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1 package body pqp_gb_swf_archive as
2 /* $Header: pqpgbswfar.pkb 120.8 2011/09/09 10:49:19 abdash noship $ */
4   -- Global variables
5   g_census_year         number;
6   g_census_day          date;
7   g_cont_data_st_date   date;
8   g_cont_data_end_date  date;
9   g_lea_number          number;
10   g_data_ret_type       varchar2(10);
11   g_estb_number         number;
12   g_exclude_absence     varchar2(3);
13   g_exclude_qual        varchar2(3);
14   g_business_group_id   number;
15   g_debug               boolean;
17   --
18   -- Set to 'Y' if PQP_GB_SWF_CONTRACT_TYPE = ASG_CAT, dates used from per_all_assignments_f
19   -- Set to 'N' if PQP_GB_SWF_CONTRACT_TYPE = , dates used from pqp_assignment_attributes_f
20   g_pick_from_asg       varchar2(10);
21   --
22   g_teacher_sql_str     varchar2(3000);
23   g_teach_dff_name      varchar2(30);
24   g_qts_sql_str         varchar2(3000);
25   g_qts_route_sql_str   varchar2(3000);
26   g_hlta_dff_name       varchar2(30);
27   g_hlta_sql_str        varchar2(3000);
28   g_cont_post_sql_str   varchar2(3000);
29   g_cont_post_src       varchar2(30);
30   g_origin_sql_str      varchar2(3000);
31   g_origin_dff          varchar2(30);
32   g_destination_dff     varchar2(30);
33   g_destination_sql_str varchar2(3000);
34   g_role_src            varchar2(30);
35   g_role_sql_str        varchar2(3000);
36   g_addl_role_src       varchar2(30);
37   g_addl_role_sql_str   varchar2(3000);
39   -- person level globals
40   -- these should be destroyed before they pass to the new thread
42   type abs_details_rec is record
43        (person_id               number(20)
44         ,date_start             date
45         ,date_start_dcsf        varchar2(10)
46         ,date_end               date
47         ,date_end_dcsf          varchar2(10)
48         ,days_lost              varchar2(6)
49         ,absence_category       varchar2(50)
50         ,estab_no               number
51         );
53   type abs_details_tab is table of
54      abs_details_rec index by binary_integer;
56   type qual_details_rec is record
57        (person_id        number
58         ,qual_code       varchar2(10)
59         ,sub1            varchar2(10)
60         ,sub2            varchar2(10)
61         ,verified        varchar2(10)
62         ,estab_no        number
63         );
65   type qual_details_tab is table of
66      qual_details_rec index by binary_integer;
68   type addl_payment_dtl_rec is record
69        ( addl_payment_cat       varchar2(15)
70         ,addl_payment_amt       number(10)
71         );
73   type addl_payment_dtl_tab is table of
74      addl_payment_dtl_rec index by binary_integer;
76   type addl_role_tab is table of
77       hr_lookups.meaning%type index by binary_integer;
79   type act_info_rec is record
80        ( assignment_id          number(20)
81         ,person_id              number(20)
82         ,effective_date         date
83         ,action_info_category   varchar2(50)
84         ,act_info1              varchar2(300)
85         ,act_info2              varchar2(300)
86         ,act_info3              varchar2(300)
87         ,act_info4              varchar2(300)
88         ,act_info5              varchar2(300)
89         ,act_info6              varchar2(300)
90         ,act_info7              varchar2(300)
91         ,act_info8              varchar2(300)
92         ,act_info9              varchar2(300)
93         ,act_info10             varchar2(300)
94         ,act_info11             varchar2(300)
95         ,act_info12             varchar2(300)
96         ,act_info13             varchar2(300)
97         ,act_info14             varchar2(300)
98         ,act_info15             varchar2(300)
99         ,act_info16             varchar2(300)
100         ,act_info17             varchar2(300)
101         ,act_info18             varchar2(300)
102         ,act_info19             varchar2(300)
103         ,act_info20             varchar2(300)
104         ,act_info21             varchar2(300)
105         ,act_info22             varchar2(300)
106         ,act_info23             varchar2(300)
107         ,act_info24             varchar2(300)
108         ,act_info25             varchar2(300)
109         ,act_info26             varchar2(300)
110         ,act_info27             varchar2(300)
111         ,act_info28             varchar2(300)
112         ,act_info29             varchar2(300)
113         ,act_info30             varchar2(300)
114        );
115   type action_info_table is table of
116      act_info_rec index by binary_integer;
118   g_package    constant varchar2(20):= 'pqp_gb_swf_archive.';
120 -------------------------------Procedure insert_archive_row ---------------------------
121 -- Inserts rows to be archived to pay_action_information table with the context specified
123 procedure insert_archive_row(p_assactid       in number,
124                              p_effective_date in date,
125                              p_tab_rec_data   in action_info_table) is
126      l_proc  constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'insert_archive_row';
127      l_ovn       number;
128      l_action_id number;
129 begin
130      hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,1);
131      if p_tab_rec_data.count > 0 then
132         for i in p_tab_rec_data.first .. p_tab_rec_data.last loop
134             hr_utility.trace('Defining category '|| p_tab_rec_data(i).action_info_category);
135             hr_utility.trace('action_context_id = '|| p_assactid);
136             hr_utility.trace('p_tab_rec_data(i).action_info_category = '|| p_tab_rec_data(i).action_info_category);
137             if p_tab_rec_data(i).action_info_category is not null then
138                pay_action_information_api.create_action_information(
139                 p_action_information_id => l_action_id,
140                 p_object_version_number => l_ovn,
141                 p_action_information_category => p_tab_rec_data(i).action_info_category,
142                 p_action_context_id    => p_assactid,
143                 p_action_context_type  => 'AAP',
144                 p_assignment_id        => p_tab_rec_data(i).assignment_id,
145                 p_effective_date       => p_effective_date,
146                 p_action_information1  => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info1,
147                 p_action_information2  => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info2,
148                 p_action_information3  => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info3,
149                 p_action_information4  => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info4,
150                 p_action_information5  => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info5,
151                 p_action_information6  => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info6,
152                 p_action_information7  => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info7,
153                 p_action_information8  => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info8,
154                 p_action_information9  => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info9,
155                 p_action_information10 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info10,
156                 p_action_information11 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info11,
157                 p_action_information12 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info12,
158                 p_action_information13 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info13,
159                 p_action_information14 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info14,
160                 p_action_information15 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info15,
161                 p_action_information16 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info16,
162                 p_action_information17 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info17,
163                 p_action_information18 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info18,
164                 p_action_information19 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info19,
165                 p_action_information20 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info20,
166                 p_action_information21 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info21,
167                 p_action_information22 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info22,
168                 p_action_information23 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info23,
169                 p_action_information24 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info24,
170                 p_action_information25 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info25,
171                 p_action_information26 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info26,
172                 p_action_information27 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info27,
173                 p_action_information28 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info28,
174                 p_action_information29 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info29,
175                 p_action_information30 => p_tab_rec_data(i).act_info30
176                 );
177             end if;
178         end loop;
179      end if;
180      hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,999);
181 end insert_archive_row;
184 -------------------------------Procedure dyn_sql --------------------------------------
185 procedure dyn_sql
186 is
187      l_proc      constant varchar2(50) := g_package || ' dyn_sql';
188      l_exp       exception;
190   cursor  get_context_values is
191   select  pcv_information1  ,
192           pcv_information3  ,
193           pcv_information4
194   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
195   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_TEACHER_NUM'
196   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
198   cursor  get_qts_source is
199   select  pcv_information1
200   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
201   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_QTS_SRC'
202   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
204   cursor  get_qts_route_source is
205   select  pcv_information1,
206           pcv_information2
207   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
208   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_QTS_ROUTE_SRC'
209   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
211   cursor  get_hlta_source is
212   select  pcv_information1,
213           pcv_information4,
214           decode(pcv_information1,'JOB',pcv_information3,   pcv_information5)
215   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
216   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_HLTA_STATUS_SRC'
217   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
219   cursor  get_post_source is
220   select  pcv_information1,
221           pcv_information3
222   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
223   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_POST_SOURCE'
224   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
226   cursor  get_origin_source is
227   select  pcv_information1,
228           pcv_information2,
229           pcv_information3
230   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
231   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_ORIGIN_SRC'
232   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
234   cursor  get_destination_source is
235   select  pcv_information1,
236           pcv_information2,
237           pcv_information3
238   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
239   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_DESTINATION_SRC' -- Check in database
240   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
242   cursor get_role_source is
243   select  pcv_information1,
244           pcv_information3
245   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
246   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_ROLE_SOURCE'
247   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
249   cursor get_addl_role_source is
250   select  pcv_information1,
251           pcv_information2,
252           pcv_information3
253   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
254   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_ADD_ROLE_SOURCE'
255   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
257   ---
258   l_context varchar2(150);
259   l_column  varchar2(30);
260   sql_str  varchar2(1000);
261   l_qts_grade_seg_name  varchar2(30);
262   l_qts_route_dff_name  varchar2(30);
263   l_qts_route_seg_name  varchar2(30);
264   l_hlta_seg_name       varchar2(30);
265   l_hlta_context_name   varchar2(30);
266   l_cont_post_seg       varchar2(30);
267   l_origin_context      varchar2(30);
268   l_origin_segment      varchar2(30);
269   l_destination_context varchar2(30);
270   l_destination_segment varchar2(30);
271   l_role_segment        varchar2(30);
272   l_addl_role_context   varchar2(30);
273   l_addl_role_segment   varchar2(30);
277 begin
278   hr_utility.set_location('Entering '|| l_proc, 10);
281     hr_utility.set_location('Teachers Number : building teachers number start ', 20);
283   open  get_context_values;
284   fetch get_context_values into g_teach_dff_name,l_context,l_column;
285   close get_context_values;
287   if g_teach_dff_name is null then
288     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Staff Details - Teachers Number  ');
289   end if;
291     hr_utility.set_location('Teachers Number DFF name :'||g_teach_dff_name,20);
292     hr_utility.set_location('Teachers Number Context name :'||l_context,30);
293     hr_utility.set_location('Teachers Number Column name :'||l_column,40);
298   if g_teach_dff_name =  'PER_PEOPLE' then
299     g_teacher_sql_str :=
300              'select '||l_column||
301              ' from per_all_people_f where ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY = '''||l_context||'''
302              and person_id = :person_id
303              and :effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date';
305   elsif g_teach_dff_name =   'Extra Person Info DDF' then
306     g_teacher_sql_str :=  'select max('||l_column||')'||
307              ' from per_people_extra_info where information_type = '''||l_context||'''
308               and person_id = :person_id
309               and '||l_column ||' is not null ';
311   end if;
314       hr_utility.set_location('Teachers Number SQL Str :'||g_teacher_sql_str,60);
315       hr_utility.set_location('Teachers Number : building teachers number End ',70);
316       hr_utility.set_location('QT status : building QT status  start ',80);
319    open  get_qts_source;
320    fetch get_qts_source into l_qts_grade_seg_name;
321    close get_qts_source;
323    if l_qts_grade_seg_name is not null then
324     g_qts_sql_str:=
325           'select max(hr_general.decode_lookup(''YES_NO'',pcv.pcv_information4))
326           from per_all_assignments_f paf,
327             per_grades pgr,
328             per_grade_definitions pgd ,
329             pqp_configuration_values pcv
330           where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
331           and paf.business_group_id       = pgr.business_group_id
332           and pcv.business_group_id       = paf.business_group_id
333           and pgr.grade_definition_id     = pgd.grade_definition_id
334           and paf.grade_id                = pgr.grade_id
335           and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
336           and person_id                    = :person_id
337           and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_QTS_MAPPING''
338           and ((pcv_information3          is null
339           and pgd.'||l_qts_grade_seg_name||'                 = pcv.pcv_information2 )
340           or (pcv_information3            is not null
341           and pgd.'||l_qts_grade_seg_name||' between pcv.pcv_information2 and pcv_information3))';
342     end if;
345       hr_utility.set_location('QTS SQL Str :'||g_teacher_sql_str,90);
346       hr_utility.set_location('QT status : building QT status  end ',100);
349     open get_qts_route_source;
350     fetch get_qts_route_source into l_qts_route_dff_name,l_qts_route_seg_name;
351     close get_qts_route_source;
353     if l_qts_route_dff_name = 'GRD' then
354       g_qts_route_sql_str:=
355       'select max(pcv.pcv_information4)
356       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
357             per_grades pgr,
358             per_grade_definitions pgd ,
359             pqp_configuration_values pcv
360       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
361       and paf.business_group_id       = pgr.business_group_id
362       and pcv.business_group_id       = paf.business_group_id
363       and pgr.grade_definition_id     = pgd.grade_definition_id
364       and paf.grade_id                = pgr.grade_id
365       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
366       and person_id                    = :person_id
367       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_QTS_ROUTE_MAPPING''
368       and ((pcv_information3          is null
369       and pgd.'||l_qts_route_seg_name||'                 = pcv.pcv_information2 )
370       or (pcv_information3            is not null
371       and pgd.'||l_qts_route_seg_name||' between pcv.pcv_information2 and pcv_information3))';
372     elsif l_qts_route_dff_name = 'JOB' then
373       g_qts_route_sql_str:=
374       'select max(pcv.pcv_information4) QT_status
375       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
376             per_jobs job,
377             per_job_definitions jobdef  ,
378             pqp_configuration_values pcv
379       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
380       and paf.business_group_id = job.business_group_id
381       and pcv.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
382       and job.job_definition_id = jobdef.job_definition_id
383       and paf.job_id = job.job_id
384       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
385       and person_id = :person_id
386       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_QTS_ROUTE_MAPPING''
387       and jobdef.'||l_qts_route_seg_name||' = pcv.pcv_information2';
388     elsif l_qts_route_dff_name = 'POS' then
389       g_qts_route_sql_str:=
390       'select max(pcv.pcv_information4) QT_status
391       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
392             per_positions pos,
393             per_position_definitions posdef  ,
394             pqp_configuration_values pcv
395       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
396       and paf.business_group_id = pos.business_group_id
397       and pcv.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
398       and pos.position_definition_id = posdef.position_definition_id
399       and paf.position_id = pos.position_id
400       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
401       and person_id = :person_id
402       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_QTS_ROUTE_MAPPING''
403       and posdef.'||l_qts_route_seg_name||' = pcv.PCV_INFORMATION2';
404     end if;
406     open  get_hlta_source;
407     fetch get_hlta_source into g_hlta_dff_name,l_hlta_context_name,l_hlta_seg_name;
408     close get_hlta_source;
410     if    g_hlta_dff_name = 'JOB' then
411       g_hlta_sql_str:=
412       'select max(hr_general.decode_lookup(''YES_NO'',pcv.pcv_information3))
413       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
414             per_jobs job,
415             per_job_definitions jobdef  ,
416             pqp_configuration_values pcv
417       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
418       and paf.business_group_id = job.business_group_id
419       and pcv.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
420       and job.job_definition_id = jobdef.job_definition_id
421       and paf.job_id = job.job_id
422       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
423       and person_id = :person_id
424       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_HLTA_STATUS_MAPPING''
425       and jobdef.'||l_hlta_seg_name||' = pcv.pcv_information2';
427     elsif g_hlta_dff_name = 'PER_PEOPLE' then
428      g_hlta_sql_str:=
429    'select max(hr_general.decode_lookup(''YES_NO'',pcv.pcv_information3))
430       from per_all_people_f pap,
431            pqp_configuration_values pcv
432       where attribute_category = '''||l_hlta_context_name||'''
433      and pap.person_id = :person_id
434      and :effective_date between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date
435      and pcv.business_group_id = pap.business_group_id
436      and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_HLTA_STATUS_MAPPING''
437      and pap.'||l_hlta_seg_name||' = pcv.pcv_information2';
438     elsif g_hlta_dff_name = 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS' then
439      g_hlta_sql_str:=
440     'select max(hr_general.decode_lookup(''YES_NO'',pcv.pcv_information3))
441       from per_all_assignments_f paf,
442            pqp_configuration_values pcv
443       where ass_attribute_category = '''||l_hlta_context_name||'''
444      and paf.person_id = :person_id
445      and :effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
446      and pcv.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
447      and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_HLTA_STATUS_MAPPING''
448      and pap.'||l_hlta_seg_name||' = pcv.pcv_information2';
449     end if;
451     open  get_post_source;
452     fetch get_post_source into g_cont_post_src,l_cont_post_seg;
453     close get_post_source;
455     if g_cont_post_src = 'GRD' then
456       g_cont_post_sql_str:=
457       'select pcv.pcv_information4
458       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
459             per_grades pgr,
460             per_grade_definitions pgd ,
461             pqp_configuration_values pcv
462       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
463       and paf.business_group_id       = pgr.business_group_id
464       and pcv.business_group_id       = paf.business_group_id
465       and pgr.grade_definition_id     = pgd.grade_definition_id
466       and paf.grade_id                = pgr.grade_id
467       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
468       and paf.assignment_id                    = :assignment_id
469       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_POST_MAPPING''
470       and ((pcv_information3          is null
471       and pgd.'||l_cont_post_seg||'                 = pcv.pcv_information2 )
472       or (pcv_information3            is not null
473       and pgd.'||l_cont_post_seg||' between pcv.pcv_information2 and pcv_information3))';
474     elsif g_cont_post_src = 'JOB' then
475       g_cont_post_sql_str:=
476       'select pcv.pcv_information4
477       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
478             per_jobs job,
479             per_job_definitions jobdef  ,
480             pqp_configuration_values pcv
481       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
482       and paf.business_group_id = job.business_group_id
483       and pcv.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
484       and job.job_definition_id = jobdef.job_definition_id
485       and paf.job_id = job.job_id
486       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
487       and paf.assignment_id                    = :assignment_id
488       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_POST_MAPPING''
489       and jobdef.'||l_cont_post_seg||' = pcv.pcv_information2';
490     elsif g_cont_post_src = 'POS' then
491       g_cont_post_sql_str:=
492       'select pcv.pcv_information4
493       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
494             per_positions pos,
495             per_position_definitions posdef  ,
496             pqp_configuration_values pcv
497       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
498       and paf.business_group_id = pos.business_group_id
499       and pcv.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
500       and pos.position_definition_id = posdef.position_definition_id
501       and paf.position_id = pos.position_id
502       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
503       and paf.assignment_id                    = :assignment_id
504       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_POST_MAPPING''
505       and posdef.'||l_cont_post_seg||' = pcv.pcv_information2';
506     end if;
508     open  get_origin_source;
509     fetch get_origin_source into g_origin_dff,l_origin_context,l_origin_segment;
510     close get_origin_source;
512     if g_origin_dff = 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS' then
513       g_origin_sql_str:=
514       'select '||l_origin_segment||'
515       from per_all_assignments_f where ass_attribute_category = '''||l_origin_context||'''
516       and assignment_id = :assignment_id
517       and :effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date';
518     elsif g_origin_dff = 'PER_PEOPLE' then
519       g_origin_sql_str:=
520       'select '||l_origin_segment||
521       ' from per_all_people_f where ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY = '''||l_origin_context||'''
522       and person_id = :person_id
523       and :effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date';
524     end if;
526     open  get_destination_source;
527     fetch get_destination_source into g_destination_dff,l_destination_context,l_destination_segment;
528     close get_destination_source;
530     if g_destination_dff = 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS' then
531       g_destination_sql_str:=
532       'select '||l_destination_segment||'
533       from per_all_assignments_f where ass_attribute_category = '''||l_destination_context||'''
534       and assignment_id = :assignment_id
535       and :effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date';
536     elsif g_destination_dff = 'PER_PEOPLE' then
537       g_destination_sql_str:=
538       'select '||l_destination_segment||
539       ' from per_periods_of_service where ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY = '''||l_destination_context||'''
540       and person_id = :person_id';
541     end if;
543     open  get_role_source;
544     fetch get_role_source into g_role_src,l_role_segment;
545     close get_role_source;
547     if g_role_src = 'GRD' then
548      g_role_sql_str:=
549       'select pcv.pcv_information4
550       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
551             per_grades pgr,
552             per_grade_definitions pgd ,
553             pqp_configuration_values pcv
554       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
555       and paf.business_group_id       = pgr.business_group_id
556       and pcv.business_group_id       = paf.business_group_id
557       and pgr.grade_definition_id     = pgd.grade_definition_id
558       and paf.grade_id                = pgr.grade_id
559       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
560       and paf.assignment_id                    = :assignment_id
561       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_ROLE_MAPPING''
562       and ((pcv_information3          is null
563       and pgd.'||l_role_segment||'                 = pcv.pcv_information2 )
564       or (pcv_information3            is not null
565       and pgd.'||l_role_segment||' between pcv.pcv_information2 and pcv_information3))';
566     elsif g_role_src = 'JOB' then
567     g_role_sql_str:=
568       'select pcv.pcv_information4
569       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
570             per_jobs job,
571             per_job_definitions jobdef  ,
572             pqp_configuration_values pcv
573       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
574       and paf.business_group_id = job.business_group_id
575       and pcv.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
576       and job.job_definition_id = jobdef.job_definition_id
577       and paf.job_id = job.job_id
578       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
579       and paf.assignment_id                    = :assignment_id
580       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_ROLE_MAPPING''
581       and jobdef.'||l_role_segment||' = pcv.pcv_information2';
582     elsif g_role_src = 'POS' then
583     g_role_sql_str:=
584       'select pcv.pcv_information4
585       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
586             per_positions pos,
587             per_position_definitions posdef  ,
588             pqp_configuration_values pcv
589       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
590       and paf.business_group_id = pos.business_group_id
591       and pcv.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
592       and pos.position_definition_id = posdef.position_definition_id
593       and paf.position_id = pos.position_id
594       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
595       and paf.assignment_id                    = :assignment_id
596       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_ROLE_MAPPING''
597       and posdef.'||l_role_segment||' = pcv.pcv_information2';
598     end if;
600     open  get_addl_role_source;
601     fetch get_addl_role_source into g_addl_role_src,l_addl_role_context,l_addl_role_segment;
602     close get_addl_role_source;
604     if g_addl_role_src = 'Extra Position Info DDF' then
605     g_addl_role_sql_str:=
606     		'select pcv.pcv_information4
607 		from per_all_assignments_f paa,
608 		     per_position_extra_info pei,
609 		     pqp_configuration_values pcv
610 		where paa.assignment_id = :p_assignment_id
611 		and   pei.position_id = paa.position_id
612 		and   pei.information_type = '''||l_addl_role_context||'''
613 		and   pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_ROLE_MAPPING''
614 		and   paa.business_group_id = pcv.business_group_id
615 		and   pei.'||l_addl_role_segment||' = pcv.pcv_information2
616 		and   :effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date';
617     elsif g_addl_role_src = 'Extra Job Info DDF' then
618    	 g_addl_role_sql_str:=
619        'select pcv.pcv_information4
620 		from per_all_assignments_f paa,
621 		     per_job_extra_info jei,
622 		     pqp_configuration_values pcv
623 		where paa.assignment_id = :p_assignment_id
624 		and   jei.job_id = paa.job_id
625 		and   jei.information_type = '''||l_addl_role_context||'''
626 		and   pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_ROLE_MAPPING''
627 		and   paa.business_group_id = pcv.business_group_id
628 		and   jei.'||l_addl_role_segment||' = pcv.pcv_information2
629 		and   :effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date';
630     elsif g_addl_role_src = 'Assignment Developer DF' then
631     g_addl_role_sql_str:=
632     		'select pcv.pcv_information4
633 		from   per_assignment_extra_info aei,
634 		       pqp_configuration_values pcv
635 		where  aei.assignment_id = :p_assignment_id
636 		and    aei.information_type = '''||l_addl_role_context||'''
637 		and    pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_ROLE_MAPPING''
638         and    pcv.business_group_id = :bg_id
639 		and    aei.'||l_addl_role_segment||' = pcv.pcv_information2';
640     end if;
642     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '|| l_proc, 110);
643 exception
644      when others then
645           hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '|| l_proc, 999);
646           hr_utility.set_location(sqlerrm,9999);
647           hr_utility.raise_error;
648 end dyn_sql;
649 -------------------------------Procedure pay_message_lines ---------------------------
650 -- Procedure to insert error messages to pay_message_lines
651 -- pragma autonomous_transaction is used here to isolate this transaction from
652 -- the parent this is done to retain the error messages in the table even if
653 -- the program errors and the process is rolled back
654 procedure populate_run_msg(assignment_action_id   in    number
655                            ,p_message_text        in    varchar2
656                              ,p_message_level         in      varchar2 default 'F'
657            )
658 is
659   pragma autonomous_transaction;
660   l_proc  constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'populate_run_msg';
661   begin
662     hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:'||l_proc,111);
664     insert into pay_message_lines(line_sequence,
665                                   payroll_id,
666                                   message_level,
667                                   source_id,
668                                   source_type,
669                                   line_text)
670                            values(
671                                   pay_message_lines_s.nextval
672                                  ,null
673                                  ,p_message_level
674                                  ,assignment_action_id
675                                  ,'A'
676                                  ,substr(p_message_text,1,240)
677                                 );
679     hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:'||l_proc,999);
680     commit;
681     exception when others then
682       hr_utility.trace('Error occured in populate_run_msg');
683       hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving with error:'||l_proc,000);
684       raise;
685 end populate_run_msg;
687 -------------------------------Procedure range_cursor --------------------------
688 -- select all people in the BG, filter out non appropriate ones in
689 -- action_creation procedure.
