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Line 5309: FROM xla_events_int_gt;

5305: l_log_module VARCHAR2(240);
5307: CURSOR csr_xla_event_exist IS
5308: SELECT 1
5309: FROM xla_events_int_gt;
5311: CURSOR csr_xla_event_number IS
5312: SELECT 1
5313: FROM xla_events_int_gt

Line 5313: FROM xla_events_int_gt

5309: FROM xla_events_int_gt;
5311: CURSOR csr_xla_event_number IS
5312: SELECT 1
5313: FROM xla_events_int_gt
5314: WHERE event_number is null or event_number<1;
5316: CURSOR csr_processing_gapless IS
5317: SELECT entity_id, event_id, event_number, event_status_code

Line 5318: FROM xla_events_int_gt

5314: WHERE event_number is null or event_number<1;
5316: CURSOR csr_processing_gapless IS
5317: SELECT entity_id, event_id, event_number, event_status_code
5318: FROM xla_events_int_gt
5319: ORDER BY entity_id, event_number;
5321: CURSOR csr_status_error is
5322: SELECT 1 from xla_events_int_gt

Line 5322: SELECT 1 from xla_events_int_gt

5318: FROM xla_events_int_gt
5319: ORDER BY entity_id, event_number;
5321: CURSOR csr_status_error is
5322: SELECT 1 from xla_events_int_gt
5323: WHERE event_status_code not in ('I', 'U', 'N');
5325: CURSOR csr_event_type_error(p_entity_code VARCHAR2, p_app_id NUMBER) is
5326: SELECT 1

Line 5327: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_event_types_b xet

5323: WHERE event_status_code not in ('I', 'U', 'N');
5325: CURSOR csr_event_type_error(p_entity_code VARCHAR2, p_app_id NUMBER) is
5326: SELECT 1
5327: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_event_types_b xet
5328: WHERE xet.entity_code(+) = p_entity_code
5329: AND xet.application_id(+) = p_app_id
5330: AND xeg.event_type_code = xet.event_type_code (+)
5331: AND nvl(xet.enabled_flag, 'N') = 'N';

Line 5335: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg

5331: AND nvl(xet.enabled_flag, 'N') = 'N';
5333: CURSOR csr_parameter_mismatch(p_entity_code VARCHAR2, p_app_id NUMBER) is
5334: SELECT 1
5335: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg
5336: WHERE xeg.entity_code <> p_entity_code
5337: OR xeg.application_id <> p_app_id;
5339: l_update_gt_string varchar2(4000);

Line 5364: FROM xla_events_int_gt);

5360: ,source_id_char_2
5361: ,source_id_char_3
5362: ,source_id_char_4
5363: ,valuation_method
5364: FROM xla_events_int_gt);
5366: BEGIN
5367: IF g_log_enabled THEN
5368: l_log_module := C_DEFAULT_MODULE||'.create_bulk_events';

Line 5427: select count(1) into l_rowcount_gt from xla_events_int_gt;

5423: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5424: -- Immediately exit if the table is empty
5425: -- the l_rowcount_gt is also useful to find if there is invalid data
5426: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5427: select count(1) into l_rowcount_gt from xla_events_int_gt;
5428: if(l_rowcount_gt = 0) then
5429: return;
5430: end if;

Line 5495: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg

5491: 'SELECT 1
5492: FROM dual
5494: (SELECT 1
5495: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg
5496: WHERE xeg.entity_code <> :1
5497: OR xeg.application_id <> :2
5498: OR xeg.event_status_code not in (''I'', ''U'', ''N'')
5499: OR xeg.event_type_code not in

Line 5523: 'The parameters passed to the procedure do not match with the data in the xla_events_int_gt table'

5519: (p_appli_s_name => 'XLA'
5520: ,p_msg_name => 'XLA_COMMON_ERROR'
5521: ,p_token_1 => 'ERROR'
5522: ,p_value_1 =>
5523: 'The parameters passed to the procedure do not match with the data in the xla_events_int_gt table'
5524: ,p_token_2 => 'LOCATION'
5525: ,p_value_2 => 'xla_events_pkg.create_bulk_events');
5526: return;
5527: end if;

