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1 PACKAGE BODY csf_gps_pub AS
2   /* $Header: CSFPGPSB.pls 120.1 2010/09/13 08:30:12 rkamasam noship $ */
4   g_pkg_name           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'CSF_GPS_PUB';
5   g_level_cp_output    CONSTANT NUMBER       := fnd_log.level_unexpected + 1;
6   g_epoch              CONSTANT DATE         := to_date('01-01-1970', 'DD-MM-YYYY');
7   g_counter            NUMBER  := 0;
9   PROCEDURE debug(p_message VARCHAR2, p_module VARCHAR2, p_level NUMBER, p_indent NUMBER) IS
10   BEGIN
11     IF p_level = g_level_cp_output AND fnd_file.output > 0 THEN
12       fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, p_message);
13     END IF;
15     IF     NVL(fnd_profile.value('AFLOG_ENABLED'), 'N') = 'Y'
16        AND p_level >= NVL(fnd_profile.value('AFLOG_LEVEL'), 1)
17     THEN
18       IF fnd_file.log > 0 THEN
19         IF p_message = ' ' THEN
20           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, '');
21         ELSE
22           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log, rpad(p_module, 20) || ': ' || p_message);
23         END IF;
24       END IF;
25       IF ( p_level >= FND_LOG.G_CURRENT_RUNTIME_LEVEL )
26       THEN
27         fnd_log.string(p_level, 'csf.plsql.CSF_GPS_PUB.' || p_module, p_message);
28       END IF;
29     END IF;
30     --dbms_output.put_line(rpad(p_module, 20) || ': ' || p_message);
31   END debug;
33   FUNCTION is_gps_enabled RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
34     l_enabled VARCHAR2(1);
35     CURSOR c_vendors IS
36       SELECT DECODE(COUNT(*), 0, 'N', 'Y')
37         FROM csf_gps_vendors_b WHERE enabled = 'Y';
38   BEGIN
39     OPEN c_vendors;
40     FETCH c_vendors INTO l_enabled;
41     CLOSE c_vendors;
43     RETURN l_enabled;
44   END is_gps_enabled;
46   FUNCTION get_gps_label(
47       p_device_id     NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
48     , p_resource_id   NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
49     , p_resource_type VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
50     , p_date          DATE       DEFAULT NULL
51     )
53     --
54     l_label csf_gps_devices.device_tag%TYPE;
55     --
56     CURSOR c_device_label IS
57       SELECT device_tag
58         FROM csf_gps_devices
59        WHERE device_id = p_device_id;
60     --
61     CURSOR c_resource_device_label IS
62       SELECT device_tag
63         FROM csf_gps_device_assignments a
64            , csf_gps_devices d
65        WHERE a.resource_id = p_resource_id
66          AND a.resource_type = p_resource_type
67          AND NVL(p_date, SYSDATE) BETWEEN a.start_date_active AND NVL(a.end_date_active, SYSDATE + 1);
68   BEGIN
69     IF p_device_id IS NOT NULL THEN
70       OPEN c_device_label;
71       FETCH c_device_label INTO l_label;
72       CLOSE c_device_label;
73     ELSIF p_resource_id IS NOT NULL THEN
74       OPEN c_resource_device_label;
75       FETCH c_resource_device_label INTO l_label;
76       CLOSE c_resource_device_label;
77     END IF;
79     RETURN l_label;
80   END;
82   FUNCTION get_vendor_name(p_vendor_id NUMBER)
84     --
85     l_label csf_gps_vendors_tl.vendor_name%TYPE;
86     CURSOR c_vendors IS
87       SELECT vendor_name
88         FROM csf_gps_vendors_vl
89        WHERE vendor_id = p_vendor_id;
90   BEGIN
91     OPEN c_vendors;
92     FETCH c_vendors INTO l_label;
93     CLOSE c_vendors;
95     RETURN l_label;
96   END;
98   PROCEDURE get_location(
99       p_device_id                  IN        NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
100     , p_resource_id                IN        NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
101     , p_resource_type              IN        VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
102     , p_date                       IN        DATE      DEFAULT NULL
103     , x_feed_time                 OUT NOCOPY DATE
104     , x_status_code               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
105     , x_latitude                  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
106     , x_longitude                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
107     , x_speed                     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
108     , x_direction                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
109     , x_parked_time               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
110     , x_address                   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
111     , x_creation_date             OUT NOCOPY DATE
112     , x_device_tag                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
113     , x_status_code_meaning       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
114     ) IS
115     c_location_cursor SYS_REFCURSOR;
117      CURSOR c_status_lookup IS
118      SELECT NVL(meaning, 'UNKNOWN')
122   BEGIN
119        FROM fnd_lookups
120       WHERE lookup_type = 'CSF_GPS_DEVICE_STATUSES'
121         AND lookup_code = 'UNKNOWN';
123     IF p_device_id IS NOT NULL THEN
124       OPEN c_location_cursor FOR
