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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 252

Select inventory_item_id, tracking_quantity_ind
From mtl_system_items_kfv
Where concatenated_segments = p_item_no
   and organization_id = g_organization_id;
Line: 258

Select wip_entity_id
    ,  entity_type
From wip_entities
Where organization_id = g_organization_id
  and wip_entity_name= p_wip_entity_name
Line: 325

     l_main_query := ' Select gen_object_id        object_id'
                   ||'     ,  1                    object_type'
                   ||'     ,  lot_number           lot_number'
                   ||' From mtl_lot_numbers'
                   ||' Where inventory_item_id = '||g_inventory_item_id
                   ||'   and organization_id = '||g_organization_id
                   ||'   and lot_number not in (Select lot_number '
                   ||'                         from mtl_serial_numbers'
                   ||'                         where lot_number is not null) '
                   ||' Union all'
                   ||' Select gen_object_id        object_id'
                   ||'     ,  2                    object_type' --bug14027562,for the serial number,the object type should be with 2
                   ||'     ,  lot_number           lot_number'
                   ||' From mtl_serial_numbers'
                   ||' Where inventory_item_id = '||g_inventory_item_id
Line: 343

     l_main_query := ' Select gen_object_id        object_id'
                   ||'     ,  2                    object_type'
                   ||'     ,  lot_number           lot_number'
                   ||' From mtl_serial_numbers'
                   ||' Where inventory_item_id =' || g_inventory_item_id
                   ||'   and serial_number = '||''''||p_serial_number||''''
                   ||'   and decode(lot_number, null, '||''''||'%%%%%'||''''||', lot_number) '
                   ||'     = decode('||''''||p_lot_number||''''||', null, '||''''||'%%%%%'||''''||','||''''||p_lot_number||''''||')'
Line: 356

     l_main_query := ' Select gen_object_id        object_id'
                   ||'     ,  2                    object_type'
                   ||'     ,  lot_number           lot_number'
                   ||' From mtl_serial_numbers'
                   ||' Where inventory_item_id = '||g_inventory_item_id
                   ||'   and lot_number = '||''''||p_lot_number||''''
                   ||' Union all '
                   ||' Select gen_object_id        object_id'
                   ||'     ,  1                    object_type'
                   ||'     ,  lot_number           lot_number'
                   ||' From mtl_lot_numbers'
                   ||' Where inventory_item_id = '||g_inventory_item_id
                   ||'   and organization_id = '||g_organization_id
                   ||'   and lot_number = '||''''||p_lot_number||''''
                   ||'   and lot_number not in (Select lot_number'
                   ||'                          From mtl_serial_numbers'
                   ||'                          Where lot_number is not null )'
Line: 378

     l_main_query := ' Select gen_object_id        object_id'
                   ||'     ,  5                    object_type'
                   ||'     ,  null                 lot_number'
                   ||' From wip_entities'
                   ||' Where primary_item_id = '||g_inventory_item_id
                   ||'   and organization_id = '||g_organization_id
                   ||'   and wip_entity_name = '||''''||p_wip_entity_name||''''
Line: 386

     /*l_main_query := ' Select gen_object_id        object_id'
                   ||'     ,  5                    object_type'
                   ||' From wsm_discrete_jobs_lotattr_v'
                   ||' Where primary_item_id = '||g_inventory_item_id
                   ||'   and organization_id = '||g_organization_id
                   ||'   and wip_entity_name = '||p_wip_entity_name
                   ||' Union All'
                   ||' Select gen_object_id        object_id'
                   ||'     ,  5                    object_type'
                   ||' From mtl_mfg_genealogy_lotattr_v'
                   ||' Where primary_item_id = '||g_inventory_item_id
                   ||'   and organization_id = '||g_organization_id
                   ||'   and wip_entity_name = '||p_wip_entity_name
                   ||' Union All'
Line: 406

     l_main_query := ' Select we.gen_object_id     object_id'
                   ||'     ,  5                    object_type'
                   ||'     ,  mln.lot_number       lot_number'
                   ||' From wip_entities  we'
                   ||'   ,  mtl_lot_numbers mln'
                   ||' Where we.primary_item_id = '||g_inventory_item_id
                   ||'   and we.organization_id = '||g_organization_id
                   ||'   and we.organization_id = mln.organization_id'
                   ||'   and mln.inventory_item_id = we.primary_item_id'
                   ||'   and mln.lot_number = '||''''||p_lot_number||''''
                   ||'   and we.wip_entity_name = '||''''||p_wip_entity_name||''''
Line: 422