690 -- sqlstr must contain one and only one entry of :payroll_action_id
691 -- it must be ordered by person_id
692 procedure range_cursor     (pactid  in number,
693                             sqlstr  out nocopy varchar2)
695 is
696   l_proc  constant varchar2(35) := g_package
697                                    ||'range_cursor';
698 begin
699   hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '
700                           ||l_proc,1);
703   sqlstr := 'select distinct person_id '
704             ||'from per_all_people_f ppf, '
705             ||'pay_payroll_actions ppa '
706             ||'where ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id '
707             ||'and ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id '
708             ||'order by ppf.person_id';
710   hr_utility.trace(' Range Cursor Statement : '
711                    ||sqlstr);
713   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving: '
714                           ||l_proc,100);
715 exception
716   when others then
717     hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving: '
718                             ||l_proc,50);
720     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,substr('Error in rangecode '
721                                           ||sqlerrm(sqlcode),1,80));
723     -- Return cursor that selects no rows
724     sqlstr := 'select 1 from dual where to_char(:payroll_action_id) = dummy';
725 end range_cursor;
726 ------------------------------function check_action-----------------------------
727 -- Function checks if assignment action already created for the payroll action
728 -- and assignment
729 function check_action(p_pactid  in number,
730                       p_assignment_id in number) return boolean is
731   l_proc constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'check_max_action';
732   l_action number;
733   l_ret    boolean := true;
735   cursor check_action_exists is
736   select assignment_action_id
737   from pay_assignment_actions
738   where payroll_action_id = p_pactid
739   and assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
741 begin
742     open check_action_exists;
743     fetch check_action_exists into l_action;
744     if check_action_exists%found then
745       l_ret:= false;
746     end if;
747     close check_action_exists;
749     return l_ret;
750 end check_action;
752 ------------------------------function check_max_action-------------------------
753 -- Checks if an assignment action passed is the max for the particular payroll
754 -- action and person.This helps determine if the absence and qualification
755 -- records are to be archived or not Absence and wualification are archived only
756 -- if the assignment action is highest so that they get archived only once per person.
758 function check_max_action(p_assactid  in number,
759                       p_person_id in number,
760                       p_pactid    in number)  return boolean
761 is
762      l_proc constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'check_max_action';
763      l_action number;
764      l_ret    boolean;
766      cursor csr_check_action is
767      select min(assignment_action_id)
768      from pay_assignment_actions
769      where assignment_id in (select assignment_id
770                              from  per_all_assignments_f
771                              where person_id = p_person_id)
772      and  payroll_action_id = p_pactid;
776 begin
778      hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,1);
780      open  csr_check_action;
781      fetch csr_check_action into l_action;
782      close csr_check_action;
784      if l_action = p_assactid then
785         l_ret := true;
786      else
787         l_ret := false;
788      end if;
790      hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,999);
791      return l_ret;
792 end check_max_action;
793 ------------------------------procedure action_creation-------------------------
794 -- creates assignment action for the assignments selected by the cursor
795 procedure action_creation(pactid in number,
796                           stperson in number,
797                           endperson in number,
798                           chunk in number) is
801   cursor csr_parameter_info
802   is
803   select(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CENSUS_YEAR')) census_year,
804   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CENSUS_DAY')) census_day,
805   add_months(to_date((pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CONT_ST_DAY'))),-12) cont_st_day,
806   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CONT_END_DAY')) cont_end_day,
807   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'LEA_NUM')) lea_num,
808   upper((pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'DATA_RETURN_TYPE'))) data_return_type,
809   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'ESTB_NUM')) estb_num,
810   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'EXCLUDE_ABS')) exclude_abs,
811   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'EXCLUDE_QUAL')) exclude_qual,
812   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'ASG_SET')) asg_set,
813   effective_date,
814   business_group_id
815   from   pay_payroll_actions
816   where  payroll_action_id = pactid;
819   cursor csr_asg (p_asg_set_id    number)
820   is
821   select distinct asg.assignment_id,
822                   asg.person_id
823   from   per_all_assignments_f asg,
824          hr_location_extra_info hlei,
825          per_people_extra_info pei,
826          (select  distinct min(asg1.effective_start_date) over( partition by assignment_id) effective_start_date,
827             max(asg1.effective_end_date) over( partition by assignment_id)  effective_end_date,
828             first_value(location_id)over( partition by assignment_id order by asg1.effective_end_date desc ) location_id,
829             asg1.assignment_id
830           from per_all_assignments_f asg1,
831                per_assignment_status_types pas
832           where asg1.assignment_status_type_id = pas.assignment_status_type_id
833           and   pas.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN') min_max
834   where  asg.person_id between stperson and endperson
835   and asg.business_group_id + 0 = g_business_group_id
836   and min_max.location_id = hlei.location_id
837   and hlei.information_type = 'PQP_GB_EDU_ESTB_INFO'
838   and hlei.lei_information6 = g_lea_number
839   and (g_estb_number is null
840        or hlei.lei_information2 = g_estb_number)
841   and pei.person_id = asg.person_id
843   and pei.information_type = 'PQP_SCHOOL_WORKFORCE_CENSUS'
844   and pei.pei_information5 <> 'OTHER'
846   and min_max.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
848   and (min_max.effective_end_date between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date -- contract change or the contract is terminated
850 	or  (g_census_day between min_max.effective_start_date and min_max.effective_end_date
851 	    ) -- Check for snapshot data
853 	or  (g_exclude_absence = 'No'                                                   -- Check absence existance only if it is not excluded
854             and exists (select 1 -- If an absence exists in the previous calander year
855                         from   per_absence_attendances abs
856                         where  abs.person_id = asg.person_id
857                         and abs.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id
858                         and (abs.date_end between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date
859                               or abs.date_start between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date))
860 	    )
861 	or  (g_exclude_qual = 'No' -- Qualification present or not?
862             and g_census_day between min_max.effective_start_date and min_max.effective_end_date   -- check if contract is still
863             and exists (select 1 from per_qualifications qual                              -- valid only if qual data is included
864                       where qual.person_id = asg.person_id )
865             )
866 	)
868   -- 28 Days Condition
869   and decode(min_max.effective_end_date,hr_general.end_of_time,to_date(g_census_day),min_max.effective_end_date)-
870                      min_max.effective_start_date >= 28
871   -- 28 Days Condition
873   and (g_data_ret_type <> 'TYPE3'
874        or (g_data_ret_type = 'TYPE3' and pei.pei_information5 = 'CENTRAL_STAFF'))
876   and (p_asg_set_id is null -- don't check for assignment set in this case
877         or exists (select 1
878                    from   hr_assignment_sets has1
879                    where  has1.assignment_set_id = p_asg_set_id
880                    and has1.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id
881                    and nvl(has1.payroll_id,asg.payroll_id) = asg.payroll_id
882                    and (not exists (select 1 -- chk no amendments
883                                     from   hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa1
884                                     where  hasa1.assignment_set_id = has1.assignment_set_id)
885                          or exists (select 1 -- chk include amendments
886                                     from   hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa2
887                                     where  hasa2.assignment_set_id = has1.assignment_set_id
888                                     and hasa2.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
889                                     and nvl(hasa2.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I')
890                          or (not exists (select 1 --chk no exlude amendments
891                                          from   hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa3
892                                          where  hasa3.assignment_set_id = has1.assignment_set_id
893                                          and hasa3.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
894                                          and nvl(hasa3.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'E')
895                              and not exists (select 1 --and chk no Inc amendments
896                                              from   hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa4
897                                              where  hasa4.assignment_set_id = has1.assignment_set_id
898                                              and nvl(hasa4.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I')
899                             ) -- end checking exclude amendments
900                        ) -- done checking amendments
901                   ) -- done asg set check when not null
902       ); -- end of asg set check
905   cursor csr_contract   (p_asg_set_id    number)
906   is
907   select distinct asg.assignment_id,asg.person_id
908   from   per_all_assignments_f asg,
909          pqp_assignment_attributes_f att,
910          hr_location_extra_info hlei,
911          per_people_extra_info pei,
912          (select min(att1.effective_start_date) effective_start_date,
913                  max(att1.effective_end_date) effective_end_date,
914                  att1.assignment_id
915           from  pqp_assignment_attributes_f att1
916           group by assignment_id ) min_max,
918           (select    first_value(location_id)over( partition by assignment_id order by asg1.effective_end_date desc ) location_id,
919           asg1.assignment_id
920           from per_all_assignments_f asg1,
921                per_assignment_status_types pas
922           where asg1.assignment_status_type_id = pas.assignment_status_type_id
923           and   pas.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN') loc
924   where  asg.person_id between stperson and endperson
925   and asg.business_group_id + 0 = g_business_group_id
926   and att.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id
927   and asg.assignment_id = att.assignment_id
928   and loc.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
929   and loc.location_id = hlei.location_id
930   and hlei.information_type = 'PQP_GB_EDU_ESTB_INFO'
931   and hlei.lei_information6 = g_lea_number
932   and (g_estb_number is null
933        or hlei.lei_information2 = g_estb_number)
934   and pei.person_id = asg.person_id
936   and pei.pei_information5 <> 'OTHER'
937   and pei.information_type = 'PQP_SCHOOL_WORKFORCE_CENSUS'
939   and min_max.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
941   and (min_max.effective_end_date between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date -- contract change or the contract is terminated
943 	or  (g_census_day between min_max.effective_start_date and min_max.effective_end_date
944 	    ) -- Check for snapshot data only
946 	or  (g_exclude_absence = 'No' -- Check absence existance only if it is not excluded
947             and exists (select 1 -- If an absence exists in the previous calander year
948                         from   per_absence_attendances abs
949                         where  abs.person_id = asg.person_id
950                         and abs.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id
951                         and (abs.date_end between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date
952                               or abs.date_start between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date))
953 	    )
955       	or  (g_exclude_qual = 'No' -- Qualification present or not?
956             and g_census_day between min_max.effective_start_date and min_max.effective_end_date   -- check if contract is still
957             and exists (select 1 from per_qualifications qual                              -- valid only if qual data is included
958                       where qual.person_id = asg.person_id )
959             )
961       )
963   -- 28 Days Condition
964   and decode(min_max.effective_end_date,hr_general.end_of_time,to_date(g_census_day),min_max.effective_end_date)-
965                      min_max.effective_start_date >= 28
966   -- 28 Days Condition
968   and (g_data_ret_type <> 'TYPE3'
969        or (g_data_ret_type = 'TYPE3' and pei.pei_information5 = 'CENTRAL_STAFF'))
971   and (p_asg_set_id is null -- don't check for assignment set in this case
972         or exists (select 1
973                    from   hr_assignment_sets has1
974                    where  has1.assignment_set_id = p_asg_set_id
975                    and has1.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id
976                    and nvl(has1.payroll_id,asg.payroll_id) = asg.payroll_id
977                    and (not exists (select 1 -- chk no amendments
978                                     from   hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa1
979                                     where  hasa1.assignment_set_id = has1.assignment_set_id)
980                          or exists (select 1 -- chk include amendments
981                                     from   hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa2
982                                     where  hasa2.assignment_set_id = has1.assignment_set_id
983                                     and hasa2.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
984                                     and nvl(hasa2.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I')
985                          or (not exists (select 1 --chk no exlude amendments
986                                          from   hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa3
987                                          where  hasa3.assignment_set_id = has1.assignment_set_id
988                                          and hasa3.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
989                                          and nvl(hasa3.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'E')
990                              and not exists (select 1 --and chk no Inc amendments
991                                              from   hr_assignment_set_amendments hasa4
992                                              where  hasa4.assignment_set_id = has1.assignment_set_id
993                                              and nvl(hasa4.include_or_exclude,'I') = 'I')
994                             ) -- end checking exclude amendments
995                        ) -- done checking amendments
996                   ) -- done asg set check when not null
997       ); -- end of asg set check
1000   cursor contract_type is
1001   select distinct pcv_information1
1002   from   pqp_configuration_values
1003   where  pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_CONTRACT_TYPE'
1004   and    business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
1006 -- Local variables
1007   l_arch             boolean := true;
1008   l_proc             constant varchar2(35):= g_package||'action_creation';
1009   l_ass_act_id       pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%type;
1010   l_asg_set          hr_assignment_sets.assignment_set_id%type;
1011   l_effective_date   date;
1012   e_contract_type_nt_defined    exception;
1013   l_contract_type     varchar2(50);
1014 begin
1015   if chunk = 1 then
1016     hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,1);
1017   end if;
1018   -----
1019   open csr_parameter_info;
1020   fetch csr_parameter_info into g_census_year,
1021                                 --g_census_term,
1022                                 g_census_day,
1023                                 g_cont_data_st_date,
1024                                 g_cont_data_end_date,
1025                                 g_lea_number,
1026                                 g_data_ret_type,
1027                                 g_estb_number,
1028                                 g_exclude_absence,
1029                                 g_exclude_qual,
1030                                 l_asg_set,
1031                                 l_effective_date,
1032                                 g_business_group_id;
1033   close csr_parameter_info;
1035   -------
1036   open  contract_type;
1037   fetch contract_type into l_contract_type;
1038   close contract_type;
1040   if l_contract_type is not null then
1041      if l_contract_type = 'ASG_CAT' then
1042        g_pick_from_asg  := 'Y';
1043      else
1044        g_pick_from_asg  := 'N';
1045      end if;
1046   else
1047      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Contract Details - Contract Type Configuration is not set.Please configure and proce');
1048      raise e_contract_type_nt_defined;
1049   end if;
1050   if chunk = 1 then
1051      hr_utility.set_location('g_pick_from_asg : ' || g_pick_from_asg,30);
1052   end if;
1055   if chunk = 1 then
1056        hr_utility.set_location('g_census_year : ' || g_census_year,30);
1057        hr_utility.set_location('g_census_day  : ' || g_census_day,30);
1058        hr_utility.set_location('g_cont_data_st_date  : ' || g_cont_data_st_date,30);
1059        hr_utility.set_location('g_cont_data_end_date : ' || g_cont_data_end_date,30);
1060        hr_utility.set_location('g_lea_number  : ' || g_lea_number,30);
1061        hr_utility.set_location('g_estb_number : ' || g_estb_number,30);
1062        hr_utility.set_location('g_exclude_qual: ' || g_exclude_qual,30);
1063        hr_utility.set_location('l_asg_set     : ' || l_asg_set,30);
1064        hr_utility.set_location('l_effective_date    : ' || l_effective_date,30);
1065        hr_utility.set_location('g_business_group_id : ' || g_business_group_id,30);
1066   end if;
1068     if g_pick_from_asg = 'N' then
1070       for asg_rec in csr_contract(l_asg_set) loop
1071           -- Check if assignment action already created for this assignment
1072           l_arch := check_action(pactid,asg_rec.assignment_id);
1073           if l_arch then
1074               -- hr_utility.set_location('Creating assignment action for ' || asg_rec.assignment_id,30);
1075               select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
1076               into   l_ass_act_id
1077               from   dual;
1078               --
1079               -- insert into pay_assignment_actions.
1080               hr_nonrun_asact.insact(l_ass_act_id,
1081                                      asg_rec.assignment_id,
1082                                      pactid,
1083                                      chunk,
1084                                      null);
1085           end if;
1086       end loop; -- end asg_rec
1087     elsif g_pick_from_asg = 'Y' then
1088       if chunk = 1 then
1089            hr_utility.set_location('Entering csr_asg',40);
1090       end if;
1091       for asg_rec in csr_asg(l_asg_set) loop
1092           -- Check if assignment action already created for this assignment
1093           l_arch := check_action(pactid,asg_rec.assignment_id);
1094           if l_arch then
1095               -- hr_utility.set_location('Creating assignment action for ' || asg_rec.assignment_id,30);
1096               select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
1097               into   l_ass_act_id
1098               from   dual;
1099               --
1100               -- insert into pay_assignment_actions.
1101               hr_nonrun_asact.insact(l_ass_act_id,
1102                                      asg_rec.assignment_id,
1103                                      pactid,
1104                                      chunk,
1105                                      null);
1106           end if;
1107       end loop; -- end asg_rec
1108     end if;
1110 end action_creation;
1112 ------------------------------function get_teachers_number--------------------------------------
1113 -- Fetches teachers number depending on the configuration DFF PQP_GB_SWF_TEACHER_NUM
1114 -- If value is from person EIT/Qualification table function fetches the first not null value
1115 -- for the column defined in the configuration.
1116 function get_teachers_number(p_person_id in number
1117                             , p_effective_date in date) return varchar2 is
1118   cursor  qual_mbr_num is
1119   select  membership_number
1120   from    per_qualifications
1121   where   person_id = p_person_id
1122   and     membership_number is not null;
1123   ---
1124   e_teacher_no_nt_found exception;
1125   l_teachers_num    varchar2(100);
1126   l_proc      constant varchar2(50) := g_package || ' get_teachers_number';
1127 begin
1128   hr_utility.set_location('Entering '|| l_proc, 10);
1130   if g_debug then
1131     hr_utility.set_location('p_person_id :'||p_person_id,10);
1132     hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date :'||p_effective_date,10);
1133   end if;
1135   if g_teach_dff_name =  'PER_PEOPLE' then
1137     execute immediate g_teacher_sql_str into l_teachers_num using p_person_id, p_effective_date;
1139   elsif g_teach_dff_name =   'Extra Person Info DDF' then
1141     execute immediate g_teacher_sql_str into l_teachers_num using p_person_id;
1143   elsif g_teach_dff_name =  'QUAL_MEMBERSHIP_NUMBER'then
1144     open  qual_mbr_num;
1145     fetch qual_mbr_num into l_teachers_num;
1146     close qual_mbr_num;
1147   end if;
1149 -- Bug#12599238
1150 -- Added replace function to remove bank spaces and '-' in teacher's number
1152    -- return l_teachers_num;
1153     return replace(replace(l_teachers_num,' ',''),'-','');
1155 -- Bug#12599238
1158   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '|| l_proc, 100);
1159   exception when
1160     no_data_found then
1161       hr_utility.set_location('Leaving with error '|| l_proc, 888);
1162       return null;
1163     when others  then
1164       hr_utility.set_location('Leaving with error '|| l_proc, 999);
1165       hr_utility.set_location(sqlerrm,999);
1166       return null;
1167 end get_teachers_number;
1169 ------------------------------function get_dcsf_values--------------------------
1170 -- This function queries PQP_CONFIGURATION_VALUES table for the given context
1171 -- and returns the dcsf equivalent for the passed value.
1172 -- This function is used for the following context.
1173 -- PQP_GB_SWF_ETHNIC_CODES        Staff Details - Ethnic Origin
1174 -- PQP_GB_SWF_PAY_SCALE_MAPPING   Pay - Pay Scale
1175 -- PQP_GB_SWF_QTS_ROUTE_SRC Staff Details - QTS Route source
1176 -- PQP_GB_SWF_QUAL_SUBJECT_MAP    Qualifications - Subject
1177 function get_dcsf_values(p_context_name in varchar2,
1178                          p_value        in varchar2) return varchar2
1179 is
1180   l_return pqp_configuration_values.pcv_attribute2%type;
1181   l_proc  constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'get_dcsf_values';
1183   cursor get_config_values (p_context_name in varchar2 , p_value in varchar2) is
1184   select pcv_information2
1185   from   pqp_configuration_values
1186   where  pcv_information_category = p_context_name
1187   and    pcv_information1 = p_value
1188   and    business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
1190 begin
1192   open get_config_values(p_context_name,p_value);
1193   fetch get_config_values into l_return;
1194   close get_config_values;
1196   return l_return;
1198 end get_dcsf_values;
1199 ------------------------------function fetch_staff_rec--------------------------
1200 -- fetches details for staff details module.Validates the fetched values with
1201 -- staff_details_validate if no errors , details are archived.