Line 5633: (SELECT /*+ index (xe xla_events_int_gt_n1) no_expand */ -- 9674381: Added no_expand

5629: ,source_id_char_1
5630: ,source_id_char_2
5631: ,source_id_char_3
5632: ,source_id_char_4)
5633: (SELECT /*+ index (xe xla_events_int_gt_n1) no_expand */ -- 9674381: Added no_expand
5634: l_array_entity_id(i)
5635: , p_application_id
5636: , nvl(p_source_application_id, p_application_id)
5637: , p_ledger_id

Line 5661: FROM xla_events_int_gt xe

5657: , xe.source_id_char_1
5658: , xe.source_id_char_2
5659: , xe.source_id_char_3
5660: , xe.source_id_char_4
5661: FROM xla_events_int_gt xe
5662: WHERE NVL( xe.source_id_int_1,-99) = NVL(l_array_source_id_int_1(i),-99 ) -- 8967771: Relpaced C_NUM with -99
5663: AND NVL( xe.source_id_int_2,-99) = NVL(l_array_source_id_int_2(i),-99 )
5664: AND NVL( xe.source_id_int_3,-99) = NVL(l_array_source_id_int_3(i),-99 )
5665: AND NVL( xe.source_id_int_4,-99) = NVL(l_array_source_id_int_4(i),-99 )

Line 5675: UPDATE /*+ index (xe xla_events_int_gt_n1) no_expand */ xla_events_int_gt xe -- 9674381: Added no_expand

5671: AND ROWNUM = 1
5672: );
5674: FORALL i IN 1..l_array_entity_id.COUNT
5675: UPDATE /*+ index (xe xla_events_int_gt_n1) no_expand */ xla_events_int_gt xe -- 9674381: Added no_expand
5676: SET xe.entity_id = l_array_entity_id(i)
5677: , xe.event_id = xla_events_s.nextval
5678: WHERE NVL( xe.source_id_int_1,-99)= NVL(l_array_source_id_int_1(i),-99) -- 8967771: Relpaced C_NUM with -99
5679: AND NVL( xe.source_id_int_2,-99) = NVL(l_array_source_id_int_2(i),-99)

Line 5750: UPDATE xla_events_int_gt

5746: END IF;
5747: END LOOP;
5749: FORALL i in 1..l_array_event_id.COUNT
5750: UPDATE xla_events_int_gt
5751: SET on_hold_flag = l_array_on_hold_flag(i)
5752: WHERE event_id=l_array_event_id(i);
5754: EXIT when csr_processing_gapless%NOTFOUND;

Line 5808: ,nvl(xla_events_int_gt.budgetary_control_flag,'N')

5804: ,event_status_code
5806: ,TRUNC(event_date)
5807: ,nvl(transaction_date, TRUNC(event_date))
5808: ,nvl(xla_events_int_gt.budgetary_control_flag,'N')
5809: ,sysdate
5810: ,xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id
5811: ,sysdate
5812: ,xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id

Line 5831: FROM xla_events_int_gt);

5827: ,reference_date_2
5828: ,reference_date_3
5829: ,reference_date_4
5830: ,on_hold_flag
5831: FROM xla_events_int_gt);
5832: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
5833: trace
5834: (p_msg => 'Number of events created(gapless) = '||
5835: to_char(SQL%ROWCOUNT)

Line 5893: ,nvl(xla_events_int_gt.budgetary_control_flag,'N')

5889: ,event_status_code
5891: ,TRUNC(event_date)
5892: ,nvl(transaction_date, TRUNC(event_date))
5893: ,nvl(xla_events_int_gt.budgetary_control_flag,'N')
5894: ,sysdate
5895: ,xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id
5896: ,sysdate
5897: ,xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id

Line 5916: FROM xla_events_int_gt);

5912: ,reference_date_2
5913: ,reference_date_3
5914: ,reference_date_4
5915: ,'N'
5916: FROM xla_events_int_gt);
5917: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
5918: trace
5919: (p_msg => 'Number of events created(non gapless) = '||
5920: to_char(SQL%ROWCOUNT)