     l_main_query := ' Select we.gen_object_id     object_id'
                   ||'     ,  5                    object_type'
                   ||'     ,  lot_number           lot_number'
                   ||' From mtl_serial_numbers msn '
                   ||'    , wip_entities       we '
                   ||' Where msn.serial_number = '||''''|| p_serial_number||''''
                   ||'   and we.wip_entity_name = '||''''||p_wip_entity_name||''''
                   --||'   and we.wip_entity_id = msn.wip_entity_id '
                   ||'   and we.primary_item_id = msn.inventory_item_id '
Line: 436

     l_main_query := ' Select we.gen_object_id     object_id'
                   ||'     ,  5                    object_type'
                   ||'     ,  lot_number           lot_number'
                   ||' From mtl_serial_numbers msn '
                   ||'    , wip_entities       we '
                   ||' Where msn.serial_number = '||''''|| p_serial_number||''''
                   ||'   and we.wip_entity_name = '||''''||p_wip_entity_name||''''
                   ||'   and msn.lot_number = '||''''||p_lot_number||''''
                   ||'   and we.primary_item_id = msn.inventory_item_id '
Line: 456

           Select gen_object_id
             ,    1
           Into l_object_id2
             ,  l_object_type2
           From mtl_lot_numbers
           Where lot_number = l_current_lot_number
           and   organization_id = g_organization_id
           and   inventory_item_id = g_inventory_item_id;
Line: 511

     SELECT mp.organization_id
       ,   hou.NAME
    FROM mtl_parameters mp
       , hr_organization_units hou
   WHERE mp.organization_code = p_organization_code
     AND hou.organization_id = mp.organization_id;
Line: 519

     Select meaning
     From mfg_lookups
     where lookup_type='INV_REPORT_GENEALOGY_TYPE'
       and lookup_code = g_genealogy_type;
Line: 655

    SELECT wip_entity_name
       ,   entity_type
       ,   organization_id
       ,   wip_entity_id
       ,   primary_item_id
      FROM wip_entities
     WHERE gen_object_id = l_object_id
Line: 664

Select 1
From gme_batch_header_vw
Where batch_id = l_wip_entity_id;
Line: 678

    SELECT mp.organization_code
         , hou.NAME
         , mln.organization_id
      INTO l_current_org_code
         , l_current_org_desc
         , l_current_org_id
      FROM mtl_parameters mp
         , hr_organization_units hou
         , mtl_lot_numbers mln
     WHERE mln.gen_object_id = l_object_id
       AND mp.organization_id = mln.organization_id
       AND hou.organization_id = mln.organization_id;
Line: 691

    SELECT mp.organization_code
         , hou.NAME
         , msn.current_organization_id
      INTO l_current_org_code
         , l_current_org_desc
         , l_current_org_id
      FROM mtl_parameters mp
         , hr_organization_units hou
         , mtl_serial_numbers msn
     WHERE msn.gen_object_id = l_object_id
       AND mp.organization_id = msn.current_organization_id
       AND hou.organization_id = msn.current_organization_id;
Line: 783

    SELECT wip_entity_name
       ,   entity_type
       ,   organization_id
       ,   wip_entity_id
       ,   primary_item_id
      INTO l_wip_entity_name
        ,  l_wip_entity_type
        ,  l_current_org_id
        ,  l_wip_entity_id
        ,  l_inventory_item_id
      FROM wip_entities
     WHERE wip_entity_id = l_object_id;
Line: 952

Select shelf_life_days
  ,    concatenated_segments
  ,    description
  ,    retest_interval
  ,    DECODE(tracking_quantity_ind,'PS',secondary_uom_code) secondary_uom_code --Bug#5436402
from mtl_system_items_kfv
where inventory_item_id= p_item_info_rec.inventory_item_id
  and organization_id = g_organization_id;
Line: 988

select parent_lot_number
   ,   grade_code
   ,   retest_date
   ,   expiration_date
   ,   hold_date
   ,   vendor_name
   ,   origination_date
   ,   sampling_event_id
From mtl_lot_numbers
where lot_number = p_lot_attributes_rec.lot_number
and   organization_id = p_lot_attributes_rec.organization_id
and   inventory_item_id = p_lot_attributes_rec.inventory_item_id;
Line: 1002

