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Line 159: 15-Dec-04 tjesumic 115.111 ext_rcd_in_file_id added to ben_Ext_rslt_dtl table

155: 13-aug-04 tjesumic 115.107 chg_actl_ct is truncated to validated the dates
156: 18-Nov-04 rpinjala 115.108 New procedure chk_pqp_extract added
157: 19-Nov-04 rpinjala 115.109 Changed chk_pqp_extract procedure.
158: 05-Dec-04 rpinjala 115.110 Changed chk_pqp_extract procedure.
159: 15-Dec-04 tjesumic 115.111 ext_rcd_in_file_id added to ben_Ext_rslt_dtl table
160: 01-Feb-05 tjesumic 115.112 300 elements allowed in a record
161: 08-Mar-05 tjesumic 115.113 check_asg_security changed for performance
162: 09-Mar-05 tjesumic 115.114 check_asg_security changed for performance
163: 22-Mar-05 tjesumic 115.115 CWB (CW) , subheader codes changes

Line 514: FROM ben_ext_rcd rcd, ben_ext_rslt_dtl rdtl

510: WHERE rslt.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id;
511: --
512: cursor c_ext_rcd is
513: SELECT distinct rdtl.ext_rcd_id ext_rcd_id
514: FROM ben_ext_rcd rcd, ben_ext_rslt_dtl rdtl
515: WHERE rdtl.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
516: and rdtl.ext_rcd_id = rcd.ext_rcd_id
517: and rcd.rcd_type_cd in ('H','T');
518: --

Line 580: l_tot_string := 'UPDATE BEN_EXT_RSLT_DTL ' || l_tot_string

576: if l_tot_string is not null then
577: */
578: --
579: /*
580: l_tot_string := 'UPDATE BEN_EXT_RSLT_DTL ' || l_tot_string
581: || ' WHERE ext_rslt_id = ' || to_char(p_ext_rslt_id)
582: || ' AND ext_rcd_id = ' || to_char(rcd_rec.ext_rcd_id);
584: */

Line 586: l_tot_string := 'UPDATE BEN_EXT_RSLT_DTL SET ' || l_col_name || ' = :VAL where ext_rslt_id = :RSLT_ID and ext_rcd_id = :RCD_ID' ;

582: || ' AND ext_rcd_id = ' || to_char(rcd_rec.ext_rcd_id);
584: */
586: l_tot_string := 'UPDATE BEN_EXT_RSLT_DTL SET ' || l_col_name || ' = :VAL where ext_rslt_id = :RSLT_ID and ext_rcd_id = :RCD_ID' ;
588: DBMS_SQL.PARSE(l_cursor_id, l_tot_string, dbms_sql.v7);

Line 719: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd

716: cursor get_per_cnt (p_group_val_01 varchar2 ,
717: p_group_val_02 varchar2) is
718: select count(distinct person_id)
719: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd
720: where xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
721: and person_id not in (0, 999999999999)
722: and xrd.group_val_01 = p_group_val_01
723: and nvl(xrd.group_val_02,'-1') = nvl(p_group_val_02,'-1') ;

Line 729: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd ,

726: cursor get_dtl_cnt(p_group_val_01 varchar2 ,
727: p_group_val_02 varchar2) is
728: select count(*)
729: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd ,
730: ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
731: where xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
732: and xrd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id
733: and xrd.ext_rcd_in_file_id = erf.ext_rcd_in_file_id

Line 745: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd ,

742: cursor get_ttl_cnt(p_group_val_01 varchar2 ,
743: p_group_val_02 varchar2) is
744: select count(*)
745: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd ,
746: ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
747: where xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
748: and xrd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id
749: and xrd.ext_rcd_in_file_id = erf.ext_rcd_in_file_id

Line 1186: l_prmy_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.prmy_sort_val%TYPE; -- UTF8 varchar2(30);

