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1 package body pa_purge_extn as
2 /* $Header: PAXAPPXB.pls 120.1 2005/08/19 17:08:20 mwasowic noship $ */
3 -- forward declarations
5     l_commit_size     NUMBER ;
7 -- Start of comments
8 -- API name         : pa_purge_client_extn
9 -- Type             : Public
10 -- Pre-reqs         : None
11 -- Function         : This procedure is the client extension that is called
12 --                    from the main purge procedure. Custom code can be added
13 --                    to this procedure to purge custom tables.
14 --
15 -- Parameters       : p_purge_batch_id			IN     NUMBER
16 --                              The purge batch id for which rows have
17 --                              to be purged/archived.
18 --		      p_project_Id			IN     NUMBER,
19 --                              The project id for which records have
20 --                              to be purged/archived.
21 --		      p_Purge_Release			IN OUT VARCHAR2,
22 --                              The version of the application on which the
23 --                              purge process is run.
24 --		      p_Txn_Through_Date		IN     DATE,
25 --                              If the purging is being done on projects
26 --                              that are active then this parameter
27 --                              determines the date through which the
28 --                              transactions need to be purged.
29 --		      p_Archive_Flag			IN OUT VARCHAR2,
30 --                              This flag determines if the records need to
31 --                              be archived before they are purged. When the
32 --                              main procedure calls the client extension,
33 --                              this flag is passed a value of 'Y' if actuals
34 --                              are being archived, 'N' if actuals are not
35 --                              being archived
36 --		      p_Calling_Place			IN OUT VARCHAR2,
37 --                              This parameter will have a value of BEFORE_PURGE
38 --                              when the client extension is called at the start
39 --                              of the purge process and AFTER_PURGE when the
40 --                              client extension is called at the end of the
41 --                              purge process
42 --		      p_Commit_Size			IN     NUMBER,
43 --                              The number of records that can be allowed to
44 --                              remain uncommitted. If the number of records
45 --                              goes beyond this number then the process is
46 --                              commited.
47 --		      X_Err_Stack			IN OUT VARCHAR2,
48 --                              Error stack
49 --		      X_Err_Stage		        IN OUT VARCHAR2,
50 --                              Stage in the procedure where error occurred
51 --		      X_Err_Code		        IN OUT NUMBER
52 --                              Error code returned from the procedure
53 --
54 -- Note : The parameter p_txn_through_date includes transactions through
55 --        a given date. However, the archive/purge code and tables refer
56 --        to this parameter as txn_to_date
57 --
58 --
59 -- End of comments
61 procedure pa_purge_client_extn  ( p_purge_batch_id                 in NUMBER,
62                                    p_project_id                     in NUMBER,
63                                    p_purge_release                  in VARCHAR2,
64                                    p_txn_through_date               in DATE,
65                                    p_archive_flag                   in VARCHAR2,
66                                    p_calling_place                  in VARCHAR2,
67                                    p_commit_size                    in NUMBER,
68                                    x_err_stack                      in OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
69                                    x_err_stage                      in OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2, --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
70                                    x_err_code                       in OUT NOCOPY NUMBER ) is --File.Sql.39 bug 4440895
72       l_old_err_stack        VARCHAR2(2000);
73       l_err_stage            VARCHAR2(500);
74       l_err_stack            VARCHAR2(500);
75       l_no_records_del       NUMBER ;
76       l_no_records_ins       NUMBER ;
80  --        l_old_err_stack := x_err_stack;
81  --
82  --        x_err_stack := x_err_stack || ' ->Before call to purge the data ';
83  --        -- Call the procedure to delete custom table data
84  --
85       if p_calling_place = 'BEFORE_PURGE' then
87  --     Call the procedure to purge the respective tables one after the
88  --     other. This section of the code is called before any of the main
89  --     tables are purged in the current run.
90  --
91  --    Note : The p_archive_purge flag determines if the records need to
92  --           be archived before they are purged. This flag is passed a default
93  --           value of 'Y' by the calling procedure if actuals are being
94  --           archived, 'N' if actuals are not being archived
95  --           The value can be changed before calling the <CUST_PROCEDURE>
96  --
97  --
98  --        pa_debug.debug('*-> About to purge Extn data ') ;
99  --        pa_purge_extn.<CUST_PROCEDURE>(p_purge_batch_id   => p_purge_batch_id,
100  --                                       p_project_id       => p_project_id,
101  --                                       p_txn_through_date => p_txn_through_date,
102  --                                       p_purge_release    => p_purge_release,
103  --                                       p_archive_flag     => p_archive_flag,
104  --                                       p_commit_size      => p_commit_size,
105  --                                       x_err_code         => x_err_code,
106  --                                       x_err_stack        => x_err_stack,
107  --                                       x_err_stage        => x_err_stage
108  --                                      ) ;
109  --
110            NULL ;
111       else
112  --     Call the procedure to purge the respective tables one after the
113  --     other. This section of the code is called after all the main
114  --     tables are purged in the current run.