125         SELECT l.vendor_feed_time
126              , l.status
127              , trunc(l.latitude, 3)
128              , trunc(l.longitude, 3)
129              , l.speed
130              , l.direction
131              , l.parked_time
132              , l.address
133              , d.device_tag
134              , (
135                   SELECT NVL(fl.meaning, stmap.internal_status_code) FROM fnd_lookups fl, csf_gps_vendor_status_maps stmap
136                   WHERE fl.lookup_type = 'CSF_GPS_DEVICE_STATUSES' AND fl.lookup_code = stmap.internal_status_code AND stmap.vendor_status_code = l.status
137                ) status_code_meaning
138              , l.creation_date
139           FROM csf_gps_location_feeds l
140              , csf_gps_devices d
141          WHERE d.device_id = p_device_id
142            AND l.device_id = d.device_id
143 --           AND (
144 --                    p_date IS NULL AND l.creation_date > SYSDATE - 1
145 --                 OR p_date BETWEEN (l.creation_date - 1) AND (l.creation_date + 1)
146 --               )
147          ORDER BY ABS(NVL(p_date, l.creation_date) - l.creation_date) ASC, l.creation_date DESC;
148     ELSE
149       OPEN c_location_cursor FOR
150         SELECT l.vendor_feed_time
151              , l.status
152              , trunc(l.latitude, 3)
153              , trunc(l.longitude, 3)
154              , l.speed
155              , l.direction
156              , l.parked_time
157              , l.address
158              , d.device_tag
159              , (
160                   SELECT NVL(fl.meaning, stmap.internal_status_code) FROM fnd_lookups fl, csf_gps_vendor_status_maps stmap
161                   WHERE fl.lookup_type = 'CSF_GPS_DEVICE_STATUSES' AND fl.lookup_code = stmap.internal_status_code AND stmap.vendor_status_code = l.status
162                ) status_code_meaning
163              , l.creation_date
164           FROM csf_gps_location_feeds l
165              , csf_gps_device_assignments a
166              , csf_gps_devices d
167          WHERE a.resource_id = p_resource_id
168            AND a.resource_type = p_resource_type
169            AND a.device_id = l.device_id
170            AND d.device_id = a.device_id
171 --           AND (
172 --                    p_date IS NULL AND l.creation_date > SYSDATE - 1
173 --                 OR p_date BETWEEN (l.creation_date - 1) AND (l.creation_date + 1)
174 --                    AND p_date BETWEEN a.start_date_active AND NVL(a.end_date_active, SYSDATE+1)
175 --               )
176          ORDER BY ABS(NVL(p_date, l.creation_date) - l.creation_date) ASC, l.creation_date DESC;
177     END IF;
179     FETCH c_location_cursor INTO
180         x_feed_time
181       , x_status_code
182       , x_latitude
183       , x_longitude
184       , x_speed
185       , x_direction
186       , x_parked_time
187       , x_address
188       , x_device_tag
189       , x_status_code_meaning
190       , x_creation_date
191       ;
192     CLOSE c_location_cursor;
194     IF x_latitude IS NULL OR x_longitude IS NULL THEN
195       x_longitude := -9999;
196       x_latitude  := -9999;
197     END IF;
198     IF x_status_code_meaning IS NULL AND x_device_tag IS NOT NULL THEN
199        OPEN c_status_lookup;
200       FETCH c_status_lookup INTO x_status_code_meaning;
201       CLOSE c_status_lookup;
202     END IF;
203   END get_location;
205   FUNCTION get_location (
206       p_device_id                  IN        NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
207     , p_resource_id                IN        NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
208     , p_resource_type              IN        VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
209     , p_date                       IN        DATE      DEFAULT NULL
210     )
212     l_feed_time            csf_gps_location_feeds.vendor_feed_time%TYPE;
213     l_status_code          csf_gps_location_feeds.status%TYPE;
214     l_latitude             csf_gps_location_feeds.latitude%TYPE;
215     l_longitude            csf_gps_location_feeds.longitude%TYPE;
216     l_speed                csf_gps_location_feeds.speed%TYPE;
217     l_direction            csf_gps_location_feeds.direction%TYPE;
218     l_parked_time          csf_gps_location_feeds.parked_time%TYPE;
219     l_address              csf_gps_location_feeds.address%TYPE;
220     l_creation_date        csf_gps_location_feeds.creation_date%TYPE;
221     l_device_tag           csf_gps_devices.device_tag%TYPE;
222     l_status_code_meaning  fnd_lookups.meaning%TYPE;
223   BEGIN
224     get_location(
225         p_device_id              => p_device_id
226       , p_resource_id            => p_resource_id
227       , p_resource_type          => p_resource_type
228       , p_date                   => p_date
229       , x_feed_time              => l_feed_time
230       , x_status_code            => l_status_code
231       , x_latitude               => l_latitude
232       , x_longitude              => l_longitude
233       , x_speed                  => l_speed
234       , x_direction              => l_direction
235       , x_parked_time            => l_parked_time