1202 function fetch_staff_details( p_assactid   in number,
1203                           p_effective_date in date,
1204                           p_staff_rec      out nocopy act_info_rec) return boolean is
1206   l_proc  constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'fetch_staff_rec';
1209   cursor csr_person_details(csr_effective_date date) is
1210   select /*+ ORDERED */
1211           pap.person_id,
1212           pap.employee_number,
1213           paa.assignment_id,
1214           pap.first_name,
1215           pap.last_name ,
1216           paa.assignment_number,
1217           pap.national_identifier,
1218           decode(pap.sex,'M','1','F','2','9') sex,
1219           pap.previous_last_name,
1220 					per_information1 ethnic_code,
1221           pap.date_of_birth date_of_birth,
1222 					to_char(pap.date_of_birth,'YYYY-MM-DD') dob_dcsf
1223   from    pay_assignment_actions act,
1224           per_all_assignments_f      paa,
1225           per_all_people_f           pap
1226   where  act.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
1227   and    act.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
1228   and    paa.person_id = pap.person_id
1229   and    csr_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date
1230   and    csr_effective_date between pap.effective_start_date and pap.effective_end_date;
1232   cursor get_swf_dff_vaues(p_person_id in number) is
1233   select  hr_general.decode_lookup('YES_NO',pei_information1 ) qt_sts,
1234           fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pei_information2)  qt_status_date,
1235           pei_information3  qts_route,
1236           pei_information4  teacher_number,
1237           pei_information5  workforce_inc_typ,
1238           hr_general.decode_lookup('YES_NO',pei_information9)  hlta_sts,
1239           pei_information10 origin
1240   from    per_people_extra_info pei
1241   where   pei.information_type = 'PQP_SCHOOL_WORKFORCE_CENSUS'
1242   and     pei.person_id        = p_person_id;
1243   --
1244   cursor csr_disablity(p_person_id number, csr_effective_date date) is
1245   select 'YES'
1246   from   per_disabilities_f pdf
1247   where  pdf.person_id = p_person_id
1248   and    csr_effective_date between pdf.effective_start_date and pdf.effective_end_date;
1249   --
1250   cursor csr_cont_eff_date_asg is
1251   select max(effective_end_date)
1252   from   pay_assignment_actions act,
1253          per_all_assignments_f      paa,
1254          per_assignment_status_types pas
1255   where  act.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
1256   and    act.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
1257   and    paa.assignment_status_type_id = pas.assignment_status_type_id
1258   and   pas.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
1260   cursor csr_cont_eff_date_contract is
1261   select max(effective_end_date)
1262   from   pay_assignment_actions act,
1263          pqp_assignment_attributes_f    att
1264   where  act.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
1265   and    act.assignment_id = att.assignment_id;
1267   cursor get_person_id(p_effective_date date) is
1268   select ppf.person_id,ppf.employee_number
1269   from   pay_assignment_actions act,
1270          per_all_assignments_f      paa,
1271          per_all_people_f       ppf
1272   where  act.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
1273   and    act.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
1274   and    ppf.person_id     = paa.person_id
1275   and    p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date
1276   and    p_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date;
1278   cursor get_estab_no( p_assignment_id in number , p_effective_date in date) is
1279   select hlei.lei_information2
1280   from   per_all_assignments_f asg,
1281          hr_location_extra_info hlei
1282   where asg.business_group_id + 0 = g_business_group_id
1283   and   asg.location_id = hlei.location_id
1284   and   asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
1285   and   p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
1286   and   asg.location_id = hlei.location_id
1287   and   hlei.information_type = 'PQP_GB_EDU_ESTB_INFO'
1288   and   hlei.lei_information6 = g_lea_number;
1291   l_staff_rec                 csr_person_details%rowtype;
1292   l_swf_def_values_rec        get_swf_dff_vaues%rowtype;
1293   l_asg_active_on_census_day  boolean := true; -- variable set to true if he is active on census day
1294   l_person_id                 number;
1295   l_employee_number           per_all_people_f.employee_number%type;
1296   l_qt_status                 hr_lookups.meaning%type;
1297   l_qts_route                 hr_lookups.meaning%type;
1298   l_disablity                 varchar2(5) := 'NO';
1299   l_hlta_status               hr_lookups.meaning%type;
1300   l_teachers_number           varchar2(240);
1301   l_arch                      boolean;
1302   l_effective_date            date;
1303   e_cont_eff_dt_nt_found      exception;
1304   l_estab_number              number;
1305   l_valid_ethnic_code	      varchar2(1);
1306   l_asg_end_date              date;
1309 begin
1310   hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,1);
1311   l_arch := true;
1314        hr_utility.set_location('Session_id Fetch person :'|| sys_context('userenv','sessionid'),777777);
1315        hr_utility.set_location('g_census_year : ' || g_census_year,30);
1316        hr_utility.set_location('g_census_day  : ' || g_census_day,30);
1317        hr_utility.set_location('g_cont_data_st_date  : ' || g_cont_data_st_date,30);
1318        hr_utility.set_location('g_cont_data_end_date : ' || g_cont_data_end_date,30);
1319        hr_utility.set_location('g_lea_number  : ' || g_lea_number,30);
1320        hr_utility.set_location('g_estb_number : ' || g_estb_number,30);
1321        hr_utility.set_location('g_exclude_qual: ' || g_exclude_qual,30);
1322        hr_utility.set_location('l_effective_date    : ' || l_effective_date,30);
1323        hr_utility.set_location('g_business_group_id : ' || g_business_group_id,30);
1324        hr_utility.set_location('g_qts_route_sql_str : ' || g_qts_route_sql_str,30);
1325        hr_utility.set_location('g_qts_sql_str : ' || g_qts_sql_str,30);
1326        hr_utility.set_location('g_hlta_sql_str : ' || g_hlta_sql_str,30);
1328   -- check if staff is present as of census day
1329   open csr_person_details(g_census_day);
1330    fetch csr_person_details into l_staff_rec;
1331     if csr_person_details%notfound then
1332       l_asg_active_on_census_day := false; -- continuous data to be archived
1333       hr_utility.set_location('Staff record not present on census day'||'Assignment act ID :'||p_assactid,1);
1334     end if;
1335   close csr_person_details;
1337   -- if staff present as of census day then the effective date for the contract
1338   -- is census day.
1339   if l_asg_active_on_census_day then
1340     l_effective_date := g_census_day;
1341     l_person_id:= l_staff_rec.person_id;
1342     l_employee_number:= l_staff_rec.employee_number;
1345     -- the person is active but the contract is end-dated.
1346     -- pick the least of contract end date and census day.
1347     if g_pick_from_asg <> 'Y' then
1348       open  csr_cont_eff_date_contract;
1349       fetch csr_cont_eff_date_contract into l_effective_date;
1350       close csr_cont_eff_date_contract;
1352       l_effective_date := least(g_census_day,l_effective_date);
1353     end if;
1354   else
1355     -- if staff not present as of census day then the effective date is either
1356     -- assignment End date or the contract type End date depending on the
1357     -- configuration
1358     if g_pick_from_asg = 'Y' THEN
1359       open  csr_cont_eff_date_asg;
1360       fetch csr_cont_eff_date_asg into l_effective_date;
1361       close csr_cont_eff_date_asg;
1363     ELSE -- pick from pqp contract types
1365       open  csr_cont_eff_date_contract;
1366       fetch csr_cont_eff_date_contract into l_effective_date;
1367       close csr_cont_eff_date_contract;
1369       -- the person is terminated but the contract is valid till EOT
1370       -- get least of contract end date and assignment end date.
1371       open  csr_cont_eff_date_asg;
1372       fetch csr_cont_eff_date_asg into l_asg_end_date;
1373       close csr_cont_eff_date_asg;
1375       l_effective_date := least(l_effective_date,l_asg_end_date);
1376     end if;
1378     open  get_person_id(l_effective_date);
1379     fetch get_person_id into l_person_id,l_employee_number;
1380     close get_person_id;
1382     open csr_person_details(l_effective_date);
1383     fetch csr_person_details into l_staff_rec;
1384       if csr_person_details%notfound then
1385         hr_utility.set_location('Staff record could not be fetched as of ' || l_effective_date ||' for Assignment act ID :'||p_assactid,9999);
1386         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Staff record could not be fetched as of ' || l_effective_date ||' for Assignment act ID :'||p_assactid);
1387         --raise e_cont_eff_dt_nt_found;
1388       end if;
1389     close  csr_person_details;
1391   end if;
1393   -- if extablishment number is not entered as parameter, compute it here
1395     open  get_estab_no(l_staff_rec.assignment_id,l_effective_date);
1396     fetch get_estab_no into l_estab_number;
1397     close get_estab_no;
1399   if g_estb_number is not null  and g_estb_number <> l_estab_number then
1400   l_arch := false;
1401   hr_utility.set_location('This assignment should not be processed',99);
1402   end if;
1406   open csr_disablity(l_person_id,l_effective_date);
1407   fetch csr_disablity into l_disablity;
1408   close csr_disablity;
1409   -- Dynamic SQL execution starts.
1410   -- if any dynamic sql fails, it gets reported in the log file and the process
1411   -- continues
1412   begin
1413     l_teachers_number:= get_teachers_number(l_person_id,l_effective_date);
1414     exception when others then
1415        hr_utility.set_location('Teachers Number could not be fetched as of ' || l_effective_date ||'for Person ID :'||l_person_id,9999);
1416   end;
1418   begin
1419     execute immediate g_qts_sql_str into l_qt_status using g_business_group_id,l_effective_date, l_person_id;
1420     exception when others then
1421        hr_utility.set_location('QT status could not be fetched as of ' || l_effective_date ||'for Person ID :'||l_person_id,9999);
1422   end;
1424     hr_utility.set_location('l_qt_status :'||l_qt_status,10);
1426   begin
1427     execute immediate g_qts_route_sql_str into l_qts_route using g_business_group_id,l_effective_date, l_person_id;
1428     exception when others then
1429        hr_utility.set_location('QTS Route could not be fetched as of' || l_effective_date ||'for Person ID :'||l_person_id,9999);
1430   end;
1432   begin
1433     if g_hlta_dff_name = 'JOB' then
1434       execute immediate g_hlta_sql_str into l_hlta_status using g_business_group_id,l_effective_date, l_person_id;
1435     elsif g_hlta_dff_name in ('PER_PEOPLE','PER_ASSIGNMENTS') then
1436       execute immediate g_hlta_sql_str into l_hlta_status using l_person_id, l_effective_date;
1437     end if;
1439     exception when others then
1440       hr_utility.set_location('HLTA status could not be fetched as of' || l_effective_date ||'for Person ID :'||l_person_id,9999);
1441   end;
1443   -- Specific staff details can be entered in the extra person information
1444   -- fetch those values and use them if the computed value(thru configuration)
1445   -- is null
1446   open  get_swf_dff_vaues(l_person_id);
1447   fetch get_swf_dff_vaues into l_swf_def_values_rec;
1448   close get_swf_dff_vaues;
1452   l_staff_rec.ethnic_code	:= get_dcsf_values('PQP_GB_SWF_ETHNIC_CODES',l_staff_rec.ethnic_code);
1453   l_teachers_number :=  nvl(l_teachers_number,l_swf_def_values_rec.teacher_number);
1454    if l_swf_def_values_rec.qt_status_date < g_census_day then
1455      l_qt_status       :=  nvl(l_qt_status,l_swf_def_values_rec.qt_sts);
1456    end if;
1457   l_qts_route       :=  nvl(l_qts_route,l_swf_def_values_rec.qts_route);
1458   l_hlta_status     :=  nvl(l_hlta_status,l_swf_def_values_rec.hlta_sts);
1460   -- Validation starts
1461   -- the numbers in the comment denotes the validation numbers in SWF tech spec
1462   -- If any error occurs, insert into pay_message_lines with the procedure
1463   -- populate_run_msg.
1465   -- 4100
1466 	if l_qt_status = 'Yes' and l_teachers_number is null then
1467 			l_arch := false;
1468 			hr_utility.set_location('Teachers number error',10);
1469 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Qualified Teacher with Teacher Number missing');
1470 	end if;
1472 	-- 4105
1473 	if l_teachers_number is not null and length(l_teachers_number) <> 7 then
1474 			l_arch := false;
1475 			hr_utility.set_location('Teachers number error',20);
1476 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Teacher number is not 7 digits');
1477 	end if;
1480 	begin
1481 		l_teachers_number := to_number(l_teachers_number);
1482 		exception when others then
1483 		    l_arch := false;
1484 		hr_utility.set_location('Teachers number has invalid characters',20);
1485 		populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Teachers number has invalid characters');
1486 	end;
1489 	-- 4110
1490   if l_staff_rec.last_name is null then
1491     l_arch := false;
1492     populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Family Name is missing');
1493     hr_utility.set_location('last Name error',10);
1494   elsif l_staff_rec.last_name is not null and instr(l_staff_rec.last_name,'  ') > 0 then
1495     l_arch := false;
1496     populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Family Name contains too many consecutive spaces');
1497     hr_utility.set_location('last Name error',10);
1498   end if;
1500 	-- 4120
1501   if l_staff_rec.first_name is null then
1502      l_arch := false;
1503      hr_utility.set_location('First Name error',10);
1504      populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Given Name is missing');
1505   elsif l_staff_rec.first_name is not null and instr(l_staff_rec.first_name,'  ') > 0 then
1506     l_arch := false;
1507     hr_utility.set_location('First Name error',20);
1508     populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Given Name contains too many consecutive spaces');
1509   end if;
1511   -- 4140
1512   if instr(l_staff_rec.previous_last_name,'  ') > 0 then
1513     l_arch := false;
1514     hr_utility.set_location('Previous Name error',10);
1515     populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Former Family Name contains too many consecutive spaces');
1516   end if;
1518 	-- 4150,4160Q,4155
1519   if l_staff_rec.national_identifier is null then
1520     l_arch := false ;
1521     populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Member of workforce with missing NI Number');
1522     hr_utility.set_location('NI error',20);
1523   elsif l_staff_rec.national_identifier is not null and
1524     hr_gb_utility.ni_validate(l_staff_rec.national_identifier,sysdate) <> 0 then
1525     l_arch := false;
1526     populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'NI Number has invalid Format');
1527     hr_utility.set_location('NI error',10);
1528 	if substr(l_staff_rec.national_identifier,1,2) in ('GB','BG','NK','KN','TN','NT','ZZ') then
1529                 l_arch := false;
1530 		populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Appears to be a temporary or non-standard NI Number.  This must be resolved or removed');
1531 		hr_utility.set_location('NI error',10);
1532 	end if;
1533   end if;
1535 	--4180
1536   if l_staff_rec.sex is null then
1537     l_arch := false;
1538     populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Gender is missing');
1539     hr_utility.set_location('Gender error',10);
1540   end if;
1542 	-- 4190
1543   if l_staff_rec.dob_dcsf is null then
1544   l_arch := false;
1545     populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Date of Birth missing');
1546     hr_utility.set_location('DOB error',30);
1547   end if;
1549 	-- 4200 /* Corrected the code.Bug#12586059 */
1550   if not(months_between(g_census_day,l_staff_rec.date_of_birth)/12 between 15 and 100) then
1551     l_arch := false;
1552     populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Person''s age must be between 15 and 100 years');
1553     hr_utility.set_location('Age error',30);
1554   end if;
1556 -- Bug#12586059
1557 --  check removed as per new specification.
1559 	-- 4210Q
1560 -- if not(months_between(trunc(g_census_day),l_staff_rec.date_of_birth)/12 between 16 and 70) then
1561 --    populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Please check: Person''s age expected to be between 16 and 70 years','W');
1562 --    hr_utility.set_location('Age warning',30);
1563 --  end if;
1565 -- Bug#12586059
1567 	--4220
1568 	if l_staff_rec.ethnic_code is not null then
1569 		begin
1570 			select	 'Y'
1571 				into	 l_valid_ethnic_code
1572 				from	 dual
1573 			 where	 exists
1574 				 (select lookup_code
1575 				  from	 hr_lookups hl
1576 				  where	 hl.lookup_type = 'UK_ETHNIC_CODES'
1577 						 and hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
1578 						 and hl.lookup_code = l_staff_rec.ethnic_code);
1579 			exception
1580 			when others
1581 			then
1582 				l_arch := false;
1583 				populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Ethnicity is invalid ');
1584 				hr_utility.set_location ('Ethnicity error', 10);
1585 		end;
1586 	end if;
1588 	if l_staff_rec.ethnic_code is not null and length(l_staff_rec.ethnic_code) <> 4 then
1589 				l_arch := false;
1590 				populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Ethnicity is invalid ');
1591 				hr_utility.set_location ('Ethnicity length error', 10);
1592 	end if;
1594 	if l_staff_rec.ethnic_code is null then
1595 		populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Please Check: Ethnicity is missing ','W');
1596 		hr_utility.set_location ('Ethnicity length error', 10);
1597 	end if;
1599   -- 4225 Disablity hardcoded, cannot be other than YES or NO.
1600 	-- 4230
1601 	if l_qt_status is not null and l_qt_status not in ('Yes','No') then
1602 			l_arch := false;
1603 			populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'QT Status is invalid ');
1604 			hr_utility.set_location (l_qt_status||' QT status error', 10);
1605 	end if;
1607 	-- 4235Q
1608 	if l_qt_status = 'Yes' and months_between(trunc(g_census_day),l_staff_rec.date_of_birth)/12 < 21 then
1609 			populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Person cannot be shown as having QT status and be under 21 on 1 January','W');
1610 			hr_utility.set_location ('QT status Age error', 10);
1611 	end if;
1613 	-- 4240
1614 	if l_hlta_status is not null and l_hlta_status not in ('Yes','No') then
1615 			l_arch := false;
1616 			populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'HLTA Status is invalid ');
1617 			hr_utility.set_location (l_hlta_status||' HLTA status error', 10);
1618 	end if;
1620 	-- 4245
1621 	if l_hlta_status = 'Yes' and months_between(trunc(g_census_day),l_staff_rec.date_of_birth)/12 < 18 then
1622 			l_arch := false;
1623 			populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Person cannot be shown as having HLTA status and be under 18 on 1 January');
1624 			hr_utility.set_location (l_hlta_status||' HLTA status Age error', 10);
1625 	end if;
1627 	-- 4250
1628 	if l_qts_route is not null then
1629 		begin
1630 			select	 'Y'
1631 			into	 l_valid_ethnic_code
1632 			from	 dual
1633 			where	 exists(select	lookup_code
1634 				from	hr_lookups hl
1635 				where	hl.lookup_type = 'PQP_GB_SWF_QTS_ROUTES'
1636 				and     hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
1637 				and     hl.lookup_code = l_qts_route);
1638 			exception
1639 				when others
1640 				then
1641 					l_arch := false;
1642 					populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'QTS Route is invalid');
1643 					hr_utility.set_location (l_qts_route||' QTS route error', 10);
1644 		 end;
1645 	end if;
1647 	if l_qts_route is not null and length(l_qts_route) <> 4 then
1648 				l_arch := false;
1649 				populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'QTS Route is invalid');
1650 				hr_utility.set_location (l_qts_route||' QTS route length error', 10);
1651 	end if;
1653 -- DO NOT CHANGE the archive structure as many values from this are passed as
1654 -- input values for othe procedures in archive code
1656   p_staff_rec.action_info_category  := 'GB_SWF_STAFF_DETAILS';
1657   p_staff_rec.person_id             := l_staff_rec.person_id;
1658   p_staff_rec.assignment_id         := l_staff_rec.assignment_id;
1659   p_staff_rec.effective_date        := sysdate;
1660   p_staff_rec.act_info1             := l_staff_rec.person_id;
1661   p_staff_rec.act_info2             := l_estab_number;
1662   p_staff_rec.act_info3             := l_teachers_number;
1663   p_staff_rec.act_info4             := l_staff_rec.last_name;
1664   p_staff_rec.act_info5             := l_staff_rec.first_name;
1665   p_staff_rec.act_info6             := l_staff_rec.previous_last_name;
1666   p_staff_rec.act_info7             := l_staff_rec.national_identifier;
1667   p_staff_rec.act_info8             := l_staff_rec.sex;
1668   p_staff_rec.act_info9             := l_staff_rec.dob_dcsf;
1669   p_staff_rec.act_info10            := l_staff_rec.ethnic_code;
1670   p_staff_rec.act_info11            := l_disablity;
1671   p_staff_rec.act_info12            := l_qt_status; 	 -- passed as in parameter to fetch_payment_details
1672   p_staff_rec.act_info13            := l_hlta_status; 	 -- passed as in parameter to fetch_contract_details
1673   p_staff_rec.act_info14            := l_qts_route;
1674   p_staff_rec.act_info15            := null; --l_abs_on_cd;
1675   p_staff_rec.act_info16            := l_effective_date; -- passed as in parameter to all functions
1676 																												 -- called in archive code
1679   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,999);
1680   return l_arch;
1681    exception
1682     when others then
1683         hr_utility.trace(sqlerrm);
1684         hr_utility.set_location('leaving with error: '||l_proc,9999);
1685         raise;
1686 end fetch_staff_details;
1688 /*-------------------------function run_user_formula --------------------------*/
1689 -- This function executes the user fourmula and provides the results
1690 -- for date of arrival, the format the formula should return is 'YYYY-MM-DD'
1691 -- for hours per week and fte hours, the formula should return values in
1692 -- number(s).numbers(s) format
1693 -- The formula will throw an error if the format is anything other than the
1694 -- specified format
1695 function run_user_formula(p_formula_id    in      ff_formulas_f.formula_name%type
1696                          ,p_assignment_id   in      number
1697                          ,p_effective_date  in      date
1698                          ,p_business_group_id in    number
1699                          ,p_assignment_number in    varchar2
1700                          )
1701 return varchar2 is
1703   cursor get_formula_id is
1704   select ff.formula_id,ff.formula_name
1705     from ff_formulas_f ff
1706    where ff.formula_id        = p_formula_id
1707      and ff.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
1708      and p_effective_date       between ff.effective_start_date and ff.effective_end_date;
1709 --
1710   l_inputs     ff_exec.inputs_t;
1711   p_inputs     ff_exec.inputs_t;
1712   l_outputs    ff_exec.outputs_t;
1713   l_result     varchar2(25);
1714   l_formula_id  ff_formulas_f.formula_id%type;
1715   l_formula_name  ff_formulas_f.formula_name%type;
1716   l_warning_msg varchar2(300);
1718   l_proc  constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'run_user_formula';
1719 begin
1720   hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
1721 -- setting the contexts
1722    p_inputs(1).name   := 'ASSIGNMENT_ID';
1723    p_inputs(1).value  := p_assignment_id;
1724    p_inputs(2).name   := 'EFFECTIVE_DATE';
1725    p_inputs(2).value  := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_effective_date);
1726    p_inputs(3).name   := 'BUSINESS_GROUP_ID';
1727    p_inputs(3).value  := p_business_group_id;
1729    l_formula_id := null;
1730    open get_formula_id;
1731    fetch get_formula_id into l_formula_id,l_formula_name;
1732    if get_formula_id%notfound then
1733          hr_utility.set_location('formula -'||l_formula_name||'- not present/effective in table',11);
1734          l_warning_msg := 'formula -'||l_formula_name||'- not present or effective for assignment '||p_assignment_number||' on '||p_effective_date;
1735          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, l_warning_msg);
1736    end if;
1737    close get_formula_id;
1739    if l_formula_id is not null then
1740      hr_utility.trace(' Inside run_user_formula '||l_formula_name);
1741      ff_exec.init_formula(l_formula_id, p_effective_date , l_inputs, l_outputs);
1743      if l_inputs.count > 0 and p_inputs.count > 0 then
1744         for i in 1..l_inputs.count
1745         loop
1746            for j in 1..p_inputs.count
1747            loop
1748               if l_inputs(i).name = p_inputs(j).name then
1749                  l_inputs(i).value := p_inputs(j).value;
1750               exit;
1751               end if;
1752            end loop;
1753         end loop;
1754      end if;
1756      for i in 1..l_inputs.count loop
1757            hr_utility.trace(' i= '||i||' name '||l_inputs(i).name ||' value '||l_inputs(i).value);
1758      end loop;
1760     ff_exec.run_formula(l_inputs,l_outputs);
1761     hr_utility.trace(' calculated value from user formula '||l_outputs(1).value);
1762     l_result := l_outputs(1).value ;
1763   end if;
1765   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,999);
1767   return l_result;
1769    exception
1770       when others then
1771           hr_utility.trace(sqlerrm);
1772           hr_utility.set_location('leaving with error: '||l_proc,9999);
1773           raise;
1774 end;
1777 /*-------------------------Procedure run_seeded_formula --------------------------*/
1778 -- This procedure executes the formula GB_CALCULATE_FTE_USING_PQP_CONTRACT_TYPES
1779 -- and returns if any error or the calculated FTE Ratio Value
1780 procedure run_seeded_formula(p_assignment_id   in      number
1781                          ,p_effective_date  in      date
1782                          ,p_business_group_id in    number
1783                          ,p_assignment_number in    varchar2
1784 			 ,fte_ratio	     out NOCOPY    number
1785 			 ,error_message      out NOCOPY   varchar2
1786                          ) is
1789   cursor get_formula_id is
1790   select ff.formula_id,ff.formula_name
1791     from ff_formulas_f ff
1792    where ff.formula_name       = 'GB_CALCULATE_FTE_USING_PQP_CONTRACT_TYPES'
1793      and ff.legislation_code  = 'GB'
1794      and p_effective_date       between ff.effective_start_date and ff.effective_end_date;
1795 --
1796   l_inputs     ff_exec.inputs_t;
1797   p_inputs     ff_exec.inputs_t;
1798   l_outputs    ff_exec.outputs_t;
1799   l_result     varchar2(25);