115  --
116  --        pa_debug.debug('*-> About to purge extn data ') ;
117  --        pa_purge_extn.<CUST_PROCEDURE>(p_purge_batch_id   => p_purge_batch_id,
118  --                                       p_project_id       => p_project_id,
119  --                                       p_txn_through_date => p_txn_through_date,
120  --                                       p_purge_release    => p_purge_release,
121  --                                       p_archive_flag     => p_archive_flag,
122  --                                       p_commit_size      => p_commit_size,
123  --                                       x_err_code         => x_err_code,
124  --                                       x_err_stack        => x_err_stack,
125  --                                       x_err_stage        => x_err_stage
126  --                                      ) ;
127  --
128            NULL ;
130       end if;
132          NULL ;
135   WHEN PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.PA_Arch_Pur_Subroutine_Error then
136        RAISE PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.PA_Arch_Pur_Subroutine_Error ;
139     x_err_stage := l_err_stage ;
140     pa_debug.debug('Error Procedure Name  := PA_PURGE_EXTN.PA_PURGE_CLIENT_EXTN' );
141     pa_debug.debug('Error stage is '||l_err_stage );
142     pa_debug.debug('Error stack is '||l_err_stack );
143     pa_debug.debug(SQLERRM);
144     PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.g_sqlerrm := SQLERRM ;
146     RAISE PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.PA_Arch_Pur_Subroutine_Error ;
149  END pa_purge_client_extn ;
151 -- Start of comments
152 -- API name         : <CUST_PROCEDURE>
153 -- Type             : Public
154 -- Pre-reqs         : None
155 -- Function         : This procedure purges all the records from <CUST_TABLE>
156 --
157 -- Parameters       : Refer to the comments of the previous procedure
158 --
159 -- End of comments
161 -- procedure <CUST_PROCEDURE> ( p_purge_batch_id         IN NUMBER,
162 --                              p_project_id             IN NUMBER,
163 --                              p_txn_through_date       IN DATE,
164 --                              p_purge_release          IN VARCHAR2,
165 --                              p_archive_flag           IN VARCHAR2,
166 --                              p_commit_size            IN NUMBER,
167 --                              x_err_code           IN OUT NUMBER,
168 --                              x_err_stack          IN OUT VARCHAR2,
169 --                              x_err_stage          IN OUT VARCHAR2
170 --                            )    is
171 --
172 --     l_old_err_stage         VARCHAR2(2000);
173 --     l_old_err_stack         VARCHAR2(2000);
174 --     l_NoOfRecordsIns        NUMBER;
175 --     l_NoOfRecordsDel        NUMBER;
176 --     l_NoOfRecsPrced         NUMBER;
177 -- begin
178 --
179 --     l_old_err_stack := x_err_stack;
180 --
181 --     x_err_stack := x_err_stack || ' ->Before insert into <CUST_TABLE_AR>' ;
182 --     LOOP
183 --             if p_archive_flag = 'Y' then
184 --                     -- If archive option is selected then the records are
185 --                     -- inserted into the archived into the archive tables
186 --                     -- before being purged. The where condition is such that
187 --                     -- it inserts half the no. of records specified
188 --                     -- in the commit size.
189 --
190 --                     l_commit_size := p_commit_size / 2 ;
191 --                     insert into <CUSTOM_TABLE>_AR
192 --                        (
193 --                          expenditure_item_id,
194 --                          line_number,
195 --                          last_update_date,
196 --                          last_updated_by,
197 --                          creation_date,
198 --                          created_by,
199 --                          last_update_login,
200 --                          request_id,
201 --                          program_id,
202 --                          program_application_id,
203 --                          program_update_date ,
204 --                          purge_batch_id,
205 --                          purge_release,
206 --                          purge_project_id
207 --                        )
208 --                       select eX.expenditure_item_id,
209 --                              eX.line_number
210 --                              eX.last_update_date,
211 --                              eX.last_updated_by,
212 --                              eX.creation_date,
213 --                              eX.created_by,
214 --                              eX.last_update_login,
215 --                              eX.request_id,
216 --                              eX.program_id,
217 --                              eX.program_application_id,
218 --                              eX.program_update_date,
219 --                              p_purge_batch_id,
220 --                              p_purge_release,
221 --                              p_project_id
222 --                         from <CUSTOM_TABLE> eX
223 --                        where ( eX.rowid )
224 --                                  in ( select eX1.rowid
225 --                                         from pa_tasks t,
226 --                                              pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
227 --                                              <CUSTOM_TABLE> eX1
228 --                                        where ei.expenditure_item_id = eX1.expenditure_item_id
229 --                                        and (p_txn_through_date  is null
230 --                                        or  trunc(ei.expenditure_item_date) <= trunc(p_txn_through_date ))
231  --                                       and ei.task_id = t.task_id
232  --                                       and t.project_id = p_project_id
233  --                                       and rownum <= p_commit_size
234  --                                     ) ;
235  --
236  --                     -- Make sure that the custom tables are indexed on
237  --                     -- expenditure_item_id
238  --
239  --                     l_NoOfRecordsIns :=  SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
240  --                     l_NoOfRecsPrced  :=  SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
241  --
242  --
243  --                     if l_NoOfRecsPrced  > 0 then
244  --                          -- We have a separate delete statement if the archive option is
245  --                          -- selected because if archive option is selected the the records
246  --                          -- being purged will be those records which are already archived.
