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Line 76: we are updating the request_id column in mtl_txn_request_lines along with quantity_detailed. And

72: (to eliminate the 'ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence' Error). When the c_move_order_lines CURSOR
73: is OPENED for the second time then the CURSOR MAY fetch the already processed records. But the
74: idea is to process only unprocessed records and after CLOSING the CURSOR there was no pointer to
75: find out that which all records have been already processed. So to identify the processed records
76: we are updating the request_id column in mtl_txn_request_lines along with quantity_detailed. And
77: the same (request_id) column is now being used to identify unprocessed records.
78: *****************************************************************************/
79: l_api_name VARCHAR2(30);

Line 112: FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl

108: , mtrl.inventory_item_id
109: , mtrl.to_account_id
110: , mtrl.project_id
111: , mtrl.task_id
112: FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
113: , mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh
114: WHERE mtrl.line_status IN (3, 7)
115: AND mtrh.organization_id = p_org_id
116: AND (p_move_order_from IS NULL OR mtrh.request_number >= p_move_order_from)

Line 153: FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl

149: , mtrl.to_account_id
150: , mtrl.project_id
151: , mtrl.task_id
152: , mtrl.quantity_detailed
153: FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl
154: WHERE mtrl.line_status IN (3, 7)
155: AND mtrl.organization_id = p_org_id
156: AND mtrl.header_id = l_header_id
157: AND mtrl.quantity > NVL(mtrl.quantity_detailed, 0)

Line 357: UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines

353: END IF;
354: -- End Bug 8985168
356: --Bug #4155230
357: UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
358: SET quantity_detailed = (NVL(quantity_delivered, 0) + l_detailed_qty),
359: --secondary_quantity_detailed = decode(l_secondary_detailed_qty, 0, NULL, l_secondary_detailed_qty), --INVCONV
360: secondary_quantity_detailed = NVL(secondary_quantity_delivered,0) + l_secondary_detailed_qty, -- Bug 8985168
361: request_id = p_request_id /* Added the updation of request_id to fix Bug# 4003379 */