Line 6061: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe, xla_entity_types_b xet

6057: -- 3. no manual entity events are modified
6058: -- 4. application_id is populated and all equals p_application_id
6059: CURSOR csr_manual_processed_events(app_id NUMBER) is
6060: SELECT 1
6061: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe, xla_entity_types_b xet
6062: WHERE xeg.application_id = xe.application_id (+)
6063: AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id (+)
6064: AND xeg.entity_code = xet.entity_code (+)
6065: AND xet.application_id(+) = app_id

Line 6076: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg

6072: OR xeg.application_id <> app_id);
6074: CURSOR csr_invalid_app(app_id NUMBER) is
6075: SELECT 1
6076: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg
6077: WHERE xeg.application_id <> app_id;
6079: CURSOR csr_invalid_event_id(app_id NUMBER) is
6080: SELECT 1

Line 6081: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe

6077: WHERE xeg.application_id <> app_id;
6079: CURSOR csr_invalid_event_id(app_id NUMBER) is
6080: SELECT 1
6081: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe
6082: WHERE xeg.application_id = xe.application_id (+)
6083: AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id (+)
6084: AND xe.event_id is null;

Line 6088: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe

6084: AND xe.event_id is null;
6086: CURSOR csr_invalid_event_status(app_id NUMBER) is
6087: SELECT 1
6088: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe
6089: WHERE xeg.application_id = xe.application_id
6090: AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id
6091: AND (xe.event_status_code not in ('I', 'N', 'U')
6092: OR xeg.event_status_code not in ('I', 'N', 'U'));

Line 6100: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_entity_types_b xet

6096: FROM xla_transaction_entities xte
6097: WHERE xte.application_id = p_application_id
6098: AND xte.entity_id in
6099: (SELECT entity_id
6100: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_entity_types_b xet
6101: WHERE xeg.application_id = xet.application_id
6102: AND xeg.entity_code = xet.entity_code
6103: AND xet.enable_gapless_events_flag = 'Y')

Line 6108: From xla_events_int_gt xeg,

6106: Cursor csr_new_gap is
6107: Select min(xe.event_number), xe.entity_id, xe.application_id
6108: From xla_events_int_gt xeg,
6109: xla_events xe,
6110: xla_entity_types_b xet
6111: Where xeg.event_id = xe.event_id
6112: And xeg.application_id = xe.application_id

Line 6126: FROM xla_events xe, xla_events_int_gt xeg

6122: Select xe.entity_id,
6123: xe.event_id,
6124: xe.event_number,
6125: nvl(xeg.event_status_code, xe.event_status_code)
6126: FROM xla_events xe, xla_events_int_gt xeg
6127: Where xe.event_id = xeg.event_id(+)
6128: And xe.entity_id in (
6129: Select xe.entity_id
6130: From xla_events_int_gt xeg,

Line 6130: From xla_events_int_gt xeg,

6126: FROM xla_events xe, xla_events_int_gt xeg
6127: Where xe.event_id = xeg.event_id(+)
6128: And xe.entity_id in (
6129: Select xe.entity_id
6130: From xla_events_int_gt xeg,
6131: xla_events xe,
6132: xla_entity_types_b xet
6133: Where xeg.event_id = xe.event_id
6134: And xet.entity_code = xeg.entity_code

Line 6191: 'The parameter application_id does not match with the data in xla_events_int_gt table'

6187: (p_appli_s_name => 'XLA'
6188: ,p_msg_name => 'XLA_COMMON_ERROR'
6189: ,p_token_1 => 'ERROR'
6190: ,p_value_1 =>
6191: 'The parameter application_id does not match with the data in xla_events_int_gt table'
6192: ,p_token_2 => 'LOCATION'
6193: ,p_value_2 => 'xla_events_pkg.update_bulk_event_statuses(fn)');
6194: end if;
6195: close csr_invalid_app;

Line 6356: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg

6353: UPDATE xla_events xe
6354: SET xe.event_status_code = (
6355: SELECT event_status_code
6356: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg
6357: WHERE xeg.event_id = xe.event_id),
6358: xe.process_status_code = 'U'
6359: WHERE xe.event_id in (
6360: SELECT event_id