1182: l_object_version_number number(15);
1183: --
1184: l_trans_num number(15);
1185: l_person_id number(15);
1186: l_prmy_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.prmy_sort_val%TYPE; -- UTF8 varchar2(30);
1187: l_scnd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.scnd_sort_val%TYPE; -- UTF8 varchar2(30);
1188: l_exclude_this_rcd_flag boolean;
1189: l_write_rcd varchar2(1);
1190: l_elmt_name varchar2(2000) ;

Line 1187: l_scnd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.scnd_sort_val%TYPE; -- UTF8 varchar2(30);

1183: --
1184: l_trans_num number(15);
1185: l_person_id number(15);
1186: l_prmy_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.prmy_sort_val%TYPE; -- UTF8 varchar2(30);
1187: l_scnd_sort_val ben_ext_rslt_dtl.scnd_sort_val%TYPE; -- UTF8 varchar2(30);
1188: l_exclude_this_rcd_flag boolean;
1189: l_write_rcd varchar2(1);
1190: l_elmt_name varchar2(2000) ;
1191: l_error_message varchar2(2000) ;

Line 1252: from ben_Ext_rslt_dtl xrd,

1250: cursor get_subtrl_cnt is
1251: select count(*)
1252: from ben_Ext_rslt_dtl xrd,
1253: ben_ext_rcd rcd,
1254: ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
1255: where xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
1256: and xrd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id

Line 1541: ben_ext_rslt_dtl_api.create_ext_rslt_dtl

1537: if l_write_rcd = 'Y' then
1538: --
1539: -- call 'create ext detail api' here
1540: --
1541: ben_ext_rslt_dtl_api.create_ext_rslt_dtl
1542: (p_validate => false
1543: ,p_ext_rslt_dtl_id => l_ext_rslt_dtl_id
1544: ,p_prmy_sort_val => l_prmy_sort_val
1545: ,p_scnd_sort_val => l_scnd_sort_val

Line 1920: from ben_Ext_rslt_dtl xrd,

1916: select distinct
1917: xrd.group_val_01,
1918: xrd.group_val_02,
1919: nvl(xrd.ext_per_bg_id,-1) ext_per_bg_id
1920: from ben_Ext_rslt_dtl xrd,
1921: ben_ext_rcd rcd,
1922: ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
1923: where xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
1924: and xrd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id

Line 2040: from ben_Ext_rslt_dtl xrd,

2036: --
2038: cursor get_subhdr_cnt is
2039: select count(*)
2040: from ben_Ext_rslt_dtl xrd,
2041: ben_ext_rcd rcd,
2042: ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
2043: where xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
2044: and xrd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id

Line 2055: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd , ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf

2051: --
2053: cursor get_dtl_cnt is
2054: select count(*)
2055: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd , ben_ext_rcd_in_file erf
2056: where xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
2057: and xrd.ext_rcd_id = erf.ext_rcd_id
2058: and xrd.ext_rcd_in_file_id = erf.ext_rcd_in_file_id
2059: and erf.ext_file_id = p_ext_file_id

Line 2064: -- from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd

2060: and erf.hide_flag = 'N'
2061: and person_id not in (0, 999999999999) ;
2063: -- select count(*)
2064: -- from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd
2065: -- where xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id;
2066: --
2067: cursor get_per_cnt is
2068: select count(distinct person_id)

Line 2069: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd

2065: -- where xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id;
2066: --
2067: cursor get_per_cnt is
2068: select count(distinct person_id)
2069: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl xrd
2070: where xrd.ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id
2071: and person_id not in (0, 999999999999);
2072: --
2073: cursor get_err_cnt is

Line 4587: ' exists ( select group_val_01 from ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd where ' ||

