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Line 109: --| oe_order_lines_all table by the |

105: --| modified the query in rpt_get_Received_data |
106: --| to correctly fetched the replenishments |
107: --| received in past xx days. Also, replaced |
108: --| usages of shipping_quantity_uom column of the |
109: --| oe_order_lines_all table by the |
110: --| order_quantity_uom, since this is the correct |
111: --| uom accompanying the shipped_quantity. |
112: --| 21-NOV-2006 vchu bug fix for 5665334: Changed the signature |
113: --| of cfr_before_report_trigger to pass in the |

Line 3296: ,oe_order_lines_all oola

3292: ,pa_projects_all prj
3293: ,pa_tasks task
3294: ,po_releases_all pra
3295: ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
3296: ,oe_order_lines_all oola
3297: ,oe_order_headers_all ooha
3298: ,jmf_shikyu_allocations jsa
3299: ,po_line_locations_all plla_s
3300: ,po_headers_all pha_s

Line 3756: ,oe_order_lines_all oola

3752: from jmf_shikyu_cfr_mid_temp cfr_mid_temp
3753: where cfr_mid_temp.row_type = CFR_TMP_RCV_ROW) cfr_mid_item_group
3754: ,jmf_shikyu_replenishments jsr
3755: ,jmf_shikyu_allocations jsa
3756: ,oe_order_lines_all oola
3757: ,oe_order_headers_all ooha
3758: ,po_line_locations_all plla_s
3759: ,po_headers_all pha_s
3760: ,po_lines_all pla_s

Line 3918: FROM oe_order_lines_all oola

3914: ,oola.order_quantity_uom uom
3915: ,oola.actual_shipment_date shipped_date
3916: ,NVL(plla.need_by_date
3917: ,plla.promised_date) expected_rcv_date
3918: FROM oe_order_lines_all oola
3919: ,oe_order_headers_all ooha
3920: ,po_line_locations_all plla
3921: ,po_lines_all pla
3922: ,po_releases_all pra

Line 4090: FROM oe_order_lines_all oola

4086: ,oola.order_quantity_uom uom
4087: ,oola.actual_shipment_date shipped_date
4088: ,NVL(plla.need_by_date
4089: ,plla.promised_date) expected_rcv_date
4090: FROM oe_order_lines_all oola
4091: ,oe_order_headers_all ooha
4092: ,po_line_locations_all plla
4093: ,po_lines_all pla
4094: ,po_releases_all pra