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Line 14: user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%TYPE, -- may have many, we just peek one, any

10: -- type user_record_type is table of dbms_ldap.STRING_COLLECTION index by varchar2(200);
12: type ldap_user_type is record
13: (
14: user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%TYPE, -- may have many, we just peek one, any
15: user_guid FND_USER.USER_GUID%TYPE,
16: user_id FND_USER.USER_ID%TYPE,
17: RDN_ATT_NAME varchar2(80),
18: RDN_VALUE varchar2(4000),

Line 15: user_guid FND_USER.USER_GUID%TYPE,

12: type ldap_user_type is record
13: (
14: user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%TYPE, -- may have many, we just peek one, any
15: user_guid FND_USER.USER_GUID%TYPE,
16: user_id FND_USER.USER_ID%TYPE,
17: RDN_ATT_NAME varchar2(80),
18: RDN_VALUE varchar2(4000),
19: NickName_ATT_NAME varchar2(80),

Line 16: user_id FND_USER.USER_ID%TYPE,

12: type ldap_user_type is record
13: (
14: user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%TYPE, -- may have many, we just peek one, any
15: user_guid FND_USER.USER_GUID%TYPE,
16: user_id FND_USER.USER_ID%TYPE,
17: RDN_ATT_NAME varchar2(80),
18: RDN_VALUE varchar2(4000),
19: NickName_ATT_NAME varchar2(80),
20: parent_DN varchar2(4000),

Line 176: ** Desc : This procedure unsubscribes the user in OID if there is no other FND user linked

172: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
173: /*
174: ** Name : unlink_user
175: ** Type : Public, FND Internal
176: ** Desc : This procedure unsubscribes the user in OID if there is no other FND user linked
177: ** to the same OID user
178: ** If no user exists with the same name, it returns with G_FAILURE.
179: ** If application is not SSO enabled, it
180: ** simply returns G_SUCCESS without unlinking the user in OID

Line 194: procedure unlink_user(p_user_guid in fnd_user.user_guid%type,

191: ** - application is SSO enabled and user unlinking fails
192: ** Notes :
193: */
194: procedure unlink_user(p_user_guid in fnd_user.user_guid%type,
195: p_user_name in varchar2,
196: x_result out nocopy pls_integer);
197: --
198: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 220: ** fnd_user is now being rejected/released, *and* the OID user is

216: /*
217: ** Name : delete_user
218: ** Type : Public, FND Internal
219: ** Desc : If the OID user was created from the same instance where the
220: ** fnd_user is now being rejected/released, *and* the OID user is
221: ** still inactive, then we will delete it.If either of these
222: ** criteria is not fulfilled, we can't touch the OID user even if
223: ** we delete the pending FND_USER record.
224: ** Pre-Reqs :

Line 223: ** we delete the pending FND_USER record.

219: ** Desc : If the OID user was created from the same instance where the
220: ** fnd_user is now being rejected/released, *and* the OID user is
221: ** still inactive, then we will delete it.If either of these
222: ** criteria is not fulfilled, we can't touch the OID user even if
223: ** we delete the pending FND_USER record.
224: ** Pre-Reqs :
225: ** Parameters: p_user_name : user name to be deleted
226: ** p_result :

Line 233: procedure delete_user(p_user_guid in fnd_user.user_guid%type,

230: ** - if user deletion fails
231: ** Notes :
232: */
233: procedure delete_user(p_user_guid in fnd_user.user_guid%type,
234: x_result out nocopy pls_integer);
235: --
236: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
237: /*

Line 388: ** FND_SSO_USER_NOT_FOUND: FND_USER.USER_GUID is invalid or corrupted

384: ** FND_SSO_INV_AUTH_MODE: OiD SSL setup is incorrect
385: ** FND_SSO_SYSTEM_NOT_AVAIL: Cannot connect to OiD
386: ** FND-9914: Unexpected error connecting to OiD
387: ** FND_SSO_NOT_LINKED: the given user name has no SSO associated
388: ** FND_SSO_USER_NOT_FOUND: FND_USER.USER_GUID is invalid or corrupted
389: ** FND_APPL_LOGIN_FAILED: Invalid Passowrd or unmanaged error validing password.
390: ** FND_SSO_LOCKED: SSO Account is locked
391: **
392: **

Line 459: function get_username_from_guid(p_guid in fnd_user.user_guid%type)

455: attValue in out nocopy varchar2,
456: handle in out nocopy pls_integer ) return boolean; -- true if returned fields contains data
459: function get_username_from_guid(p_guid in fnd_user.user_guid%type)
460: return varchar2;
463: /**