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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 89

**                                          assignment is selected.
** 05-NOV-2002  SSattini   115.25           Fixed the bug#2449037, archiving
**                                          CAEOY_T4A_FOOTNOTE_CODE after
**                                          checking t4a nonbox footnotes
**                                          for an employee, so that nonbox
**                                          footnote code is archived and
**                                          displayed in T4A Box38.
** 07-NOV-2002  SSattini   115.26           Fixed the bug#2598802, archiving
**                                          GRE's 'Fed Magnetic Reporting'
**                                          using separate cursor
**                                          c_get_gre_acct_info in
**                                          eoy_archive_gre_data procedure.
**                                          Changed the cursor employer_info
**                                          in eoy_archive_gre_data procedure
**                                          removed the part that archives
**                                          GRE 'Fed Magnetic Reporting'.
** 12-NOV-2002  SSattini   115.27           Removed unnecessary archiving
**                                          of db items with dimension
**                                          _GRE_YTD from eoy_archive_gre_data
**                                          procedure, those db items are
**                                          CAEOY_T4_BOX20_GRE_YTD
**                                          CAEOY_FED_WITHHELD_GRE_YTD
**                                          CAEOY_T4_BOX52_GRE_YTD
**                                          CAEOY_EI_EE_TAXABLE_GRE_YTD
**                                          CAEOY_CPP_ER_LIABILITY_GRE_YTD
**                                          CAEOY_EI_ER_LIABILITY_GRE_YTD.
** 02-DEC-2002  SSattini   115.28           Added 'nocopy' for out and in out
**                                          parameters, GSCC compliance.
** 04-DEC-2002  SSattini   115.29           Fixed the bug#2695047, changed
**                                          employee address portion.
**                                          If country is CA then the province
**                                          value should be archived from
**                                          region_1 and if US then from
**                                          region_2.
** 06-DEC-2002  SSattini   115.30           Fixed the bug#2598777, archiving
**                                          PA amounts in dollars only.
** 27-AUG-2003 SSouresr    115.33           If the new balance 'T4A No Gross
**                                          Earnings'
**                                          is non zero then archiving will
**                                          take place even if Gross Earnings is
**                                          zero.
** 18-SEP-2003 mmukherj    115.34           Added proper error message if
**                                          transmitter GRE is not found.
** 30-OCT-2003  SSattini   115.35  2696309  Added functionality to archive
**                                          Pension Plan Registration Numbers
**                                          in pay_action_information table
**                                          to be reported in T4A Summary
**                                          record (Employer Level).
** 02-FEB-2004  SSattini    115.38          Tuned c_eoy_gre cursor in
**                                          action_creation procedure to fix
**                                          performance bug#3416511.
** 02-JUL-2004  mmukherj    115.39          Tuned c_get_latest_asg cursor
**                                          bug#3358776.
** 06-AUG-2004  SSattini    115.40          Modified cursor cur_non_box_mesg
**                                          to archive balance adjustments
**                                          for Non-box footnotes. Bug#3641353.
** 10-AUG-2004  ssouresr    115.42          Added the negative balance flag bug#3311402
**                                          Also modified the non box footnote logic
**                                          so that the amounts for identical footnote
**                                          codes are summed up bug#3641308
** 24-AUG-2004  mmukherj    115.43          Archiving two more dbis
**                                          CAEOY_TECHNICAL_CONTACT_EMAIL
**                                          CAEOY_TECHNICAL_CONTACT_EXTN
**                                          needed for T4A XML Magatpe.
** 02-OCT-2004  ssouresr    115.45          Employee Address is now archived
**                                          for terminated employees
** 02-OCT-2004  ssouresr    115.46          The negative balance flag will be
**                                          archived as Y if any box or nonbox
**                                          footnote is negative
** 03-NOV-2004  rigarg      115.47 3922311, Modified the cursor employer_info
**                                 3973040  to remove check for transmitter code 901.
** 10-NOV-2004  ssouresr    115.48          Modified to use tables instead of views
**                                          to remove problems with security groups
** 19-NOV-2004  mmukherj    115.49          bigfix 3913784
** 24-NOV-2004  mmukherj    115.50          Changed the code so that if the
**                                          accounting contact info for GRE is
**                                          not there then it archives the
**                                          accounting contact info of Transmitter
** 02-DEC-2004  ssouresr    115.51          Added error message for security group
** 06-DEC-2004  mmukherj    115.52          Fix for not archiving the registration
**                                          no if archiver value is null.
** 08-DEC-2004  mmukherj    115.53          Fix for PA registration no archiving.#3913784
** 14-SEP-2004  ssouresr    115.54          Added T4A Archiver Amendment functionality
**                                          by creating function compare_archive_data
**                                          and using it to archive the T4A amendment
**                                          flag
** 01-FEB-2005  mmukherj    115.55          Fix for single footnote #4107278
**                                          nonbox footnote #4118500 added.
** 02-FEB-2005  ssouresr    115.56          Nonbox footnotes with a value of zero
**                                          will not be archived. In addition if the
**                                          same nonbox footnote is processed multiple
**                                          times this will be considered as only one
**                                          footnote count for the purposes of box38
** 04-MAR-2005 ssouresr     115.57          The archiver uses a new NonBox Footnote Element
**                                          which has a Jurisdiction input value from the
**                                          beginning of 2006
** 26-APR-2005 ssouresr     115.58          The archiver will now recognize amendments
**                                          made only to non box footnotes
** 08-JUN-2005 ssouresr     115.59          Removed error message for security group
** 15-JUL-2005 mmukherj     115.60          Bug fix #4026689. Added call to
**                                          eoy_archive_gre_data in eoy_archive_data.
**                                          So that when the Retry process calls
**                                          eoy_archive_data, it re-archives the employer
**                                          and transmitter data.
** 05-AUG-2005 saurgupt     115.61          Bug 4517693: Added Address_line3 for
**                                          T4A archiver.
** 26-AUG-2005 mmukherj     115.62          Commented out the use two cursors
**                                          c_eoy_all and eoy_all_range. Since GRE is
**                                          a mandatory parameter for Federal
**                                          Yearend Archiver Process these two cursors
**                                          will never be used.
** 06-sep-2005 mmukherj     115.63          g_archive_flag is set to 'Y' after
**                                          archiving the GRE data. Otherwise it was
**                                          archiving Employer data multiple times
**                                          in some cases where there are more than one
**                                          chunks used in the process.
** 27-SEP-2005 ssouresr     115.64          Corrected the footnote condition in the
**                                          function compare_archive_data
** 06-OCT-2005 ssouresr     115.65          Modified the range cursor to avoid the use
**                                          of hr_soft_coding_keyflex.
** 26-OCT-2005 ssouresr     115.66          Modified the range cursor to add order hint
** 22-AUG-2007 ssmukher     115.67          Bug 4021563 Added code for Status
**                                          Indian employee in eoy_archive_data
**                                          procedure.
** 12-NOV-2009 aneghosh     115.69          T4A changes for 2009. Bug 9091935.
** 04-DEC-2009 aneghosh     115.70          Bug9160298. Back-tracked the changes
**                                          done for Bug9091935 as it proved to be
**                                          unnecessary and caused regression.
** 16-AUG-2010 sneelapa     115.71          6456662. Modified code to archive
**                                          data for new T4A Other Info Amounts.
**                                          eoy_archive_data_new_format
**                                          procedure is introduced
** 23-AUG-2010 rgottipa     115.74          9983489. Modified procedure
**                                          eoy_archive_data to archive .
**                                          footnotes till 2009 only.
** 09-SEP-2010 sneelapa     115.77          9983489. Modified procedure
**                                          eoy_archive_data to call  .
**                                          eoy_archive_data_new_format for
**                                          Regular Preprocess for year 2010 onwards
**                                          or for Amendment Preprocess.
** 09-SEP-2010 sneelapa     115.78          10121216. Modified logic so that
**                                          'CAEOY_T4A_NEGATIVE_BALANCE_EXISTS' will be
**                                          archived by eoy_archive_data_new_format proc
**                                          incase eoy_archive_data_new_format is not called
**                                          DBI will be archived by eoy_archive_data proc.
**                                          Modified logic for archiving 0 ZERO for
**                                          OTHER Info Amount 026, 027, 142 and 143.
** 21-SEP-2010 sneelapa     115.79          10115617. Modified eoy_archive_data
**                                          procedure.  Added condition for opening
**                                          CURSOR c_balance_feed_info if request
**                                          is submitted for Fed Year End Preprocess
**                                          and Year is less than 2010.
** 22-OCT-2010 sneelapa     115.80          Bug 10099479. Modified eoy_archive_data
**                                          procedure.  Added condition for opening
**                                          CURSOR c_balance_feed_info if request
**                                          is submitted for Fed Year End Preprocess
**                                          and Year is less than 2010 for archiving
**																					Registration number till 2009 only
**																					from 2010 onwards Registration number
**																					will be archived by eoy_archive_data_new_format
**																					procedure.
** 15-NOV-2010 sneelapa     115.82          Bug 10099479. Modified eoy_archive_data
**                                          procedure.  Commented END IF after archiving
**                                          Registration number for T4A_BOX34 and added
**                                          ELSE for code which is archiving Registration
**                                          number for T4A_BOX32.  Reason is Registration
**																					number should be archived for T4A_BOX34 and IF
**																					T4A_BOX34 is not having Registration number then
**																					T4A_BOX32 Registration number should be archived.
** 18-NOV-2010 sneelapa     115.83          Bug 10099479. Taken package version 115.81 as base
**                                          and added l_box34_regno_flag to check whether
**                                          Registration number for T4A_BOX34 is archived or not
**                                          Archive Registration number for T4A_BOX32.
**																				  if Registration number for T4A_BOX34
**																					is not archived.
**																					Added distinct clause for c_reg_balance_feed_info CURSOR.
** 22-NOV-2010 sneelapa     115.84          Bug 10247374. Calling eoy_archive_data_new_format
**                                          procedure before compare_archive_data procedure.
**                                          compare_archive_data procedure archives CAEOY_T4A_AMENDMENT_FLAG
**                                          Regular archiver will have data for old DBIs and new DBIs
**																				  (other info amoutns), eoy_archive_data_new_format INSERTs
**																					data for newly introduced Other Info Amount DBIs, this
**																					should be called before compare_archive_data procedure as.
**																					compare_archive_data compares COUNT for DBIs archived by
** 28-DEC-2010 sneelapa     115.85          Bug 10420909. Modified eoy_archive_data_new_format
**                                          and compare_archive_data procedures.
**                                          Added if l_negative_balance_exists ='N' condition for
**                                          archiving Employer level Pension Plan Register Number
** 30-DEC-2010 sneelapa     115.86          Fix for Bug 10388148.
**                                          Modified eoy_archive_gre_data procedure to
**                                          to archive Proprietor SIN numbers of
**																					Transmitter GRE for Non Transmitter GRE
**																					if Proprietor SIN numbers are not feeded
**																					for Non Transmitter GRE.
** 13-Jan-2011 sneelapa    115.87 					Bug 11065493 Modified cursor cur_non_box_mesg to
**                                          consider Reversal of Quickpay/Payroll Runs.
** 29-Aug-2011 sneelapa    115.113 10399514  Introduced new CURSOR c_eoy_gre_range
**                                           it will be called in place of
**                                           c_eoy_gre CURSOR, if RANGE_PERSON_ID
**                                           is enabled.