247  --
248  --
249  --                          delete from <CUST_TABLE> eX
250  --                           where ( eX.rowid )
251  --                                       in ( select eX1.rowid
252  --                                              from <CUST_TABLE> eX1,
253  --                                                   <CUST_TABLE>_ar eX2
254  --                                             where eX2.expenditure_item_id = eX1.expenditure_item_id
255  --                                               and eX2.line_number = eX1.line_number
256  --                                               and eX2.purge_project_id = p_project_id
257  --                                          ) ;
258  --                          -- The archive tables should be indexed on the combination
259  --                          -- of the original primary key and purge_project_id. This
260  --                          -- index will improve the performance while purging the
261  --                          -- archived records.
262  --
263  --                          l_NoOfRecordsDel :=  SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
264  --                          l_NoOfRecsPrced  :=  SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
265  --
266  --                     end if;
267  --             else
268  --
269  --                     l_commit_size := p_commit_size ;
270  --
271  --                     -- If the archive option is not selected then the delete will
272  --                     -- be based on the commit size.
273  --
274  --                     delete from <CUST_TABLE> eX
275  --                      where ( eX.rowid )
276  --                                  in ( select eX1.rowid
277  --                                         from pa_tasks t,
278  --                                              pa_expenditure_items_all ei,
279  --                                              <CUST_TABLE> eX1
280  --                                        where ei.expenditure_item_id = eX1.expenditure_item_id
281  --                                          and (p_txn_through_date  is null
282  --                                          or  trunc(ei.expenditure_item_date) <= trunc(p_txn_through_date ))
283  --                                          and ei.task_id = t.task_id
284  --                                          and t.project_id = p_project_id
285  --                                          and rownum <= p_commit_size
286  --                                      ) ;
287  --
288  --                     l_NoOfRecordsDel :=  SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
289  --                     l_NoOfRecsPrced  :=  SQL%ROWCOUNT ;
290  --
291  --             end if ;
292  --
293  --             if l_NoOfRecsPrced = 0 then
294  --
295  --                  -- Once the SqlCount becomes 0, which means that there are
296  --                  -- no more records to be purged then we exit the loop.
297  --
298  --                  exit ;
299  --
300  --             else
301  --                  -- After "deleting" or "deleting and inserting" a set of records
302  --                  -- the transaction is commited. This also creates a record in the
303  --                  -- Pa_Purge_Project_details which will show the number of records
304  --                  -- that are purged from each table.
305  --
306  --                  pa_purge.CommitProcess(p_purge_batch_id,
307  --                                         p_project_id,
308  --                                         '<CUST_TABLE>',
309  --                                         l_NoOfRecordsIns,
310  --                                         l_NoOfRecordsDel,
311  --                                         x_err_code,
312  --                                         x_err_stack,
313  --                                         x_err_stage
314  --                                        ) ;
315  --
316  --             end if ;
317  --     END LOOP ;
318  --
319  --     x_err_stack    := l_old_err_stack ;
320  --
322  --  WHEN PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.PA_Arch_Pur_Subroutine_Error then
323  --       RAISE PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.PA_Arch_Pur_Subroutine_Error ;
324  --
326  --    x_err_stage := l_err_stage ;
327  --    pa_debug.debug('Error Procedure Name  := PA_PURGE_EXTN.<CUST_PROCEDURE>' );
328  --    pa_debug.debug('Error stage is '||l_err_stage );
329  --    pa_debug.debug('Error stack is '||l_err_stack );
330  --    pa_debug.debug(SQLERRM);
331  --    PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.g_sqlerrm := SQLERRM ;
332  --
333  --    RAISE PA_PROJECT_UTILS2.PA_Arch_Pur_Subroutine_Error ;
334  --
335  --
336  -- end <CUST_PROCEDURE> ;
338 END pa_purge_extn;