4583: end if ;
4584: if l_pdl_val1 = 'PDLJOB' then
4585: l_dynamic_sql := l_dynamic_sql ||
4586: ' (select 1 from per_jobs job where job.job_id = ben_asg.job_id and ' ||
4587: ' exists ( select group_val_01 from ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd where ' ||
4588: ' erd.ext_rslt_id = ' || p_ext_rslt_id ||
4589: ' and group_val_01 is not null and group_val_01 = job.name ) ) ' ;
4590: elsif l_pdl_val1 = 'PDLPOS' then
4591: l_dynamic_sql := l_dynamic_sql ||

Line 4595: ' exists ( select group_val_01 from ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd where ' ||

4591: l_dynamic_sql := l_dynamic_sql ||
4592: ' (select 1 from HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F pos where pos.position_id = ben_asg.position_id and '||
4593: ' to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR') ||
4594: ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between pos.effective_start_date and pos.effective_end_date and ' ||
4595: ' exists ( select group_val_01 from ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd where ' ||
4596: ' erd.ext_rslt_id = ' || p_ext_rslt_id ||
4597: ' and group_val_01 is not null and group_val_01 = pos.name )) ' ;
4599: elsif l_pdl_val1 = 'PDLPAY' then

Line 4602: ' exists ( select group_val_01 from ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd where ' ||

4599: elsif l_pdl_val1 = 'PDLPAY' then
4600: l_dynamic_sql := l_dynamic_sql ||
4601: ' (select 1 from pay_payrolls pay where pay.payroll_id = ben_asg.payroll_id and ' ||
4602: ' exists ( select group_val_01 from ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd where ' ||
4603: ' erd.ext_rslt_id = ' || p_ext_rslt_id ||
4604: ' and group_val_01 is not null and group_val_01 = pay.payroll_name )) ' ;
4605: elsif l_pdl_val1 = 'PDLLOC' then
4606: l_dynamic_sql := l_dynamic_sql ||

Line 4610: ' and exists ( select group_val_01 from ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd where ' ||

4606: l_dynamic_sql := l_dynamic_sql ||
4607: ' (select 1 from hr_locations_all loc where loc.location_id = ben_asg.location_id ' ||
4608: ' and to_date(''' || to_char(p_effective_date,'DD-MM-RRRR') ||
4609: ''',''DD-MM-RRRR'') between loc.effective_start_date and loc.effective_end_date ' ||
4610: ' and exists ( select group_val_01 from ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd where ' ||
4611: ' erd.ext_rslt_id = ' || p_ext_rslt_id ||
4612: ' and group_val_01 is not null and group_val_01 = loc.location_code )) ' ;
4613: elsif l_pdl_val1 = 'PDLEAPP' then
4614: l_dynamic_sql := l_dynamic_sql ||

Line 4624: ' and exists ( select group_val_01 from ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd where ' ||

4621: elsif l_pdl_val1 = 'PDLGRD' then
4622: l_dynamic_sql := l_dynamic_sql ||
4623: ' (select 1 from per_grades grd where grd.grade_id = ben_asg.grade_id ' ||
4624: ' and exists ( select group_val_01 from ben_ext_rslt_dtl erd where ' ||
4625: ' erd.ext_rslt_id = ' || p_ext_rslt_id ||
4626: ' and group_val_01 is not null and group_val_01 = grd.name )) ' ;
4628: end if;

Line 6655: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl

6652: cursor c_xrdt (c_person_id number) is
6653: select ext_rslt_dtl_id,
6654: object_version_number
6655: from ben_ext_rslt_dtl
6656: where person_id = c_person_id
6657: and ext_rslt_id = p_ext_rslt_id ;

Line 6694: ben_EXT_RSLT_DTL_api.delete_EXT_RSLT_DTL

6690: hr_utility.set_location ('deleting '|| pact.person_id, 177);
6691: end if;
6693: l_object_version_number := xrdt.object_version_number ;
6694: ben_EXT_RSLT_DTL_api.delete_EXT_RSLT_DTL
6695: (p_ext_rslt_dtl_id => xrdt.ext_rslt_dtl_id
6696: ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
6697: );
6698: end loop ;