   sqwl_range varchar2(4000);
Line: 353

     select to_number(UE.creator_id)
     from  ff_user_entities  UE,
           ff_database_items DI
     where  DI.user_name            = p_db_item_name
       and  UE.user_entity_id       = DI.user_entity_id
       and  Ue.creator_type         = 'B'
       and  UE.legislation_code     = 'CA';
Line: 422

** Name    : get_selection_information
** Purpose : Returns information used in the selection of people to
**           be reported on.
** Arguments  :
** The following values are returned :-
** p_period_start         - The start of the period over which to select
**                          the people.
** p_period_end           - The end of the period over which to select
**                          the people.
** p_defined_balance_id   - The balance which must be non zero for each
**                             person to be included in the report.
**    p_group_by_gre         - should the people be grouped by GRE.
**    p_tax_unit_context     - Should the TAX_UNIT_ID context be set up for
**                             the testing of the balance.
**    p_jurisdiction_context - Should the JURISDICTION_CODE context be set up
**                             for the testing of the balance.
**  Notes      : This routine provides a way of coding explicit rules for
**               individual reports where they are different from the
**               standard selection criteria for the report type ie. in
**               NY state the selection of people in the 4th quarter is
**               different from the first 3.

 procedure get_selection_information

/* Identifies the type of report, the authority for which it is being run,
   and the period being reported. */

  p_report_type          varchar2,
  p_quarter_start        date,
  p_quarter_end          date,
  p_year_start           date,
  p_year_end             date,
/* Information returned is used to control the selection of people to
   report on.  */

  p_period_start         in out nocopy date,
  p_period_end           in out nocopy date,
  p_defined_balance_id   in out nocopy number,
  p_group_by_gre         in out nocopy boolean,
  p_tax_unit_context     in out nocopy boolean,
  p_jurisdiction_context in out nocopy boolean
 ) is


