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Line 40: from pa_project_types

36: or x_closed_thru_date is null )
37: and (gp.project_status_code = x_project_status_code
38: or ((x_active_closed_flag = 'A'
39: and gp.project_type in ( select project_type
40: from pa_project_types
41: where project_type_class_code = 'INDIRECT')
42: and gp.project_status_code not in ('PARTIALLY_PURGED',
43: 'PURGED',
44: 'CLOSED'))

Line 100: ' from pa_project_types pt ' ||

96: end if;
97: if x_project_type is null then
98: l_where_clause := l_where_clause ||' and p.project_type in '||
99: ' ( select pt.project_type ' ||
100: ' from pa_project_types pt ' ||
101: ' where pt.project_type_class_code = ''INDIRECT'') ' ;
102: end if;
103: elsif x_active_closed_flag = 'C' then
104: if x_project_status_code is null then