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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 9

|    delete_eff_rows                                                       |
|                                                                          |
| TYPE                                                                     |
|    public                                                                |
|                                                                          |
| DESCRIPTION                                                              |
| Input Parameters                                                         |
|    p_validate - Indicate whether to evaluate if the rows to be deleted   |
|                 are under use in any plan in aps or not                  |
| Output Parameters                                                        |
|    errbuf - Standard Conc prgm parameter                                 |
|    retcode - Standard Conc prgm parameter                                |
| HISTORY                                                                  |
|        18-nov-2002 Abhay Satpute Created                                 |
|                                                                          |

PROCEDURE delete_eff_rows( errbuf       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                           retcode      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                           p_validate   IN NUMBER) IS
l_date_cnt               INTEGER := 0 ;
Line: 35

 SELECT distinct creation_date
 FROM gmp_form_eff
 ORDER BY creation_date DESC ;
Line: 38

 /* order by desc so that data for last extract is NOT deleted */


IF p_validate = 1 THEN
 SELECT a2m_dblink, instance_id
 INTO at_msc_dblink , l_instance_id
 FROM mrp_ap_apps_instances ;
Line: 59

      FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Cannot delete rows for the Current Date  -->  '||cur_date);
Line: 63

     delete_data(errbuf, retcode ,cur_date,p_validate, at_msc_dblink , l_instance_id) ;
Line: 80

END delete_eff_rows;
Line: 85

|    delete_data                                                           |
|                                                                          |
| TYPE                                                                     |
|    Private                                                               |
|                                                                          |
| DESCRIPTION                                                              |
| Input Parameters                                                         |
|    p_cur_date - creation date for which rows are being deleted           |
|    p_validate - whether to evaluate use of these rows in aps plans       |
|    p_dblink   - passed in from calling proc to be used to make qry       |
|    p_instance_id - used in qry to determine rows of the same instance    |
|                                                                          |
| Output Parameters                                                        |
|                                                                          |
| HISTORY                                                                  |
|        18-nov-2002 Abhay Satpute Created                                 |
|                                                                          |
PROCEDURE delete_data ( errbuf       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
                       retcode      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
                       p_cur_date  IN DATE ,
                       p_validate  IN NUMBER ,
                       p_dblink    IN VARCHAR2,
                       p_instance_id IN NUMBER )IS

rows_deleted             NUMBER := 1 ;
Line: 111

total_rows_deleted       NUMBER := 0 ;
Line: 129

   statement1 :=  'SELECT 1 '
              || ' FROM dual '
              || ' WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 from '
              || ' msc_process_effectivity'||p_dblink||' mpe ,gmp_form_eff ge'
              || ' where (ge.aps_fmeff_id*2 + 1) = mpe.bill_sequence_id '
              || ' and mpe.sr_instance_id =  :p_instance_id '
              || ' and mpe.plan_id =  -1 '
              || ' and trunc(ge.creation_date) = :p_cur_date  )' ;
Line: 144

   statement2 :=   ' SELECT distinct mp.compile_designator '
                  || ' from '
                  || ' msc_process_effectivity'||p_dblink||' mpe , '
                  || ' msc_plans'||p_dblink||' mp , '
                  || ' gmp_form_eff ge'
                  || ' where mpe.plan_id = mp.plan_id '
                  || ' and mpe.plan_id <> -1 '
                  || ' and (ge.aps_fmeff_id*2 + 1) = mpe.bill_sequence_id '
                  || ' and mpe.sr_instance_id =  :p_instance_id '
                  || ' and trunc(ge.creation_date) = :p_cur_date  ' ;
Line: 159

           FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Rows Exist in gmp_form_eff table, cannot delete effectivities for the following Plans -->  '||v_plan_name);
Line: 169

        statement3 :=   ' SELECT distinct mp.compile_designator '
                  || ' from '
                  || ' msc_process_effectivity'||p_dblink||' mpe , '
                  || ' msc_plans'||p_dblink||' mp , '
                  || ' gmp_form_eff ge'
                  || ' where mpe.plan_id = mp.plan_id '
                  || ' and mpe.plan_id <> -1 '
                  || ' and (ge.aps_fmeff_id*2 + 1) = mpe.bill_sequence_id '
                  || ' and mpe.sr_instance_id =  :p_instance_id '
                  || ' and trunc(ge.creation_date) = :p_cur_date  ' ;
Line: 184

           FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Effectivities for the following Plans have been deleted -->  '||v_plan_name);
Line: 190

WHILE (rows_deleted >0 )
 Delete from gmp_form_eff
 where creation_date = p_cur_date
 and rownum < 501 ;
Line: 196

 rows_deleted := SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
Line: 197

 total_rows_deleted := total_rows_deleted + rows_deleted  ;
Line: 201

  IF rows_deleted < 500 THEN
    EXIT ;
Line: 206

FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG,'Number of rows Successfully deleted from collection run on '||to_char(p_cur_date,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')||'= '||total_rows_deleted);
Line: 215

END delete_data;