/* Depending on the report being processed, derive all the information
   required to be able to select the people to report on. */

   if    p_report_type = 'T4A'  then

/*      Default settings for Year End Pre-process. */

     p_period_start         := p_year_start;
Line: 496

 end get_selection_information;
Line: 515

/*  Variables used to hold the select columns from the SQL statement. */

   l_person_id              number;
Line: 594

     SELECT ASG.person_id               person_id,
            ASG.assignment_id           assignment_id,
            paa.tax_unit_id             tax_unit_id,
            ASG.effective_end_date      effective_end_date
     FROM   per_all_assignments_f      ASG,
	    pay_assignment_actions paa,
	    pay_payroll_actions    ppa
     WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id >= 0
     AND    ppa.effective_date between l_period_start
				and l_period_end
     AND  ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     AND  ppa.business_group_id + 0 = l_bus_group_id
     AND  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
     AND  paa.tax_unit_id = l_eoy_tax_unit_id
     AND  paa.assignment_id = ASG.assignment_id
     AND  ppa.business_group_id = ASG.business_group_id +0
     AND  ASG.person_id + 0 between stperson and endperson
     AND  ASG.assignment_type        = 'E'
     AND  ppa.effective_date between ASG.effective_start_date
                               AND  ASG.effective_end_date
     ORDER  BY 1, 3, 4 DESC, 2;
Line: 619

    SELECT ASG.person_id               person_id,
            ASG.assignment_id           assignment_id,
            paa.tax_unit_id             tax_unit_id,
            ASG.effective_end_date      effective_end_date
     FROM   per_all_assignments_f      ASG,
            pay_assignment_actions paa,
            pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
            per_all_people_f ppf
     WHERE  ppa.effective_date between l_period_start
                                and l_period_end
     AND  ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     AND  ppa.business_group_id  +0 = l_bus_group_id
     AND  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
     AND  paa.tax_unit_id = l_eoy_tax_unit_id
     AND  paa.assignment_id = ASG.assignment_id
     AND  ppa.business_group_id = ASG.business_group_id +0
     AND  ppf.person_id between stperson and endperson
     AND  ASG.person_id = ppf.person_id
     AND  ASG.assignment_type  = 'E'
     AND  ppa.effective_date between ASG.effective_start_date
                               AND  ASG.effective_end_date
     AND  ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                               AND  ppf.effective_end_date
     ORDER  BY 1, 3, 4 DESC, 2;
Line: 648

    SELECT ASG.person_id               person_id,
            ASG.assignment_id           assignment_id,
            paa.tax_unit_id             tax_unit_id,
            ASG.effective_end_date      effective_end_date
     FROM   per_all_assignments_f      ASG,
            pay_assignment_actions paa,
            pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
            per_all_people_f ppf,
            pay_population_ranges   ppr
     WHERE  ppa.effective_date between l_period_start
                                and l_period_end
     AND  ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     AND  ppa.business_group_id  +0 = l_bus_group_id
     AND  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
     AND  paa.tax_unit_id = l_eoy_tax_unit_id
     AND  paa.assignment_id = ASG.assignment_id
     AND  ppa.business_group_id = ASG.business_group_id +0
--     AND  ppf.person_id between stperson and endperson
     AND  ppr.payroll_action_id = pactid
     AND  ppr.chunk_number = chunk
     AND  ppr.person_id = ASG.person_id
     AND  ASG.person_id = ppf.person_id
     AND  ASG.assignment_type  = 'E'
     AND  ppa.effective_date between ASG.effective_start_date
                               AND  ASG.effective_end_date
     AND  ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                               AND  ppf.effective_end_date
     ORDER  BY 1, 3, 4 DESC, 2;
Line: 682

     SELECT ASG.person_id               person_id,
            ASG.assignment_id           assignment_id,
            to_number(SCL.segment11)     tax_unit_id,
            ASG.effective_end_date      effective_end_date
     FROM   per_all_assignments_f      ASG,
            hr_soft_coding_keyflex SCL,
            pay_all_payrolls_f         PPY
     WHERE  ASG.business_group_id + 0  = l_bus_group_id
       AND  ASG.person_id between stperson and endperson
       AND  ASG.assignment_type        = 'E'
       AND  ASG.effective_start_date  <= l_period_end
       AND  ASG.effective_end_date    >= l_period_start
       AND  SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id = ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
       AND  PPY.payroll_id             = ASG.payroll_id
     ORDER  BY 1, 3, 4 DESC, 2;
Line: 701

     SELECT assignment_id
     from per_all_assignments_f paf
     where person_id = p_person_id
     and   primary_flag = 'Y'
     and   assignment_type = 'E'
     and   paf.effective_start_date  <= l_period_end
     and   paf.effective_end_date    >= l_period_start
     ORDER BY assignment_id desc;
Line: 717

     select effective_date,
            -- Added for bug 10399514
            -- Added for bug 10399514
     into   l_effective_date,
            -- Added for bug 10399514
            -- Added for bug 10399514
     from pay_payroll_actions
     where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 748

     hr_utility.trace('getting selection information');
Line: 755

Line: 777

	        select report_format
	        into   l_report_format
	        from   pay_report_format_mappings_f
	        where  report_type = l_report_type
	        and    report_qualifier = l_state
	        and    report_category = l_report_cat ;
Line: 882

            select paa1.assignment_action_id
              into l_max_aaid
              from pay_assignment_actions     paa1,
                   per_all_assignments_f          paf2,
                   pay_payroll_actions        ppa2,
                   pay_action_classifications pac2
             where paf2.person_id     = l_person_id
               and paa1.assignment_id = paf2.assignment_id
               and paa1.tax_unit_id   = l_tax_unit_id
               and paa1.payroll_action_id = ppa2.payroll_action_id
               and ppa2.action_type = pac2.action_type
               and pac2.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
               and ppa2.effective_date between paf2.effective_start_date
                                           and paf2.effective_end_date
               and ppa2.effective_date between l_period_start and
               and not exists (select ''
                               FROM pay_action_classifications pac,
                                    pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                                    pay_assignment_actions paa,
                                    per_all_assignments_f paf1
                               WHERE paf1.person_id = l_person_id
                               AND paa.assignment_id = paf1.assignment_id
                               AND paa.tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
                               AND ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
                               AND ppa.effective_date between l_period_start
                                                      and l_period_end
                               AND paa.action_sequence > paa1.action_sequence
                               AND pac.action_type = ppa.action_type
                               AND pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED')
                and rownum < 2;
Line: 942

          select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
          into   lockingactid
          from   dual;
Line: 946