Line 6361: FROM xla_events_int_gt)

6357: WHERE xeg.event_id = xe.event_id),
6358: xe.process_status_code = 'U'
6359: WHERE xe.event_id in (
6360: SELECT event_id
6361: FROM xla_events_int_gt)
6362: AND xe.application_id = p_application_id -- 8967771
6363: ;
6365: /* -- Maintaining the Draft balance is no more required bug 5529569

Line 6466: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe, xla_transaction_entities xte

6462: -- 3. no manual entity events are modified
6463: -- 4. application_id is populated and all equals p_application_id
6464: CURSOR csr_manual_processed_events(app_id NUMBER) is
6465: SELECT 1
6466: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe, xla_transaction_entities xte
6467: WHERE xeg.application_id = xe.application_id (+)
6468: AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id (+)
6469: AND xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id (+)
6470: AND xte.application_id(+) = app_id

Line 6480: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg

6476: OR xeg.application_id <> app_id);
6478: CURSOR csr_invalid_app(app_id NUMBER) is
6479: SELECT 1
6480: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg
6481: WHERE xeg.application_id <> app_id;
6483: CURSOR csr_invalid_event_id(app_id NUMBER) is
6484: SELECT 1

Line 6485: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe

6481: WHERE xeg.application_id <> app_id;
6483: CURSOR csr_invalid_event_id(app_id NUMBER) is
6484: SELECT 1
6485: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe
6486: WHERE xeg.application_id = xe.application_id (+)
6487: AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id (+)
6488: AND xe.event_id is null;

Line 6492: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe

6488: AND xe.event_id is null;
6490: CURSOR csr_invalid_event_status(app_id NUMBER) is
6491: SELECT 1
6492: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe
6493: WHERE xeg.application_id = xe.application_id
6494: AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id
6495: AND xe.event_status_code not in ('I', 'N', 'U');

Line 6503: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_entity_types_b xet

6499: FROM xla_transaction_entities xte
6500: WHERE xte.application_id = p_application_id
6501: AND xte.entity_id in
6502: (SELECT entity_id
6503: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_entity_types_b xet
6504: WHERE xeg.application_id = xet.application_id
6505: AND xeg.entity_code = xet.entity_code
6506: AND xet.enable_gapless_events_flag = 'Y')

Line 6511: From xla_events_int_gt xeg,

6509: Cursor csr_new_gap is
6510: Select min(xe.event_number), xe.entity_id, xe.application_id
6511: From xla_events_int_gt xeg,
6512: xla_events xe,
6513: xla_entity_types_b xet
6514: Where xeg.event_id = xe.event_id
6515: And xeg.application_id = xe.application_id

Line 6573: 'The parameter application_id does not match with the data in xla_events_int_gt table'

6569: (p_appli_s_name => 'XLA'
6570: ,p_msg_name => 'XLA_COMMON_ERROR'
6571: ,p_token_1 => 'ERROR'
6572: ,p_value_1 =>
6573: 'The parameter application_id does not match with the data in xla_events_int_gt table'
6574: ,p_token_2 => 'LOCATION'
6575: ,p_value_2 => 'xla_events_pkg.update_bulk_event_statuses(fn)');
6576: end if;
6577: close csr_invalid_app;

Line 6624: select count(1) into l_rowcount_gt from xla_events_int_gt;

6620: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6621: -- Immediately exit if the table is empty
6622: -- the l_rowcount_gt is also useful to find if there is invalid data
6623: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6624: select count(1) into l_rowcount_gt from xla_events_int_gt;
6625: if(l_rowcount_gt = 0) then
6626: return;
6627: end if;

Line 6701: UPDATE xla_events_int_gt xeg

6697: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
6698: ,p_module =>l_log_module);
6699: END IF;
6701: UPDATE xla_events_int_gt xeg
6702: SET xeg.entity_id =
6703: (SELECT xe.entity_id
6704: FROM xla_events xe
6705: WHERE xe.event_id = xeg.event_id

