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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 52

        select 	ciav.incident_id, ciav.incident_type_id , ciav.incident_number,
		ciav.incident_date, jtv.task_id, jtv.task_type_id
        into   	lv_incident_id, lv_incident_type_id,  lv_incident_number,
		lv_incident_date, lv_task_id, lv_task_type_id
        from   	cs_incidents_all_b ciav,
               	jtf_tasks_b jtv
        where 	ciav.incident_id = jtv.source_object_id
          and   jtv.task_number = lv_task_number
          and   jtv.source_object_type_code ='SR';
Line: 159

    SELECT  task_type_attribute_code
    FROM    cug_tsk_typ_attr_maps_vl
    WHERE   TASK_TYPE_ID = lv_task_type_id;
Line: 183

    	SELECT  cvals.task_type_attr_value, wiav.name,  wiav.type
    	INTO    lv_task_type_attr_value, lv_task_type_attr_name, lv_task_type_attr_type
    	FROM    CUG_TSK_TYP_ATTR_MAPS_VL    cttamv,
            	cug_sr_task_attr_vals_vl    cvals,
    	    	WF_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES_VL       wiav,
            	CUG_TSK_TYP_ATTR_DEPS_VL    cttadv
    	WHERE   cttamv.tsk_typ_attr_map_id = cvals.task_type_attr_map_id
    	AND	cttamv.task_type_attribute_code = wiav.name
    	AND     wiav.name = lv_attr_name
    	AND     cvals.tsk_typ_attr_depend_id =  cttadv.tsk_typ_attr_dep_id
    	AND     cttadv.tsk_typ_attr_dep_id = lv_task_type_attr_dep_id
    	AND     cttadv.task_type_id =  cttamv.task_type_id
    	AND     cttadv.task_type_id = lv_task_type_id
    	AND     cttadv.incident_type_id = lv_incident_type_id
    	AND	    wiav.item_type = 'CUGTASKS';
Line: 274

       SELECT  hl.address , hl.city, hl.state, hl.province, hl.postal_code, hl.country
       FROM    cs_sr_incident_address_v hl,
                   CS_INCIDENTS_ALL_b cia
       WHERE hl.location_id = cia.incident_location_id
       AND      cia.incident_number = lv_incident_number;
Line: 281

       SELECT l.address1 ||
	      DECODE(l.address2,NULL,NULL,'; '|| l.address2) ||
Line: 295

        SELECT  incident_location_id, incident_address, incident_city, incident_state,
                incident_province, incident_postal_code, incident_country,
        WHERE   incident_number = lv_incident_number;
Line: 303

     SELECT ps.location_id
     FROM hz_party_sites ps
     WHERE ps.party_site_id = l_party_site_id;
Line: 331

    SELECT  hl.address1 || CHR(10) || hl.address2  || CHR(10) ||  hl.city || CHR(10) ||
  	        hl.state  || CHR(10) ||  hl.province || CHR(10) ||   hl.postal_code || CHR(10) ||
    INTO    lv_incident_address
        	CS_INCIDENTS_ALL_b cia
    WHERE hl.location_id = cia.install_site_use_id
    AND	cia.incident_number = lv_incident_number;
Line: 344

    SELECT  hl.address1, hl.address2, hl.city, hl.state, hl.province, hl.postal_code, hl.country
    INTO    l_address1, l_address2, l_city, l_state, l_province, l_postal_code, l_country
    FROM        HZ_LOCATIONS hl,
                CS_INCIDENTS_ALL_b cia
    WHERE hl.location_id = cia.install_site_use_id
    AND cia.incident_number = lv_incident_number;
Line: 480

		SELECT  flv.lookup_code, flv.description
    		FROM 	FND_LOOKUPS flv,
		    	CUG_SR_TYPE_ATTR_MAPS_VL cstamv
    		WHERE	flv.lookup_code = cstamv.sr_attribute_code
    		AND	cstamv.incident_type_id = lv_incident_type_id
    		AND     lookup_type = 'CUG_SR_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES';
Line: 495

        SELECT incident_date
            WHERE INCIDENT_ID = lv_incident_id;
Line: 500

		SELECT 	sr_attribute_value
		WHERE	sr_attribute_code = lv_attr_code
		AND	incident_id	= lv_incident_id ;
Line: 517

        SELECT name
	INTO	lv_incident_name
	FROM	cs_incident_types
	WHERE 	INCIDENT_TYPE_ID = lv_incident_type_id;
Line: 643

            select  conversion_rate
            into    lv_conversion_rate
            from  mtl_uom_conversions
            where uom_class='Time'
            and inventory_item_id=0
            and upper(unit_of_measure)=upper(lv_uom_type);
Line: 710

          select jtv.task_id, jtv.task_type_id, jtv.source_object_type_code
          into   lv_task_id, lv_task_type_id, lv_source_object_type_code
          from   cs_incidents_all_b ciav,
                 jtf_tasks_b jtv
          where  ciav.incident_id = jtv.source_object_id
          and    jtv.task_number = lv_task_number;
Line: 718

           select count(*)
           into lv_task_attr_cnt
           from cug_tsk_typ_attr_maps_b
           where task_type_id=lv_task_type_id;
Line: 808

        select  jtb.source_object_id , jtb.task_id,
		jtb.source_object_type_code, jtb.object_version_number
        into    lv_source_object_id  , lv_task_id ,
		lv_source_object_type_code, lv_object_version_number
        from    JTF_TASKS_B jtb
        where   jtb.TASK_NUMBER= lv_task_number;
Line: 816

            select  ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE
            into    lv_activity_result_code
            from    wf_item_activity_statuses
            where   item_type = lv_itemtype
            and     item_key  = lv_itemkey
                     ACTIVITY_RESULT_CODE = 'N' );
Line: 855

	jtf_tasks_pub.update_task (
			p_api_version => 1.0,
			p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false ,
			p_commit => fnd_api.g_true,
			p_object_version_number => lv_object_version_number ,
			p_task_id => lv_task_id ,
		 	p_task_status_id => lv_task_status_id ,
			x_return_status => x_return_status ,
			x_msg_count => x_msg_count ,
			x_msg_data => x_msg_data );
Line: 867

            WF_CORE.context('CUG_WF_EMAIL_UTIL', 'Set_Email_Status:update_task', itemtype, itemkey, actid, funcmode );