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Line 921: emp_ass_location_name hr_locations.location_code%type,

917: emp_ass_hire_date date,
918: emp_ass_organization_name hr_all_organization_units.name%type,
919: emp_ass_job_name per_jobs.name%type,
920: emp_ass_payroll_name pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_name%type,
921: emp_ass_location_name hr_locations.location_code%type,
922: emp_si_itax_org_id number,
923: emp_si_itax_type varchar2(60),
924: emp_si_hi_org_id number,
925: emp_si_hi_number varchar2(60),

Line 7633: hr_locations_all_vl hlc,

7629: and proc_v.effective_date
7630: between ppy.effective_start_date and ppy.effective_end_date) v,
7631: per_jobs_vl pjb,
7632: hr_all_organization_units_vl hou,
7633: hr_locations_all_vl hlc,
7634: per_addresses padr,
7635: per_addresses padc
7636: where pjb.job_id (+) = v.job_id
7637: and v.effective_date

Line 8146: hr_locations_all_vl hlc,

8142: and proc_v.effective_date
8143: between ppy.effective_start_date and ppy.effective_end_date) v,
8144: per_jobs_vl pjb,
8145: hr_all_organization_units_vl hou,
8146: hr_locations_all_vl hlc,
8147: per_addresses padr,
8148: per_addresses padc
8149: where pjb.job_id (+) = v.job_id
8150: and v.effective_date

Line 8244: hr_locations_all_vl hlc

8240: per_addresses padc,
8241: pay_all_payrolls_f ppy,
8242: per_jobs_vl pjb,
8243: hr_all_organization_units_vl hou,
8244: hr_locations_all_vl hlc
8245: where padr.person_id (+) = v.person_id
8246: and padr.address_type (+) = 'JP_R'
8247: and nvl(v.actual_termination_date, p_effective_date)
8248: between padr.date_from (+) and nvl(padr.date_to(+), hr_api.g_eot)