Select origin_txn_id
From mtl_object_genealogy
Where object_id = p_lot_attributes_rec.object_id;
Line: 1006

Select transaction_source_name
From mtl_material_transactions
Where transaction_id = l_orig_txn_id;
Line: 1015

Select meaning
From mfg_lookups
Where lookup_type = 'MTL_TRANSACTION_ACTION'
and   lookup_code = l_txn_action_id;
Line: 1022

Select transaction_id
     , transaction_source_name
     , transaction_source
     , transaction_date
     , transaction_uom
     , transaction_quantity
     , transaction_type_id
     , trading_partner
From mtl_transaction_details_v
Where object_id = p_lot_attributes_rec.object_id
Order by transaction_date asc;
Line: 1035

Select mtt.transaction_type_name
From mtl_transaction_types mtt
Where mtt.transaction_type_id = l_txn_type_id;
Line: 1098

select current_status_name
  ,    completion_date
  ,    ship_date
  ,    original_wip_entity_id
  ,    inventory_item_id
  ,    operation_seq_num
  ,    intraoperation_step_type
  ,    lot_number
from mtl_serial_numbers_all_v
where serial_number = p_serial_attributes_rec.serial_number
  and gen_object_id = p_serial_attributes_rec.object_id;
Line: 1111

select we.wip_entity_name
from wip_entities we
where we.wip_entity_id = p_serial_attributes_rec.wip_entity_id
Line: 1117

SELECT meaning
FROM   mfg_lookups
and    lookup_code = p_serial_attributes_rec.intraoperation_step_type;
Line: 1173

l_select                        VARCHAR2(1000);
Line: 1182

Select  item_number
    ,   item_description
    ,   batch_status
    ,   status_type
    ,   organization_code
    ,   organization_name
    ,   work_order_type
    ,   wip_entity_name
    ,   date_released
    ,   date_completed
from mtl_work_order_header_v
where wip_entity_id = p_work_order_header_rec.wip_entity_id
Line: 1196

select  item_number
     ,  item_description
     ,  start_quantity
     ,  quantity_remaining
     ,  quantity_scrapped
     ,  quantity_completed
     ,  uom
from wsm_wip_genealogy_lotattr_v
where wip_entity_id = p_work_order_header_rec.wip_entity_id
Line: 1207

select  item_number
     ,  item_description
     ,  start_quantity
     ,  quantity_remaining
     ,  quantity_scrapped
     ,  quantity_completed
     ,  uom
from mtl_mfg_genealogy_lotattr_v
where wip_entity_id = p_work_order_header_rec.wip_entity_id
Line: 1257

  l_select := 'select  item_number'
           ||'  ,  item_description'
           ||'  ,  start_quantity'
           ||'  ,  quantity_remaining'
           ||'  ,  quantity_scrapped'
           ||'  ,  quantity_completed'
           ||'  ,  uom'
Line: 1274

  l_query := l_select||l_from||l_where;
Line: 1313

l_select                        VARCHAR2(1000);
Line: 1324

   , organization_code
   , transaction_source_name
   , transaction_type_id
   , transaction_source                   -- document?
   , transaction_quantity
   , transaction_uom
   , secondary_quantity
   , subinventory_code
   , locator_id
   , source_line_id
   , project
   , task
   , lpn_number
   , transfer_lpn_number
   , content_lpn_number
from mtl_transaction_details_v
where object_id = p_material_txn_rec.object_id
  and object_type = p_material_txn_rec.object_type
  and organization_id = p_material_txn_rec.current_org_id
Line: 1348

   , organization_code
   , transaction_source_name
   , transaction_type_id
   , source_code                   -- document?
   , transaction_quantity
   , transaction_uom
   , secondary_quantity
   , subinventory_code
   , locator_id
   , source_line_id
   , project
   , task
   , lpn_number
   , transfer_lpn_number
   , content_lpn_number
from wsm_inv_txns_wip_lots_v
where object_id = p_material_txn_rec.object_id
  and object_type = p_material_txn_rec.object_type
  and organization_id = p_material_txn_rec.current_org_id
Line: 1372

