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Line 820: csf_odf_ctry_mapping coc

816: jtf_task_types_b tt,
817: hz_locations l,
818: fnd_territories_tl tl,
819: jtf_task_statuses_vl jts,
820: csf_odf_ctry_mapping coc
821: WHERE tt.task_type_id = t.task_type_id
822: AND t.location_id is not null
823: AND l.location_id = t.location_id
824: AND tl.territory_code = l.country

Line 862: csf_odf_ctry_mapping coc

858: hz_party_sites hps,
859: hz_locations l,
860: fnd_territories_tl tl,
861: jtf_task_statuses_vl jts,
862: csf_odf_ctry_mapping coc
863: WHERE tt.task_type_id = t.task_type_id
864: AND t.address_id is not null
865: AND t.address_id = hps.party_site_id
866: AND l.location_id = hps.location_id

Line 3044: delete from csf_odf_ctry_mapping where dataset=data_set;

3040: query_str := 'SELECT country_name,country_code_2,area_id FROM '||owner_name||'.GC_COUNTRY_PROFILE';
3042: select count(*) into obj_count from all_objects where owner=owner_name;
3043: if(obj_count>0) then
3044: delete from csf_odf_ctry_mapping where dataset=data_set;
3045: put_stream (g_output, '***********Field Service Geospatial Post Installation Steps Started***********');
3046: put_stream (g_output, ' ');
3047: --query_str_srch := 'SELECT country_name, where dataset='||data_set||'';
3048: OPEN c FOR query_str;

Line 3052: insert into csf_odf_ctry_mapping (user_name,country_name,country_code_2,dataset,area_id) values (owner_name,country_name,country_code_2,data_set,area_id);

3048: OPEN c FOR query_str;
3049: LOOP
3050: FETCH c INTO country_name,country_code_2,area_id;
3052: insert into csf_odf_ctry_mapping (user_name,country_name,country_code_2,dataset,area_id) values (owner_name,country_name,country_code_2,data_set,area_id);
3053: put_stream (g_output, 'Inserting the country :"'||country_name||'" with UserName:'||owner_name);
3054: put_stream (g_log, 'Inserting the country :"'||country_name||'" with UserName:'||owner_name);
3055: --process row here
3056: END LOOP;

Line 3062: select count(*) into obj_count from csf_odf_ctry_mapping where dataset=data_set;

3058: end if;
3059: COMMIT;
3060: put_stream (g_log, ' ');
3061: put_stream (g_output, ' ');
3062: select count(*) into obj_count from csf_odf_ctry_mapping where dataset=data_set;
3063: put_stream (g_output, obj_count || 'rows has been inserted into csf_odf_ctry_mapping table');
3064: put_stream (g_log, obj_count || 'rows has been inserted into csf_odf_ctry_mapping table');
3065: put_stream (g_output, ' ');
3066: put_stream (g_output, '***********Field Service Geospatial Post Installation Steps Completed***********');

Line 3063: put_stream (g_output, obj_count || 'rows has been inserted into csf_odf_ctry_mapping table');

3059: COMMIT;
3060: put_stream (g_log, ' ');
3061: put_stream (g_output, ' ');
3062: select count(*) into obj_count from csf_odf_ctry_mapping where dataset=data_set;
3063: put_stream (g_output, obj_count || 'rows has been inserted into csf_odf_ctry_mapping table');
3064: put_stream (g_log, obj_count || 'rows has been inserted into csf_odf_ctry_mapping table');
3065: put_stream (g_output, ' ');
3066: put_stream (g_output, '***********Field Service Geospatial Post Installation Steps Completed***********');
3067: END;

Line 3064: put_stream (g_log, obj_count || 'rows has been inserted into csf_odf_ctry_mapping table');

3060: put_stream (g_log, ' ');
3061: put_stream (g_output, ' ');
3062: select count(*) into obj_count from csf_odf_ctry_mapping where dataset=data_set;
3063: put_stream (g_output, obj_count || 'rows has been inserted into csf_odf_ctry_mapping table');
3064: put_stream (g_log, obj_count || 'rows has been inserted into csf_odf_ctry_mapping table');
3065: put_stream (g_output, ' ');
3066: put_stream (g_output, '***********Field Service Geospatial Post Installation Steps Completed***********');
3067: END;

Line 3086: sql_stmt_str := 'select user_name from csf_odf_ctry_mapping where country_code_2 = '''||l_ctry_code||'''';

3082: BEGIN
3084: BEGIN
3085: --l_data_set_name := '';
3086: sql_stmt_str := 'select user_name from csf_odf_ctry_mapping where country_code_2 = '''||l_ctry_code||'''';
3087: OPEN ref_cur FOR sql_stmt_str;
3088: FETCH ref_cur INTO l_user_name;
3089: CLOSE ref_cur;

Line 3120: sql_stmt_str := 'select user_name from csf_odf_ctry_mapping where country_name = ''' ||l_country_name|| '''';

3116: l_country_name := p_country;
3117: if upper(l_country_name) = 'UNITED KINGDOM' then
3118: l_country_name := 'England';
3119: end if;
3120: sql_stmt_str := 'select user_name from csf_odf_ctry_mapping where country_name = ''' ||l_country_name|| '''';
3121: OPEN ref_cur FOR sql_stmt_str;
3122: FETCH ref_cur INTO l_user_name;
3123: CLOSE ref_cur;