
49     select min(pac.action_sequence)
50     from   per_assignments_f      paf,
51            per_time_periods       ptp,
52            pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
53            pay_assignment_actions pac
54     where  paf.assignment_id         = c_assignment_id
55     and    pac.assignment_id         = paf.assignment_id
56     and    ptp.time_period_id        = ppa.time_period_id
57     AND    ppa.time_period_id        = p_time_period_id
58     AND    ppa.time_period_id        = ptp.time_period_id
59     and    ppa.payroll_action_id     = pac.payroll_action_id
60     and    ptp.regular_payment_date between paf.effective_Start_date
61                                         and paf.effective_end_date
62     and    pac.action_status         = 'C'
63     and    ppa.action_status         = 'C'
64     and    ptp.regular_payment_date >=
65                    hr_nz_routes.span_start(c_period_payment_date,
66                                            1, v_start_of_year_day);
68   begin
69     v_payment_date := period_payment_date (p_time_period_id);
71     if v_payment_date is not null then
72       open min_sequence (p_assignment_id, v_payment_date);
73       fetch min_sequence into v_action_sequence;
74       close min_sequence;
75     end if;
77     return v_action_sequence;
78   end first_action_sequence;
80   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
81   -- Selects the current Action Sequence for that Assignment.
82   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
83   function last_action_sequence
84     (p_payroll_action_id in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
85      p_assignment_id     in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type)
86   return pay_assignment_actions.action_sequence%type is
88     v_action_sequence    pay_assignment_actions.action_sequence%type;
90     cursor max_sequence
91       (c_payroll_action_id in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
92        c_assignment_id     in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type) is
94     select pac.action_sequence
95     from   pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
96            pay_assignment_actions pac
97     where  ppa.payroll_action_id = pac.payroll_action_id
98     and    ppa.payroll_action_id = c_payroll_action_id
99     and    pac.assignment_id     = c_assignment_id;
101   begin
102     open max_sequence (p_payroll_action_id, p_assignment_id);
103     fetch max_sequence into v_action_sequence;
107   end last_action_sequence;
104     close max_sequence;
106     return v_action_sequence;
109   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
110   -- Sums the Result Values for the Period-To-Date. This will be called for
111   -- Elements that are the only feed for their Balance.
112   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
113   function result_ptd
114     (p_payroll_action_id in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
115      p_assignment_id     in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type,
116      p_element_type_id   in pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%type)
117   return number is
119     v_input_value_name    constant pay_input_values_f.name%type := 'Pay Value';
120     v_uom                 constant pay_input_values_f.uom%type  := 'M';
122   -- It makes sense to only sum values that have Money as a Unit of Measure
123     v_ptd_results         number := 0;
125     cursor sum_results
126       (c_payroll_action_id in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
127        c_assignment_id     in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type,
128        c_element_type_id   in pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%type) is
130     select sum(prrv.result_value)
131     from   pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
132            pay_assignment_actions pac,
133            pay_run_results        prr,
134            pay_run_result_values  prrv,
135            pay_element_types_f    pet,
136            pay_input_values_f     piv
137     where  ppa.payroll_action_id    = c_payroll_action_id
138     and    pac.assignment_id        = c_assignment_id
139     and    pet.element_type_id      = c_element_type_id
140     and    piv.uom                  = v_uom
141     and    piv.name                 = v_input_value_name
142     and    ppa.payroll_action_id    = pac.payroll_action_id
143     and    pac.assignment_action_id = prr.assignment_action_id
144     and    prr.run_result_id        = prrv.run_result_id
145     and    pet.element_type_id      = prr.element_type_id
146     and    pet.element_type_id      = piv.element_type_id
147     and    piv.input_value_id       = prrv.input_value_id;
149   begin
150     open sum_results (p_payroll_action_id, p_assignment_id, p_element_type_id);
151     fetch sum_results into v_ptd_results;
153     -- Bug 3776051 Changes start
154     -- Sparse matrix
155     --
156     IF sum_results%NOTFOUND THEN
157         v_ptd_results:=0;
158     END IF;
160     close sum_results;
162     return nvl(v_ptd_results,0);
163     --
164     -- Bug 3776051 Changes end
165     --
167   end result_ptd;
169   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
170   -- Sums the Result Values for the Year-To-Date. This will be called for
171   -- Elements that are the only feed for their Balance.
