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Line 138: -- fnd_responsibility_tl.responsibility_name, which is

134: -- the fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id value.
135: --
136: -- new_resp_name - mandatory only for creating a new responsibility. If
137: -- entered, cannot exceed the length of
138: -- fnd_responsibility_tl.responsibility_name, which is
139: -- 100 characters. If associating the new user name to
140: -- an existing responsibility, do not enter any value
141: -- in this field.
142: --

Line 159: -- fnd_responsibility_tl.description, which is 240

155: -- in this field.
156: --
157: -- new_resp_description - optional for creating a new responsibility. If
158: -- entered, cannot exceed the length of
159: -- fnd_responsibility_tl.description, which is 240
160: -- characters. If associating the new user name to
161: -- an existing responsibility, do not enter any value
162: -- in this field.
163: --

Line 308: ,new_resp_name fnd_responsibility_tl.responsibility_name%type

304: TYPE fnd_responsibility_rec IS RECORD
305: (existing_resp_id fnd_responsibility.responsibility_id%type
306: ,existing_resp_key fnd_responsibility.responsibility_key%type
307: ,existing_resp_app_id fnd_responsibility.application_id%type
308: ,new_resp_name fnd_responsibility_tl.responsibility_name%type
309: ,new_resp_key fnd_responsibility.responsibility_key%type
310: ,new_resp_app_id fnd_application.application_id%type
311: ,new_resp_description fnd_responsibility_tl.description%type
312: ,new_resp_start_date fnd_responsibility.start_date%type

Line 311: ,new_resp_description fnd_responsibility_tl.description%type

307: ,existing_resp_app_id fnd_responsibility.application_id%type
308: ,new_resp_name fnd_responsibility_tl.responsibility_name%type
309: ,new_resp_key fnd_responsibility.responsibility_key%type
310: ,new_resp_app_id fnd_application.application_id%type
311: ,new_resp_description fnd_responsibility_tl.description%type
312: ,new_resp_start_date fnd_responsibility.start_date%type
313: ,new_resp_end_date fnd_responsibility.end_date%type
314: ,new_resp_data_group_name
315: fnd_data_groups_standard_view.data_group_name%type

Line 549: -- fnd_responsibility_tl.application_id, which is 800.

545: -- the application id for the responsibility specified in
546: -- profile_level_value.
547: -- For example, to create a new profile option value for the
548: -- responsibility "US HRMS Manager", this field will be the
549: -- fnd_responsibility_tl.application_id, which is 800.
550: -- If the responsibility is new, use the
551: -- fnd_responsibility_tbl.new_resp_app_id value.
552: --
553: -- Example 1: To add a profile option value for the profile option name