236       , x_address                => l_address
237       , x_creation_date          => l_creation_date
238       , x_device_tag             => l_device_tag
239       , x_status_code_meaning    => l_status_code_meaning
240       );
242     RETURN MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(l_longitude, l_latitude, 0);
244   END get_location;
246   PROCEDURE save_location_feeds(
247       p_api_version                IN        NUMBER
248     , p_init_msg_list              IN        VARCHAR2
252     , x_msg_count                 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
249     , p_commit                     IN        VARCHAR2
250     , x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
251     , x_msg_data                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
253     , p_count                      IN        NUMBER
254     , p_device_id_tbl              IN        jtf_number_table
255     , p_feed_time_tbl              IN        jtf_date_table
256     , p_status_tbl                 IN        jtf_varchar2_table_100
257     , p_lat_tbl                    IN        jtf_number_table
258     , p_lng_tbl                    IN        jtf_number_table
259     , p_speed_tbl                  IN        jtf_number_table
260     , p_dir_tbl                    IN        jtf_varchar2_table_100
261     , p_parked_time_tbl            IN        jtf_number_table
262     , p_address_tbl                IN        jtf_varchar2_table_300
263     ) IS
264     l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'SAVE_LOCATION_FEEDS';
265   BEGIN
266     SAVEPOINT csf_save_location_feeds;
268     -- Check for API Compatibility
269     IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call(1.0, p_api_version, l_api_name, g_pkg_name) THEN
270       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
271     END IF;
273     -- Initialize Message Stack if required
274     IF p_init_msg_list = fnd_api.g_true THEN
275       fnd_msg_pub.initialize;
276     END IF;
278     -- Initialize Return Status
279     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
281     FORALL i IN 1..p_count
282       INSERT INTO csf_gps_location_feeds(
283             location_feed_id
284           , device_id
285           , creation_date
286           , vendor_feed_time
287           , status
288           , latitude
289           , longitude
290           , speed
291           , direction
292           , parked_time
293           , address
294           )
295         VALUES (
296             csf_gps_location_feeds_s.NEXTVAL
297           , p_device_id_tbl(i)
298           , SYSDATE
299           , p_feed_time_tbl(i)
300           , p_status_tbl(i)
301           , p_lat_tbl(i)
302           , p_lng_tbl(i)
303           , p_speed_tbl(i)
304           , p_dir_tbl(i)
305           , p_parked_time_tbl(i)
306           , p_address_tbl(i)
307           );
309     IF fnd_api.to_boolean(p_commit) THEN
310       COMMIT;
311     END IF;
314       x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
315       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
316         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
317       END IF;
318       fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get(p_data => x_msg_data, p_count => x_msg_count);
319       ROLLBACK TO csf_save_location_feeds;
320   END save_location_feeds;
322   /***************************************************************************************
323    *                                                                                     *
324    *                               Purging Routines                                      *
325    *                                                                                     *
326    ***************************************************************************************/
328   PROCEDURE purge_res_device_feeds(
329       p_device_id         NUMBER
330     , p_device_tag        VARCHAR2
331     , p_start_date        DATE
332     , p_end_date          DATE
333     , p_indent            NUMBER
334     ) IS
335     l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'PURGE_RES_DEVICE_FEEDS';
336   BEGIN
337     fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGING_DEVICE_LOCS');
338     fnd_message.set_token('DEVICE_TAG', p_device_tag);
339     debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, p_indent);
341     DELETE csf_gps_location_feeds
342      WHERE device_id = p_device_id
343        AND creation_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date;
344     g_counter := g_counter + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
345     fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGE_DEL_ROWS_STATS');
346     fnd_message.set_token('COUNT', SQL%ROWCOUNT);
347     debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, p_indent + 4);
348   END purge_res_device_feeds;
350   PROCEDURE purge_res_location_feeds(
351       p_resource_id       NUMBER
352     , p_resource_type     VARCHAR2
353     , p_start_date        DATE
354     , p_end_date          DATE
355     , p_indent            NUMBER
356     ) IS
