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Line 559: wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,

555: wmat.primary_quantity,
556: rowidtochar(wrs.rowid),
557: rowidtochar(wo.rowid)
558: from wip_operations wo,
559: wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,
560: wip_mtl_allocations_temp wmat
561: where wrs.wip_entity_id = p_cplRec.wipEntityID
562: and wrs.line_id = p_cplRec.repLineID
563: and wrs.status_type in (wip_constants.released, wip_constants.comp_chrg)

Line 672: update wip_repetitive_schedules

668: else
669: l_status := wip_constants.released;
670: end if;
672: update wip_repetitive_schedules
673: set quantity_completed = quantity_completed + l_schedRecTbl.preAlcQty(i),
674: status_type = l_status,
675: last_updated_by = fnd_global.user_id,
676: last_update_date = sysdate,

Line 957: wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,

953: nvl(wo.quantity_waiting_to_move,
954: ((wrs.daily_production_rate * wrs.processing_work_days) - wrs.quantity_completed)) availQty,
955: nvl(sum(wmat.primary_quantity), 0) tempQty
956: from wip_operations wo,
957: wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,
958: wip_mtl_allocations_temp wmat
959: where wrs.wip_entity_id = v_wipEntityID
960: and wrs.line_id = v_repLineID
961: and wrs.date_released < v_txnDate

Line 982: from wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,

978: select wrs.repetitive_schedule_id repSchedID,
979: wrs.bom_revision bomRev,
980: wrs.quantity_completed availQty,
981: nvl(sum(wmat.primary_quantity), 0) tempQty
982: from wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,
983: wip_mtl_allocations_temp wmat
984: where wrs.wip_entity_id = v_wipEntityID
985: and wrs.line_id = v_repLineID
986: and wrs.date_released < v_txnDate

Line 1171: from wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,

1167: if(p_txnActionID = wip_constants.cplassy_action) then
1168: if(l_schedRecTbl.availQty(j) is null) then
1169: select ((wrs.daily_production_rate * wrs.processing_work_days) - wrs.quantity_completed) - nvl(sum(wo.quantity_scrapped), 0)
1170: into l_schedRecTbl.availQty(j)
1171: from wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,
1172: wip_operations wo
1173: where wrs.wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
1174: and wrs.repetitive_schedule_id = l_schedRecTbl.repSchedID(j)
1175: and wrs.repetitive_schedule_id = wo.repetitive_schedule_id (+)

Line 1382: from wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,

1378: select wrs.repetitive_schedule_id,
1379: ((wrs.daily_production_rate * wrs.processing_work_days) - wrs.quantity_completed) startQty,
1380: wrs.quantity_completed cplQty,
1381: sum(wmat.primary_quantity) tempQty
1382: from wip_repetitive_schedules wrs,
1383: wip_mtl_allocations_temp wmat
1384: where wrs.wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
1385: and wrs.line_id = p_repLineID
1386: and wrs.status_type in (wip_constants.released, wip_constants.comp_chrg)