   , organization_code
   , transaction_source_name
   , transaction_type_id
   , source_code                   -- document?
   , transaction_quantity
   , transaction_uom
   , secondary_quantity
   , subinventory_code
   , locator_id
   , source_line_id
   , project
   , task
   , lpn_number
   , transfer_lpn_number
   , content_lpn_number
from mtl_inv_txns_mfg_lots_v
where object_id = p_material_txn_rec.object_id
  and object_type = p_material_txn_rec.object_type
  and organization_id = p_material_txn_rec.current_org_id
Line: 1398

  l_select := 'select'
             ||'   transaction_date'
             ||' , organization_code'
             ||' , transaction_source_name'
             ||' , transaction_source'
             ||' , transaction_type_id'
             ||' , source_code'
             ||' , transaction_quantity'
             ||' , transaction_uom'
             ||' , secondary_quantity'
             ||' , subinventory_code'
             ||' , locator_id'
             ||' , source_line_id'
             ||' , project'
             ||' , task'
             ||' , lpn_number'
             ||' , transfer_lpn_number'
             ||' , content_lpn_number'
             --Bug#5436511 Added grade_code column to the select statement.
             ||' , grade_code'
Line: 1431

  l_query := l_select||l_from||l_where||l_order_by;
Line: 1471

        SELECT ml.meaning
             into p_material_txn_rec.TRANSACTION_TYPE
             from wsm_lot_split_merges wlsm
                , mfg_lookups ml
        where wlsm.transaction_id= l_source_line_id
        and ml.lookup_type='WSM_INV_LOT_TXN_TYPE'
        and ml.lookup_code=wlsm.transaction_type_id;
Line: 1479

       select mtt.transaction_type_name
       into p_material_txn_rec.transaction_type
       where mtt.transaction_type_id = l_transaction_type_id;
Line: 1517

l_select                        VARCHAR2(1000);
Line: 1528

   , organization_code
   , transaction_source_name
   , transaction_type_id
   , source_code                   -- document?
   , transaction_quantity
   , transaction_uom
   , secondary_quantity
   , subinventory_code
   , locator_id
   , source_line_id
   , project
   , task
   , lpn_number
   , transfer_lpn_number
   , content_lpn_number
   , transaction_status
from mtl_pending_txn_details_v
where object_id = p_pending_txn_rec.object_id
  and object_type = p_pending_txn_rec.object_type
  and organization_id = p_pending_txn_rec.current_org_id
Line: 1553

   , organization_code
   , transaction_source_name
   , transaction_type_id
   , source_code                   -- document?
   , transaction_quantity
   , transaction_uom
   , secondary_quantity
   , subinventory_code
   , locator_id
   , source_line_id
   , project
   , task
   , lpn_number
   , transfer_lpn_number
   , content_lpn_number
   , transaction_status
from mtl_pending_txns_mfg_lots_v
where object_id = p_pending_txn_rec.object_id
  and object_type = p_pending_txn_rec.object_type
  and organization_id = p_pending_txn_rec.current_org_id
Line: 1579

  l_select := 'select transaction_date '
            ||'  , organization_code'
            ||'  , transaction_source_name'
            ||'  , transaction_type_id'
            ||'  , source_code'
            ||'  , transaction_quantity'
            ||'  , transaction_uom'
            ||'  , secondary_quantity'
            ||'  , subinventory_code'
            ||'  , locator_id'
            ||'  , source_line_id'
            ||'  , project'
            ||'  , task'
            ||'  , lpn_number'
            ||'  , transfer_lpn_number'
            ||'  , content_lpn_number'
            ||'  , transaction_status'
Line: 1608

  l_query := l_select||l_from||l_where||l_order_by;
Line: 1646

        SELECT ml.meaning
             into p_pending_txn_rec.TRANSACTION_TYPE
             from wsm_lot_split_merges wlsm
                , mfg_lookups ml
        where wlsm.transaction_id= l_source_line_id
        and ml.lookup_type='WSM_INV_LOT_TXN_TYPE'
        and ml.lookup_code=wlsm.transaction_type_id;
Line: 1654