Line 6712: FROM xla_events_int_gt)

6709: DELETE xla_events
6710: WHERE event_id in (
6711: SELECT event_id
6712: FROM xla_events_int_gt)
6713: AND application_id = p_application_id -- 8967771
6714: ;
6715: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT>= g_log_level) THEN
6716: trace

Line 6728: FROM xla_events_int_gt)

6724: FROM xla_events xe
6725: WHERE xe.entity_id = xte.entity_id
6726: AND xe.application_id = xte.application_id)
6727: AND xte.entity_id in (SELECT entity_id
6728: FROM xla_events_int_gt)
6729: AND xte.application_id = p_application_id; -- 9701260 moved this from inner query
6731: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT>= g_log_level) THEN
6732: trace

Line 9508: (SELECT xeg.event_id FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe

9504: -- good: reduce the event_id that are selected
9505: -- bad: need to join to xla_events table
9506: DELETE FROM xla_accounting_errors
9507: WHERE event_id IN
9508: (SELECT xeg.event_id FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg, xla_events xe
9509: WHERE xeg.event_id = xe.event_id
9510: AND xe.application_id = g_application_id -- 8967771
9511: --AND xe.event_status_code in ('D', 'I')
9512: AND xe.event_status_code = 'U' -- BugNo 9775727

Line 9527: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg,

9523: -- Bug 5529420
9524: DELETE FROM xla_distribution_links
9525: WHERE application_id= g_application_id and ae_header_id IN
9526: (SELECT xh.ae_header_id
9527: FROM xla_events_int_gt xeg,
9528: xla_ae_headers xh
9529: WHERE
9530: xh.event_id = xeg.event_id AND
9531: xh.application_id = g_application_id AND

Line 9553: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg

9549: (SELECT xah.ae_header_id
9550: FROM
9551: --xla_events xe, 9775727
9552: xla_ae_headers xah
9553: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg
9554: WHERE xah.event_id = xeg.event_id
9555: AND xah.application_id = g_application_id -- 8967771
9556: --AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727
9557: --AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727

Line 9578: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg

9574: (SELECT xah.ae_header_id
9575: FROM
9576: --xla_events xe, 9775727
9577: xla_ae_headers xah
9578: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg
9579: WHERE xah.event_id = xeg.event_id
9580: AND xah.application_id = g_application_id -- 8967771
9581: --AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727
9582: --AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727

Line 9603: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg

9599: (SELECT xah.ae_header_id
9600: FROM
9601: --xla_events xe, 9775727
9602: xla_ae_headers xah
9603: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg
9604: WHERE xah.event_id = xeg.event_id
9605: AND xah.application_id = g_application_id -- 8967771
9606: --AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727
9607: --AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727

Line 9629: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg

9625: (SELECT xah.ae_header_id
9626: FROM
9627: --xla_events xe, 9775727
9628: xla_ae_headers xah
9629: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg
9630: WHERE xah.event_id = xeg.event_id
9631: AND xah.application_id = g_application_id -- 8967771
9632: --AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727
9633: --AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727

Line 9654: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg

9650: (SELECT xah.ae_header_id
9651: FROM
9652: --xla_events xe, 9775727
9653: xla_ae_headers xah
9654: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg
9655: WHERE xah.event_id = xeg.event_id
9656: AND xah.application_id = g_application_id -- 8967771
9657: --AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727
9658: --AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727

Line 9680: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg

9676: (SELECT xah.ae_header_id
9677: FROM
9678: --xla_events xe, 9775727
9679: xla_ae_headers xah
9680: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg
9681: WHERE xah.event_id = xeg.event_id
9682: AND xah.application_id = g_application_id -- 8967771
9683: --AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727
9684: --AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727

Line 9706: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg

9702: (SELECT xah.ae_header_id
9703: FROM
9704: --xla_events xe, 9775727
9705: xla_ae_headers xah
9706: ,xla_events_int_gt xeg
9707: WHERE xah.event_id = xeg.event_id
9708: AND xah.application_id = g_application_id -- 8967771
9709: --AND xah.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727
9710: --AND xeg.event_id = xe.event_id 9775727