1800   l_formula_id  ff_formulas_f.formula_id%type;
1801   l_formula_name  ff_formulas_f.formula_name%type;
1802   l_warning_msg varchar2(300);
1804   l_proc  constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'run_seeded_formula';
1805 begin
1806   hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
1807 -- setting the contexts
1808    p_inputs(1).name   := 'ASSIGNMENT_ID';
1809    p_inputs(1).value  := p_assignment_id;
1810    p_inputs(2).name   := 'DATE_EARNED';
1811    p_inputs(2).value  := fnd_date.date_to_canonical(p_effective_date);
1812    p_inputs(3).name   := 'BUSINESS_GROUP_ID';
1813    p_inputs(3).value  := p_business_group_id;
1815    l_formula_id := null;
1816    open get_formula_id;
1817    fetch get_formula_id into l_formula_id,l_formula_name;
1818    if get_formula_id%notfound then
1819          hr_utility.set_location('formula -'||l_formula_name||'- not present/effective in table',11);
1820          l_warning_msg := 'formula -'||l_formula_name||'- not present or effective for assignment '||p_assignment_number||' on '||p_effective_date;
1821          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, l_warning_msg);
1822    end if;
1823    close get_formula_id;
1825    if l_formula_id is not null then
1826      hr_utility.trace(' Inside run_seeded_formula '||l_formula_name);
1827      ff_exec.init_formula(l_formula_id, p_effective_date , l_inputs, l_outputs);
1829      if l_inputs.count > 0 and p_inputs.count > 0 then
1830         for i in 1..l_inputs.count
1831         loop
1832            for j in 1..p_inputs.count
1833            loop
1834               if l_inputs(i).name = p_inputs(j).name then
1835                  l_inputs(i).value := p_inputs(j).value;
1836               exit;
1837               end if;
1838            end loop;
1839         end loop;
1840      end if;
1842      for i in 1..l_inputs.count loop
1843            hr_utility.trace(' i= '||i||' name '||l_inputs(i).name ||' value '||l_inputs(i).value);
1844      end loop;
1846     ff_exec.run_formula(l_inputs,l_outputs);
1848     for i in 1..l_outputs.count loop
1849            hr_utility.trace(' i= '||i||' name '||l_outputs(i).name ||' value '||l_outputs(i).value);
1851 	   if l_outputs(i).name = 'FTE' then
1852 		fte_ratio := l_outputs(i).value;
1853 	   end if;
1855 	   if l_outputs(i).name = 'ERROR_MESSAGE' then
1856 		error_message := l_outputs(i).value;
1857 	   end if;
1858     end loop;
1860   end if;
1862   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,999);
1864    exception
1865       when others then
1866           hr_utility.trace(sqlerrm);
1867           hr_utility.set_location('leaving with error: '||l_proc,9999);
1868           raise;
1869 end run_seeded_formula;
1871 ---------------------------function fetch_addl_payment_details -----------------
1873 function fetch_addl_payment_details(p_assactid in number,
1874                                     p_assignment_id  in number,
1875                                     p_effective_date in date,
1876                                     p_addl_payments out nocopy addl_payment_dtl_tab) return boolean is
1878  l_proc  constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'fetch_addl_payment_details';
1880  begin
1881     hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
1882     hr_utility.set_location('Parameters         : ',20);
1883     hr_utility.set_location('p_assactid         : '||p_assactid,20);
1884     hr_utility.set_location('p_assignment_id    : '||p_assignment_id,20);
1885     hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date   : '||p_effective_date,20);
1887      begin
1888         select pexi.eei_information1,to_char(nvl(sum(prrv.result_value),0),'fm999999.00')
1889         bulk collect into p_addl_payments
1890         from per_all_assignments_f       paf,
1891              pay_element_entries_f       pee,
1892              pay_element_type_extra_info pexi,
1893              pay_run_results             prr,
1894              pay_input_values_f          piv,
1895              pay_run_result_values       prrv,
1896              pay_assignment_actions   assact,
1897       	   pay_payroll_actions      pact,
1898       	   per_time_periods         pptp
1899        where paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
1900          and paf.assignment_id = pee.assignment_id
1901          and pee.element_type_id =  pexi.element_type_id
1902          and pexi.information_type = 'PQP_SWFC_ADDITIONAL_PAYMNT_CAT'
1903          and pexi.element_type_id = prr.element_type_id
1904          and prr.assignment_action_id = assact.assignment_action_id
1905          and assact.payroll_action_id = pact.payroll_action_id
1906          and pact.time_period_id  = pptp.time_period_id
1907          and pptp.regular_payment_date between add_months(trunc(g_census_day),-12) and trunc(g_census_day)-1
1908          and prr.run_result_id = prrv.run_result_id
1909          and prr.status in ('P','PA')
1910          and prrv.input_value_id = piv.input_value_id
1911          and piv.element_type_id = pexi.element_type_id
1912          and piv.name = 'Pay Value'
1913          and p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
1914          and p_effective_date between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date
1915          and p_effective_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date
1916          group by pexi.eei_information1;
1918           exception
1919                 when others then
1920                   hr_utility.trace(sqlerrm);
1921                   hr_utility.set_location('leaving with error: '||l_proc,9999);
1922                   raise;
1923         end;
1924     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,99);
1925   return true;
1926 end fetch_addl_payment_details;
1928 ---------------------------function fetch_role_details -------------------------
1929 -- this is called in fetch_payment_details procedure. There is no separate call
1930 -- from archive code.
1932 function fetch_role_details   (p_assactid       in number,
1933                               p_effective_date in date,
1934                               p_person_id      in number,
1935                               p_assignment_id  in number,
1936                               p_addl_role    out nocopy addl_role_tab) return boolean is
1938   l_proc  constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'fetch_role_details';
1940   cursor get_assignment_details is
1941   select paa.assignment_number   assignment_number,
1942        paa.employee_category   employee_cat,
1943        paa.employment_category assignment_cat
1944   from per_all_assignments_f paa
1945  where paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
1946    and p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date;
1948    cursor role_dcsf(p_role in varchar2) is
1949    select pcv_information4
1950      from pqp_configuration_values
1951     where business_group_id = g_business_group_id
1952       and pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_ROLE_MAPPING'
1953       and pcv_information2 = p_role;
1956   l_main_role         hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
1957   l_assignment_number per_all_assignments_f.assignment_number%type;
1958   l_asg_cat           per_all_assignments_f.employment_category%type;
1959   l_employee_cat      per_all_assignments_f.employee_category%type;
1960   l_role_tab_idx      pls_integer;
1963 begin
1964   hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
1965   hr_utility.set_location('p_assactid       : '||p_assactid,20);
1966   hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date : '||p_effective_date,20);
1967   hr_utility.set_location('p_person_id      : '||p_person_id,20);
1968   hr_utility.set_location('p_assignment_id  : '||p_assignment_id,20);
1971   if g_role_src in ('JOB','GRD','POS') then
1972     --fetch main role
1973     begin
1974       execute immediate g_role_sql_str into l_main_role using g_business_group_id,p_effective_date, p_assignment_id;
1975         exception when others then
1976           hr_utility.set_location('main role could not be fetched as of ' || p_effective_date ||' for Assignment ID :'||p_assignment_id,9999);
1977     end;
1978   elsif g_role_src in ('EMP_CAT','EMPLOYEE_CATG') then -- asg category
1979       open  get_assignment_details;
1980       fetch get_assignment_details into l_assignment_number,l_employee_cat,l_asg_cat;
1981       close get_assignment_details;
1982   end if;
1984   if g_role_src = 'EMP_CAT' then
1985     open role_dcsf(l_asg_cat);
1986     fetch role_dcsf into l_main_role;
1987     close role_dcsf;
1988   elsif g_role_src= 'EMPLOYEE_CATG' then
1989     open role_dcsf(l_employee_cat);
1990     fetch role_dcsf into l_main_role;
1991     close role_dcsf;
1992   end if;
1994   if l_main_role is null then
1995     hr_utility.set_location('Main role not fetched for Assignment no :'||l_assignment_number,9999);
1996   end if;
1998   -- Bulk collect additional roles into p_addl_role
1999   if g_addl_role_src = 'Assignment Developer DF' then
2000     begin
2001       execute immediate g_addl_role_sql_str bulk collect into p_addl_role using p_assignment_id,g_business_group_id;
2002         exception when others then
2003           hr_utility.set_location('Error while fetching Additional Role for Assignment ID :'||p_assignment_id,7777);
2004     end;
2005   elsif g_addl_role_src in('Extra Position Info DDF','Extra Job Info DDF') then
2006     begin
2007       execute immediate g_addl_role_sql_str bulk collect into p_addl_role using p_assignment_id,p_effective_date;
2008         exception when others then
2009          hr_utility.set_location('Error while fetching Additional Role' || p_effective_date ||'for Assignment ID :'||p_assignment_id,8888);
2010     end;
2011   end if;
2013   l_role_tab_idx := p_addl_role.count;
2015   p_addl_role(l_role_tab_idx) := l_main_role; -- Append main role with all additional roles
2017   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,999);
2018  return true;
2019  exception when others then
2020    hr_utility.set_location('Leaving with error : '||l_proc,99999);
2021 end fetch_role_details;
2023 function fetch_hours_details(p_assactid     in number,
2024                              p_assignment_id in number ,
2025                              p_effective_date in date,
2026                              p_staff_cat    in varchar2,
2027 			     p_person_id    in number,
2028 			     p_contract_type in varchar2,
2029 			     p_contract_end_date in varchar2,
2030                              p_hrs_rec   out nocopy act_info_rec) return boolean is
2032   cursor get_hrs_source is
2033   select pcv_information1 hrs_source
2034   from   pqp_configuration_values pcv
2035   where  pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_HOURS'
2036   and    pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
2038   cursor get_hrs_details(p_contract_type in varchar2) is
2039   select pcv_information1 hrs_source,
2040          pcv_information2 contract_type,
2041          pcv_information3 hrs_per_wk_formula,
2042          pcv_information4 wks_per_yr_source,
2043          pcv_information5 wks_per_yr_formula,
2044          pcv_information6 wks_per_yr_column
2045   from   pqp_configuration_values pcv
2046   where  pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_HOURS'
2047   and    nvl(pcv.pcv_information2,p_contract_type)  = p_contract_type
2048   and    pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
2050   cursor get_hrs_details_asg (p_staff_cat in varchar2) IS
2051   select pcv_information8 default_weeks_per_yr
2052   from   pqp_configuration_values pcv
2053   where  pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_HOURS'
2054   and    pcv.pcv_information7  = decode(p_staff_cat,1,'REGULAR_TEACHER',2,'AGENCY_TEACHER',3,'TEACHING_ASSISTANT',4,'OTHER_SUPPORT_STAFF')
2055   and    pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
2057   cursor get_asg_contract_details is
2058     select att.contract_type,work_pattern
2059     from   per_all_assignments_f paa,
2060            pqp_assignment_attributes_f att
2061     where  paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
2062     and    paa.assignment_id = att.assignment_id
2063     and    p_effective_date between att.effective_start_date and att.effective_end_date
2064     and    p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date;
2066   cursor   get_asg_details is
2067    select  paa.assignment_number,paa.person_id,paa.frequency,paa.normal_hours
2068     from   per_all_assignments_f paa
2069     where  paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
2070     and    p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date;
2072   cursor get_work_pattern(p_work_pattern in varchar2) is
2073   select val.value
2074   from pay_user_tables tab,
2075        pay_user_columns col,
2076        pay_user_rows_f r,
2077        pay_user_column_instances_f val
2078   where tab.user_table_name = 'PQP_COMPANY_WORK_PATTERNS'
2079   and tab.user_table_id=col.user_table_id
2080   and tab.user_table_id=r.user_table_id
2081   and col.user_column_id=val.user_column_id
2082   and r.user_row_id= val.user_row_id
2083   and col.user_column_name    = p_work_pattern
2084   and r.row_low_range_or_name = 'Number of Working Days'
2085   and g_census_day between r.effective_start_date and r.effective_end_date
2086   and g_census_day between val.effective_start_date and val.effective_end_date;
2089   cursor get_wk_per_yr(p_column_no in number,p_contract_type in varchar2) is
2090   select val.value
2091   from pay_user_tables tab,
2092        pay_user_columns col,
2093        pay_user_rows_f r,
2094        pay_user_column_instances_f val
2095   where tab.user_table_name = 'PQP_CONTRACT_TYPES'
2096   and tab.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2097   and tab.user_table_id=col.user_table_id
2098   and tab.user_table_id=r.user_table_id
2099   and col.user_column_id=val.user_column_id
2100   and r.user_row_id= val.user_row_id
2101   and col.user_column_id    = p_column_no
2102   and r.row_low_range_or_name = p_contract_type
2103   and g_census_day between r.effective_start_date and r.effective_end_date
2104   and g_census_day between val.effective_start_date and val.effective_end_date;
2106   cursor get_fte_src is
2107   select pcv_information1,pcv_information2
2108   from   pqp_configuration_values pcv
2109   where  pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_FTE_HOURS'
2110   and    pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
2112   cursor get_fte_budget_hrs is
2113   select value
2114   from    per_assignment_budget_values_f
2115   where   assignment_id = p_assignment_id
2116   and     unit = 'HOURS'
2117   and     p_effective_date between effective_end_date and effective_start_date;
2119   l_proc      constant varchar2(50) := g_package || ' fetch_hours_details';
2120   l_hrs_details_rec   get_hrs_details%rowtype;
2121   l_contract_type     pqp_assignment_attributes_f.contract_type%type;
2122   l_assignment_number per_all_assignments_f.assignment_number%type;
2123   l_hrs_src           pqp_configuration_values.pcv_information1%type;
2124   l_hours_per_week    varchar2(20);
2125   l_weeks_per_yr      varchar2(20);
2126   l_work_pattern      pqp_assignment_attributes_f.work_pattern%type;
2127   l_frequency         per_all_assignments_f.frequency%type;
2128   l_no_of_hrs         per_all_assignments_f.normal_hours%type;
2129   l_person_id         per_all_assignments_f.person_id%type;
2130   l_no_of_days_per_wk number;
2131   l_fte_hrs           varchar2(1000);
2132   l_fte_src           varchar2(30);
2133   l_fte_formula_id    number;
2134   l_arch              boolean := true;
2135   l_fte_ratio	      number;
2136   l_error_message     varchar2(1000);
2137   l_check_if_num    number;
2138   l_error_flag varchar2(1) := 'N';
2140 begin
2141     hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
2142     hr_utility.set_location('Parameters         : ',20);
2143     hr_utility.set_location('p_assactid         : '||p_assactid,20);
2144     hr_utility.set_location('p_assignment_id    : '||p_assignment_id,20);
2145     hr_utility.set_location('p_staff_cat        : '||p_staff_cat,20);
2146     hr_utility.set_location('p_person_id        : '||p_person_id,20);
2147     hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date   : '||p_effective_date,20);
2148     hr_utility.set_location('g_data_ret_type   : '||g_data_ret_type,20);
2151     open  get_hrs_source;
2152     fetch get_hrs_source into l_hrs_src;
2153     close get_hrs_source;
2155     open  get_asg_details;
2156     fetch get_asg_details into l_assignment_number,l_person_id,l_frequency,l_no_of_hrs;
2157     close get_asg_details;
2159     open  get_asg_contract_details;
2160     fetch get_asg_contract_details into l_contract_type,l_work_pattern;
2161     close get_asg_contract_details;
2163     if l_hrs_src = 'ASG' then
2165     if l_frequency = 'D' then
2166           open get_work_pattern(l_work_pattern);
2167           fetch get_work_pattern into l_no_of_days_per_wk;
2168           close get_work_pattern;
2170           l_no_of_hrs := l_no_of_hrs*l_no_of_days_per_wk;
2171     end if;
2173     l_hours_per_week := l_no_of_hrs;
2175     open  get_hrs_details_asg(p_staff_cat);
2176     fetch get_hrs_details_asg into l_weeks_per_yr;
2177     close get_hrs_details_asg;
2179     elsif l_hrs_src = 'CONTRACT_TYPE' then
2181     open  get_hrs_details(l_contract_type);
2182     fetch get_hrs_details into l_hrs_details_rec;
2183     close get_hrs_details;
2185     if l_contract_type is null then
2186       open  get_hrs_details('null');
2187       fetch get_hrs_details into l_hrs_details_rec;
2188       close get_hrs_details;
2189     end if;
2191     if l_hrs_details_rec.hrs_per_wk_formula is not null then
2192       begin
2193         l_hours_per_week := run_user_formula(l_hrs_details_rec.hrs_per_wk_formula,p_assignment_id,p_effective_date,g_business_group_id,l_assignment_number);
2194         hr_utility.set_location('Formula Result Value '||l_hours_per_week,20);
2195                 exception when others then
2196                 populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Error while executing formula id '|| l_hrs_details_rec.hrs_per_wk_formula||'. Please refer Log file for details' );
2197                 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Error while executing formula id '|| l_hrs_details_rec.hrs_per_wk_formula);
2198                 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,sqlerrm);
2199       end;
2200     end if;
2202     if l_hrs_details_rec.wks_per_yr_source = 'FORMULA' then
2203         if l_hrs_details_rec.wks_per_yr_formula is not null then
2204           begin
2205             l_weeks_per_yr := run_user_formula(l_hrs_details_rec.wks_per_yr_formula,p_assignment_id,p_effective_date,g_business_group_id,l_assignment_number);
2206             hr_utility.set_location('Formula Result Value '||l_weeks_per_yr,20);
2207                 exception when others then
2208                 populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Error while executing formula id '|| l_hrs_details_rec.wks_per_yr_formula||'. Please refer Log file for details' );
2209                 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Error while executing formula id '|| l_hrs_details_rec.wks_per_yr_formula);
2210                 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,sqlerrm);
2211           end;
2212         end if;
2213     elsif l_hrs_details_rec.wks_per_yr_source = 'COLUMN' then
2214          open  get_wk_per_yr(l_hrs_details_rec.wks_per_yr_column,l_contract_type);
2215          fetch get_wk_per_yr into l_weeks_per_yr;
2216          close get_wk_per_yr;
2217     end if;
2219     end if;
2221     l_fte_ratio := null;
2223     if p_staff_cat in (1 , 2) then
2224       l_fte_hrs := 32.5;
2225     elsif p_staff_cat = 3 then
2226       l_fte_hrs := 37;
2227     elsif p_staff_cat = 4 then
2228         open  get_fte_src;
2229         fetch get_fte_src into l_fte_src,l_fte_formula_id;
2230         close get_fte_src;
2232         if l_fte_src = 'CAL' and l_fte_formula_id is not null then
2233           begin
2234             l_fte_hrs := run_user_formula(l_fte_formula_id,p_assignment_id,p_effective_date,g_business_group_id,l_assignment_number);
2235             hr_utility.set_location('Formula Result Value '||l_fte_hrs,20);
2236                 exception when others then
2237                 populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Error while executing formula id '|| l_fte_formula_id||'. Please refer Log file for details' );
2238                 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Error while executing formula id '|| l_fte_formula_id);
2239                 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,sqlerrm);
2240           end;
2241         elsif l_fte_src = 'ASG_BUDGET' then
2242             /*open  get_fte_budget_hrs;
2243             fetch get_fte_budget_hrs into l_fte_hrs;
2244             close get_fte_budget_hrs;*/
2246 		run_seeded_formula(p_assignment_id
2247 				 ,p_effective_date
2248 				 ,g_business_group_id
2249 				 ,l_assignment_number
2250 				 ,l_fte_ratio
2251 				 ,l_error_message
2252 				 );
2255 		l_fte_hrs := l_hours_per_week/l_fte_ratio;
2257                 hr_utility.set_location('l_fte_ratio'||l_fte_ratio,20);
2258                 hr_utility.set_location('l_hours_per_week'||l_hours_per_week,20);
2260 		if l_error_message is not null then
2261 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Error while executing formula  GB_CALCULATE_FTE_USING_PQP_CONTRACT_TYPES.'||l_error_message );
2262 			fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Error while executing formula id '|| l_fte_formula_id);
2263 			fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,sqlerrm);
2264 		end if;
2266 		if l_fte_hrs = 0 or l_fte_hrs is null then
2267 			l_arch := false;
2268 			hr_utility.set_location('FTE Hrs is not defiled or FTE hrs is Zero',20);
2269   			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'FTE Hrs is not defiled or FTE hrs is Zero. This could be if Work Pattern is not defined for the assignment');
2270 		end if;
2272         end if;
2274     end if;
2276     if l_fte_ratio is null then -- to make sure it was not calculated previously
2277 	l_fte_ratio := l_hours_per_week/l_fte_hrs;
2278     end if;
2280     if g_data_ret_type <> 'TYPE4' then
2281 	    begin
2282 		l_hours_per_week := to_char(to_number(l_hours_per_week),'fm99.00');
2283 					l_check_if_num := l_hours_per_week;
2284 		exception when others then
2285 		hr_utility.set_location('Hours Per Week has invalid characters',20);
2286 		populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Hours Per Week has invalid characters');
2287 	    end;
2289 	    -- 4740
2291 -- Bug#12599238
2292 -- New requirement as mandated for Data required for Categories of Staff
2294 	    -- if p_staff_cat <> 4 and
2296 	    If l_contract_type is not null and l_hours_per_week is null then
2298 -- Bug#12599238
2299 	      l_arch := false;
2300 	      hr_utility.set_location('Hours worked per week is missing',20);
2301 		populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Hours worked per week is missing');
2302 	    end if;
2304 	    hr_utility.set_location('FTE Hours '|| l_fte_hrs,20);
2305 	    begin
2307 	   -- 4750 /* Added the Code.Bug#12586059 */
2308 		l_fte_hrs := to_char(to_number(l_fte_hrs),'fm99.00');
2309 		l_check_if_num := l_fte_hrs;
2310 		exception when others then
2311 		l_error_flag := 'Y';
2312 		l_arch := false;
2313 		hr_utility.set_location('FTE Hours has invalid characters '|| l_fte_hrs,20);
2314 		populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'FTE Hours has invalid characters');
2315 	    end;
2318 	    -- 4760
2320 -- Bug#12599238
2321 -- New requirement as mandated for Data required for Categories of Staff
2323 	    -- if p_staff_cat <> 4 and
2324 	    if l_fte_hrs is null then
2326 -- Bug#12599238
2328 	      l_arch := false;
2329 	      hr_utility.set_location('FTE Hours per week is missing',20);
2330 		populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'FTE Hours per week is missing');
2331 	    end if;
2333 	    -- 4765
2334 	    if not(l_fte_hrs between 24 and 40) then
2335 	      l_arch := false;
2336 	      hr_utility.set_location('FTE hours should be at least 24 and no greater than 40',20);
2337 	      populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'FTE hours should be at least 24 and no greater than 40');
2338 	    end if;
2340 	    -- 4770
2341 	    begin
2342 		l_weeks_per_yr := to_char(to_number(l_weeks_per_yr),'fm99');
2343 		l_check_if_num := l_weeks_per_yr;
2344 		exception when others then
2345 		l_arch := false;
2346 		hr_utility.set_location('Weeks per year has invalid characters',20);
2347 		populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Weeks per year has invalid characters');
2348 	    end;
2350 	    -- 4780
2352 -- Bug#12599238
2353 -- New requirement as mandated for Data required for Categories of Staff
2354 	    -- if p_staff_cat <> 4 and
2355 	    if l_weeks_per_yr is null then
2357 -- Bug#12599238
2358 	      l_arch := false;
2359 	      hr_utility.set_location('Weeks per year is missing',20);
2360 		populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Weeks per year is missing');
2361 	    end if;
2363 	   if l_error_flag <>'Y' then
2364 	    if l_fte_hrs <> 0 and p_contract_type IN ('PRM','FXT','TMP') and l_fte_ratio > 1.5 then
2365 	      l_arch := false;
2366 	      hr_utility.set_location('FTE Error',20);
2367 	      populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'The same person has a total Full Time Equivalent ratio greater than 1.5');
2368 	    end if;
2370 	    if l_fte_hrs <> 0 and p_contract_type IN ('PRM','FXT','TMP') and l_fte_ratio between 1.2 and 1.5 then
2371 	      hr_utility.set_location('FTE Warning',20);
2372 	      populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Please Check: The same person has a total Full Time Equivalent ratio greater than 1.2 and less than or equal to 1.5','W');
2373 	    end if;
2374 	   end if;
2375    end if ; -- g_data_ret_type <> 'TYPE4'
2378     p_hrs_rec.action_info_category  := 'GB_SWF_HOURS_DETAILS';
2379     p_hrs_rec.person_id             := l_person_id;
2380     p_hrs_rec.assignment_id         := p_assignment_id;
2381     p_hrs_rec.effective_date        := sysdate;
2382     p_hrs_rec.act_info1             := l_hours_per_week;
2383     p_hrs_rec.act_info2             := l_fte_hrs;
2384     p_hrs_rec.act_info3             := l_weeks_per_yr;
2385     p_hrs_rec.act_info4             := p_person_id;
2386     p_hrs_rec.act_info5             := p_contract_type;
2387     p_hrs_rec.act_info6             := p_contract_end_date;
2388     p_hrs_rec.act_info7             := l_fte_ratio;
2390   return l_arch;
2391     exception when others then
2392               hr_utility.trace(sqlerrm);
2393               hr_utility.set_location('leaving with error: '||l_proc,7777);
2394               raise;
2395 end fetch_hours_details;
2397 ---------------------------------function get_person_category-------------------
2398 --- Functuon fetches the person category.This is not with respect to the person.
