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Line: 78

    SELECT sr.incident_number,
           p.party_id as customer_id,
           decode(sr.caller_type, 'PERSON', p.person_pre_name_adjunct || p.party_name,
           p.party_name) as customer_name,
           rs.resource_name as sr_owner,
           sr_sts.name as sr_status,
           lk_esc.meaning as esc_level
    FROM cs_incidents_all_b sr,
         hz_parties p,
         jtf_rs_resource_extns_vl rs,
         cs_incident_statuses_vl sr_sts,
         jtf_tasks_vl t, jtf_task_references_vl r,fnd_lookups lk_esc
    WHERE sr.incident_id = c_incident_id
      and sr.customer_id = p.party_id
      and sr.incident_owner_id = rs.resource_id (+)
      and sr.incident_status_id = sr_sts.incident_status_id
      and sr_sts.incident_subtype = 'INC'
      and t.task_id = r.task_id
      and r.reference_code = 'ESC'
      and r.object_type_code = 'SR'
      and r.object_id = sr.incident_id
      and lk_esc.lookup_type = 'JTF_TASK_ESC_LEVEL'
      and lk_esc.lookup_code = t.escalation_level
      and t.task_id = c_task_id
      and rownum < 2;