          /* Insert into pay_assignment_actions. */

          hr_utility.trace('creating assignment action');
Line: 953

          /* Update the serial number column with the person id
          ** so that the mag routine and the W2 view will not have
          ** to do an additional checking against the assignment
          ** table

          hr_utility.trace('updating assignment action');
Line: 961

          update pay_assignment_actions aa
          set    aa.serial_number = to_char(l_person_id)
          where  aa.assignment_action_id = lockingactid;
Line: 1010

    select fdi.user_entity_id
    into l_user_entity_id
    from ff_database_items fdi,
         ff_user_entities  fui
    where user_name = p_dbi_name
    and   fdi.user_entity_id = fui.user_entity_id
    and   fui.legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 1041

    select user_entity_id
    into l_user_entity_id
    from ff_database_items
    where user_name = p_dbi_name;
Line: 1086

SELECT fai1.context1,
FROM ff_archive_items fai1,
     ff_database_items fdi1
WHERE fai1.user_entity_id = fdi1.user_entity_id
AND fai1.context1         = cp_asg_act_id
AND fdi1.user_name       <> 'CAEOY_T4A_AMENDMENT_FLAG'
order by fdi1.user_name;
Line: 1097

select action_information4,
from pay_action_information
where action_context_id = cp_asg_act_id
and   action_information_category = 'CA FOOTNOTES'
and   action_context_type = 'AAP'
and   action_information6 = 'T4A'
order by action_information4;
Line: 1127

Line: 1131

Line: 1135

Line: 1139

Line: 1383

select  nvl(hoi6.ORG_INFORMATION9,ou2.name) GRE_stat_report_name,
        bg.business_group_id Business_group_id,
        hoi6.ORG_INFORMATION1 Employer_identification_number,
        hl2.ADDRESS_LINE_1 GRE_addrline1,
        hl2.ADDRESS_LINE_2 GRE_addrline2,
        hl2.ADDRESS_LINE_3 GRE_addrline3,
        hl2.TOWN_OR_CITY   GRE_town_or_city,
        DECODE(hl2.STYLE , 'US' , hl2.REGION_2 ,
                           'CA' , hl2.REGION_1 ,
                           'CA_GLB',hl2.region_1, ' ')  GRE_province,
        hl2.POSTAL_CODE GRE_postal_code,
        hl2.COUNTRY     GRE_country,
        nvl(hoi3.ORG_INFORMATION9,ou1.name) trans_stat_report_name,
        hl1.ADDRESS_LINE_1 trans_addrline1,
        hl1.ADDRESS_LINE_2 trans_addrline2,
        hl1.ADDRESS_LINE_3 trans_addrline3,
        hl1.TOWN_OR_CITY   trans_town_or_city,
        DECODE(hl1.STYLE , 'US' , hl1.REGION_2 ,
                           'CA' , hl1.REGION_1 ,
                           'CA_GLB',hl1.region_1, ' ')  trans_province,
        hl1.POSTAL_CODE trans_postal_code,
        hl1.COUNTRY     trans_country,
        hoi2.org_information5 trans_type_indicator,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION4 trans_number,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION2 trans_type_code,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION3 trans_datatype_code,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION6 trans_tech_contact_name,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION8 trans_tech_contact_phone,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION7 trans_tech_contact_areacode,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION9 trans_tech_contact_lang,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION17 trans_tech_contact_extn,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION18 trans_tech_contact_email,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION10 trans_acct_contact_name,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION11 trans_acct_contact_area_code,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION12 trans_acct_contact_phone,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION13 trans_acct_contact_extn,
				-- Added for bug 10388148
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION14 trans_proprietor_SIN#1,
        hoi2.ORG_INFORMATION15 trans_proprietor_SIN#2
				-- Added for bug 10388148
from hr_all_organization_units ou1,        /* transmitter org */
     hr_organization_information hoi1, /* Transmitter GRE to check
                                       GRE/Legal Classification is enabled */
     hr_organization_information hoi2, /* Transmitter GRE to check
                                         'Fed Magnetic Reporting' */
     hr_organization_information hoi3, /* Transmitter GRE to check
                                          'Employer Identification' */
     hr_locations_all hl1,                 /* trans location */
     hr_all_organization_units ou2,        /* GRE Org */
     hr_organization_information hoi4, /* GRE to check GRE/Legal
                                          Classification is enabled */
     hr_organization_information hoi6, /* GRE to check
                                           'Employer Identification'*/
     hr_locations_all hl2,                 /* GRE location */
     per_business_groups bg
where bg.business_group_id = ou1.business_group_id
and bg.legislation_code = 'CA'
and ou1.organization_id = p_transmitter_gre_id
and ou1.organization_id = hoi1.organization_id
and hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
and hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL'
and hoi1.org_information2 = 'Y'
and ou1.location_id = hl1.location_id
and ou1.organization_id = hoi2.organization_id
and hoi2.org_information_context = 'Fed Magnetic Reporting'
and hoi2.org_information1 = 'Y'
and ou1.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
and hoi3.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
and hoi3.org_information5 in ('T4A/RL1','T4A/RL2')
and bg.business_group_id = ou2.business_group_id
and ou2.organization_id = p_tax_unit_id
and ou2.organization_id = hoi4.organization_id
and hoi4.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
and hoi4.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL'
and hoi4.org_information2 = 'Y'
and ou2.location_id = hl2.location_id
and ou2.organization_id = hoi6.organization_id
and hoi6.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
and hoi6.ORG_INFORMATION5 in ('T4A/RL1','T4A/RL2');
Line: 1465

select hoi.ORG_INFORMATION10 GRE_acct_contact_name,
        hoi.ORG_INFORMATION12 GRE_acct_contact_phone,
        hoi.ORG_INFORMATION11 GRE_acct_contact_area_code,
        hoi.ORG_INFORMATION13 GRE_acct_contact_extn,
        hoi.ORG_INFORMATION14 GRE_Proprietor_SIN#1,
        hoi.ORG_INFORMATION15 GRE_Proprietor_SIN#2,
        hoi.ORG_INFORMATION16 GRE_Fedyouth_hire_Prgind
from   hr_organization_information hoi
where  hoi.organization_id = cp_gre_id
and    hoi.org_information_context = 'Fed Magnetic Reporting';
Line: 1592