2399 --- Its computed based on the assignment.This value is uesed in fetch_hours_details
2400 --- to compute hours data.
2401 --- The actual person category based on the ranking order will be determined in the
2402 --- extract process from the archived data.The final determined value will be used to
2403 --- conditionally display qualifications and absence data.
2404 --  The function will return
2405 -- 1 if  Regular Teacher ,    2 if   Agency Teacher
2406 -- 3 if  Teaching Assistant,  4 if   Other Support Staff
2408 function get_person_category(p_contract_type  in varchar2,
2409                              p_start_date     in date,
2410                              p_end_date       in date,
2411                              p_post           in varchar2,
2412                              p_role           in addl_role_tab) return varchar2 is
2414 l_proc      constant varchar2(50) := g_package || ' get_person_category';
2415 l_person_category       varchar2(30);
2416 begin
2417     hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
2419     -- Incorporated New logic for person category
2420     if ( (p_end_date-p_start_date) >= 28) then
2421       if (p_post = 'TAS') then
2422         l_person_category := 3; --'Teaching Assistant';
2423       elsif (p_post in ('SUP','AVT')) then
2424         l_person_category := 4; --'Other Support Staff';
2425       else
2426         if (p_contract_type in ('PRM','FXT','TMP')) then
2427           l_person_category := 1; --'Regular Teacher';
2428         else
2429           l_person_category := 2; --'Agency Teacher';
2430         end if;
2431       end if;
2432     end if;
2434     hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
2435  return l_person_category;
2436 end get_person_category;
2437 ---
2438 ----------------------------function fetch_absence_details----------------------
2439 ---
2440 function fetch_absence_details(p_assactid  in number,
2441                                p_person_id in number,
2442                                p_estab_no  in number,
2443                                p_abs_tab   out nocopy abs_details_tab)return boolean is
2445 l_proc  constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'fetch_absence_details';
2447 cursor get_abs_source is
2448 select pcv_information1
2449 from   pqp_configuration_values pcv
2450 where  pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_ABSENCE_CODE'
2451 and    pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
2453 --
2454 l_abs_source    pqp_configuration_values.pcv_information1%type;
2455 l_date_end_missing  varchar2(1) := 'N';
2456 l_last_before_first varchar2(1) := 'N';
2457 l_last_after_census varchar2(1) := 'N';
2458 l_first_day_of_abs  varchar2(1) := 'N';
2459 l_last_day_of_abs   varchar2(1) := 'N';
2460 l_last_day_of_abs_41_days varchar2(1) := 'N';
2461 l_no_of_last_day_missing number := 0;
2462 l_wrking_days_lost_missing varchar2(1) := 'N';
2463 -- Bug#12586059
2464 l_day_of_diff_nodes_overlap varchar2(1) := 'N';
2465 -- Bug#12586059
2466 l_arch  boolean := true;
2468 begin
2469 hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
2470   open  get_abs_source;
2471   fetch get_abs_source into l_abs_source;
2472   close get_abs_source;
2474   if l_abs_source = 'ABSENCE_CATEGORY' then
2475     begin
2476       select paat.person_id,
2477              paat.date_start,
2478              to_char(paat.date_start,'YYYY-MM-DD'),
2479              paat.date_end,
2480              to_char(paat.date_end,'YYYY-MM-DD'),
2481              to_char(paat.absence_days,'fm999.0'),
2482              pcv.pcv_information5 absence_category,
2483              p_estab_no
2484         bulk collect into p_abs_tab
2485         from per_absence_attendances      paat,
2486              per_absence_attendance_types paatt,
2487              pqp_configuration_values     pcv
2488        where paat.absence_attendance_type_id = paatt.absence_attendance_type_id
2489          and paat.person_id = p_person_id
2490          and pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_ABSENCE_CODE'
2491          and pcv_information1 = 'ABSENCE_CATEGORY'
2492          and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2493          and pcv_information3 = paatt.absence_category
2494          and (paat.date_end between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date or
2495              paat.date_start between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date)
2496 	     order by paat.date_start asc;
2498             exception
2499             when others then
2500               hr_utility.trace(sqlerrm);
2501               hr_utility.set_location('leaving with error: '||l_proc,7777);
2502               raise;
2503     end;
2504   elsif l_abs_source = 'ABSENCE_TYPE' then
2505     begin
2506       select paat.person_id,
2507             paat.date_start,
2508             to_char(paat.date_start,'YYYY-MM-DD'),
2509             paat.date_end,
2510             to_char(paat.date_end,'YYYY-MM-DD'),
2511             to_char(paat.absence_days,'fm999.0'),
2512             pcv.pcv_information5 absence_type,
2513             p_estab_no
2514       bulk collect into p_abs_tab
2515        from per_absence_attendances      paat,
2516             pqp_configuration_values     pcv
2517       where paat.person_id = p_person_id
2518         and pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_ABSENCE_CODE'
2519         and pcv_information1 = 'ABSENCE_TYPE'
2520         and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2521         and pcv_information4 = paat.absence_attendance_type_id
2522         and (paat.date_end between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date or
2523             paat.date_start between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date)
2524 	    order by paat.date_start asc;
2526           exception
2527           when others then
2528             hr_utility.trace(sqlerrm);
2529             hr_utility.set_location('leaving with error: '||l_proc,7777);
2530             raise;
2531     end;
2532   elsif l_abs_source = 'ABSENCE_REASON' then
2533     begin
2534       select paat.person_id,
2535              paat.date_start,
2536              to_char(paat.date_start,'YYYY-MM-DD'),
2537              paat.date_end,
2538              to_char(paat.date_end,'YYYY-MM-DD'),
2539              to_char(paat.absence_days,'fm999.0'),
2540              pcv.pcv_information5 absence_reason,
2541              p_estab_no
2542         bulk collect into p_abs_tab
2543         from per_absence_attendances        paat,
2544              per_abs_attendance_reasons paatr,
2545              pqp_configuration_values       pcv
2546        where paatr.abs_attendance_reason_id = paat.abs_attendance_reason_id
2547          and paat.person_id = p_person_id
2548          and pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_ABSENCE_CODE'
2549          and pcv_information1 = 'ABSENCE_REASON'
2550          and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2551          and pcv_information3 = paatr.name
2552          and (paat.date_end between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date or
2553              paat.date_start between g_cont_data_st_date and g_cont_data_end_date)
2554 	     order by paat.date_start asc;
2556         exception
2557         when others then
2558           hr_utility.trace(sqlerrm);
2559           hr_utility.set_location('leaving with error: '||l_proc,7777);
2560           raise;
2561     end;
2562   end if;
2564   if p_abs_tab.count >0 then
2565   	for i in p_abs_tab.first .. p_abs_tab.last loop
2566   	    if p_abs_tab(i).date_end is null then
2567   		l_date_end_missing := 'Y';
2568   		l_no_of_last_day_missing := l_no_of_last_day_missing +1;
2569   	    end if;
2571   	    if p_abs_tab(i).date_end < p_abs_tab(i).date_start then
2572   		l_last_before_first := 'Y';
2573   	    end if;
2575   	    if p_abs_tab(i).date_end is not null and p_abs_tab(i).days_lost is NULL and p_abs_tab(i).absence_category = 'SIC' then
2576   		l_wrking_days_lost_missing:= 'Y';
2577   	    end if;
2579   	    if p_abs_tab(i).date_end > g_census_day then
2580   		l_last_after_census := 'Y';
2581   	    end if;
2583 	    if p_abs_tab(i).date_start < g_cont_data_st_date then
2584 	       l_first_day_of_abs := 'Y';
2585             end if;
2587 	    if p_abs_tab(i).date_end > g_cont_data_end_date then
2588 	       l_last_day_of_abs := 'Y';
2589             end if;
2591 	    if p_abs_tab(i).date_end - g_census_day > 41 then
2592 	       l_last_day_of_abs_41_days := 'Y';
2593             end if;
2595 -- Bug#12586059
2596 -- Bug#12710229
2598           if( p_abs_tab.count <> i) THEN
2600 -- Bug#12710229
2602             if p_abs_tab(i).date_end >= p_abs_tab(i+1).date_start then
2603                l_day_of_diff_nodes_overlap := 'Y';
2604             end if;
2606 	   end if;
2607 -- Bug#12586059
2610   	end loop;
2612     -- 4920
2613     if l_first_day_of_abs = 'Y' then
2614       l_arch := false;
2615       hr_utility.set_location('First Day of absence must be in the academic year before Census day',20);
2616       populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'First Day of absence must be in the academic year before Census day');
2617     end if;
2619     -- 4936
2620     if l_last_day_of_abs = 'Y' then
2621       l_arch := false;
2622       hr_utility.set_location('Last Day of absence must be in the current or preceding academic year',20);
2623       populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Last Day of absence must be in the current or preceding academic year');
2624     end if;
2626     --4945Q
2627     if l_last_day_of_abs_41_days = 'Y' then
2628       hr_utility.set_location('Please check: Last Day of absence is not expected to be after Census day',20);
2629       populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Last Day of absence must be in the current or preceding academic year Census day','W');
2630     end if;
2632     if l_date_end_missing = 'Y' then
2633       hr_utility.set_location('Last Day of absence is missing - please check absence is ongoing',20);
2634       populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Last Day of absence is missing - please check absence is ongoing','W');
2635     end if;
2637     if l_last_before_first = 'Y' then
2638       hr_utility.set_location('Last Day of absence cannot be before First Day of absence',20);
2639       populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Last Day of absence cannot be before First Day of absence','W');
2640     end if;
2642     -- 4945Q
2643     if l_last_after_census = 'Y' then
2644       hr_utility.set_location('Please check: Last Day of absence should not be after the Census Day',20);
2645       populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Please check: Last Day of absence should not be after the Census Day','W');
2646     end if;
2648     -- 4950Q
2649     if l_no_of_last_day_missing > 1 then
2650      hr_utility.set_location('Please check - more than one absence record without an end date',20);
2651      populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Please check - more than one absence record without an end date','W');
2652     end if;
2654     if l_wrking_days_lost_missing = 'Y' then
2655      l_arch := false;
2656      hr_utility.set_location('Where Last Day of a sickness absence is provided then the number of Working Days Lost must also be provided',20);
2657      populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Where Last Day of a sickness absence is provided then the number of Working Days Lost must also be provided');
2658     end if;
2660 -- Bug#12586059
2661     -- 4960Q
2662     if  l_day_of_diff_nodes_overlap = 'Y' then
2663      l_arch := false;
2664      hr_utility.set_location('Please check - more than one absence record with Absence Category of Sickness covering the same date(s)',20);
2665      populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Please check - more than one absence record with Absence Category of Sickness covering the same date(s)');
2666     end if;
2667 -- Bug#12586059
2669   end if;
2671   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,99);
2673 return l_arch;
2674   exception when others then
2675     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving with error: '||l_proc,9999);
2676     raise;
2677 end  fetch_absence_details;
2678 ------------------------------function fetch_contract_details--------------------------------------
2679 --Fetches contract details
2680 --Contract/Agreement Type , Start Date, End Date ,Post,Date of Arrival in School,Daily Rate,
2681 --Destination,Origin,LA or School Level,Establishment
2682 function fetch_contract_details ( p_assactid       in number,
2683                                   p_effective_date in date,
2684                                   p_person_id      in number,
2685 								  p_hlta_status	   in varchar2,
2686 								  p_estab_no       in number,
2687                                   p_contract_rec      out nocopy act_info_rec,
2688                                   p_role_tab          out nocopy addl_role_tab) return boolean is
2690   l_proc  constant varchar2(50):= g_package||'fetch_contract_details';
2691   -- if the
2692   cursor get_assignment_details is
2693   select paa.assignment_id          assignment_id,
2694          paa.assignment_number      assignment_number,
2695          paa.employment_category    contract_agg_type,
2696          paa.employee_category      employee_cat,
2697          paa.employment_category    assignment_cat
2698   from   pay_assignment_actions act,
2699          per_all_assignments_f      paa
2700   where  act.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
2701   and    act.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
2702   and    p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date;
2704   cursor get_assignment_dates(p_assignment_id number) is
2705   select min(paa.effective_start_date) contract_st_date,
2706          max(paa.effective_end_date)  contract_end_date,
2707 		 to_char(min(paa.effective_start_date),'YYYY-MM-DD') contract_st_date_dcsf,
2708          decode(to_char(max(paa.effective_end_date) ,'YYYY-MM-DD'),'4712-12-31',null,
2709 				  to_char(max(paa.effective_end_date) ,'YYYY-MM-DD'))contract_end_date_dcsf,
2710          to_char(min(paa.effective_start_date) ,'YYYY-MM-DD') date_of_arrival_dcsf
2711   from   per_all_assignments_f      paa,
2712          per_assignment_status_types pas
2713   where  paa.assignment_status_type_id = pas.assignment_status_type_id
2714   and    pas.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
2715   and    paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
2717   cursor get_asg_contract_details is
2718   select paa.assignment_id          assignment_id,
2719          paa.assignment_number      assignment_number,
2720          att.contract_type          contract_agg_type,
2721          paa.employee_category      employee_cat,
2722          paa.employment_category    assignment_cat
2723   from   per_all_assignments_f paa,
2724          pay_assignment_actions act,
2725          pqp_assignment_attributes_f att
2726   where  act.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
2727   and    act.assignment_id = att.assignment_id
2728   and    paa.assignment_id = att.assignment_id
2729   and    p_effective_date between att.effective_start_date and att.effective_end_date
2730   and    p_effective_date between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date;
2733   cursor get_contract_dates(p_assignment_id number) is
2734   select min(att.effective_start_date)  contract_st_date,
2735          max(att.effective_end_date)  contract_end_date,
2736 				 to_char(min(att.effective_start_date) ,'YYYY-MM-DD') contract_st_date_dcsf,
2737          decode(to_char(max(att.effective_end_date) ,'YYYY-MM-DD'),'4712-12-31',null,
2738 				  to_char(max(att.effective_end_date) ,'YYYY-MM-DD'))contract_end_date_dcsf,
2739 		to_char(min(paa.effective_start_date) ,'YYYY-MM-DD') date_of_arrival_dcsf
2740    from  pqp_assignment_attributes_f att,
2741          per_all_assignments_f paa
2742   where  att.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
2743     and  paa.assignment_id = att.assignment_id;
2745   cursor get_date_of_arrival_src is
2746   select pcv_information1, pcv_information2
2747   from   pqp_configuration_values
2748   where  business_group_id = g_business_group_id
2749   and    pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_CNTRT_ARRIVAL_DATE';
2751   cursor get_post(p_emp_or_asgcat in varchar2) is
2752   select  pcv_information4
2753   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
2754   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_POST_MAPPING'
2755   and     pcv_information2             = p_emp_or_asgcat
2756   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
2758   cursor  get_origin(l_origin in varchar2) is
2759   select  pcv_information3
2760   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
2761   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_ORIGIN_MAPPING'
2762   and     pcv_information2             = l_origin
2763   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
2765   cursor  get_destination(l_destination in varchar2) is
2766   select  pcv_information3
2767   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
2768   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_DESTINATION_MAPPING'
2769   and     pcv_information2             = l_destination
2770   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
2772   cursor get_daily_rate(p_assignment_id in number) is
2773   select aei_information1
2774   from   per_assignment_extra_info
2775   where  aei_information_category = 'PQP_SCHOOL_WORKFORCE_CENSUS'
2776   and    assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
2778   cursor  get_work_inc_type(p_person_id in number) is  --- Check what are the valid values
2779   select  decode(pei_information5,'CENTRAL_STAFF','L','SCHOOL_STAFF','S',null)  workforce_inc_typ          --- which can be archived
2780   from    per_people_extra_info pei
2781   where   pei.information_type = 'PQP_SCHOOL_WORKFORCE_CENSUS'
2782   and     pei.person_id        = p_person_id;
2784   cursor  get_pqp_contract_type_dcsf(p_pqp_cont_type in pqp_assignment_attributes_f.contract_type%type ) is
2785   select  pcv_information5
2786   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
2787   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_CONTRACT_TYPE'
2788   and     pcv_information4             = p_pqp_cont_type
2789   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
2791   cursor  get_asg_contract_type_dcsf(p_cont_type  in per_all_assignments_f.employment_category%type ) is
2792   select  pcv_information5
2793   from    pqp_configuration_values pcv
2794   where   pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_CONTRACT_TYPE'
2795   and     pcv_information3             = p_cont_type
2796   and     pcv.business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
2799   l_asg_rec             get_assignment_details%rowtype;
2800   l_asg_dates_rec       get_assignment_dates%rowtype;
2801   l_post                hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
2802   l_post_emp_cat        hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
2803   l_post_asg_cat        hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
2804   l_date_of_arrival_src pqp_configuration_values.pcv_information1%type;
2805   l_date_of_arrival     date;
2806   l_daily_rate          varchar2(150);
2807   l_origin              hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
2808   l_dcsf_origin         hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
2809   l_destination         hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
2810   l_dcsf_destination    hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
2811   l_la_or_school_level  varchar2(150);
2812   l_establishment       number := p_estab_no;
2813   l_contract_agg_type   hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
2814   l_user_formula_name   ff_formulas_f.formula_name%type;
2815   l_arch_role           boolean;
2816   l_person_category     varchar2(30);
2817   l_arch 		boolean := true;
2818   l_valid_flag		varchar2(1);
2819   l_date_of_arrival_dcsf  varchar2(10);
2820   l_role_count		number;
2821 begin
2822   hr_utility.set_location('Entering '|| l_proc, 10);
2823   hr_utility.set_location('Parameters       :', 20);
2824   hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date :'|| p_effective_date, 20);
2825   hr_utility.set_location('p_person_id      :'|| p_person_id, 20);
2826   hr_utility.set_location('p_hlta_status    :'|| p_hlta_status, 20);
2828     if g_pick_from_asg is null then
2829      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Contract Details - Contract Type Configuration is not set.Please configure and proceed');
2830      hr_utility.raise_error;
2831     end if;
2833     if p_effective_date is null then
2834      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Contract Details - Contract effective date could not be determined.');
