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Line 178: select rmjvmtime into rmjvmtime from java$jvm$status

174: result boolean := false;
175: rmjvmtime date;
176: begin
177: begin
178: select rmjvmtime into rmjvmtime from java$jvm$status
179: where rmjvmtime = (select startup_time from v$instance);
180: result := true;
181: exception when no_data_found then null;
182: end;

Line 390: -- given by the values in the single row in table java$jvm$status,

386: -- DOWNGRADE* jvmexxx
387: -- STANDALONE initsec
389: -- If input action is compatible with the current action status, as
390: -- given by the values in the single row in table java$jvm$status,
391: -- then change java$jvm$status to reflect that the input action is
392: -- now (or again) in progress. If the input action is incompatible,
393: -- set the punting column in java$jvm$status so that until a subsequent
394: -- endaction or startaction call resets things, startstep will always

Line 391: -- then change java$jvm$status to reflect that the input action is

387: -- STANDALONE initsec
389: -- If input action is compatible with the current action status, as
390: -- given by the values in the single row in table java$jvm$status,
391: -- then change java$jvm$status to reflect that the input action is
392: -- now (or again) in progress. If the input action is incompatible,
393: -- set the punting column in java$jvm$status so that until a subsequent
394: -- endaction or startaction call resets things, startstep will always
395: -- indicate that a given step should be skipped.

Line 393: -- set the punting column in java$jvm$status so that until a subsequent

389: -- If input action is compatible with the current action status, as
390: -- given by the values in the single row in table java$jvm$status,
391: -- then change java$jvm$status to reflect that the input action is
392: -- now (or again) in progress. If the input action is incompatible,
393: -- set the punting column in java$jvm$status so that until a subsequent
394: -- endaction or startaction call resets things, startstep will always
395: -- indicate that a given step should be skipped.
396: procedure startaction_outarg(newaction IN OUT varchar2) as
397: lastaction varchar2(40);

Line 402: select action,inprogress into lastaction,inprogress from java$jvm$status;

398: inprogress varchar2(1);
399: inaction varchar(40) := newaction;
400: begin
401: begin
402: select action,inprogress into lastaction,inprogress from java$jvm$status;
403: exception when no_data_found then
404: lastaction := 'NONE';
405: inprogress := 'N';
406: insert into java$jvm$status values('NONE','N',null,null,'TRUE');

Line 406: insert into java$jvm$status values('NONE','N',null,null,'TRUE');

402: select action,inprogress into lastaction,inprogress from java$jvm$status;
403: exception when no_data_found then
404: lastaction := 'NONE';
405: inprogress := 'N';
406: insert into java$jvm$status values('NONE','N',null,null,'TRUE');
407: end;
408: standalone_action := false;
409: if inprogress = 'Y' then
410: if not (newaction = lastaction or

Line 448: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';

444: end if;
446: if newaction = 'PUNT' then
447: debug_output('startaction(' || inaction || ') PUNTED');
448: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';
449: elsif newaction = 'STANDALONE' then
450: standalone_action := true;
451: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';
452: else

Line 451: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';

447: debug_output('startaction(' || inaction || ') PUNTED');
448: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';
449: elsif newaction = 'STANDALONE' then
450: standalone_action := true;
451: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';
452: else
453: debug_output('startaction(' || inaction || ') STARTED');
454: update java$jvm$status set
455: action = newaction,

Line 454: update java$jvm$status set

450: standalone_action := true;
451: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';
452: else
453: debug_output('startaction(' || inaction || ') STARTED');
454: update java$jvm$status set
455: action = newaction,
456: inprogress = 'Y',
457: execid = currentexecid,
458: punting = 'FALSE';

Line 474: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';

471: procedure endaction_outarg(action OUT varchar2) as
472: begin
473: if standalone_action then
474: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';
475: standalone_action := false;
476: action := 'STANDALONE';
477: else
478: begin

Line 479: select action into action from java$jvm$status where

475: standalone_action := false;
476: action := 'STANDALONE';
477: else
478: begin
479: select action into action from java$jvm$status where
480: punting = 'FALSE' and
481: execid = currentexecid;
482: delete from java$jvm$steps$done;
483: update java$jvm$status set inprogress = 'N', execid = null;

Line 483: update java$jvm$status set inprogress = 'N', execid = null;

479: select action into action from java$jvm$status where
480: punting = 'FALSE' and
481: execid = currentexecid;
482: delete from java$jvm$steps$done;
483: update java$jvm$status set inprogress = 'N', execid = null;
484: debug_output('endaction(' || action || ') DONE');
485: exception when no_data_found then
486: debug_output('endaction while PUNTING');
487: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';

Line 487: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';

483: update java$jvm$status set inprogress = 'N', execid = null;
484: debug_output('endaction(' || action || ') DONE');
485: exception when no_data_found then
486: debug_output('endaction while PUNTING');
487: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';
488: action := 'PUNT';
489: end;
490: end if;

Line 507: update java$jvm$status set action = 'LOAD';

503: outarg varchar2(40);
504: begin
505: endaction_outarg(outarg);
506: if (outarg != 'PUNT') then
507: update java$jvm$status set action = 'LOAD';
508: commit;
509: end if;
510: end;

Line 520: select execid, punting into execid, punting from java$jvm$status;

516: try boolean := false;
517: begin
518: current_step := null;
519: begin
520: select execid, punting into execid, punting from java$jvm$status;
521: if punting = 'FALSE' then
522: debug_output('NOT YET PUNTING AT ' || newstep);
523: if standalone_action then
524: try := true;

Line 525: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';

521: if punting = 'FALSE' then
522: debug_output('NOT YET PUNTING AT ' || newstep);
523: if standalone_action then
524: try := true;
525: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';
526: elsif execid = currentexecid then
527: begin
528: select step into oldstep from java$jvm$steps$done where step = newstep;
529: exception when no_data_found then

Line 532: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';

528: select step into oldstep from java$jvm$steps$done where step = newstep;
529: exception when no_data_found then
530: try := true;
531: current_step := newstep;
532: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';
533: end;
534: else
535: debug_output('startstep(' || newstep || ') PUNTED');
536: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';

Line 536: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';

532: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';
533: end;
534: else
535: debug_output('startstep(' || newstep || ') PUNTED');
536: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';
537: end if;
538: end if;
539: exception when no_data_found then
540: insert into java$jvm$status values('NONE','N',null,null,'TRUE');

Line 540: insert into java$jvm$status values('NONE','N',null,null,'TRUE');

536: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'TRUE';
537: end if;
538: end if;
539: exception when no_data_found then
540: insert into java$jvm$status values('NONE','N',null,null,'TRUE');
541: end;
543: commit;

Line 562: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';

558: debug_output('COMPLETED ' || current_step);
559: insert into java$jvm$steps$done values(current_step);
560: current_step := null;
561: end if;
562: update java$jvm$status set punting = 'FALSE';
563: commit;
564: end;
566: function currentexecid return varchar2 as