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Line 16: FROM JAI_RCV_LINES a, JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS b, rcv_transactions c /*bgowrava for forward porting bug#5674376*/

12: nvl(sum(decode(cenvat_claimed_ptg, 100, 1, 0)), 0) cent_percent_cnt,
13: nvl(sum(decode(cenvat_claimed_ptg, 50, 1, 0)),0) fifty_percent_cnt,
14: nvl(sum(decode(cenvat_claimed_ptg, 0, 1, 0)),0) zero_percent_cnt,
15: count(1) tot_cnt
16: FROM JAI_RCV_LINES a, JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS b, rcv_transactions c /*bgowrava for forward porting bug#5674376*/
17: WHERE a.shipment_line_id = b.shipment_line_id
18: AND a.excise_invoice_no = p_excise_invoice_no
19: AND a.excise_invoice_date = p_excise_invoice_date
20: AND a.shipment_header_id = p_shipment_header_id

Line 32: FROM JAI_RCV_LINES a, JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS b,/*bgowrava for forward porting bug#5674376*/

28: CURSOR c_full_cgin_chk(cp_shipment_header_id IN NUMBER, cp_excise_invoice_no IN VARCHAR2,
29: cp_excise_invoice_date IN DATE,cp_vendor_id IN NUMBER ,
30: cp_vendor_site_id IN NUMBER) IS
31: SELECT nvl(sum(decode(c.item_class, 'CGIN', 1, 0)), 0) cgin_cnt, count(1) total_cnt
32: FROM JAI_RCV_LINES a, JAI_RCV_CENVAT_CLAIMS b,/*bgowrava for forward porting bug#5674376*/
33: JAI_INV_ITM_SETUPS c, RCV_TRANSACTIONS d /*bgowrava for forward porting bug#5674376*/
34: WHERE a.shipment_header_id = cp_shipment_header_id
35: AND b.transaction_id = d.transaction_id /*bgowrava for forward porting bug#5674376*/
36: AND a.transaction_id = b.transaction_id /*bgowrava for forward porting bug#5674376*/