357     l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'PURGE_RES_LOCATION_FEEDS';
358     l_res_info csf_resource_pub.resource_rec_type;
359   BEGIN
360     l_res_info := csf_resource_pub.get_resource_info(p_resource_id, p_resource_type);
362     fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGING_RES_LOCS');
363     fnd_message.set_token('RESOURCE', l_res_info.resource_name || '(' || csf_resource_pub.get_resource_type_name(l_res_info.resource_type) || ', ' || l_res_info.resource_number || ')');
364     debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, p_indent);
366     DELETE csf_gps_location_feeds
367      WHERE device_id IN (
368              SELECT device_id
369                FROM csf_gps_device_assignments
370               WHERE resource_id = p_resource_id
371                 AND resource_type = p_resource_type
372                 AND start_date_active < p_end_date
373                 AND NVL(end_date_active, SYSDATE) > p_start_date
374            )
375        AND creation_date BETWEEN p_start_date AND p_end_date;
376     g_counter := g_counter + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
377     fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGE_DEL_ROWS_STATS');
378     fnd_message.set_token('COUNT', SQL%ROWCOUNT);
379     debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, p_indent + 4);
380   END purge_res_location_feeds;
385     , p_vendor_id                  IN        NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
382   PROCEDURE purge_location_feeds(
383       errbuf                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
384     , retcode                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
386     , p_device_id                  IN        NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
387     , p_device_assignment_id       IN        NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
388     , p_territory_id               IN        NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
389     , p_resource_type              IN        VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
390     , p_resource_id                IN        NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
391     , p_start_date                 IN        VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
392     , p_end_date                   IN        VARCHAR2  DEFAULT NULL
393     , p_num_days                   IN        NUMBER    DEFAULT NULL
394     ) IS
395      l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'PURGE_LOCATION_FEEDS';
396      l_start_date      DATE;
397      l_end_date        DATE;
399      --
400      CURSOR c_vendors IS
401        SELECT vendor_id, vendor_name
402          FROM csf_gps_vendors_vl;
403      --
404      CURSOR c_vendor_devices(v_vendor_id NUMBER) IS
405        SELECT device_id, device_tag
406          FROM csf_gps_devices
407         WHERE vendor_id = v_vendor_id;
408      --
409      CURSOR c_territory_resources IS
410        SELECT resource_id, resource_type
411          FROM jtf_terr_rsc_all
412         WHERE terr_id = p_territory_id;
414      l_datetime_format fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%TYPE;
416   BEGIN
417     fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGE_CP_STARTED');
418     debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, 0);
420     IF p_num_days IS NULL THEN
421       IF p_start_date IS NOT NULL THEN
422         l_start_date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_start_date);
423       ELSE
424         l_start_date := SYSDATE-8;
425       END IF;
427       IF p_end_date IS NOT NULL THEN
428         l_end_date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_end_date);
429       ELSE
430         l_end_date := TRUNC(SYSDATE-1);
431       END IF;
432     ELSE
433       l_start_date := SYSDATE - trunc(p_num_days);
434       l_end_date   := SYSDATE;
435     END IF;
437     l_datetime_format := fnd_profile.value('ICX_DATE_FORMAT_MASK');
438     IF  l_datetime_format IS NULL THEN
439        l_datetime_format := 'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI';
440     ELSE
441        l_datetime_format := l_datetime_format || ' HH24:MI';
442     END IF;
443     fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGE_DATE_RANGE');
444     fnd_message.set_token('START_DATE', to_char(l_start_date, l_datetime_format));
445     fnd_message.set_token('END_DATE', to_char(l_end_date, l_datetime_format));
446     debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, 0);
448     SAVEPOINT csf_gps_loc_purge;
450     IF p_vendor_id IS NOT NULL THEN
451       --
452       -- Purging the Locations of all the Devices attached to the Vendor
453       --
454       fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGING_VENDOR_LOCS');
455       fnd_message.set_token('VENDOR', get_vendor_name(p_vendor_id));
456       debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, 0);
458       FOR v_device IN c_vendor_devices(p_vendor_id) LOOP
459         purge_res_device_feeds(v_device.device_id, v_device.device_tag, l_start_date, l_end_date, 4);
460       END LOOP;
461     ELSIF p_device_id IS NOT NULL THEN
