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Line 102: ff_user_entities fue

98: from
99: pay_assignment_actions ppac,
100: pay_payroll_actions ppa,
101: ff_archive_items ff,
102: ff_user_entities fue
103: where ppa.payroll_action_id =pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
104: and ppac.action_status='C'
105: and ppac.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_PAYROLL_ACTION',ppa.legislative_parameters)
106: AND pay_au_payment_summary.get_archive_value('X_REPORTING_FLAG', ppac.assignment_action_id)='YES'

Line 138: ff_user_entities fue

134: pay_action_interlocks ppai,
135: pay_assignment_actions apac, --archive
136: pay_payroll_actions ppa, --self printed
137: ff_archive_items ff,
138: ff_user_entities fue
139: where mpac.payroll_action_id =pay_magtape_generic.get_parameter_value('TRANSFER_PAYROLL_ACTION_ID')
140: and mpac.action_status ='C'
141: and ppac.action_status='C'
142: and mpai.locking_action_id = mpac.assignment_Action_id -- magtapes locking action id

Line 179: from ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff

175: and mpa.report_qualifier = 'AU'
176: and mpa.report_category = 'REPORT'
177: /* Added check for bug 5353402 - Details will be displayed in the Data File only if sum of values of these balances are greater than zero */
178: and 1 <= (select sum(nvl(value,0))
179: from ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff
180: where fue.user_Entity_id = ff.user_entity_id
181: and fue.user_entity_name in

Line 222: from ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff

218: and apac.assignment_id = ppac.assignment_id /* 5471093 */
219: and ppac.assignment_id = mpac.assignment_id /* 5471093 */
220: /* Added check for bug 5353402 - Details will be displayed in the Data File only if sum of values of these balances are greater than zero */
221: and 1 <= (select sum(nvl(value,0))
222: from ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff
223: where fue.user_Entity_id = ff.user_entity_id
224: and fue.user_entity_name in

Line 264: from ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff

260: and mpa.report_type = 'AU_PS_DATA_FILE_VAL'
261: and mpa.report_qualifier = 'AU'
262: and mpa.report_category = 'REPORT'
263: and 1 <= (select sum(nvl(value,0))
264: from ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff
265: where fue.user_Entity_id = ff.user_entity_id
266: and fue.user_entity_name in

Line 302: from ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff

298: and ppa.report_type = 'AU_PAYMENT_SUMMARY_REPORT'
299: and apac.assignment_id = ppac.assignment_id
300: and ppac.assignment_id = mpac.assignment_id
301: and 1 <= (select sum(nvl(value,0))
302: from ff_user_entities fue, ff_archive_items ff
303: where fue.user_Entity_id = ff.user_entity_id
304: and fue.user_entity_name in