       select mtt.transaction_type_name
       into p_pending_txn_rec.transaction_type
       where mtt.transaction_type_id = l_transaction_type_id;
Line: 1696

l_select                        VARCHAR2(1000);
Line: 1705

select organization_code
   ,   transaction_date
   ,   item_number
   ,   item_type
   ,   lot_number
   ,   primary_quantity
   ,   primary_uom_code
   ,   secondary_quantity
   ,   secondary_uom_code
   ,   subinventory_code
   ,   locator_id
   ,   grade_code
   ,   serial_number
from mtl_mfg_products_v
where comp_item_id = p_product_rec.inventory_item_id
  and organization_id = p_product_rec.current_org_id
  and DECODE(comp_lot_number,NULL, '%%$#', comp_lot_number)
           = DECODE( p_product_rec.comp_lot_number, NULL, '%%$#', p_product_rec.comp_lot_number) --bug#14027562
  and DECODE(comp_serial_number, NULL, '%%##', comp_serial_number)
           = DECODE(p_product_rec.comp_serial_number, NULL, '%%##', p_product_rec.comp_serial_number) --bug#14027562
Line: 1748

     /*Bug#5436402 The selection from view mtl_mfg_products_v fetches secondary uom irrespeive of tracking id.
       if the item is not tracked in Primary and Secondary then we should not display sec qty and sec uom*/
     IF g_tracking_quantity_ind <> 'PS' THEN
       p_product_rec.secondary_quantity := NULL;
Line: 1785

select organization_code
   ,   transaction_date
   ,   item_number
   ,   lot_number
   ,   primary_quantity
   ,   primary_uom_code
   ,   secondary_quantity
   ,   secondary_uom_code
   ,   subinventory_code
   ,   locator_id
   ,   grade_code
   ,   serial_number
   ,   wip_entity_name
from mtl_mfg_components_v
where product_item_id = p_component_rec.inventory_item_id
  AND DECODE(product_lot_number,NULL, '%%$#', product_lot_number)
           = DECODE( p_component_rec.product_lot_number, NULL, '%%$#', p_component_rec.product_lot_number)
  AND DECODE(product_serial_number, NULL, '%%##', product_serial_number)
           = DECODE(p_component_rec.product_serial_number, NULL, '%%##', p_component_rec.product_serial_number)
  ORDER BY transaction_date DESC
Line: 1827

     /*Bug#5436402 The selection from view mtl_mfg_components_v fetches secondary uom irrespeive of tracking ind.
       if the item is not tracked in Primary and Secondary then we should not display sec qty and sec uom*/
     IF g_tracking_quantity_ind <> 'PS' THEN
       p_component_rec.secondary_quantity := NULL;
Line: 1868

Select name
   ,   description
   ,   plan_type_description
from mtl_genealogy_qa_data
where (item_id = p_quality_collections_rec.inventory_item_id)
    or comp_item_id = p_quality_collections_rec.inventory_item_id))
   and lot_number = decode(p_quality_collections_rec.lot_number, null,'%%XX', p_quality_collections_rec.lot_number)
     or comp_lot_number = decode(p_quality_collections_rec.lot_number, null,'%%XX', p_quality_collections_rec.lot_number))
   and serial_number = decode(p_quality_collections_rec.serial_number, null,'%%XX', p_quality_collections_rec.serial_number)
     or comp_serial_number = decode(p_quality_collections_rec.serial_number, null,'%%XX', p_quality_collections_rec.serial_number))
   and decode(wip_entity_id, null,'%%XX', wip_entity_id)
           = decode(p_quality_collections_rec.wip_entity_id, null,'%%XX', p_quality_collections_rec.wip_entity_id)
Line: 1889

  l_query :=     ' Select name '
           || ',   description'
           || ',   plan_type_description'
           || '    from mtl_genealogy_qa_data   '
Line: 1951