462       --
463       -- Purging the Locations of the Device
464       --
465       purge_res_device_feeds(p_device_id, get_gps_label(p_device_id), l_start_date, l_end_date, 0);
466     ELSIF p_device_assignment_id IS NOT NULL THEN
467       --
468       -- Purging the Locations of the Device Assignment
469       --
470       fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGING_ASSIGN_LOCS');
471       debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, 0);
473       DELETE csf_gps_location_feeds
474        WHERE device_id IN (
475                SELECT device_id
476                  FROM csf_gps_device_assignments
477                 WHERE device_assignment_id = p_device_assignment_id
478                   AND start_date_active < l_end_date
479                   AND NVL(end_date_active, SYSDATE) > l_start_date
480              )
481          AND creation_date BETWEEN l_start_date AND l_end_date;
482       g_counter := g_counter + SQL%ROWCOUNT;
483       fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGE_DEL_ROWS_STATS');
484       fnd_message.set_token('COUNT', SQL%ROWCOUNT);
485       debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, 4);
486     ELSIF p_resource_id IS NOT NULL THEN
487       purge_res_location_feeds(p_resource_id, p_resource_type, l_start_date, l_end_date, 0);
488     ELSIF p_territory_id IS NOT NULL THEN
489       FOR v_res IN c_territory_resources LOOP
490         purge_res_location_feeds(v_res.resource_id, v_res.resource_type, l_start_date, l_end_date, 4);
491       END LOOP;
492     ELSE
493       FOR v_vendor IN c_vendors LOOP
494         fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGING_VENDOR_LOCS');
495         fnd_message.set_token('VENDOR', v_vendor.vendor_name);
496         debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, 0);
498         FOR v_device IN c_vendor_devices(v_vendor.vendor_id) LOOP
499           purge_res_device_feeds(v_device.device_id, v_device.device_tag, l_start_date, l_end_date, 4);
500         END LOOP;
501       END LOOP;
502     END IF;
504     fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_GPS_PURGE_CP_COMPLETED');
505     fnd_message.set_token('COUNT', g_counter);
506     debug(fnd_message.get, l_api_name, g_level_cp_output, 0);
508     COMMIT;
509     g_counter := 0;
510     retcode := 0;
511     fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_CP_DONE_SUCCESS');
512     errbuf := fnd_message.get;
515       IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
516         fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
517       END IF;
519       retcode := 2;
520       g_counter := 0;
521       fnd_message.set_name('CSF', 'CSF_CP_DONE_ERROR');
522       errbuf := fnd_message.get;
523       ROLLBACK TO csf_gps_loc_purge;
524   END purge_location_feeds;
526   PROCEDURE add_language IS
527   BEGIN
528     DELETE FROM csf_gps_vendors_tl t
529      WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM csf_gps_vendors_b b WHERE b.vendor_id = t.vendor_id);
531     UPDATE csf_gps_vendors_tl cgvt
532        SET (cgvt.vendor_name, cgvt.description) = (
533                SELECT cgvtl.vendor_name, cgvtl.description
534                  FROM csf_gps_vendors_tl cgvtl
535                 WHERE cgvtl.vendor_id = cgvt.vendor_id
536                   AND cgvtl.language = cgvt.source_lang
537              )
538      WHERE (cgvt.vendor_id, cgvt.language) IN (
539                SELECT subt.vendor_id, subt.language
540                  FROM csf_gps_vendors_tl subb, csf_gps_vendors_tl subt
541                 WHERE subb.vendor_id = subt.vendor_id
542                   AND subb.language = subt.source_lang
543                   AND (
544                           subb.vendor_name <> subt.vendor_name
545                        OR subb.description <> subt.description
546                        OR (subb.description IS NULL AND subt.description IS NOT NULL)
547                        OR (subb.description IS NOT NULL AND subt.description IS NULL)
548                       )
549              );
551     INSERT INTO csf_gps_vendors_tl (
552         vendor_id
553       , vendor_name
554       , description
555       , created_by
556       , creation_date
557       , last_updated_by
558       , last_update_date
559       , last_update_login
560       , language
561       , source_lang
562       )
563       SELECT cgvt.vendor_id
564            , cgvt.vendor_name
565            , cgvt.description
566            , cgvt.created_by
567            , cgvt.creation_date
568            , cgvt.last_updated_by
569            , cgvt.last_update_date
570            , cgvt.last_update_login
571            , l.language_code
572            , cgvt.source_lang
573         FROM csf_gps_vendors_tl cgvt
574            , fnd_languages l
575        WHERE l.installed_flag IN ('I', 'B')
576          AND cgvt.language = userenv('LANG')
577          AND NOT EXISTS (
578                SELECT NULL
579                  FROM csf_gps_vendors_tl t
580                 WHERE t.vendor_id  = cgvt.vendor_id
581                   AND t.language = l.language_code
582                );
583   END add_language;
584 END csf_gps_pub;