     select to_char(effective_date,'YYYY'),
     add_months(trunc(effective_date, 'Y'),12) - 1
     into   l_taxation_year,
     from pay_payroll_actions
     where payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 1605

 select context_id
 into l_taxunit_context_id
 from ff_contexts
 where context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID';
Line: 1817

     select 'Y'
     from dual
     where exists (select null
               from ff_archive_items fai
               where fai.context1 = p_payroll_action_id
               and archive_type = 'PA');
Line: 1871

 select min(paa.chunk_number)
 from pay_assignment_actions paa
 where paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 1973

           select distinct pet.element_information18,
           from pay_balance_feeds_f pbf,
                pay_balance_types   pbt,
                pay_balance_types   pbt1,
                pay_input_values_f  piv,
                pay_element_types_f pet,
                fnd_lookup_values   flv
           where pbt.balance_name          = p_balance_name
           and   pbf.balance_type_id       = pbt.balance_type_id
           and   pbf.input_value_id        = piv.input_value_id
           and   piv.element_type_id       = pet.element_type_id
           and   pet.business_group_id     = l_business_group_id
           and   pbt1.balance_type_id      = pet.element_information10
           and   pet.element_information18 = flv.lookup_code
           and   flv.lookup_type           = 'PAY_CA_T4A_FOOTNOTES'
           and   flv.language              = userenv('LANG')
           order by pet.element_information18;
Line: 1994

           select distinct nvl(pet.element_information20,'NOT FOUND'),
           from pay_balance_feeds_f pbf,
                pay_balance_types pbt,
                pay_balance_types pbt1,
                pay_input_values_f piv,
                pay_element_types_f pet
           where pbt.balance_name = p_balance_name
           and   pbf.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
           and   pbf.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
           and   piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
           and   pet.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
           and   pbt1.balance_type_id = pet.element_information10
--           and   pet.element_information_category = 'CA_EARNINGS'
           and   pet.element_information20 is not null;
Line: 2017

          select distinct prrv1.result_value,
          from pay_run_result_values prrv1
            , pay_run_result_values prrv2
            , pay_run_results prr
            , pay_element_types_f pet
            , pay_input_values_f piv1
            , pay_input_values_f piv2
            , pay_assignment_actions run_paa
            , pay_payroll_actions run_ppa
            , pay_assignment_actions arch_paa
            , pay_payroll_actions arch_ppa
            , per_all_assignments_f arch_paf
            , per_all_assignments_f all_paf
            , hr_all_organization_units hou
            , hr_organization_information hoi
         where arch_paa.assignment_action_id = cp_asgact_id
         and   arch_ppa.payroll_action_id    = arch_paa.payroll_action_id
         and   hou.business_group_id         = arch_ppa.business_group_id
         and   hou.organization_id           = hoi.organization_id
         and   hoi.organization_id          =
         and   hoi.org_information_context   = 'Canada Employer Identification'
         and   hoi.org_information5 IN ('T4A/RL1','T4A/RL2')
         and   run_paa.tax_unit_id           = hou.organization_id
         and   run_ppa.payroll_action_id     =  run_paa.payroll_action_id
         and   run_ppa.action_type           in ( 'R', 'Q', 'B' )
         and   to_char(run_ppa.effective_date,'YYYY' ) =
         and   run_paa.action_status         = 'C'
         and   pet.element_name = lv_footnote_element --'T4A NonBox Footnotes'
         and   prr.assignment_action_id  = run_paa.assignment_action_id
         and   prr.element_type_id       = pet.element_type_id
         and   piv1.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
         and   piv1.name                 = 'Message'
         and   prrv1.run_result_id       = prr.run_result_id
         and   prrv1.input_value_id      = piv1.input_value_id
         and   piv2.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
         and   piv2.name                 = 'Amount'
         and   prrv2.run_result_id       = prrv1.run_result_id
         and   prrv2.input_value_id      = piv2.input_value_id
         and   arch_paf.assignment_id        = arch_paa.assignment_id
         and   to_char(cp_eff_date,'YYYY')
               between to_char(arch_paf.effective_start_date,'YYYY')
               and to_char(arch_paf.effective_end_date,'YYYY')
         and   all_paf.person_id     = arch_paf.person_id
         and   to_char(cp_eff_date,'YYYY')
               between to_char(all_paf.effective_start_date,'YYYY')
               and to_char(all_paf.effective_end_date,'YYYY')
         and   run_paa.assignment_id     = all_paf.assignment_id
         and exists (select 1
		     from pay_action_contexts pac,ff_contexts ffc
                     where ffc.context_name          = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
                     and   pac.context_id            = ffc.context_id
                     and   pac.assignment_id         = run_paa.assignment_id);
Line: 2083

         select action_information4,to_number(action_information5)
         from pay_action_information
         where action_context_id = cp_payroll_action_id
         and effective_date = cp_eff_date
         AND tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id
         and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
         AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = cp_reg_no;
Line: 2092

            select paa.assignment_action_id
              from pay_assignment_actions     paa,
                   per_all_assignments_f      paf,
                   pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
                   pay_action_classifications pac
             where paf.person_id     = p_person_id
               and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
               and paa.tax_unit_id   = l_tax_unit_id
               and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
               and ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
               and pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
               and ppa.effective_date +0 between paf.effective_start_date
                                           and paf.effective_end_date
               and ppa.effective_date +0 between l_year_start and
               and ((nvl(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null
               and  paa.source_action_id is null)
                or (nvl(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null
               and paa.source_action_id is not null )
               or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null
                    and paa.run_type_id is not null
                    and paa.source_action_id is null))
               order by paa.action_sequence desc;
Line: 2120

  select ppa.report_type
  from pay_payroll_actions ppa,pay_assignment_actions paa
  where paa.assignment_action_id = cp_locked_actid
  and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 2126

  select locked_action_id
  from pay_action_interlocks
  where locking_action_id = cp_locking_act_id;
Line: 2133

   select ca_tax_information1
   from   pay_ca_emp_fed_tax_info_f pca
   where  pca.assignment_id = cp_assign
    and   cp_effec_date between pca.effective_start_date and
Line: 2152

      SELECT aa.assignment_id,
            pay_magtape_generic.date_earned (p_effective_date,aa.assignment_id),
            into l_asgid,
        FROM pay_assignment_actions aa
        WHERE aa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid;
Line: 2180

      select business_group_id
      into l_business_group_id
      from hr_all_organization_units
      where organization_id = l_tax_unit_id;
Line: 2653

