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Line 2719: From Fnd_Descr_Flex_Col_Usage_Vl fcu, fnd_flex_value_sets fvs

2715: procedure migrate_tad_dff_contexts (p_upgrade_id in number default 1) is
2716: l_date date;
2717: Cursor C1 (p_context_code in varchar2)
2718: is Select fcu.*,fvs.flex_value_set_name
2719: From Fnd_Descr_Flex_Col_Usage_Vl fcu, fnd_flex_value_sets fvs
2720: Where fcu.Application_id = 810
2721: and fcu.Descriptive_FlexField_Name = 'OTA_ACTIVITY_DEFINITIONS'
2722: and fcu.Descriptive_Flex_Context_code = p_context_code
2723: and fcu.flex_value_set_id = fvs.flex_value_set_id(+)

Line 2725: From Fnd_Descr_Flex_Col_Usage_Vl cat_fcu

2721: and fcu.Descriptive_FlexField_Name = 'OTA_ACTIVITY_DEFINITIONS'
2722: and fcu.Descriptive_Flex_Context_code = p_context_code
2723: and fcu.flex_value_set_id = fvs.flex_value_set_id(+)
2724: and Not exists (SELECT 'Y'
2725: From Fnd_Descr_Flex_Col_Usage_Vl cat_fcu
2726: Where cat_fcu.Application_id = fcu.application_id
2727: and cat_fcu.Descriptive_FlexField_Name = 'OTA_CATEGORY_USAGES'
2728: and cat_fcu.Descriptive_Flex_Context_code = fcu.Descriptive_Flex_Context_code
2729: and cat_fcu.end_user_column_name = fcu.end_user_column_name );