l_select                        VARCHAR2(1000);
Line: 1962

select sample_no
   ,   sample_desc
   ,   date_drawn
   ,   source
   ,   lot_number
   ,   subinventory
   ,   sample_qty
   ,   sample_qty_uom
   ,   locator_id
from gmd_samples
where inventory_item_id = p_quality_samples_rec.inventory_item_id
  and   organization_id = p_quality_samples_rec.current_org_id
  and   decode(lot_number, NULL, '%%$#', lot_number) = decode(p_quality_samples_rec.lot, NULL, '%%$#',p_quality_samples_rec.lot)
Line: 1978

select count(*)
from gmd_samples
where inventory_item_id = p_quality_samples_rec.inventory_item_id
  and   organization_id = p_quality_samples_rec.current_org_id
  and   decode(lot_number, NULL, '%%$#', lot_number) = decode(p_quality_samples_rec.lot, NULL, '%%$#',p_quality_samples_rec.lot)
Line: 1986

SELECT mp.organization_code
FROM mtl_parameters mp
WHERE mp.organization_id = p_quality_samples_rec.current_org_id
Line: 1992

select sample_no
   ,   sample_desc
   ,   date_drawn
   ,   source
   ,   lot_number
   ,   subinventory
   ,   sample_qty
   ,   sample_qty_uom
   ,   locator_id
from gmd_samples
where inventory_item_id = p_quality_samples_rec.inventory_item_id
  and   organization_id = p_quality_samples_rec.current_org_id
  and   decode(lot_number, NULL, '%%$#', lot_number) = decode(p_quality_samples_rec.parent_lot, NULL, '%%$#',p_quality_samples_rec.parent_lot)
Line: 2008

select count(*)
from gmd_samples
where inventory_item_id = p_quality_samples_rec.inventory_item_id
  and   organization_id = p_quality_samples_rec.current_org_id
  and   decode(lot_number, NULL, '%%$#', lot_number) = decode(p_quality_samples_rec.parent_lot, NULL, '%%$#',p_quality_samples_rec.parent_lot)
Line: 2016

select sample_no
   ,   sample_desc
   ,   date_drawn
   ,   source
   ,   lot_number
   ,   subinventory
   ,   sample_qty
   ,   sample_qty_uom
   ,   locator_id
from gmd_samples
where sampling_event_id = p_quality_samples_rec.sampling_event_id
Line: 2033

select   l.meaning
  from gem_lookups l,
       gmd_sample_spec_disp ssd,
       gmd_event_spec_disp esd,
       gmd_sampling_events se
where  l.lookup_code          = ssd.disposition
   and l.lookup_type          = 'GMD_QC_SAMPLE_DISP'
   and esd.event_spec_disp_id = ssd.event_spec_disp_id
   and ssd.sample_id          = p_sample_id
   and esd.spec_used_for_lot_attrib_ind = 'Y'
   and se.sampling_Event_id = esd.sampling_event_id;
Line: 2046

Select meaning
From gem_lookups
Where lookup_type = 'GMD_QC_SOURCE'
And lookup_code = l_sample_source;
Line: 2055

  l_select := 'select sample_id'
            ||'  ,   sample_no'
            ||'  ,   sample_desc'
            ||'  ,   date_drawn'
            ||'  ,   source'
            ||'  ,   lot_number'
            ||'  ,   subinventory'
            ||'  ,   sample_qty'
            ||'  ,   sample_qty_uom'
            ||'  ,   locator_id'
Line: 2097

  l_query := l_select||l_from||l_where;
Line: 2157

select *
from wsm_wip_lot_txns_v
Where object_id = p_lotbased_wip_txn_rec.object_id;
Line: 2165

Select concatenated_segments
from mtl_system_items_kfv
Where inventory_item_id = p_item_id
   and organization_id = p_organization_id
Line: 2179

     Select user_name
     into l_user_name
     From fnd_user
     Where user_id = p_lotbased_wip_txn_rec.created_by
Line: 2224

select transaction_date
  ,    wip_entity_name
  ,    fm_operation_seq_num
  ,    fm_operation_code
  ,    fm_department_code
  ,    fm_intraoperation_step_meaning
  ,    to_operation_seq_num
  ,    to_operation_code
  ,    to_department_code
  ,    to_intraoperation_step_meaning
  ,    transaction_uom
  ,    transaction_quantity
  ,    primary_uom
  ,    primary_quantity
  ,    overcompletion_transaction_qty
  ,    overcompletion_primary_qty
from wip_move_transactions_v
Where wip_entity_id = p_move_txn_rec.wip_entity_id
  and organization_id = p_move_txn_rec.organization_id;
Line: 2248

