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Line 24: from bom_operation_sequences bos

20: -- it includes feeder lines)
21: cursor start_ops_cur (cv_routing_sequence_id number,
22: cv_operation_type varchar2) is
23: select bos.operation_sequence_id start_operation_sequence_id
24: from bom_operation_sequences bos
25: where bos.routing_sequence_id = cv_routing_sequence_id
26: and bos.operation_type = cv_operation_type
27: minus
28: select bon.to_op_seq_id start_operation_sequence_id

Line 29: from bom_operation_networks bon, bom_operation_sequences bos

25: where bos.routing_sequence_id = cv_routing_sequence_id
26: and bos.operation_type = cv_operation_type
27: minus
28: select bon.to_op_seq_id start_operation_sequence_id
29: from bom_operation_networks bon, bom_operation_sequences bos
30: where bon.to_op_seq_id = bos.operation_sequence_id
31: and bos.routing_sequence_id = cv_routing_sequence_id
32: and bos.operation_type = cv_operation_type
33: and nvl(bon.transition_type, 0) <> 3;

Line 58: from bom_operation_sequences

54: p_operation_type) loop
55: -- Select total_time_calc for the starting operation
56: select nvl(total_time_calc, 0)
57: into v_tpct
58: from bom_operation_sequences
59: where operation_sequence_id = start_ops_rec.start_operation_sequence_id;
61: -- Fetch all the to operations from the starting operation
62: for network_rec in network_cur

Line 67: from bom_operation_sequences

63: (start_ops_rec.start_operation_sequence_id) loop
64: -- Select total_time_calc for the to_operation
65: select nvl(total_time_calc, 0)
66: into v_ttc
67: from bom_operation_sequences
68: where operation_sequence_id = network_rec.to_op_seq_id;
70: -- Set the total product cycle time
71: v_tpct := v_tpct + v_ttc;