172   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
173   function result_ytd
174     (p_payroll_action_id in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
175      p_assignment_id     in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type,
176      p_element_type_id   in pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%type)
177   return number is
179     v_input_value_name    constant pay_input_values_f.name%type := 'Pay Value';
180     v_uom                 constant pay_input_values_f.uom%type  := 'M';
182   -- It makes sense to only sum values that have Money as a Unit of Measure
183     v_ytd_results         number := 0;
184     v_time_period_id      per_time_periods.time_period_id%type;
186     CURSOR sum_results
187       (c_payroll_action_id IN pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE,
188        c_assignment_id     IN pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%TYPE,
189        c_element_type_id   IN pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%TYPE,
190        c_time_period_id    IN per_time_periods.time_period_id%TYPE)
191      IS
192        SELECT SUM(prrv.result_value)
193          FROM pay_payroll_actions    ppa
194 	    , pay_assignment_actions pac
195 	    , pay_run_results        prr
196 	    , pay_run_result_values  prrv
197 	    , pay_element_types_f    pet
198 	    , pay_input_values_f     piv
199         WHERE pac.assignment_id        = c_assignment_id
200           AND pet.element_type_id      = c_element_type_id
201           AND piv.uom                  = v_uom
202           AND piv.name                 = v_input_value_name
203           AND ppa.payroll_action_id    = pac.payroll_action_id
204           AND ppa.time_period_id      <= c_time_period_id
205           AND ppa.payroll_action_id   <= c_payroll_action_id
206           AND pac.assignment_action_id = prr.assignment_action_id
207           AND prr.run_result_id        = prrv.run_result_id
208           AND pet.element_type_id      = prr.element_type_id
209           AND pet.element_type_id      = piv.element_type_id
210           AND piv.input_value_id       = prrv.input_value_id
211           AND pac.action_sequence     >= first_action_sequence(pac.assignment_id, c_time_period_id)
212           AND pac.action_sequence     <= last_action_sequence(c_payroll_action_id, pac.assignment_id);
214     cursor get_time_period_id (c_payroll_action_id in
215 pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type) is
216           select time_period_id from pay_payroll_actions
217           where payroll_action_id  = c_payroll_action_id;
218   begin
219     open get_time_period_id(p_payroll_action_id);
220     fetch get_time_period_id into v_time_period_id;
221     close get_time_period_id;
223     open sum_results (p_payroll_action_id, p_assignment_id, p_element_type_id,v_time_period_id);
225     fetch sum_results into v_ytd_results;
227     -- Bug 3776051 Changes start
231         v_ytd_results:=0;
228     -- Sparse matrix
229     --
230     IF sum_results%NOTFOUND THEN
232     END IF;
233     --
234     -- Bug 3776051 Changes end
235     --
237     close sum_results;
239     return nvl(v_ytd_results,0);
240   end result_ytd;
242   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
243   -- This function returns TRUE if the Element is the only Feed to its
244   -- Balance. Otherwise it returns FALSE. This is determined by executing
245   -- the cursor and if a row is returned, then it must be a single balance
246   -- feed, so return the necessary parameters required to call
247   -- hr_nzbal.calc_asg_ytd. Otherwise no records will be returned.
