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Line 393: ieu_wp_act_param_sets_b sb, ieu_uwq_node_ds ds

389: c_rec c_cursor%ROWTYPE;
390: CURSOR c_cursor2 is
391: select m.WP_ACTION_MAP_ID, m.object_version_number
392: from ieu_wp_action_maps m, ieu_uwq_maction_defs_b db,
393: ieu_wp_act_param_sets_b sb, ieu_uwq_node_ds ds
394: where m.action_map_type_code = v_type_code
395: --and m.application_id = db.application_id
396: and db.maction_def_type_flag= 'F'
397: and db.maction_def_id = sb.wp_action_def_id

Line 1327: ieu_uwq_maction_defs_tl e , ieu_uwq_maction_defs_b f, ieu_uwq_node_ds ds

1323: select d.action_param_set_label, b.action_map_sequence,
1324: d.action_param_set_desc , e.action_user_label, b.not_valid_flag,c.action_param_set_id
1325: from ieu_uwq_Sel_enumerators a, ieu_wp_action_maps b,
1326: ieu_wp_act_param_sets_b c, ieu_wp_act_param_sets_tl d,
1327: ieu_uwq_maction_defs_tl e , ieu_uwq_maction_defs_b f, ieu_uwq_node_ds ds
1328: where a.sel_enum_id =v_enumId
1329: and f.maction_def_type_flag = v_panel
1330: and e.language = FND_GLOBAL.CURRENT_LANGUAGE

Line 1374: ' from ieu_uwq_node_ds ' ||

1370: /*******************ADD FOR FORWARD PORT BUG5585922 BY MAJHA**********************/
1371: --' and action_param_set_id = :4 '||
1372: /*********************************************************************************/
1373: ' and action_map_code in (select to_char(node_ds_id) ' ||
1374: ' from ieu_uwq_node_ds ' ||
1375: ' where enum_type_uuid in (select enum_type_uuid '||
1376: ' from ieu_uwq_sel_enumerators '||
1377: ' where sel_enum_id = :5 '||
1378: ' ) '||

Line 1393: ' from ieu_uwq_node_ds '||

1389: /*******************ADD FOR FORWARD PORT BUG5585922 BY MAJHA**********************/
1390: --' and action_param_set_id = :5 '||
1391: /*********************************************************************************/
1392: ' and action_map_code in (select to_char(node_ds_id) '||
1393: ' from ieu_uwq_node_ds '||
1394: ' where enum_type_uuid in (select enum_type_uuid '||
1395: ' from ieu_uwq_sel_enumerators '||
1396: ' where sel_enum_id = :6'||
1397: ' ) '||

Line 1520: ieu_uwq_node_ds ds

1516: and c.maction_def_id = a.wp_action_def_id
1517: and a.action_param_set_id in (select action_param_set_id
1518: from ieu_wp_action_maps
1519: where action_map_code in (SELECT to_char(ds.NODE_DS_ID) FROM ieu_uwq_sel_enumerators e,
1520: ieu_uwq_node_ds ds
1521: WHERE e.sel_enum_id = v_enumId
1523: )
1524: )

Line 1543: and action_map_code in (SELECT to_char(ds.NODE_DS_ID) FROM ieu_uwq_sel_enumerators e, ieu_uwq_node_ds ds

1539: and b.action_param_set_id = v_param_set_id
1540: and c.maction_def_key = LTRIM(RTRIM(v_wp_action_key))
1541: and b.language = v_language
1542: and c.maction_def_id = a.wp_action_def_id)
1543: and action_map_code in (SELECT to_char(ds.NODE_DS_ID) FROM ieu_uwq_sel_enumerators e, ieu_uwq_node_ds ds
1544: WHERE e.sel_enum_id = v_enumId
1545: and e.ENUM_TYPE_UUID = ds.ENUM_TYPE_UUID);
1546: c_rec c_cur%ROWTYPE;
1547: c_rec2 c_cur2%ROWTYPE;