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1 PACKAGE  jtf_rs_dbi_conc_pub AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: jtfrsdbs.pls 120.0 2005/05/11 08:19:48 appldev noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * Group Hierarchy API for DBI products.
5  * This API contains Group Hierarchy related procedures and functions
6  * which is used by DBI products. This program has Oracle 9i dependency.
7  * @rep:scope internal
8  * @rep:product JTF
9  * @rep:displayname Group Hierarchy API for DBI products
11 */
14 /*#
15  * Populate Sales Group Hierarchy concurrant program
16  * This procedure populates sales group hierarchy data through concurrant program.
17  * @param errbuf Output parameter for error buffer
18  * @param retcode Output parameter for return code
19  * @rep:scope internal
20  * @rep:lifecycle active
21  * @rep:displayname Populate Sales Group Hierarchy concurrant program
22 */
24   /****************************************************************************
25    This is a concurrent program to populate the data that can be accessed via view
26    JTF_RS_DBI_RES_GRP_VL for Sales Group Hierarchy (usage : SALES) in DBI
27    product.
29    This program is exclusively built for DBI product and is NOT included in
30    mainline code of ATG Resource Manager.
32    Created By       nsinghai      16-Jan-2003
33    ***************************************************************************/
35   PROCEDURE  populate_res_grp
36   (ERRBUF                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
37    RETCODE                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
38    ;
40 /*#
41  * Get Sales Group Id
42  * Function to get sales group id. Based on user id, this function will return
43  * a group id in which logged in user is manager or administrator.
44  * @return Group Id
45  * @rep:scope internal
46  * @rep:displayname Get Sales Group Id
47 */
49   /****************************************************************************
50       This function is for providing a common method of fetching the group id
51       for first time login pages. Instead of passing '-1111' to Sales Group
52       Dimension LOV, product teams will call this function which will return
53       them a valid group id. This group id will be used by product teams to
54       query the data rather then querying data for dummy group '-1111'.
55       Internally this function will query for '-1111' and then return the first
56       record. This is for usage : 'SALES'
58    Created By      nsinghai      03-Oct-2003
59    ***************************************************************************/
63 /*#
64  * Populate Field Service District Hierarchy concurrant program
65  * This procedure populates Field Service District hierarchy data through
66  * concurrant program.
67  * @param errbuf Output parameter for error buffer
68  * @param retcode Output parameter for return code
69  * @rep:scope internal
70  * @rep:lifecycle active
71  * @rep:displayname Populate Field Service District Hierarchy concurrant program
72 */
74   /****************************************************************************
75    This is concurrent program to populate the data that can be accessed via view
76    JTF_RS_DBI_RES_GRP_VL for usage 'FLD_SRV_DISTRICT' (Field Service District
77    Hierarchy) in DBI product.
79    This program is exclusively built for DBI product and is NOT included in
80    mainline code of ATG Resource Manager.
82    Created By       nsinghai      01-JUL-2004
83    ***************************************************************************/
85   PROCEDURE  populate_fld_srv_district
86   (ERRBUF                    OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
87    RETCODE                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
88    ;
90 /*#
91  * Populate Group Hierarchy procdure (For Internal Use Only)
92  * This procedure does processing depending on where it is called from.
93  * @param p_usage Input parameter for processing logic
94  * @param p_errbuf Output parameter for error buffer
95  * @param p_retcode Output parameter for return code
96  * @rep:scope internal
97  * @rep:lifecycle active
98  * @rep:displayname Populate Main procedure
99 */
101   /****************************************************************************
102    This is main procedure to populate the data in JTF_RS_DBI_MGR_GROUPS
103    and JTF_RS_DBI_DENORM_RES_GROUPS table so that it can be accessed via view
104    JTF_RS_DBI_RES_GRP_VL for usage 'SALES' (Sales Group Hierarchy) and
105    'FLD_SRV_DISTRICT' (Field Service District Hierarchy) in DBI product.
107    This program is exclusively built for DBI product and is NOT included in
108    mainline code of ATG Resource Manager.
110    Created By       nsinghai      01-JUL-2004
111    ***************************************************************************/
113   PROCEDURE  populate_main
114   (P_USAGE                   IN  VARCHAR2,
115    P_ERRBUF                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
116    P_RETCODE                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
117    ;
119 /*#
120  * Get Field Service District Id
121  * Function to get Field Service District Id. Based on user id, this function
122  * will return a group id in which logged in user is manager or administrator
123  * for Field Service Groups (Usage: 'FLD_SRV_DISTRICT').