2835      hr_utility.raise_error;
2836     end if;
2838     open get_date_of_arrival_src;
2839     fetch get_date_of_arrival_src into l_date_of_arrival_src,l_user_formula_name;
2840     close get_date_of_arrival_src;
2842     if g_pick_from_asg = 'Y' then
2843     open  get_assignment_details;
2844     fetch get_assignment_details into l_asg_rec;
2845     close get_assignment_details;
2847     open get_assignment_dates(l_asg_rec.assignment_id);
2848     fetch get_assignment_dates into l_asg_dates_rec;
2849     close get_assignment_dates;
2851     open  get_asg_contract_type_dcsf(l_asg_rec.contract_agg_type);
2852     fetch get_asg_contract_type_dcsf into l_contract_agg_type;
2853     close get_asg_contract_type_dcsf;
2855     if l_date_of_arrival_src = 'CAL' then
2856       begin
2857         l_date_of_arrival_dcsf := run_user_formula(l_user_formula_name,l_asg_rec.assignment_id,g_census_day,g_business_group_id,l_asg_rec.assignment_number);
2858         hr_utility.set_location('Formula Result Value '||l_date_of_arrival_dcsf,20);
2859       exception when others then
2860         populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Error while executing formula id '|| l_user_formula_name||'. Please refer Log file for details' );
2861         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Error while executing formula id '|| l_user_formula_name);
2862         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,sqlerrm);
2863        end;
2864     else
2865         l_date_of_arrival_dcsf := l_asg_dates_rec.date_of_arrival_dcsf;
2866     end if;
2868     else
2869       open  get_asg_contract_details;
2870       fetch get_asg_contract_details into l_asg_rec;
2871       close get_asg_contract_details;
2873       open get_contract_dates(l_asg_rec.assignment_id);
2874       fetch get_contract_dates into l_asg_dates_rec;
2875       close get_contract_dates;
2877       open  get_pqp_contract_type_dcsf(l_asg_rec.contract_agg_type);
2878       fetch get_pqp_contract_type_dcsf into l_contract_agg_type;
2879       close get_pqp_contract_type_dcsf;
2881       if l_date_of_arrival_src = 'CAL' then
2882         begin
2883           l_date_of_arrival_dcsf :=run_user_formula(l_user_formula_name,l_asg_rec.assignment_id,g_census_day,g_business_group_id,l_asg_rec.assignment_number);
2884           hr_utility.set_location('Formula Result Value '||l_date_of_arrival_dcsf,20);
2885           exception when others then
2886             populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Error while executing formula '|| l_user_formula_name||'. Please refer Log file for details' );
2887             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Error while executing formula '|| l_user_formula_name);
2888             fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,sqlerrm);
2889          end;
2890        else
2891           l_date_of_arrival_dcsf := l_asg_dates_rec.date_of_arrival_dcsf;
2892       end if;
2894     end if;
2896     if g_cont_post_src in ('JOB','GRD','POS') then
2897       begin
2898         execute immediate g_cont_post_sql_str into l_post using g_business_group_id,p_effective_date, l_asg_rec.assignment_id;
2899         exception when others then
2900          hr_utility.set_location('Post could not be fetched as of' || p_effective_date ||'for Assignment number :'||l_asg_rec.assignment_number,9999);
2901       end;
2902     elsif g_cont_post_src = 'EMP_CAT' then
2903       open  get_post(l_asg_rec.assignment_cat);
2904       fetch get_post into l_post;
2905       close get_post;
2906     elsif g_cont_post_src = 'EMPLOYEE_CATG' then
2907       open  get_post(l_asg_rec.employee_cat);
2908       fetch get_post into l_post;
2909       close get_post;
2910     end if;
2912     open  get_daily_rate(l_asg_rec.assignment_id);
2913     fetch get_daily_rate into l_daily_rate;
2914     close get_daily_rate;
2916     if g_origin_dff = 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS' then
2917       begin
2918         execute immediate g_origin_sql_str into l_origin using l_asg_rec.assignment_id, p_effective_date;
2919            exception when others then
2920             hr_utility.set_location('Origin could not be fetched as of ' || p_effective_date ||'for Assignment Number :'||l_asg_rec.assignment_number,8888);
2921       end;
2922     elsif g_origin_dff = 'PER_PEOPLE' then
2923       begin
2924         execute immediate g_origin_sql_str into l_origin using p_person_id, p_effective_date;
2925           exception when others then
2926             hr_utility.set_location('Origin could not be fetched as of ' || p_effective_date ||'for Assignment Number :'||l_asg_rec.assignment_number,9999);
2927       end;
2928     end if;
2930     open  get_origin(l_origin);
2931     fetch get_origin into l_dcsf_origin;
2932     close get_origin;
2934     if g_destination_dff = 'PER_ASSIGNMENTS' then
2935       begin
2936         execute immediate g_destination_sql_str into l_destination using l_asg_rec.assignment_id, p_effective_date;
2937            exception when others then
2938             hr_utility.set_location('Destination could not be fetched as of ' || p_effective_date ||'for Assignment Number :'||l_asg_rec.assignment_number,8888);
2939       end;
2940     elsif upper(g_destination_dff) like 'TERM%' then -- get the exact value
2941       begin
2942         execute immediate g_destination_sql_str into l_destination using p_person_id;
2943           exception when others then
2944             hr_utility.set_location('Destination could not be fetched as of ' || p_effective_date ||'for Assignment Number :'||l_asg_rec.assignment_number,9999);
2945       end;
2946     end if;
2948     open  get_destination(l_destination);
2949     fetch get_destination into l_dcsf_destination;
2950     close get_destination;
2952     open  get_work_inc_type(p_person_id);
2953     fetch get_work_inc_type into l_la_or_school_level;
2954     close get_work_inc_type;
2957     l_arch_role := fetch_role_details(p_assactid,p_effective_date,p_person_id,l_asg_rec.assignment_id,p_role_tab);
2959     l_person_category := get_person_category(l_contract_agg_type,l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date,l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date,l_post,p_role_tab);
2961     if l_person_category is null then
2962         l_arch := false;
2963 	    hr_utility.set_location('Staff Category Could not be determined',10);
2964 		populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Staff Category Could not be determined.This could be becacuse of incorrect Post or Role or Contract Type.');
2965 	end if;
2966 		-- 4285
2967 		if l_establishment is not null then
2968 			  if not(
2969 				       l_establishment between 1000 and 1099
2970 						or l_establishment between 1800 and 1899
2971 						or l_establishment between 2000 and 3999
2972 						or l_establishment between 5200 and 5299
2973 						or l_establishment between 5499 and 5900
2974 						or l_establishment between 4000 and 4999
2975 						or l_establishment between 5400 and 5499
2976 						or l_establishment between 5900 and 5949
2977 						or l_establishment between 6900 and 6924) then
2978 							l_arch := false;
2979 							hr_utility.set_location('Estab Number in Contract module is not valid',10);
2980 							populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Estab Number in Contract module is not valid');
2981 			 end if;
2982 		end if;
2984 	 -- 4310
2985 		if l_contract_agg_type is not null then
2986 			begin
2987 				select	 'Y'
2988 					into	 l_valid_flag
2989 					from	 dual
2990 				 where	 exists(select	 lookup_code
2991 						from	 hr_lookups hl
2992 						where			 hl.lookup_type = 'PQP_GB_SWF_CNTRCT_AGRMNT_TYPES'
2993 						and hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
2994 						and hl.lookup_code = l_contract_agg_type);
2995 				exception
2996 					when OTHERS then
2997 						l_arch := false;
2998 						populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Contract / Agreement Type is invalid');
2999 						hr_utility.set_location ('Contract / Agreement Type is invalid', 10);
3000 			end;
3002 			if  length(l_contract_agg_type) <> 3 then
3003 				l_arch := false;
3004 				hr_utility.set_location('Contract / Agreement Type is invalid',10);
3005 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Contract / Agreement Type is invalid');
3006 			end if;
3007 		end if;
3009 		-- 4350
3010 		if l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date is null then
3011 			l_arch := false;
3012 			hr_utility.set_location('Start Date is missing',10);
3013 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Start Date is missing');
3014 		end if;
3016 		-- 4355
3017 		if 	g_census_day < l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date then
3018 			l_arch := false;
3019 			hr_utility.set_location('Contract Start Date can not be in the future',10);
3020 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Contract Start Date can not be in the future');
3021 		end if;
3023 		-- 4357
3024 		if months_between(trunc(g_census_day),l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date)/12 > 50 then
3025 			l_arch := false;
3026 			hr_utility.set_location('Contract / Agreement Start Date more than 50 years ago',10);
3027 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Contract / Agreement Start Date more than 50 years ago');
3028 		end if;
3030 		-- 4360
3032 		if l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date <> hr_general.end_of_time then
3033 			if  	not(l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date  between to_date('01-09-'||(g_census_year-1),'DD-MM-YYYY') and to_date('31-08-'||(g_census_year),'DD-MM-YYYY'))
3034 				and not(l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date between to_date('01-09-'||(g_census_year-1),'DD-MM-YYYY') and to_date('31-08-'||(g_census_year),'DD-MM-YYYY'))
3035                 and l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date < g_census_day then
3036 				l_arch := false;
3037 				hr_utility.set_location('Contract end date error',20);
3038 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Contract has invalid End date for this Census');
3039 			end if;
3040 		end if;
3042 		-- 4361, 4362 Deleted
3044 		-- 4370 already handled in select
3046 		-- 4375
3047 		/*if g_census_term <> 'SPRING' then -- Added as PRM and other contract types can exist in the system without end date
3048 			if l_contract_agg_type <> 'FXT' and (l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date > g_census_day
3049 			or months_between(l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date ,l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date) < 1) then
3050 					l_arch := false;
3051 					hr_utility.set_location('Contract / Agreement end date must be at least a month after the start date, and on or prior to Census Day, for this type of contract or agreement',20);
3052 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Contract / Agreement end date must be at least a month after the start date, and on or prior to Census Day, for this type of contract or agreement');
3053 			end if;
3054 		end if;*/
3056 -- Bug#12586059
3057                 -- 4376
3058                 -- If Contract Type is not 'PRM' and the Contract End Date is not provided then the Contract
3059                 -- Start Date must be at least 27 days prior to the Census Reference Date
3061                   if l_contract_agg_type <> 'PRM' and l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date is null
3062                      and (g_census_day - l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date < 27) then
3063                                        l_arch := false;
3064                                        hr_utility.set_location('Contract Start Date must be at least 27 days prior to the Census Reference Date',20);
3065 				       populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Contract Start Date must be at least 27 days prior to the Census Reference Date');
3066 		end if;
3068 -- Bug#12586059
3070 		-- 4380
3071 		if l_contract_agg_type = 'FXT' and l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date_dcsf is null then
3072 				l_arch := false;
3073 				hr_utility.set_location('Contract / Agreement Type is Fixed Term therefore End Date must be specified',20);
3074 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Contract / Agreement Type is Fixed Term therefore End Date must be specified');
3075 		end if;
3077 		-- 4385
3078 		if (l_person_category = 1 or l_person_category = 2) and l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date_dcsf is not null and l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date < g_census_day
3079 			and l_dcsf_destination is null then
3081 				l_arch := false;
3082 				hr_utility.set_location('Destination code must be provided for completed contracts',20);
3083 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Destination code must be provided for completed contracts');
3084 		end if;
3086 		-- 4390Q
3087 		if l_dcsf_destination is not null and l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date_dcsf is null then
3088 		                l_arch := false;  -- Bug 12906657
3089 				hr_utility.set_location('Please check: Destination code has been provided therefore contract End Date must be specified ',20);
3090 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Please check: Destination code has been provided therefore contract End Date must be specified ','W');
3091 		end if;
3093 		-- 4400
3094 		if l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date > l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date then
3095 				l_arch := false;
3096 				hr_utility.set_location('Contract End Date cannot be before contract Start Date',20);
3097 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Contract End Date cannot be before contract Start Date');
3098 		end if;
3100 		-- 4410
3101 		if l_post is null then
3102 				l_arch := false;
3103 				hr_utility.set_location('Post is missing',20);
3104 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Post is missing');
3105 		end if;
3107 		-- 4700/4710
3108 		l_role_count := 0;
3110 		for i in p_role_tab.first .. p_role_tab.last loop
3111 			hr_utility.set_location('Roles for this contract'||p_role_tab(i),25);
3112 			if p_role_tab(i) is not null then
3113 				l_role_count := l_role_count+1;
3114 			end if;
3115 		end loop;
3117 		if l_role_count = 0 then
3118 			l_arch := false;
3119 			hr_utility.set_location('Role Identifier is missing ',20);
3120 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'No Role details have been supplied');
3121 		end if;
3124 -- Bug#12586059
3125                 -- 4720
3126 	        -- if l_post = 'SUP' then
3127                 if l_post in ('SUP', 'TAS') then
3128 -- Bug#12586059
3129 		l_valid_flag := 'Y';
3130 			for i in p_role_tab.first .. p_role_tab.last loop
3131 					if p_role_tab(i) in ('ADVT', 'ASHT', 'DPHT', 'HDTR', 'MISC', 'MUSC', 'PERI', 'SPLY', 'TCHR', 'TMIS', 'TNON', 'TPRU', 'EXHT') then /* Bug#12586059 -> added 'EXHT')*/
3132 						l_valid_flag := 'N';
3133 						exit;
3134 					end if;
3135 			end loop;
3136 				if 	l_valid_flag = 'N' then
3137 					l_arch := false;
3138 					hr_utility.set_location('Post is inconsistent with Role Identifier',20);
3139 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Post is inconsistent with Role Identifier');
3140 				end if;
3141 		end if;
3143 -- Bug#12586059
3145               -- 4725
3146 -- Bug#12599238
3148 	       -- if l_post = 'TAS' then
3149                if l_post = 'SUP' then
3151 -- Bug#12599238
3152                l_valid_flag := 'Y';
3153                       for i in p_role_tab.first .. p_role_tab.last loop
3154                                    if p_role_tab(i) in ('TASS','HLTA') then
3155                                               l_valid_flag := 'N';
3156                                               exit;
3157          	                       end if;
3158 			end loop;
3159 				if 	l_valid_flag = 'N' then
3160 					l_arch := false;
3161 -- Bug#12599238
3162     			                -- hr_utility.set_location('Role of Teaching Assistant or Higher Level Teaching Assistant should not be linked to the post of Support Staff',20);
3163 					-- populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Role of Teaching Assistant or Higher Level Teaching Assistant should not be linked to the post of Support Staff');
3164 				        hr_utility.set_location('Role of Teaching Assistant or Higher Level Teaching Assistant should be linked to the post of Teaching Assistant',20);
3165 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Role of Teaching Assistant or Higher Level Teaching Assistant should be linked to the post of Teaching Assistant');
3166 -- Bug#12599238
3167 				end if;
3168 		end if;
3170 -- Bug#12586059
3172 		-- 4414
3173 		if l_post = 'HDT' then
3174 				l_valid_flag := 'N';
3175 				for i in p_role_tab.first .. p_role_tab.last loop
3176 					if p_role_tab(i) = 'HDTR' then
3177 						l_valid_flag := 'Y';
3178 						exit;
3179 					end if;
3180 				end loop;
3181 				if 	l_valid_flag = 'N' then
3182 					l_arch := false;
3183 					hr_utility.set_location('Post shown as Head Teacher.  One of the associated Roles must also be Head Teacher',20);
3184 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Post shown as Head Teacher.  One of the associated Roles must also be Head Teacher');
3185 				end if;
3186 		end if;
3188 		-- 4415
3189 		if l_post = 'DHT' then
3190 				l_valid_flag := 'N';
3191 				for i in p_role_tab.first .. p_role_tab.last loop
3192 					if p_role_tab(i) = 'DPHT' then
3193 						l_valid_flag := 'Y';
3194 						exit;
3195 					end if;
3196 				end loop;
3197 				if 	l_valid_flag = 'N' then
3198 					l_arch := false;
3199 					hr_utility.set_location('Post shown as Deputy Head.  One of the associated Roles must also be Deputy Head',20);
3200 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Post shown as Deputy Head.  One of the associated Roles must also be Deputy Head');
3201 				end if;
3202 		end if;
3204 		-- 4416
3205 		if l_post = 'AHT' then
3206 				l_valid_flag := 'N';
3207 				for i in p_role_tab.first .. p_role_tab.last loop
3208 					if p_role_tab(i) = 'ASHT' then
3209 						l_valid_flag := 'Y';
3210 						exit;
3211 					end if;
3212 				end loop;
3213 				if 	l_valid_flag = 'N' then
3214 					l_arch := false;
3215 					hr_utility.set_location('Post shown as Deputy Head.  One of the associated Roles must also be Deputy Head',20);
3216 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Post shown as Deputy Head.  One of the associated Roles must also be Deputy Head');
3217 				end if;
3218 		end if;
3220 		--4417
3221 		begin
3222 		  l_valid_flag := 'N';
3223 			for i in p_role_tab.first .. p_role_tab.last loop
3224 				if p_role_tab(i) = 'HLTA' then
3225 					l_valid_flag := 'Y';
3226 					exit;
3227 				end if;
3228 			end loop;
3229 			if l_valid_flag = 'Y' and p_hlta_status = 'No' then
3230 				  l_arch := false;
3231 					hr_utility.set_location('If role is HLTA then HLTA Status must be Yes',20);
3232 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'If role is HLTA then HLTA Status must be Yes');
3233 			end if;
3234 		end;
3236 		-- 4420
3238 		if l_date_of_arrival_dcsf is not null then
3239 		  l_date_of_arrival := to_date(l_date_of_arrival_dcsf,'YYYY-MM-DD');
3240 		end if;
3242 		-- 4425Q
3243 		if months_between(trunc(g_census_day),l_date_of_arrival)/ 12 > 50 then
3244 			hr_utility.set_location('Please check: Date of Arrival in School is more than 50 years ago',20);
3245 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Please check: Date of Arrival in School is more than 50 years ago','W');
3246 		end if;
3249 		-- 4430
3250 		if l_person_category in (1,2,3) and l_la_or_school_level = 'S' and l_date_of_arrival_dcsf is null then
3251 			l_arch := false;
3252 			hr_utility.set_location('Date of Arrival in School must be supplied',20);
3253 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Date of Arrival in School must be supplied');
3254 		end if;
3256 		-- 4440Q
3257 		if l_person_category in (1,2,3) and l_date_of_arrival > l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date  then
3258 			hr_utility.set_location('Please check: Date of Arrival in School should not be later than the start of the contract  ',20);
3259 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Please check: Date of Arrival in School should not be later than the start of the contract','W');
3260 		end if;
3262 		-- 4570
3263 		if  l_daily_rate is not null
3264                 and (length(l_daily_rate) <> 1 or l_daily_rate not in ('Y','N')) then
3265 			l_arch := false;
3266 			hr_utility.set_location('Daily Rate is invalid',20);
3267 			populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Daily Rate is invalid');
3268 		end if;
3270                -- Bug 12906657
3271                 -- Daily Rate indicator of 'Y' is only valid for Agency/SA Teacher.