                           update pay_action_information
                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt)
                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
                           and   tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
                           and   effective_date = p_effective_date
                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no;
Line: 2664

                     hr_utility.trace('in reg1 new insert pay_action_information');
Line: 2729

                           update pay_action_information
                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt1)
                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
                           and   tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
                           and   effective_date = p_effective_date
                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no1;
Line: 2738

                     hr_utility.trace('in reg2 new insert pay_action_information');
Line: 2802

                           update pay_action_information
                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt2)
                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
                           and   tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
                           and   effective_date = p_effective_date
                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no2;
Line: 2810

                           hr_utility.trace('Updated pay_action_information');
Line: 2813

                     hr_utility.trace('in reg3 new insert pay_action_information');
Line: 2996

                           update pay_action_information
                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt)
                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
                           and tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
                           and effective_date = p_effective_date
                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no;
Line: 3070

                           update pay_action_information
                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt1)
                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
                           and tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
                           and effective_date = p_effective_date
                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no1;
Line: 3146

                           update pay_action_information
                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt2)
                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
                           and tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
                           and effective_date = p_effective_date
                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no2;
Line: 3386

           select distinct pet.element_information18,
           from pay_balance_feeds_f pbf,
                pay_balance_types   pbt,
                pay_balance_types   pbt1,
                pay_input_values_f  piv,
                pay_element_types_f pet,
                fnd_lookup_values   flv
           where pbt.balance_name          = p_balance_name
           and   pbf.balance_type_id       = pbt.balance_type_id
           and   pbf.input_value_id        = piv.input_value_id
           and   piv.element_type_id       = pet.element_type_id
           and   pet.business_group_id     = l_business_group_id
           and   pbt1.balance_type_id      = pet.element_information10
           and   pet.element_information18 = flv.lookup_code
           and   flv.lookup_type           = 'PAY_CA_T4A_FOOTNOTES'
           and   flv.language              = userenv('LANG')
           order by pet.element_information18;
Line: 3407

           select distinct nvl(pet.element_information20,'NOT FOUND'),
           from pay_balance_feeds_f pbf,
                pay_balance_types pbt,
                pay_balance_types pbt1,
                pay_input_values_f piv,
                pay_element_types_f pet
           where pbt.balance_name = p_balance_name
           and   pbf.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
           and   pbf.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
           and   piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
           and   pet.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
           and   pbt1.balance_type_id = pet.element_information10
--           and   pet.element_information_category = 'CA_EARNINGS'
           and   pet.element_information20 is not null;
Line: 3430

          select distinct prrv1.result_value,
          from pay_run_result_values prrv1
            , pay_run_result_values prrv2
            , pay_run_results prr
            , pay_element_types_f pet
            , pay_input_values_f piv1
            , pay_input_values_f piv2
            , pay_assignment_actions run_paa
            , pay_payroll_actions run_ppa
            , pay_assignment_actions arch_paa
            , pay_payroll_actions arch_ppa
            , per_all_assignments_f arch_paf
            , per_all_assignments_f all_paf
            , hr_all_organization_units hou
            , hr_organization_information hoi
         where arch_paa.assignment_action_id = cp_asgact_id
         and   arch_ppa.payroll_action_id    = arch_paa.payroll_action_id
         and   hou.business_group_id         = arch_ppa.business_group_id
         and   hou.organization_id           = hoi.organization_id
         and   hoi.organization_id          =
         and   hoi.org_information_context   = 'Canada Employer Identification'
         and   hoi.org_information5 IN ('T4A/RL1','T4A/RL2')
         and   run_paa.tax_unit_id           = hou.organization_id
         and   run_ppa.payroll_action_id     =  run_paa.payroll_action_id
         and   run_ppa.action_type           in ( 'R', 'Q', 'B', 'V' )
								-- Added 'V' for bug 11065493
         and   to_char(run_ppa.effective_date,'YYYY' ) =
         and   run_paa.action_status         = 'C'
         and   pet.element_name = lv_footnote_element --'T4A NonBox Footnotes'
         and   prr.assignment_action_id  = run_paa.assignment_action_id
         and   prr.element_type_id       = pet.element_type_id
         and   piv1.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
         and   piv1.name                 = 'Message'
         and   prrv1.run_result_id       = prr.run_result_id
         and   prrv1.input_value_id      = piv1.input_value_id
         and   piv2.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
         and   piv2.name                 = 'Amount'
         and   prrv2.run_result_id       = prrv1.run_result_id
         and   prrv2.input_value_id      = piv2.input_value_id
         and   arch_paf.assignment_id        = arch_paa.assignment_id
         and   to_char(cp_eff_date,'YYYY')
               between to_char(arch_paf.effective_start_date,'YYYY')
               and to_char(arch_paf.effective_end_date,'YYYY')
         and   all_paf.person_id     = arch_paf.person_id
         and   to_char(cp_eff_date,'YYYY')
               between to_char(all_paf.effective_start_date,'YYYY')
               and to_char(all_paf.effective_end_date,'YYYY')
         and   run_paa.assignment_id     = all_paf.assignment_id
         and exists (select 1
		     from pay_action_contexts pac,ff_contexts ffc
                     where ffc.context_name          = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
                     and   pac.context_id            = ffc.context_id
                     and   pac.assignment_id         = run_paa.assignment_id);
Line: 3497

         select action_information4,to_number(action_information5)
         from pay_action_information
         where action_context_id = cp_payroll_action_id
         and effective_date = cp_eff_date
         AND tax_unit_id = cp_tax_unit_id
         and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
         AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = cp_reg_no;
Line: 3506

            select paa.assignment_action_id
              from pay_assignment_actions     paa,
                   per_all_assignments_f      paf,
                   pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
                   pay_action_classifications pac
             where paf.person_id     = p_person_id
               and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
               and paa.tax_unit_id   = l_tax_unit_id
               and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
               and ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
               and pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
               and ppa.effective_date +0 between paf.effective_start_date
                                           and paf.effective_end_date
               and ppa.effective_date +0 between l_year_start and
               and ((nvl(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is null
               and  paa.source_action_id is null)
                or (nvl(paa.run_type_id, ppa.run_type_id) is not null
               and paa.source_action_id is not null )
               or (ppa.action_type = 'V' and ppa.run_type_id is null
                    and paa.run_type_id is not null
                    and paa.source_action_id is null))
               order by paa.action_sequence desc;
Line: 3534

  select ppa.report_type
  from pay_payroll_actions ppa,pay_assignment_actions paa
  where paa.assignment_action_id = cp_locked_actid
  and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 3540

  select locked_action_id
  from pay_action_interlocks
  where locking_action_id = cp_locking_act_id;
Line: 3547

   select ca_tax_information1
   from   pay_ca_emp_fed_tax_info_f pca
   where  pca.assignment_id = cp_assign
    and   cp_effec_date between pca.effective_start_date and
Line: 3565

