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Line 851: * and az_flow_phases_v into the intermediate table.

847: * Private procedure. Called by implementation_report.
848: * Populate implementation process hierarchies in the intermediate table.
849: * It performs the following steps:
850: * 1. Get all distinct processes of the given phase from az_processes_all_v
851: * and az_flow_phases_v into the intermediate table.
852: * 2. Find all distinct parent ids for the processes found in Step 1.
853: * 3. For each parent id in Step 2, get all distinct hierarchy ancestors
854: * in az_groups_v into the intermediate table.
855: *-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/

Line 866: az_flow_phases_v afpv

862: TO_CHAR(agv.display_order, '0000')||'.'|| apv.parent_id parent_node_id,
863: apv.description
864: FROM az_processes_all_v apv,
865: az_groups agv,
866: az_flow_phases_v afpv
867: WHERE afpv.phase = p_phase
868: AND afpv.item_type = apv.item_type
869: AND afpv.process_name = apv.process_name
870: AND apv.parent_id = agv.group_id

Line 877: az_flow_phases_v afpv

874: CURSOR parents_cursor IS
875: SELECT DISTINCT apv.parent_id
876: FROM az_processes apv,
877: az_flow_phases_v afpv
878: WHERE apv.item_type = afpv.item_type
879: AND apv.process_name = afpv.process_name
880: AND apv.process_type = 'IMP'
881: AND afpv.phase = p_phase;