3272                 -- For other Staff categories it is invalid and should throw an error message
3274                 if l_person_category in (1,3,4) and  l_daily_rate = 'Y' then
3275                          l_arch := false;
3276                          hr_utility.set_location('Daily Rate indicator of Y is only valid for Agency/SA Teacher. Please correct the data and resubmit for person_id:'|| p_person_id ,20);
3277                          populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Daily Rate indicator of Y is only valid for Agency/SA Teacher. Please correct the data and resubmit');
3278                 end if;
3279               -- Bug 12906657
3281 		-- 4580
3282 		if l_dcsf_destination is not null then
3283 			begin
3284 					select	 'Y'
3285 					into	 l_valid_flag
3286 			    from	 dual
3287 					where	 exists
3288 					 (select lookup_code
3289 						from	 hr_lookups hl
3290 						where	 hl.lookup_type = 'PQP_GB_SWF_DESTINATION_CODES'
3291 						and    hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
3292 						and    hl.lookup_code = l_dcsf_destination);
3293 			exception
3294 					when others
3295 					then
3296 						l_arch := false;
3297 						populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Destination code is invalid');
3298 						hr_utility.set_location ('Destination code is invalid', 10);
3299 			end;
3301 			if length(l_dcsf_destination) <> 6 then
3302 				l_arch := false;
3303 				populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Destination code is invalid');
3304 				hr_utility.set_location ('Destination code is invalid', 20);
3305 			end if;
3306 		end if;
3308 		-- 4600
3309 		if l_dcsf_origin is not null then
3310 			begin
3311 					select	 'Y'
3312 					into	 l_valid_flag
3313 					from	 dual
3314 					where	 exists
3315 					 (select	 lookup_code
3316 							from	 hr_lookups hl
3317 						 where	 hl.lookup_type = 'PQP_GB_SWF_ORIGIN_CODES'
3318 							 and   hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
3319 							 and   hl.lookup_code = l_dcsf_origin);
3320 			exception
3321 					when others
3322 					then
3323 							l_arch := false;
3324 							populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Origin code is invalid');
3325 							hr_utility.set_location ('Origin code is invalid', 10);
3326 			end;
3328 			if length(l_dcsf_origin) <> 6 then
3329 				l_arch := false;
3330 				populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Origin code is invalid');
3331 				hr_utility.set_location ('Origin code is invalid', 20);
3332 			end if;
3333 		end if;
3335 		-- 4610Q
3336 		if l_person_category in (1,3) and l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date > to_date('31-08-2009','DD-MM-YYYY') and l_dcsf_origin is null then
3337 			populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Please check: Origin should be provided','W');
3338 			hr_utility.set_location ('Please check: Origin should be provided', 20);
3339 		end if;
3341 		-- Additional Validations
3343 		if l_contract_agg_type is null then
3344 		  	l_arch := false;
3345 			populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Contract Aggreement type can not be null. This error could have occured if the DCSF mapping is incorrect or missing');
3346 			hr_utility.set_location ('Contract Aggreement type can not be null. This error could have occured if the DCSF mapping is incorrect or missing', 20);
3347         end if;
3348   p_contract_rec.action_info_category  := 'GB_SWF_CONTRACT_DETAILS';
3349   p_contract_rec.person_id             := p_person_id;
3350   p_contract_rec.assignment_id         := l_asg_rec.assignment_id;
3351   p_contract_rec.effective_date        := g_census_day;
3352   p_contract_rec.act_info1             := p_person_id;
3353   p_contract_rec.act_info2             := l_contract_agg_type;
3355   -- passed as parameter to fetch_payment_details
3356   p_contract_rec.act_info3             := l_asg_dates_rec.contract_st_date_dcsf;
3357   p_contract_rec.act_info4             := l_asg_dates_rec.contract_end_date_dcsf;
3358   p_contract_rec.act_info5             := l_post;
3359   --
3360   p_contract_rec.act_info6             := l_date_of_arrival_dcsf;
3361   -- passed as parameter to fetch_payment_details
3362   p_contract_rec.act_info7             := l_daily_rate;
3363   --
3364   p_contract_rec.act_info8             := l_dcsf_destination;
3365   p_contract_rec.act_info9             := l_dcsf_origin;
3366   p_contract_rec.act_info10            := l_la_or_school_level;
3367   p_contract_rec.act_info11            := l_establishment;
3368   p_contract_rec.act_info12            := l_asg_rec.assignment_number;
3369   p_contract_rec.act_info13            := p_effective_date; -- staff effective_date
3370   -- passed as parameter to fetch_payment_details
3371   p_contract_rec.act_info14            := l_person_category;
3372   --
3373   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '|| l_proc, 99);
3374 return l_arch;
3375   exception when others then
3376       hr_utility.set_location(sqlerrm, 999);
3377       hr_utility.set_location('Leaving with error'|| l_proc, 999);
3378 end fetch_contract_details;
3380 -----------------------function fetch_qualification_details---------------------
3381 function fetch_qualification_details (p_assactid   in number,
3382                                       p_person_id  in number,
3383                                       p_estab_no   in number,
3384                                       p_qual_tab     out nocopy qual_details_tab)
3385                                       return boolean is
3387   cursor get_qual_details is
3388   select qual.qualification_id qual_id,
3389          qualtyp.qualification_type_id qualification_type_id,
3390          qualtyp.category qual_cat,
3391          decode(qua_information_category, 'GB', qua_information1, null) qual_code_dff,
3392          decode(qua_information_category, 'GB', qua_information2, null) subject1_dff,
3393          decode(qua_information_category, 'GB', qua_information3, null) subject2_dff,
3394          decode(qua_information_category, 'GB', decode(qua_information4,'Y','true','false'), null) verified_dff
3395     from per_qualifications qual, per_qualification_types qualtyp
3396    where qual.person_id = p_person_id
3397      and qual.qualification_type_id = qualtyp.qualification_type_id;
3399   cursor subject_taken(p_qual_id in number) is
3400   select max(decode(seq, 1, subject_dcsf, null)) subject_1,
3401          max(decode(seq, 2, subject_dcsf, null)) subject_2
3402   from (select subject_dcsf, seq
3403           from (select pcv.pcv_information2 subject_dcsf, row_number() over(order by major desc) seq
3404                   from per_qualifications qual, per_subjects_taken sub,
3405                        pqp_configuration_values pcv
3406                  where qual.qualification_id = sub.qualification_id
3407                    and qual.person_id = p_person_id
3408                    and qual.qualification_id = p_qual_id
3409                    and pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_QUAL_SUBJECT_MAP'
3410                    and pcv.pcv_information1 = sub.subject
3411                    and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id)
3412          where seq < 3);
3414   cursor get_qual_code_src is
3415   select pcv_information1
3416     from pqp_configuration_values pcv
3417    where pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_QUAL_CODE_MAP'
3418      and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
3420    cursor get_qual_code_dcsf_cat(p_qual_cat in varchar2) is
3421    select pcv_information5
3422     from pqp_configuration_values pcv
3423    where pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_QUAL_CODE_MAP'
3424      and pcv.pcv_information3  = p_qual_cat
3425      and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
3427    cursor get_qual_code_dcsf_typ(p_qual_typ in varchar2) is
3428    select pcv_information5
3429     from pqp_configuration_values pcv
3430    where pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_QUAL_CODE_MAP'
3431      and pcv.pcv_information4  = p_qual_typ
3432      and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
3434   l_proc      constant varchar2(50) := g_package || ' fetch_qualification_details';
3435   l_qual_rec get_qual_details%rowtype;
3436   l_subject1 per_subjects_taken.subject%type;
3437   l_subject2 per_subjects_taken.subject%type;
3438   l_qual_code_src  pqp_configuration_values.pcv_information1%type;
3439   l_qual_code_dcsf pqp_configuration_values.pcv_information1%type;
3440   l_qual_tab_idx number := 1;
3441   l_invalid_qual_code varchar2(1)  := 'N';
3442   l_missing_qual_code varchar2(1)  := 'N';
3443   l_sub_code_1_invalid varchar2(1) := 'N';
3444   l_sub_code_2_invalid varchar2(1) := 'N';
3445   l_sub1_missing       varchar2(1) := 'N';
3446   l_missing_verified varchar2(1)   := 'N';
3447   l_same_sub_1_2     varchar2(1)   := 'N';
3448   l_arch boolean := true;
3449 begin
3450   hr_utility.set_location('Entering :'||l_proc,10);
3451   hr_utility.set_location('Parameters   :',20);
3452   hr_utility.set_location('p_assactid   :'||p_assactid,20);
3453   hr_utility.set_location('p_person_id  :'||p_person_id,20);
3455   open  get_qual_code_src;
3456   fetch get_qual_code_src into l_qual_code_src;
3457   close get_qual_code_src;
3459   for  qual_cur in get_qual_details loop
3460     open  subject_taken(qual_cur.qual_id);
3461     fetch subject_taken into l_subject1, l_subject2;
3462     close subject_taken;
3464     if l_qual_code_src = 'QUALIFICATION_CATEGORY' then
3465       open  get_qual_code_dcsf_cat(qual_cur.qual_cat);
3466       fetch get_qual_code_dcsf_cat into l_qual_code_dcsf;
3467       close get_qual_code_dcsf_cat;
3468     elsif l_qual_code_src = 'QUALIFICATION_TYPE' then
3469       open  get_qual_code_dcsf_typ(qual_cur.qualification_type_id);
3470       fetch get_qual_code_dcsf_typ into l_qual_code_dcsf;
3471       close get_qual_code_dcsf_typ;
3472     end if;
3474     p_qual_tab(l_qual_tab_idx).person_id  := p_person_id;
3475     p_qual_tab(l_qual_tab_idx).qual_code  := nvl(qual_cur.qual_code_dff,l_qual_code_dcsf);
3476     p_qual_tab(l_qual_tab_idx).sub1       := nvl(qual_cur.subject1_dff,l_subject1);
3477     p_qual_tab(l_qual_tab_idx).sub2       := nvl(qual_cur.subject2_dff,l_subject2);
3478     p_qual_tab(l_qual_tab_idx).verified   := qual_cur.verified_dff;
3479     p_qual_tab(l_qual_tab_idx).estab_no   := p_estab_no;
3482   l_qual_tab_idx := l_qual_tab_idx +1;
3483   end loop;
3485   if p_qual_tab.count > 0 then
3486     for i in p_qual_tab.first .. p_qual_tab.last loop
3487       if p_qual_tab(i).qual_code not in ('PGCE', 'MAST', 'DOCT', 'BEDO', 'FRST', 'CTED', 'NVQ4', 'NNUK') then
3488           l_invalid_qual_code := 'Y';
3489       end if;
3491       if (p_qual_tab(i).sub1 is not null or p_qual_tab(i).sub2 is not null ) -- or p_qual_tab(i).verified is not null) /* Commented out for Bug# 10106993 */
3492                                         and p_qual_tab(i).qual_code is null then
3493           l_missing_qual_code := 'Y';
3494       end if;
3496       if p_qual_tab(i).sub1 is not null and substr(p_qual_tab(i).sub1,1,1) not between 'A' and 'X'
3497                                                               or length(substr(p_qual_tab(i).sub1,2)) <>3
3498                                                               or substr(p_qual_tab(i).sub1,2) not between 100 and 990 then
3499           l_sub_code_1_invalid := 'Y';
3500       end if;
3502       if p_qual_tab(i).sub2 is not null and substr(p_qual_tab(i).sub2,1,1)
3503          not in ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'T', 'V', 'W', 'X')
3504          or length(substr(p_qual_tab(i).sub2,2)) <>3
3505          or substr(p_qual_tab(i).sub2,2) not between 100 and 990 then
3506             l_sub_code_2_invalid := 'Y';
3507       end if;
3509       if p_qual_tab(i).sub1 is null then
3510           l_sub1_missing := 'Y';
3511       end if;
3513 -- Commented out for Bug# 10106993
3514 /*
3515       if (p_qual_tab(i).sub1 is not null or p_qual_tab(i).sub2 is not null or p_qual_tab(i).qual_code is not null)
3516                                         and p_qual_tab(i).verified is null then
3517           l_missing_verified := 'Y';
3518       end if;
3519 */
3520 -- Commented out for Bug# 10106993
3522       if p_qual_tab(i).sub1 = p_qual_tab(i).sub2 then
3523           l_same_sub_1_2 :='Y';
3524       end if;
3525     end loop;
3526   end if;
3529   if l_invalid_qual_code = 'Y' then
3530     l_arch := false;
3531 	populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Qualification Code is invalid');
3532 	hr_utility.set_location ('Qualification Code is invalid', 20);
3533   end if;
3536   if l_missing_qual_code = 'Y' then
3537     l_arch := false;
3538 	populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Qualification Code is missing');
3539 	hr_utility.set_location ('Qualification Code is missing', 20);
3540   end if;
3542   if l_sub_code_1_invalid = 'Y' then
3543     l_arch := false;
3544 	populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Subject Code 1 is invalid');
3545 	hr_utility.set_location ('Subject Code 1 is invalid', 20);
3546   end if;
3548   if l_sub_code_2_invalid = 'Y' then
3549     l_arch := false;
3550 	populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Second qualification Subject Code 2 is invalid');
3551 	hr_utility.set_location ('Second qualification Subject Code 2 is invalid', 20);
3552   end if;
3554   if l_sub1_missing = 'Y' then
3555     l_arch := false;
3556 	populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Subject Code 1 is missing');
3557 	hr_utility.set_location ('Subject Code 1 is missing', 20);
3558   end if;
3560   if l_same_sub_1_2 = 'Y' then
3561     l_arch := false;
3562 	populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Qualification Subject Code 1 and Subject Code 2 cannot be the same');
3563 	hr_utility.set_location ('Qualification Subject Code 1 and Subject Code 2 cannot be the same', 20);
3564   end if;
3566 -- Commented out for Bug# 10106993
3567 /*
3568   if l_missing_verified = 'Y' then
3569     l_arch := false;
3570 	populate_run_msg (p_assactid, 'Qualification Verified is missing');
3571 	hr_utility.set_location ('Qualification Verified is missing', 20);
3572   end if;
3573 */
3574 -- Commented out for Bug# 10106993
3576   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving :'||l_proc,99);
3577 return l_arch;
3578   exception when others then
3579       hr_utility.set_location(sqlerrm,999);
3580       hr_utility.set_location('Leaving with error:'||l_proc,999);
3581       raise;
3582 end fetch_qualification_details;
3584 ------------------------------function fetch_payment_details--------------------
3585 -- This is called from the archive code.
3586 function fetch_payment_details  ( p_assactid        in number,
3587                                   p_effective_date  in date,
3588                                   p_person_id       in number,
3589                                   p_assignment_id   in number,
3590 				  p_post	    in varchar2,
3591                                   p_qt_status	    in varchar2,
3592                                   p_person_category in varchar2,
3593                                   p_cont_st_date    in varchar2,
3594                                   p_cont_end_date   in varchar2,
3595                                   p_daily_rate	    in varchar2,
3596                                   p_payment_rec     out nocopy act_info_rec)
3597 return boolean is
3599   cursor pay_scale is
3600   select ps.parent_spine_id
3601     from per_grade_spines_f     grs,
3602          per_grades             gdt,
3603          per_parent_spines      ps,
3604          per_all_assignments_f  asg
3605    where grs.grade_id = gdt.grade_id
3606      and grs.parent_spine_id = ps.parent_spine_id
3607      and asg.grade_id =  grs.grade_id
3608      and asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
3609      and p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
3610      and p_effective_date between grs.effective_start_date and grs.effective_end_date;
3612   cursor pay_scale_dcsf(p_pay_scale in per_parent_spines.parent_spine_id%type) is
3613   select pcv.pcv_information2
3614     from pqp_configuration_values pcv
3615    where pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_PAY_SCALE_MAPPING'
3616      and pcv.pcv_information1  = p_pay_scale
3617      and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
3619   cursor spinal_points is
3620   select spinal_point,psp.spinal_point_id
3621     from per_spinal_point_placements_f pspp,
3622          per_spinal_point_steps_f      psps,
3623          per_spinal_points             psp
3624    where pspp.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
3625      and pspp.step_id = psps.step_id
3626      and psps.spinal_point_id = psp.spinal_point_id
3627      and p_effective_date between pspp.effective_start_date and pspp.effective_end_date
3628      and p_effective_date between psps.effective_start_date and psps.effective_end_date;
3631   cursor spinal_point_dcsf(p_pay_scale in per_parent_spines.parent_spine_id%type,
3632                            p_spinal_point in per_spinal_points.spinal_point_id%type) is
3633   select pcv.pcv_information3
3634     from pqp_configuration_values pcv
3635    where pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_SPINE_POINT_MAPPING'
3636      and pcv.pcv_information1  = p_pay_scale
3637      and pcv.pcv_information2  = p_spinal_point
3638      and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
3640   cursor salary_rate (p_spinal_point_id in number) is
3641   select to_char(value,'fm999999.00')
3642     from pay_grade_rules_f pgr
3643    where grade_or_spinal_point_id = p_spinal_point_id
3644      and p_effective_date between pgr.effective_start_date and pgr.effective_end_date;
3646   cursor  get_regional_spine_source is
3647   select pcv_information1, pcv_information2, pcv_information3
3648     from pqp_configuration_values pcv
3649    where pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_REG_SPINE_SRC'
3650      and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
3652   cursor reg_spinal_point_dcsf(p_pay_scale in per_parent_spines.name%type,
3653                            p_spinal_point in per_spinal_points.spinal_point%type) is
3654   select pcv.pcv_information4
3655     from pqp_configuration_values pcv
3656    where pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_REG_SPINE_MAP_PYSCL'
3657      and pcv.pcv_information1  = p_pay_scale
3658      and p_spinal_point    between pcv.pcv_information2 and pcv.pcv_information3
3659      and pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
3661    cursor safe_grd_sal is
3662    select decode(tp_safeguarded_rate_type,'SN','True','SP','True','G','True','False')
3663      from pqp_assignment_attributes_f
3664     where assignment_id= p_assignment_id;
3665 ---
3666   l_proc constant varchar2(50) := g_package || ' fetch_payment_details';
3667   l_regional_spine_context      varchar2(30);
3668   l_regional_spine_segment      varchar2(30);
3669   l_regional_spine_def_val      varchar2(30);
3670   l_regional_spine_sql_str      varchar2(3000);
3671   l_pay_scale                   per_parent_spines.parent_spine_id%type;
3672   l_pay_scale_dcsf              hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
3673   l_spinal_point                per_spinal_points.spinal_point%type;
3674   l_spinal_point_dcsf           hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
3675   l_reg_spinal_point_dcsf       hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
3676   l_safe_grd_sal                varchar2(5);
3677   l_arch						            boolean := true;
3678   l_contract_st_date			      date := to_date(p_cont_st_date,'YYYY-MM-DD');
3679   l_contract_end_date			      date := to_date(p_cont_end_date,'YYYY-MM-DD');
3680   l_valid_flag					        varchar2(10);
3681   l_salary_rate					        number;
3682   l_spinal_point_id				      number;
3686 begin
3687     hr_utility.set_location('Entering :'||l_proc,100);
3689     hr_utility.set_location('p_assactid         :' ||p_assactid,110);
3690     hr_utility.set_location('p_effective_date   :' ||p_effective_date,110);
3691     hr_utility.set_location('p_person_id        :' ||p_person_id,110);
3692     hr_utility.set_location('p_assignment_id    :' ||p_assignment_id,110);
3693     hr_utility.set_location('p_post             :' ||p_post,110);
3694     hr_utility.set_location('p_person_category  :' ||p_person_category,110);
3695     hr_utility.set_location('p_cont_st_date     :' ||p_cont_st_date,110);
3696     hr_utility.set_location('p_cont_end_date    :' ||p_cont_end_date,110);
3697     hr_utility.set_location('p_daily_rate       :' ||p_daily_rate,110);
3699     open  pay_scale;
3700     fetch pay_scale into l_pay_scale;
3701     close pay_scale;
3703     open  pay_scale_dcsf(l_pay_scale);
3704     fetch pay_scale_dcsf into l_pay_scale_dcsf;
3705     close pay_scale_dcsf;
3707     open  spinal_points;
3708     fetch spinal_points into l_spinal_point,l_spinal_point_id;
3709     close spinal_points;
3711     open  spinal_point_dcsf(l_pay_scale,l_spinal_point_id);
3712     fetch spinal_point_dcsf into l_spinal_point_dcsf;
3713     close spinal_point_dcsf;
3715     open  get_regional_spine_source;
3716     fetch get_regional_spine_source into l_regional_spine_context,l_regional_spine_segment,l_regional_spine_def_val;
3717     close get_regional_spine_source;
3719 		open salary_rate(l_spinal_point_id);
3720 		fetch salary_rate into l_salary_rate;
3721 		close salary_rate;
3723     if l_regional_spine_context = 'GRD' then
3724       l_regional_spine_sql_str :='select pcv.pcv_information4
3725       from  per_all_assignments_f paf,
3726             per_grades pgr,
3727             per_grade_definitions pgd ,
3728             pqp_configuration_values pcv
3729       where paf.business_group_id + 0 = :bg_id
3730       and paf.business_group_id       = pgr.business_group_id
3731       and pcv.business_group_id       = paf.business_group_id
3732       and pgr.grade_definition_id     = pgd.grade_definition_id
3733       and paf.grade_id                = pgr.grade_id
3734       and :eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
3735       and paf.assignment_id                    = :assignment_id
3736       and pcv.pcv_information_category = ''PQP_GB_SWF_REG_SPINE_MAP_GRD''
3737       and ((pcv_information3          is null
3738       and pgd.'||l_regional_spine_segment||'                 = pcv.pcv_information2 )
3739       or (pcv_information3            is not null
3740       and pgd.'||l_regional_spine_segment||' between pcv.pcv_information2 and pcv_information3))';
3742       begin
3743         execute immediate l_regional_spine_sql_str into l_reg_spinal_point_dcsf using g_business_group_id,p_effective_date, p_assignment_id;
3744         exception when others then
3745          hr_utility.set_location('Spinal could not be fetched as of' || p_effective_date ||'for Assignment ID :'||p_assignment_id,9999);
3746       end;
3748     elsif l_regional_spine_context = 'PAYSCALE_SPINEPOINT' then
3749       open  reg_spinal_point_dcsf(l_pay_scale,l_spinal_point_id);
3750       fetch reg_spinal_point_dcsf into l_reg_spinal_point_dcsf;
3751       close reg_spinal_point_dcsf;
3752     elsif l_regional_spine_context = 'DEFAULT' then
3753        l_reg_spinal_point_dcsf := l_regional_spine_def_val;
3754     end if;
3756     open  safe_grd_sal;
3757     fetch safe_grd_sal into l_safe_grd_sal;
3758     close safe_grd_sal;
3760 		-- 4460
3761 		if length(l_pay_scale_dcsf) <> 2 then
3762 				l_arch := false;
3763 				hr_utility.set_location('Pay Scale is invalid',10);
3764 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Pay Scale is invalid');
3765 		end if;
3767 		-- 4470
3768 		if  l_pay_scale_dcsf in('LD', 'TE', 'TU', 'EX' ,'AS')and p_qt_status <> 'Yes'  then
3769 				l_arch := false;
3770 				hr_utility.set_location('Pay Scale type inconsistent with Qualified Teacher Status',10);
3771 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Pay Scale type inconsistent with Qualified Teacher Status');
3772 		end if;
3774 		-- 4480
3775 		if p_post = 'SUP' and l_pay_scale_dcsf in('LD', 'TE', 'TU', 'EX' ,'AS') then
3776 				l_arch := false;
3777 				hr_utility.set_location('Pay Scale is invalid for the given Post',10);
3778 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Pay Scale is invalid for the given Post');
3779 		end if;
3781 		-- 4490
3782 		if  p_person_category in (1,2) and (l_contract_end_date is null or l_contract_end_date > g_census_day)
3783 		    and (p_daily_rate = 'N' or p_daily_rate is null) and p_post in('HDT','DHT','AHT') and l_pay_scale_dcsf not in ('LD', 'OT') then /*Bug#125860598 */
3784 			  l_arch := false;
3785 				hr_utility.set_location('Pay Scale is invalid for the given Post',20);
3786 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Pay Scale is invalid for the given Post');
3787 		end if;
3789 		-- 4500
3790 		if p_person_category in (1,2) and (l_contract_end_date is null or l_contract_end_date > g_census_day)
3791 		   and (p_daily_rate = 'N' or p_daily_rate is null )and p_post = 'AST' and  l_pay_scale_dcsf not in ('AS', 'OT')then /*Bug#125860598 */
3792 				l_arch := false;
3793 				hr_utility.set_location('Pay Scale is invalid for the given Post',30);
3794 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Pay Scale is invalid for the given Post');
3795 		end if;
3797 		-- 4505
3798 		if p_person_category in (1,2) and (l_contract_end_date is null or l_contract_end_date > g_census_day)
3799 		  and (p_daily_rate = 'N' or p_daily_rate is null ) and p_post = 'EXL' and l_pay_scale_dcsf not in ('EX', 'OT')then /*Bug#125860598 */
3800 				l_arch := false;
3801 				hr_utility.set_location('Pay Scale is invalid for the given Post',40);
3802 				populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Pay Scale is invalid for the given Post');
3803 		end if;
3805 		-- 4510
3807 		if l_reg_spinal_point_dcsf is not null then
3808 			begin
3809 					select	 'Y'
3810 						into	 l_valid_flag
3811 						from	 dual
3812 					 where	 exists
3813 					 (select lookup_code
3814 						 from	 hr_lookups hl
3815 						 where	 hl.lookup_type = 'PQP_GB_REGIONAL_SPINE_CODE'
3816 										 and hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
3817 										 and hl.lookup_code = l_reg_spinal_point_dcsf);
3818 			exception
3819 					when others
3820 					then
3821 					l_arch := false;
3822 					hr_utility.set_location('Regional Pay Spine is invalid',10);
3823 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Regional Pay Spine is invalid');
3824 			end;
3826 				if  length(l_reg_spinal_point_dcsf) <> 2 then
3827 					l_arch := false;
3828 					hr_utility.set_location('Regional Pay Spine is invalid',20);
3829 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Regional Pay Spine is invalid');
3830 				end if;
3831 		end if;
3833 		-- 4520
3834 		if l_spinal_point_dcsf is not null then
3835 			begin
3836 					select	 'Y'
3837 						into	 l_valid_flag
3838 						from	 dual
3839 					 where	 exists
3840 											 (select lookup_code
3841 											  from	 hr_lookups hl
3842 											  where	 hl.lookup_type = 'PQP_GB_DCSF_SPINE_POINTS'
3843 											  and    hl.enabled_flag = 'Y'
3844 											  and    hl.lookup_code = l_spinal_point_dcsf);
3845 			exception
3846 					when others
3847 					then
3848 					l_arch := false;
3849 					hr_utility.set_location('Spine Point is invalid',10);
3850 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Spine Point is invalid');
3851 			end;
3853 				if  length(l_spinal_point_dcsf) not between 1 and 6 then
3854 					l_arch := false;
3855 					hr_utility.set_location('Spine Point is invalid',20);