      SELECT aa.assignment_id,
            pay_magtape_generic.date_earned (p_effective_date,aa.assignment_id),
            into l_asgid,
        FROM pay_assignment_actions aa
        WHERE aa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid;
Line: 3588

     select org_information11
     into l_transmitter_gre_id
     from hr_organization_information
     where  organization_id = l_tax_unit_id
     and    org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification';
Line: 3619

      select business_group_id
      into l_business_group_id
      from hr_all_organization_units
      where organization_id = l_tax_unit_id;
Line: 3627

     select paa1.assignment_action_id
     into l_aaid
     from pay_assignment_actions paa1,
          per_all_assignments_f      paf2
     where paa1.assignment_id = paf2.assignment_id
     and   paa1.tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
     and (paa1.action_sequence , paf2.person_id) =
      (SELECT MAX(paa.action_sequence), paf.person_id
        FROM   pay_action_classifications pac,
             pay_payroll_actions ppa,
             pay_assignment_actions paa,
             per_all_assignments_f paf1,
             per_all_assignments_f paf
        WHERE paf.assignment_id = l_asgid
          AND paf1.person_id = paf.person_id
          AND paa.tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
          AND paa.assignment_id = paf1.assignment_id
          AND paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
          AND ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
          AND pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
          AND ppa.effective_date <= p_effective_date
        group by paf.person_id)
      and rownum < 2;
Line: 3717

			     select effective_date,
			     into   ld_fapp_effective_date,
			     from pay_payroll_actions
			     where payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id;
Line: 4263

	                           update pay_action_information
	                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt)
	                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
	                           and   tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
	                           and   effective_date = p_effective_date
	                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
	                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no;
Line: 4274

	                     hr_utility.trace('in reg1 insert pay_action_information');
Line: 4275

	                          -- insert a new record into pay_action_information

	                        p_action_information_id => l_action_information_id_1,
	                        p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_1,
	                        p_action_information_category => 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO',
	                        p_action_context_id           => l_payroll_action_id,
	                        p_action_context_type         => 'PA',
	                        p_jurisdiction_code           => NULL,
	                        p_tax_unit_id                 => l_tax_unit_id,
	                        p_effective_date              => p_effective_date,
	                        p_action_information1  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information2  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information3  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information4  => old_l_registration_no,
	                        p_action_information5  => to_char(old_l_value),
	                        p_action_information6  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information7  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information8  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information9  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information10 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information11 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information12 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information13 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information14 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information15 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information16 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information17 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information18 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information19 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information20 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information21 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information22 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information23 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information24 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information25 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information26 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information27 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information28 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information29 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information30 => NULL
Line: 4339

	                           update pay_action_information
	                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt1)
	                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
	                           and   tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
	                           and   effective_date = p_effective_date
	                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
	                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no1;
Line: 4348

	                     hr_utility.trace('in reg2 insert pay_action_information');
Line: 4350

	                          -- insert a new record into pay_action_information

	                        p_action_information_id => l_action_information_id_1,
	                        p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_1,
	                        p_action_information_category => 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO',
	                        p_action_context_id           => l_payroll_action_id,
	                        p_action_context_type         => 'PA',
	                        p_jurisdiction_code           => NULL,
	                        p_tax_unit_id                 => l_tax_unit_id,
	                        p_effective_date              => p_effective_date,
	                        p_action_information1  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information2  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information3  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information4  => old_l_registration_no1,
	                        p_action_information5  => to_char(old_l_value1),
	                        p_action_information6  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information7  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information8  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information9  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information10 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information11 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information12 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information13 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information14 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information15 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information16 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information17 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information18 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information19 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information20 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information21 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information22 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information23 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information24 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information25 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information26 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information27 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information28 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information29 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information30 => NULL
Line: 4412

	                           update pay_action_information
	                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt2)
	                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
	                           and   tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
	                           and   effective_date = p_effective_date
	                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
	                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no2;
Line: 4420

	                           hr_utility.trace('Updated pay_action_information');
Line: 4423

	                     hr_utility.trace('in reg3 insert pay_action_information');
Line: 4425

	                          -- insert a new record into pay_action_information

	                        p_action_information_id => l_action_information_id_1,
	                        p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_1,
	                        p_action_information_category => 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO',
	                        p_action_context_id           => l_payroll_action_id,
	                        p_action_context_type         => 'PA',
	                        p_jurisdiction_code           => NULL,
	                        p_tax_unit_id                 => l_tax_unit_id,
	                        p_effective_date              => p_effective_date,
	                        p_action_information1  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information2  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information3  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information4  => old_l_registration_no2,
	                        p_action_information5  => to_char(old_l_value2),
	                        p_action_information6  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information7  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information8  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information9  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information10 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information11 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information12 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information13 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information14 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information15 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information16 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information17 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information18 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information19 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information20 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information21 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information22 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information23 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information24 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information25 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information26 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information27 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information28 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information29 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information30 => NULL
Line: 4618

	                           update pay_action_information
	                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt)
	                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
	                           and tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
	                           and effective_date = p_effective_date
	                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
	                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no;
Line: 4627

	                          -- insert a new record into pay_action_information

	                        p_action_information_id => l_action_information_id_1,
	                        p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_1,
	                        p_action_information_category => 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO',
	                        p_action_context_id    => l_payroll_action_id,
	                        p_action_context_type  => 'PA',
	                        p_jurisdiction_code    => NULL ,
	                        p_tax_unit_id          => l_tax_unit_id,
	                        p_effective_date       => p_effective_date,
	                        p_assignment_id        => l_asgid,
	                        p_action_information1  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information2  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information3  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information4  => old_l_registration_no,
	                        p_action_information5  => to_char(old_l_value),
	                        p_action_information6  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information7  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information8  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information9  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information10 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information11 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information12 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information13 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information14 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information15 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information16 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information17 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information18 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information19 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information20 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information21 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information22 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information23 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information24 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information25 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information26 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information27 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information28 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information29 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information30 => NULL
Line: 4692

	                           update pay_action_information
	                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt1)
	                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
	                           and tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
	                           and effective_date = p_effective_date
	                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
	                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no1;
Line: 4701