248   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
249   function single_feed_balance
250     (p_payroll_action_id    in  pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
251      p_assignment_id        in  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type,
252      p_element_type_id      in  pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%type,
253      p_assignment_action_id out nocopy pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type,
254      p_balance_type_id      out nocopy pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type,
255      p_effective_start_date out nocopy pay_balance_feeds_f.effective_start_date%type)
256   return boolean is
258     v_input_value_name    constant pay_input_values_f.name%type := 'Pay Value';
259     v_uom                 constant pay_input_values_f.uom%type  := 'M';
261     v_single_feed         boolean := FALSE;
263     cursor single_balance_feed
264       (c_payroll_action_id in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
265        c_assignment_id     in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type,
266        c_element_type_id   in pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%type) is
268     select pac.assignment_action_id,
269            pbf.balance_type_id,
270            pbf.effective_start_date
271     from   pay_element_types_f    pet,
272            pay_input_values_f     piv,
273            pay_balance_feeds_f    pbf,
274            pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
275            pay_assignment_actions pac,
276            pay_run_results        prr
277     where  ppa.payroll_action_id    = c_payroll_action_id
278     and    pet.element_type_id      = c_element_type_id
279     and    pac.assignment_id        = c_assignment_id
280     and    piv.name                 = v_input_value_name
281     and    piv.uom                  = v_uom
282     and    ppa.payroll_action_id    = pac.payroll_action_id
283     and    pac.assignment_action_id = prr.assignment_action_id
284     and    pet.element_type_id      = piv.element_type_id
285     and    pet.element_type_id      = prr.element_type_id
286     and    piv.input_value_id       = pbf.input_value_id
287     and    not exists (select null
288                        from   pay_balance_feeds_f pbf_not
289                        where  pbf_not.balance_feed_id <> pbf.balance_feed_id
290                        and    pbf_not.balance_type_id  = pbf.balance_type_id
291                     and    (ppa.effective_date     between  pbf_not.effective_start_date
292                      and pbf_not.effective_end_date))
293     and    not exists (select null
294                        from   pay_balance_classifications pbc_not
295                        where  pbc_not.balance_type_id = pbf.balance_type_id);
297   begin
298     open single_balance_feed (p_payroll_action_id,
299                               p_assignment_id,
300                               p_element_type_id);
301     fetch single_balance_feed into p_assignment_action_id,
302                                    p_balance_type_id,
303                                    p_effective_start_date;
305     if single_balance_feed%notfound then
306       close single_balance_feed;
307       v_single_feed := FALSE;
308     else
309       close single_balance_feed;
310       v_single_feed := TRUE;
311     end if;
313     return v_single_feed;
314   end single_feed_balance;
316   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
317   -- Checks to see if the Balance is fed by a single Element by calling
318   -- single_balance_feed. If it is, then the Balance PTD function (in the
319   -- hr_nzbal package) is called. Otherwise, the Result PTD function in this
320   -- package is called.
321   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
322   function value_ptd
323     (p_payroll_action_id in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
324      p_assignment_id     in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type,
325      p_element_type_id   in pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%type)
326   return number is
328   p_assignment_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
329   p_balance_type_id       pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type;
330   p_effective_start_date  pay_balance_feeds_f.effective_start_date%type;
331   v_value_ptd             number := 0;
333   begin
334     if single_feed_balance (p_payroll_action_id,
335                             p_assignment_id,
336                             p_element_type_id,
337                             p_assignment_action_id,
338                             p_balance_type_id,
339                             p_effective_start_date) then
341       v_value_ptd := hr_nzbal.calc_asg_ptd
342                      (p_assignment_action_id, p_balance_type_id,
343                       p_effective_start_date, p_assignment_id);
344     else
345       v_value_ptd := result_ptd (p_payroll_action_id,
346                                  p_assignment_id,
347                                  p_element_type_id);
348     end if;
350     return v_value_ptd;
351   end value_ptd;
353   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
354   -- Checks to see if the Balance is fed by a single Element by calling
355   -- single_balance_feed. If it is, then the Balance YTD function (in the
356   -- hr_nzbal package) is called. Otherwise, the Result YTD function in this
357   -- package is called.
358   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
359   function value_ytd
360     (p_payroll_action_id in pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%type,
361      p_assignment_id     in pay_assignment_actions.assignment_id%type,
362      p_element_type_id   in pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%type)
363   return number is
365   p_assignment_action_id  pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
366   p_balance_type_id       pay_balance_types.balance_type_id%type;
367   p_effective_start_date  pay_balance_feeds_f.effective_start_date%type;
368   v_value_ytd             number := 0;
370   begin
371     if single_feed_balance (p_payroll_action_id,
372                             p_assignment_id,
373                             p_element_type_id,
374                             p_assignment_action_id,
375                             p_balance_type_id,
376                             p_effective_start_date) then
378       v_value_ytd := hr_nzbal.calc_asg_ytd
379                      (p_assignment_action_id, p_balance_type_id,
380                       p_effective_start_date, p_assignment_id);
381     else
382       v_value_ytd := result_ytd (p_payroll_action_id,
383                                  p_assignment_id,
384                                  p_element_type_id);
385     end if;
387     return nvl( v_value_ytd,0);
388   end value_ytd;
389   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
390 end pay_nz_rec_pkg;