Select concatenated_segments
from mtl_system_items_kfv
Where inventory_item_id = p_item_id
   and organization_id = p_organization_id
Line: 2310

select date_stamp
    ,  action
    ,  old_value
    ,  new_value
    ,  primary_quantity
    ,  secondary_quantity
    ,  change_reason
    ,  user_id
from mtl_grd_sts_history_v
where inventory_item_id = p_grade_status_rec.inventory_item_id
  and organization_id = p_grade_status_rec.current_org_id
  and lot_number      = p_grade_status_rec.lot_number
Line: 2339

     Select user_name
     into p_grade_status_rec.user
     From fnd_user
     Where user_id = l_user_id;
Line: 2383

SELECT object_id
  ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(object_id, object_type, object_id2, object_type2)
FROM mtl_object_genealogy
WHERE parent_object_id = l_object_id
Line: 2452

SELECT object_id
  ,    object_type
  ,    object_id2
  ,    object_type2
  ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(object_id, object_type, object_id2, object_type2)
FROM mtl_object_genealogy
WHERE (end_date_active IS NULL OR end_date_active >= SYSDATE)
     CONNECT BY PRIOR object_id = parent_object_id
     START WITH (parent_object_id2 IS NULL OR parent_object_id2 = l_object_id2)
              AND parent_object_id = l_object_id
Line: 2480

     l_query       := ' SELECT object_id '
                    ||'   ,    object_type'
                    ||'   ,    object_id2'
                    ||'   ,    object_type2'
                    ||'   ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(object_id, object_type, object_id2, object_type2)'
                    ||'   FROM mtl_object_genealogy'
                    ||'   WHERE (end_date_active IS NULL OR end_date_active >= SYSDATE)'
                    ||'         and decode(parent_object_id2,null, -9999, parent_object_id2) = '||l_fake_object_id2
                    ||'         AND parent_object_id = '||l_object_id
                    --||'      CONNECT BY PRIOR object_id = parent_object_id'
                    --||'      START WITH decode(parent_object_id2,null, -9999, parent_object_id2) = '||l_fake_object_id2
                    --||'               AND parent_object_id = '||l_object_id
Line: 2500

     l_query        :=  'SELECT object_id '
                   ||'     , object_type '
                   ||'     , object_id2 '
                   ||'     , object_type2 '
                   ||'     , inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(object_id, object_type, object_id2, object_type2)'
                   ||'  FROM mtl_object_genealogy '
                   ||' WHERE parent_object_id = '||l_object_id
                   ||'   AND(end_date_active IS NULL '
                   ||'       OR TRUNC(end_date_active) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)) '
Line: 2576

SELECT object_id
  ,    object_type
  ,    object_id2
  ,    object_type2
  ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(object_id, object_type, object_id2, object_type2)
FROM mtl_object_genealogy
WHERE parent_object_id = l_object_id
Line: 2605

     l_query       := ' SELECT object_id '
                    ||'   ,    object_type'
                    ||'   ,    object_id2'
                    ||'   ,    object_type2'
                    ||'   ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(object_id, object_type, object_id2, object_type2)'
                    ||'   FROM mtl_object_genealogy'
                    ||'   WHERE (end_date_active IS NULL OR end_date_active >= SYSDATE)'
                    ||'        and decode(parent_object_id2,null, -9999, parent_object_id2) = '||l_fake_object_id2
                    ||'        AND parent_object_id = '||l_object_id
                    --||'      CONNECT BY PRIOR object_id = parent_object_id'
                    --||'      START WITH decode(parent_object_id2,null, -9999, parent_object_id2) = '||l_fake_object_id2
                    --||'               AND parent_object_id = '||l_object_id
Line: 2624

     l_query        :=  'SELECT object_id '
                   ||'     , object_type '
                   ||'     , object_id2 '
                   ||'     , object_type2 '
                   ||'     , inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(object_id, object_type, object_id2, object_type2)'
                   ||'  FROM mtl_object_genealogy '
                   ||' WHERE parent_object_id = '||l_object_id
                   ||'   AND(end_date_active IS NULL '
                   ||'       OR TRUNC(end_date_active) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)) '
Line: 2734