124  * @return Group Id
125  * @rep:scope internal
126  * @rep:displayname Get Field Service District Id
127 */
129   /****************************************************************************
130       This function is for providing a common method of fetching the group id
131       for first time login pages. Instead of passing '-1111' to Group Hierarchy
132       Dimension LOV, product teams will call this function which will return
133       them a valid group id. This group id will be used by Field Service team to
134       query the data rather then querying data for dummy group '-1111'.
135       Internally this function will query for '-1111' and then return the first
136       record. This is for Field Service Districts (Usage: 'FLD_SRV_DISTRICT').
138    Created By      nsinghai      01-JUL-2004
139    ***************************************************************************/
141   FUNCTION get_fsg_id RETURN VARCHAR2;
143 /*#
144  * Get First Time Login Group Id
145  * Function to get first Time Login group id. Based on user id and Usage,
146  * this function will return a group id in which logged in user is
147  * manager or administrator. It can be used for all usages.
148  * @param p_include_member_groups Input parameter (Y/N) to check if member groups have to be considered or not
149  * @param p_usage Input parameter (Usage) for fetching group id logic
150  * @return Group Id
151  * @rep:scope internal
152  * @rep:displayname Get First Time Login Group Id
153 */
155   /****************************************************************************
156       This function is for providing a common method of fetching the group id
157       for first time login pages. Instead of passing '-1111' to Sales Group
158       Dimension LOV, product teams will call this function which will return
159       them a valid group id. This group id will be used by product teams to
160       query the data rather then querying data for dummy group '-1111'.
161       Internally this function will query for '-1111' and then return the first
162       record. This can be used for all usages
164    Created By      nsinghai      15-Jul-2004
165    ***************************************************************************/
167   FUNCTION get_first_login_group_id(p_usage VARCHAR2, p_include_member_groups VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2;
169 /*#
170  * Get First Time Login Group Id Including Members for Sales
171  * Function to get first Time Login group id. Based on user id,
172  * this function will return a group id in which logged in user is
173  * manager, administrator or Member. It is used for usage 'SALES'.
174  * @return Group Id
175  * @rep:scope internal
176  * @rep:displayname Get First Time Login Group Id
177 */
179   /****************************************************************************
180       This function is for providing a common method of fetching the group id
181       for first time login pages. Instead of passing '-1111' to Sales Group
182       Dimension LOV, product teams will call this function which will return
183       them a valid group id. This group id will be used by product teams to
184       query the data rather then querying data for dummy group '-1111'.
185       Internally this function will query for '-1111' and then return the first
186       record. This is for usage : 'SALES'
188       "get_sg_id" returns first time login id only from managers and admin groups
189 	  for sales
190       "get_sg_id_all_login" returns first time login id only from managers, admin
191 	  and member groups for sales
193      Created By      nsinghai      08-Oct-2004
194    ***************************************************************************/
196   FUNCTION get_sg_id_all_login RETURN VARCHAR2;
198 /*#
199  * Get First Time Login Group Id Including Members for Field Service
200  * Function to get first Time Login group id. Based on user id,
201  * this function will return a group id in which logged in user is
202  * manager, administrator or Member. It is used for usage 'FLD_SRV_DISTRICT'.
203  * @return Group Id
204  * @rep:scope internal
205  * @rep:displayname Get First Time Login Group Id
206 */
207   /****************************************************************************
208       This function is for providing a common method of fetching the group id
209       for first time login pages. Instead of passing '-1111' to Sales Group
210       Dimension LOV, product teams will call this function which will return
211       them a valid group id. This group id will be used by product teams to
212       query the data rather then querying data for dummy group '-1111'.
213       Internally this function will query for '-1111' and then return the first
214       record. This is for usage : 'FLD_SRV_DISTRICT'
216       "get_fsg_id" returns first time login id only from managers and admin groups
217 	  for field service
218       "get_fsg_id_all_login" returns first time login id only from managers, admin
219 	  and member groups for field service
221      Created By      nsinghai      08-Oct-2004
222    ***************************************************************************/
224   FUNCTION get_fsg_id_all_login RETURN VARCHAR2;
226 END jtf_rs_dbi_conc_pub;