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Line 31: -- This function will be invoked from Fast Formula , Example :PQH_DOCUMENTS_FASTFORMULA

27: close c_session_date;
28: end;
30: --
31: -- This function will be invoked from Fast Formula , Example :PQH_DOCUMENTS_FASTFORMULA
32: -- Print_document_data / set_document_data
33: --
34: -- If tag_value is null,
35: function get_session_details (p_txn_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, p_session_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER, p_effective_date OUT NOCOPY DATE)

Line 148: pqh_documents_f docs

144: Cursor csr_check_grp_existency(p_short_name varchar2, p_eff_date date) IS
145: Select count(*)
146: from pqh_transaction_categories cats,
147: pqh_txn_category_documents catDocs,
148: pqh_documents_f docs
149: where form_name like 'PQH_GROUPS'
150: and cats.short_name like p_short_name
151: and cats.transaction_category_id = catDocs.transaction_category_id
152: and docs.document_id = catDocs.document_id

Line 1121: from pqh_documents_f

1118: --Fast Formula cursors
1119: Cursor get_fastformula(p_short_name varchar2) is
1120: Select formula_id
1121: from pqh_documents_f
1122: where p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date
1123: and short_name = p_short_name;
1125: Cursor cur_chk_forumual_effective(p_eff_date date , p_formula_id number) is

Line 1214: from pqh_documents_f doc,

1210: select distinct att.master_table_route_id table_rt_id,
1211: ptr.from_clause from_clause,
1212: ptr.where_clause where_clause,
1213: doc.document_category
1214: from pqh_documents_f doc,
1215: pqh_document_attributes_f doa,
1216: pqh_attributes att,
1217: pqh_table_route ptr
1218: where doc.short_name = p_doc_short_name

Line 1228: from pqh_documents_f doc,

1224: AND ptr.where_clause is not null;
1225: -- This curosr selects the column names and tag anme that need to be queried to form a dynamic sql query
1226: cursor column_tag_names(p_table_route_id pqh_table_route.table_route_id %TYPE) is
1227: select att.column_name att_column,doa.tag_name doc_tag,att.enable_flag flag
1228: from pqh_documents_f doc,
1229: pqh_document_attributes_f doa,
1230: pqh_attributes att
1231: where doc.short_name = p_doc_short_name
1232: AND doa.document_id = doc.document_id

Line 1382: pqh_documents_f doc,

1378: ||FND_DATE.date_to_canonical(Atv.date_value)||''')' ) )) value,
1379: att.enable_flag
1380: FROM hr_api_transaction_steps steps
1381: , hr_api_transaction_values atv,
1382: pqh_documents_f doc,
1383: pqh_document_attributes_f doa,
1384: pqh_attributes att,
1385: pqh_table_route ptr
1386: -- Bug Fix 2945716,Added Select Stmt to retrieve max step_id

Line 1427: pqh_documents_f doc,

1423: att.decode_function_name||'('''||atv.value||''')' ) )) value,
1424: att.enable_flag
1425: FROM pqh_ss_step_history steps
1426: , pqh_ss_value_history atv,
1427: pqh_documents_f doc,
1428: pqh_document_attributes_f doa,
1429: pqh_attributes att,
1430: pqh_table_route ptr
1431: WHERE steps.step_history_id = atv.step_history_id