SELECT parent_object_id
  ,    parent_object_type
  ,    parent_object_id2
  ,    parent_object_type2
  ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(parent_object_id, parent_object_type, parent_object_id2, parent_object_type2)
FROM mtl_object_genealogy
WHERE object_id = l_parent_object_id
Line: 2761

     l_query       := ' SELECT parent_object_id '
                    ||'   ,    parent_object_type'
                    ||'   ,    parent_object_id2'
                    ||'   ,    parent_object_type2'
                    ||'   ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(parent_object_id, parent_object_type, parent_object_id2, parent_object_type2)'
                    ||'   FROM mtl_object_genealogy'
                    ||'   WHERE (end_date_active IS NULL OR end_date_active >= SYSDATE)'
                    ||'         and decode(object_id2,null, -9999, object_id2) = '||l_fake_object_id2
                    ||'         AND object_id = '||l_parent_object_id
                    --||'      CONNECT BY object_id = PRIOR parent_object_id '
                    --||'      START WITH decode(object_id2,null, -9999, object_id2) = '||l_fake_object_id2
                    --||'               AND object_id = '||l_parent_object_id
Line: 2780

     l_query        := ' SELECT parent_object_id '
                     ||'      , parent_object_type '
                     ||'      , parent_object_id2 '
                     ||'      , parent_object_type2 '
                     ||'   ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(parent_object_id, parent_object_type, parent_object_id2, parent_object_type2)'
                     ||'  FROM mtl_object_genealogy '
                     ||'   WHERE object_id = '||l_parent_object_id
                     ||'   AND(end_date_active IS NULL '
                     ||'      OR TRUNC(end_date_active) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)) '
Line: 2868

     l_query       := ' SELECT parent_object_id '
                    ||'   ,    parent_object_type'
                    ||'   ,    parent_object_id2'
                    ||'   ,    parent_object_type2'
                    ||'   ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(parent_object_id, parent_object_type, parent_object_id2, parent_object_type2)'
                    ||'   FROM mtl_object_genealogy'
                    ||'   WHERE (end_date_active IS NULL OR end_date_active >= SYSDATE)'
                    ||'        and decode(object_id2,null, -9999, object_id2) = '||l_fake_object_id2
                    ||'        AND object_id = '||l_object_id
                    --||'      CONNECT BY object_id = PRIOR parent_object_id '
                    --||'      START WITH decode(object_id2,null, -9999, object_id2) = '||l_fake_object_id2
                    --||'               AND object_id = '||l_object_id
Line: 2887

     l_query        := ' SELECT parent_object_id '
                     ||'      , parent_object_type '
                     ||'      , parent_object_id2 '
                     ||'      , parent_object_type2 '
                     ||'   ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(parent_object_id, parent_object_type, parent_object_id2, parent_object_type2)'
                     ||'  FROM mtl_object_genealogy '
                     ||'   WHERE object_id = '||l_object_id
                     ||'   AND(end_date_active IS NULL '
                     ||'      OR TRUNC(end_date_active) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)) '
Line: 2899

  l_query       := ' SELECT parent_object_id '
                 ||'   ,    parent_object_type'
                 ||'   ,    parent_object_id2'
                 ||'   ,    parent_object_type2'
                 ||'   ,    inv_object_genealogy.getobjectnumber(parent_object_id, parent_object_type, parent_object_id2, parent_object_type2)'
                 ||'   FROM mtl_object_genealogy'
                 ||'   WHERE (end_date_active IS NULL OR end_date_active >= SYSDATE)'
                 ||'      CONNECT BY object_id = PRIOR parent_object_id '
                 ||'      START WITH decode(object_id2,null, -9999, object_id2) = '||l_fake_object_id2
                 ||'               AND object_id = '||l_parent_object_id
Line: 3061

      Select 1
      From wip_entities wip
         , gme_batch_header_vw gme
      Where wip.gen_object_id = p_object_id
      and wip.entity_type in (9, 10)
      and wip.wip_entity_id = gme.batch_id;
Line: 3068

      Select 1
      From mtl_parameters
      Where organization_id = g_organization_id
      and process_enabled_flag= 'Y';