	                          -- insert a new record into pay_action_information

	                        p_action_information_id => l_action_information_id_1,
	                        p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_1,
	                        p_action_information_category => 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO',
	                        p_action_context_id    => l_payroll_action_id,
	                        p_action_context_type  => 'PA',
	                        p_jurisdiction_code    => NULL ,
	                        p_tax_unit_id          => l_tax_unit_id,
	                        p_effective_date       => p_effective_date,
	                        p_assignment_id        => l_asgid,
	                        p_action_information1  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information2  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information3  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information4  => old_l_registration_no1,
	                        p_action_information5  => to_char(old_l_value1),
	                        p_action_information6  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information7  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information8  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information9  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information10 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information11 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information12 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information13 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information14 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information15 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information16 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information17 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information18 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information19 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information20 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information21 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information22 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information23 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information24 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information25 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information26 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information27 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information28 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information29 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information30 => NULL
Line: 4768

	                           update pay_action_information
	                           set action_information5 = to_char(ln_emplr_regamt2)
	                           where action_context_id = l_payroll_action_id
	                           and tax_unit_id = l_tax_unit_id
	                           and effective_date = p_effective_date
	                           and action_information_category = 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO'
	                           AND ACTION_INFORMATION4 = old_l_registration_no2;
Line: 4777

	                          -- insert a new record into pay_action_information

	                        p_action_information_id => l_action_information_id_1,
	                        p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number_1,
	                        p_action_information_category => 'CAEOY PENSION PLAN INFO',
	                        p_action_context_id    => l_payroll_action_id,
	                        p_action_context_type  => 'PA',
	                        p_jurisdiction_code    => NULL ,
	                        p_tax_unit_id          => l_tax_unit_id,
	                        p_effective_date       => p_effective_date,
	                        p_assignment_id        => l_asgid,
	                        p_action_information1  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information2  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information3  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information4  => old_l_registration_no2,
	                        p_action_information5  => to_char(old_l_value2),
	                        p_action_information6  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information7  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information8  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information9  => NULL,
	                        p_action_information10 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information11 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information12 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information13 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information14 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information15 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information16 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information17 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information18 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information19 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information20 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information21 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information22 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information23 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information24 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information25 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information26 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information27 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information28 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information29 => NULL,
	                        p_action_information30 => NULL
Line: 5052

       hr_utility.trace('selecting people');
Line: 5054

select PEOPLE.person_id,
       replace(PEOPLE.national_identifier,' '),
       PEOPLE.middle_names, /* Bug:1474421 Changed pre_name_adjunct to middle_names */
 into l_person_id,
      l_middle_names, /* changed variable l_pre_name_adjunct to l_middle_names */
        per_all_assignments_f  ASSIGN
,       per_all_people_f       PEOPLE
,       per_person_types       PTYPE
,       fnd_sessions           SES
where   l_date_earned BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
                                           AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
and     ASSIGN.assignment_id = l_asgid
and	PEOPLE.person_id     = ASSIGN.person_id
and     l_date_earned BETWEEN PEOPLE.effective_start_date
                                           AND PEOPLE.effective_end_date
and	PTYPE.person_type_id = PEOPLE.person_type_id
and     SES.session_id       = USERENV('SESSIONID')   ;
Line: 5098

       select PHONE.phone_number
       into l_employee_phone_no
       from     per_phones             PHONE ,
       fnd_sessions           SES
       where     PHONE.parent_id (+) = l_person_id
       and     PHONE.parent_table (+)= 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
       and     PHONE.phone_type (+)= 'W1'
       and     l_date_earned BETWEEN NVL(PHONE.date_from,SES.effective_date)
       AND     NVL(PHONE.date_to,SES.effective_date)
       and     SES.session_id       = USERENV('SESSIONID')   ;
Line: 5113

       hr_utility.trace('selected people');
Line: 5173

       hr_utility.trace('selecting address');
Line: 5175

       select addr.address_line1,
              decode(addr.country,'CA',addr.region_1,'US',addr.region_2,' '),
              replace(addr.postal_code,' '),
       into   l_address_line1,
       from per_addresses      addr,
            fnd_territories_vl country
       where addr.person_id     = l_person_id
       and   addr.primary_flag  = 'Y'
       and   p_effective_date
                   between nvl(addr.date_from,p_effective_date)
                   and     nvl(addr.date_to, p_effective_date)
       and   country.territory_code = addr.country;
Line: 5212

 hr_utility.trace('selected address');
Line: 5323

     select effective_date,
     into   ld_fapp_effective_date,
     from pay_payroll_actions
     where payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id;
Line: 5439

     Purpose   : This returns the select statement that is used to created the
                 range rows for the Year End Pre-Process.
     Arguments :
     Notes     :

  procedure eoy_range_cursor (pactid in number, sqlstr out nocopy varchar2) is

  l_legislative_parameters  varchar2(240);
Line: 5457

     select legislative_parameters,
     into   l_legislative_parameters,
     from pay_payroll_actions
     where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 5472

     select org_information11
     into l_transmitter_gre_id
     from hr_organization_information
     where  organization_id = l_eoy_tax_unit_id
     and    org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
     and    org_information5        in ('T4A/RL1','T4A/RL2');
Line: 5484

        sqlstr := 'select /*+ ORDERED INDEX (PPY PAY_PAYROLLS_F_FK2,
                                             PPA PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_N51,
                                             PAA PAY_ASSIGNMENT_ACTIONS_N50,
                                             ASG PER_ASSIGNMENTS_F_PK,
                                             PPA1 PAY_PAYROLL_ACTIONS_PK)
                              USE_NL(PPY, PPA, PAA, ASG, PPA1) */
                         distinct asg.person_id
                   from pay_all_payrolls_f ppy,
                        pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                        pay_assignment_actions paa,
                        per_all_assignments_f asg,
                        pay_payroll_actions ppa1
                   where ppa1.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
                   and   ppa.effective_date between
                                             fnd_date.date_to_canonical(l_year_start)||''') and
                   and ppa.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''V'',''B'',''I'')
                   and ppa.action_status = ''C''
                   and ppa.business_group_id + 0 = '||to_char(l_business_group)||'
                   and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
                   and paa.tax_unit_id = '|| to_char(l_eoy_tax_unit_id)||'
                   and paa.action_status = ''C''
                   and paa.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
                   and ppa.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id + 0
                   and ppa.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                              and asg.effective_end_date
                   and asg.assignment_type = ''E''
                   and ppa.payroll_id = ppy.payroll_id
                   and ppy.business_group_id = '||to_char(l_business_group)||'
                   order by asg.person_id';