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Line 107: iby_account_owners ow,

103: FROM hz_organization_profiles bapr,
104: hz_organization_profiles brpr,
105: hz_parties bp,
106: hz_party_sites s,
107: iby_account_owners ow,
108: hz_parties br,
109: hz_parties op,
110: iby_ext_bank_accounts eb,
111: hz_code_assignments branchca,

Line 118: FROM iby_account_owners a1,

114: -- Bug 13096283/13586778: Publish bank account info for non-primary owners of factor account
115: -- Part 1: Get all suppliers that own same bank account(s) with the current supplier (l_party_id)
116: (SELECT DISTINCT a1.account_owner_party_id,
117: a1.ext_bank_account_id
118: FROM iby_account_owners a1,
119: iby_external_payees_all payee,
120: iby_pmt_instr_uses_all instr
121: WHERE payee.ext_payee_id = instr.ext_pmt_party_id
122: AND payee_party_id = l_party_id