3856 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Spine Point is invalid');
3857 				end if;
3858 		end if;
3860 		-- 4530 handled in the cursor
3861 		-- 4540
3862 		if p_person_category in (2,3) and (l_contract_end_date is null or l_contract_end_date > g_census_day)
3863 																and p_daily_rate = 'N' and l_salary_rate is null  then
3864 					l_arch := false;
3865 					hr_utility.set_location('Salary Rate must be provided where Daily Rate is false',10);
3866 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Salary Rate must be provided where Daily Rate is false');
3867 		end if;
3869 		-- 4550
3870 		if p_person_category in (2,3) and (l_contract_end_date is null or l_contract_end_date > g_census_day)
3871 											 					and p_daily_rate = 'Y' and l_salary_rate is not null  then
3872 					l_arch := false;
3873 					hr_utility.set_location('Salary Rate must not be provided where Daily Rate is true',10);
3874 					populate_run_msg(p_assactid,'Salary Rate must not be provided where Daily Rate is true');
3875 		end if;
3877   p_payment_rec.action_info_category  := 'GB_SWF_PAYMENT_DETAILS';
3878   p_payment_rec.person_id             := p_person_id;
3879   p_payment_rec.assignment_id         := p_assignment_id;
3880   p_payment_rec.effective_date        := sysdate;
3881   p_payment_rec.act_info1             := l_pay_scale_dcsf;
3882   p_payment_rec.act_info2             := l_reg_spinal_point_dcsf;
3883   p_payment_rec.act_info3             := l_spinal_point_dcsf;
3884   p_payment_rec.act_info4             := l_salary_rate;
3885   p_payment_rec.act_info5             := l_safe_grd_sal;
3888     hr_utility.set_location('Leaving :'||l_proc,999);
3890 return l_arch;
3891   exception when others then
3892       hr_utility.set_location('Leaving with error:'||l_proc,9999);
3893       raise;
3894 end fetch_payment_details;
3896 ----------------------procedure archinit----------------------------------------
3897 procedure archinit(p_payroll_action_id in number)
3898 is
3899      l_proc      constant varchar2(50) := g_package || ' archinit';
3900      l_exp       exception;
3902  cursor param_details is
3903 	select upper((pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'DATA_RETURN_TYPE'))) data_return_type,
3904 		(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'ESTB_NUM')) estb_num
3905 	from pay_payroll_actions ppa
3906 	where ppa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
3908 	param_details_rec  param_details%rowtype;
3910 begin
3911   hr_utility.set_location('Entering '|| l_proc, 10);
3912   open param_details;
3913   fetch param_details into param_details_rec;
3914   close param_details;
3916   if param_details_rec.data_return_type = 'TYPE3' and param_details_rec.estb_num is not null then
3917     raise_application_error(-20002,'Establishment number should not be entered for Type 3 Extract.');
3918     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Establishment number should not be entered for Type 3 Extract.');
3919     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,'Establishment number should not be entered for Type 3 Extract.');
3920     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,' ');
3921   end if;
3923   if param_details_rec.data_return_type = 'TYPE2' and param_details_rec.estb_num is null then
3924     raise_application_error(-20002,'Establishment number should be entered for Type 2 Extract.');
3925     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Establishment number should be entered for Type 2 Extract.');
3926     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,'Establishment number should be entered for Type 2 Extract.');
3927     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,' ');
3928   end if;
3931   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '|| l_proc, 110);
3932 exception
3933      when others then
3934           hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '|| l_proc, 999);
3935           hr_utility.set_location(sqlerrm,9999);
3936           hr_utility.raise_error;
3937 end archinit;
3939 ---------------------------procedure archive_code-------------------------------
3940 procedure archive_code(p_assactid       in number,
3941                        p_effective_date in date) is
3942      l_proc  constant varchar2(35):= g_package||'archive_code';
3943      error_found      exception;
3944      l_archive_tab    action_info_table;
3945      l_role_tab       addl_role_tab;
3946      l_archive_person    boolean:= true;
3947      l_archive_type      varchar2(20);
3948      l_archive_contract  boolean:= true;
3949      l_archive_payment   boolean:= true;
3950      l_archive_role      boolean:= true;
3951      l_archive_abs       boolean:= true;
3952      l_archive_qual      boolean:= true;
3953      l_archive_addl_payment boolean:= true;
3954      l_archive_hrs       boolean:= true;
3955      l_archive_tab_index pls_integer;
3956      l_abs_tab           abs_details_tab;
3957      l_qual_tab          qual_details_tab;
3958      p_addl_payment_tab  addl_payment_dtl_tab;
3959      l_pactid            number;
3960      l_contract_type	 varchar2(50);
3961      l_do_not_process_further boolean;
3962      -- Type 4
3963      l_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
3964      l_employment_category per_all_assignments_f.employment_category%type;
3965      l_assignment_number per_all_assignments_f.assignment_number%type;
3966      l_arch_role boolean :=true;
3967      l_epsy varchar2(1)  := 'N';
3968      p_role_tab          addl_role_tab;
3969      l_temp_or_perm      varchar2(10);
3970      l_fte_src           varchar2(30);
3971      l_fte_formula_id    number;
3972      l_error_message     varchar2(1000);
3973      l_fte_ratio	      number;
3974      l_fte_hrs          number;
3979   cursor csr_parameter_info  is
3980 	select  (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CENSUS_YEAR')) census_year,
3981 		(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CENSUS_DAY')) census_day,
3982 		add_months(to_date((pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CONT_ST_DAY'))),-12) cont_st_day,
3983 		(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CONT_END_DAY')) cont_end_day,
3984 		(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'LEA_NUM')) lea_num,
3985 		upper((pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'DATA_RETURN_TYPE'))) data_return_type,
3986 		(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'ESTB_NUM')) estb_num,
3987 		(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'EXCLUDE_ABS')) exclude_abs,
3988 		(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'EXCLUDE_QUAL')) exclude_qual,
3989 		business_group_id,
3990 		ppa.payroll_action_id
3991 	from pay_assignment_actions paa, pay_payroll_actions ppa
3992 	where paa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
3993 	and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id;
3995   cursor csr_asg_no(p_census_day in date) is
3996   select paa.assignment_id , paa.employment_category, paa.assignment_number
3997   from   pay_assignment_actions act,
3998          per_all_assignments_f      paa,
3999          per_assignment_status_types pas
4000   where  act.assignment_action_id = p_assactid
4001   and    act.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
4002   and    p_census_day between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date
4003   and    paa.assignment_status_type_id = pas.assignment_status_type_id
4004   and    pas.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
4006  cursor contract_type is
4007   select distinct pcv_information1
4008   from   pqp_configuration_values
4009   where  pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_CONTRACT_TYPE'
4010   and    business_group_id        = g_business_group_id;
4012   cursor get_fte_src is
4013   select pcv_information1,pcv_information2
4014   from   pqp_configuration_values pcv
4015   where  pcv.pcv_information_category = 'PQP_GB_SWF_FTE_HOURS'
4016   and    pcv.business_group_id = g_business_group_id;
4018 begin
4019      hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
4020  -----
4021   open csr_parameter_info;
4022   fetch csr_parameter_info into g_census_year,
4023                                 g_census_day,
4024                                 g_cont_data_st_date,
4025                                 g_cont_data_end_date,
4026                                 g_lea_number,
4027                                 g_data_ret_type,
4028                                 g_estb_number,
4029                                 g_exclude_absence,
4030                                 g_exclude_qual,
4031                                 g_business_group_id,
4032                                 l_pactid;
4033   close csr_parameter_info;
4035   open  contract_type;
4036   fetch contract_type into l_contract_type;
4037   close contract_type;
4039   if l_contract_type is not null then
4040      if l_contract_type = 'ASG_CAT' then
4041        g_pick_from_asg  := 'Y';
4042      else
4043        g_pick_from_asg  := 'N';
4044      end if;
4045   else
4046      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Contract Details - Contract Type Configuration is not set.Please configure and proce');
4047   end if;
4048   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4049   --dyn_sql call here. dyn_sql builds all the dynamic sql strings that are used
4050   -- in the archive procedures.this has been wrapped into a procedure to keep the
4051   -- dynamic sql logic separate from the archive code.
4052   dyn_sql;
4053   ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4054      hr_utility.set_location('Archiving Starts for assignment_action_id :'||p_assactid ,20);
4055   -- archive starts
4056   -- l_archive_tab table will be populated with all the archive records and
4057   -- finally will be passed to the archive api. the first record will be put in
4058   -- 0th index and any new records that are to be populated are to be populated
4059   -- in l_archive_tab.count location to avoid no_data_found exception
4060   if g_data_ret_type <> 'TYPE4' then
4062     l_archive_person := fetch_staff_details(p_assactid,p_effective_date,l_archive_tab(0));
4064      hr_utility.set_location('Archiving Staff Details Complete: '||l_proc,100);
4066      l_archive_contract := fetch_contract_details(p_assactid,l_archive_tab(0).act_info16,l_archive_tab(0).person_id,l_archive_tab(0).act_info13,l_archive_tab(0).act_info2,l_archive_tab(1),l_role_tab);
4068      hr_utility.set_location('Archiving Contract Details Complete: '||l_proc,200);
4070      l_archive_payment := fetch_payment_details(p_assactid,l_archive_tab(0).act_info16,l_archive_tab(0).person_id,l_archive_tab(1).assignment_id,
4071 			 l_archive_tab(1).act_info5,l_archive_tab(0).act_info12,l_archive_tab(1).act_info14, l_archive_tab(1).act_info3,l_archive_tab(1).act_info4,l_archive_tab(1).act_info7,l_archive_tab(2));
4073      hr_utility.set_location('Archiving Payment Details Complete: '||l_proc,300);
4075      l_archive_tab_index := l_archive_tab.count;
4078      for i in l_role_tab.first .. l_role_tab.last loop
4079         l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).action_info_category  := 'GB_SWF_ROLE_DETAILS';
4080         l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).person_id             :=  l_archive_tab(1).person_id;
4081         l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).assignment_id         :=  l_archive_tab(1).assignment_id;
4082         l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).effective_date        :=  sysdate;
4083         l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info1             :=  l_role_tab(i);
4085         l_archive_tab_index := l_archive_tab_index +1;
4086      end loop;
4088      hr_utility.set_location('Archiving Role Details Complete: '||l_proc,400);
4091      if check_max_action(p_assactid,l_archive_tab(0).person_id,l_pactid) then
4093           if g_exclude_absence = 'No' then
4095     			    l_archive_abs := fetch_absence_details(p_assactid,l_archive_tab(0).person_id,l_archive_tab(0).act_info2,l_abs_tab);
4096                     l_archive_tab_index := l_archive_tab.count;
4097                     if l_abs_tab.count >0 then
4098               				for i in l_abs_tab.first .. l_abs_tab.last loop
4099               					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).action_info_category  := 'GB_SWF_ABS_DETAILS';
4100               					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).person_id             := l_archive_tab(1).person_id;
4101               					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).assignment_id         := l_archive_tab(1).assignment_id;
4102               					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).effective_date        := sysdate;
4103               					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info1             := l_abs_tab(i).person_id;
4104               					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info2             := l_abs_tab(i).date_start_dcsf;
4105               					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info3             := l_abs_tab(i).date_end_dcsf;
4106               					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info4             := l_abs_tab(i).days_lost;
4107               					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info5             := l_abs_tab(i).absence_category;
4108               					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info6             := l_abs_tab(i).estab_no;
4110               					l_archive_tab_index := l_archive_tab_index +1;
4111               				 end loop;
4112     				      end if;
4113     			end if;
4115           hr_utility.set_location('Archiving Absence Complete: '||l_proc,500);
4117           if g_exclude_qual = 'No' then
4118     				l_archive_qual := fetch_qualification_details(p_assactid,l_archive_tab(0).person_id,l_archive_tab(0).act_info2,l_qual_tab);
4119     				l_archive_tab_index := l_archive_tab.count;
4120     				if l_qual_tab.count > 0 then
4121               for i in l_qual_tab.first .. l_qual_tab.last loop
4122       				    l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).action_info_category  := 'GB_SWF_QUAL_DETAILS';
4123       					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).person_id             := l_archive_tab(1).person_id;
4124       					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).assignment_id         := l_archive_tab(1).assignment_id;
4125       					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).effective_date        := sysdate;
4126                         l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info1             := l_qual_tab(i).person_id;
4127       					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info2             := l_qual_tab(i).qual_code;
4128       					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info3             := l_qual_tab(i).sub1;
4129       					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info4             := l_qual_tab(i).sub2;
4130       					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info5             := l_qual_tab(i).verified;
4131       					l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info6             := l_qual_tab(i).estab_no;
4133                         l_archive_tab_index := l_archive_tab_index +1;
4134     				  end loop;
4135     				end if;
4136   			 end if;
4138  			  hr_utility.set_location('Archiving Qualification Complete: '||l_proc,600);
4139      end if; -- end check_max_action
4142 		    l_archive_addl_payment := fetch_addl_payment_details(p_assactid,l_archive_tab(1).assignment_id,l_archive_tab(0).act_info16,p_addl_payment_tab);
4143         l_archive_tab_index:= l_archive_tab.count;
4144           if p_addl_payment_tab.count >0 then
4145       			for i in p_addl_payment_tab.first .. p_addl_payment_tab.last loop
4146       				l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).action_info_category  := 'GB_SWF_ADD_PAYMENT_DETAILS';
4147       				l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).person_id             := l_archive_tab(1).person_id;
4148       				l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).assignment_id         := l_archive_tab(1).assignment_id;
4149       				l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).effective_date        := sysdate;
4150       				l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info1             := p_addl_payment_tab(i).addl_payment_cat;
4151       				l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info2             := p_addl_payment_tab(i).addl_payment_amt;
4153       				l_archive_tab_index := l_archive_tab_index +1;
4154       			end loop;
4155          end if;
4158     hr_utility.set_location('Archiving Addl Payments Complete: '||l_proc,700);
4160     l_archive_tab_index:= l_archive_tab.count;
4162     l_archive_hrs := fetch_hours_details(p_assactid,l_archive_tab(1).assignment_id,l_archive_tab(0).act_info16,
4163     l_archive_tab(1).act_info14,l_archive_tab(0).person_id,l_archive_tab(1).act_info2,l_archive_tab(1).act_info4,l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index));
4165    	hr_utility.set_location('Archiving Hours Complete: '||l_proc,800);
4167     if l_archive_person and l_archive_contract and l_archive_payment and l_archive_abs and
4168        l_archive_qual   and l_archive_addl_payment and l_archive_hrs    then
4170          insert_archive_row(p_assactid, p_effective_date, l_archive_tab);
4171     else
4172         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Error(s) in assignment id: '||l_archive_tab(1).assignment_id||'. Please refer Output file for detailed error messages');
4173         raise_application_error(-20001,'Error(s) found while archiving data.');
4174     end if;
4176   else
4177      open csr_asg_no(g_census_day);
4178      fetch csr_asg_no into l_assignment_id,l_employment_category,l_assignment_number;
4179      close csr_asg_no;
4181      if l_assignment_id is not null then
4183 	l_arch_role := fetch_role_details(p_assactid,g_census_day,null,l_assignment_id,l_role_tab);
4184        	hr_utility.set_location('Test 0: '||l_proc,800);
4186    for i in l_role_tab.first .. l_role_tab.last loop
4187   	  if  l_role_tab(i) = 'EPSY' then
4188   	     l_epsy := 'Y';
4189   	  end if;
4190   	end loop;
4192        	hr_utility.set_location('Test 1: '||l_proc,800);
4193 	    if l_epsy = 'Y' then
4194 		-- If the value for l_employment_category is seeded
4195 		l_temp_or_perm := pqp_gb_t1_pension_extracts.get_translate_asg_emp_cat_code
4196 			(l_employment_category
4197 			,g_census_day
4198 			,'Pension Extracts Employment Category Code'
4199 			,null
4200 			) ;
4201 		-- if value for l_employment_category is not seeded
4202 		l_temp_or_perm := pqp_gb_t1_pension_extracts.get_translate_asg_emp_cat_code
4203 			(l_employment_category
4204 			,g_census_day
4205 			,'Pension Extracts Employment Category Code'
4206 			,g_business_group_id
4207 			) ;
4208        	hr_utility.set_location('Test 2: '||l_proc,800);
4210 		l_archive_hrs := fetch_hours_details(p_assactid,l_assignment_id,g_census_day,4,null,l_contract_type, null,l_archive_tab(0) );
4211   	l_archive_tab_index:= l_archive_tab.count;
4212 			hr_utility.set_location('Test 3: '||l_proc,800);
4213    for i in l_role_tab.first .. l_role_tab.last loop
4214 			l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).action_info_category  := 'GB_SWF_ROLE_DETAILS';
4215 			l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).person_id             :=  l_archive_tab(1).person_id;
4216 			l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).assignment_id         :=  l_archive_tab(1).assignment_id;
4217 			l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).effective_date        :=  sysdate;
4218 			l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info1             :=  l_role_tab(i);
4219 			l_archive_tab(l_archive_tab_index).act_info2             :=  l_temp_or_perm;
4221 			l_archive_tab_index := l_archive_tab_index +1;
4222 		end loop;
4224        	hr_utility.set_location('Test 4: '||l_proc,800);
4225 		insert_archive_row(p_assactid, g_census_day, l_archive_tab);
4226 	   end if;
4227 	end if;
4228   end if;
4231     hr_utility.set_location('leaving: '||l_proc,999);
4233 exception
4234      when others then
4235        hr_utility.trace(sqlerrm);
4236        hr_utility.set_location('Error in Archive: '||l_proc,999);
4237        raise;
4238 end archive_code;
4240 --------------------------- procedure deinit_code------------------------------
4242 procedure deinit_code(pactid in number) is
4243    l_proc  constant varchar2(50) := g_package || 'deinit_code';
4244    l_counter number;
4245    l_temp   varchar2(100);
4247   cursor param_details
4248   is
4249   select(pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CENSUS_YEAR')) census_year,
4250   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CENSUS_DAY')) census_day,
4251   add_months(to_date((pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CONT_ST_DAY'))),-12) cont_st_day,
4252   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'CONT_END_DAY')) cont_end_day,
4253   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'LEA_NUM')) lea_num,
4254   upper((pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'DATA_RETURN_TYPE'))) data_return_type,
4255   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'ESTB_NUM')) estb_num,
4256   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'EXCLUDE_ABS')) exclude_abs,
4257   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'EXCLUDE_QUAL')) exclude_qual,
4258   (pay_gb_eoy_archive.get_parameter(legislative_parameters,'ASG_SET')) asg_set,
4259   effective_date,
4260   business_group_id
4261   from   pay_payroll_actions
4262   where  payroll_action_id = pactid;
4264    cursor csr_asg is
4265    select     distinct
4266               peo.first_name          f_name ,
4267               peo.middle_names        m_name,
4268               peo.last_name           l_name,
4269               peo.title               title,
4270               peo.employee_number     emp_no,
4271               paf.assignment_number   asg_no,
4272               peo.national_identifier ni_no,
4273               paa.assignment_action_id asg_act_id
4274        from   pay_payroll_actions    pay,
4275               pay_assignment_actions paa,
4276               per_all_assignments_f  paf,
4277               per_all_people_f       peo,
4278                (select max(effective_end_date) effective_date,assignment_id
4279                 from per_all_assignments_f
4280                 group by assignment_id) max_eff_date
4281        where  pay.payroll_action_id = pactid
4282        and    paa.payroll_action_id = pay.payroll_action_id
4283        and    paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
4284        and    peo.person_id = paf.person_id
4285        and    max_eff_date.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
4286        and exists (select 'X'
4287                    from pay_message_lines pml
4288                    where paa.assignment_action_id = pml.source_id)
4289        and    max_eff_date.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
4290        and    max_eff_date.effective_date between peo.effective_start_date and peo.effective_end_date;
4293   cursor messages (p_asg_act_id in number) is
4294   select pml.line_text error_text
4295   from pay_message_lines pml
4296   where pml.source_id = p_asg_act_id
4297   and   pml.MESSAGE_LEVEL = 'F'
4298   and   pml.line_sequence < (select line_sequence
4299                              from pay_message_lines pml1
4300                              where pml1.source_id = p_asg_act_id
4301                              and   pml1.line_text like 'Error ORA-20001: Error(s) found while archiving data.')
4302   UNION ALL
4303   select pml.line_text error_text
4304   from pay_message_lines pml
4305   where pml.source_id = p_asg_act_id
4306   and   pml.message_level = 'W';
4309   param_details_rec param_details%rowtype;
4311   cursor asg_without_errors is
4312    select     distinct
4313               peo.first_name          f_name ,
4314               peo.middle_names        m_name,
4315               peo.last_name           l_name,
4316               peo.title               title,
4317               peo.employee_number     emp_no,
4318               paf.assignment_number   asg_no,
4319               peo.national_identifier ni_no,
4320               paa.assignment_action_id asg_act_id
4321        from   pay_payroll_actions    pay,
4322               pay_assignment_actions paa,
4323               per_all_assignments_f  paf,
4324               per_all_people_f       peo,
4325                (select max(effective_end_date) effective_date,assignment_id
4326                 from per_all_assignments_f
4327                 group by assignment_id) max_eff_date
4328        where  pay.payroll_action_id = pactid
4329        and    paa.payroll_action_id = pay.payroll_action_id
4330        and    paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
4331        and    peo.person_id = paf.person_id
4332        and    max_eff_date.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
4333        and not exists (select 'X'
4334                    from pay_message_lines pml
4335                    where paa.assignment_action_id = pml.source_id
4336 		   and message_level <> 'W')
4337        and    max_eff_date.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
4338        and    max_eff_date.effective_date between peo.effective_start_date and peo.effective_end_date;
4340        cursor fte_hrs is
4341 	select action_information4 person_id,sum(action_information7)
4342 	from pay_action_information pai,
4343 	      pay_payroll_actions ppa,
4344 	      pay_assignment_actions paa
4345 	where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
4346 	and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
4347 	and paa.assignment_action_id = pai.action_context_id
4348 	and pai.action_information_category = 'GB_SWF_HOURS_DETAILS'
4349 	and action_information5 IN ('PRM','TMP','FXT')
4350 	and action_information6 is null
4351 	group by action_information4
4352 	having sum(action_information7) > 1.5;
4354 	cursor emp_details (p_person_id IN number)is
4355 	select       peo.first_name          f_name ,
4356 	peo.middle_names        m_name,
4357 	peo.last_name           l_name,
4358 	peo.title               title,
4359 	peo.employee_number     emp_no,
4360 	peo.national_identifier ni_no
4361 	from         per_all_people_f       peo
4362 	where        person_id = p_person_id;
4364 	emp_rec emp_details%rowtype;
4366 	CURSOR hdtr_count IS
4367 	select COUNT(*)
4368 	from pay_action_information pai,
4369 	      pay_payroll_actions ppa,
4370 	      pay_assignment_actions paa
4371 	where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
4372 	and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
4373 	and paa.assignment_action_id = pai.action_context_id
4374 	and pai.action_information_category = 'GB_SWF_ROLE_DETAILS'
4375 	and action_information1 = 'HDTR';
4377 	l_hdtr_count number;
4379   l_espf_full_time number;
4380   l_espf_part_time number;
4381   l_espf_fte  number;
4383   cursor epsy_head_count_prm is
4384   select COUNT(*)
4385 	from pay_action_information pai,
4386 	      pay_payroll_actions ppa,
4387 	      pay_assignment_actions paa
4388 	where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
4389 	and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
4390 	and paa.assignment_action_id = pai.action_context_id
4391 	and pai.action_information_category = 'GB_SWF_ROLE_DETAILS'
4392 	and action_information1 = 'EPSY'
4393   and action_information2 = 'F';
4395   cursor epsy_head_count_part_time is
4396   select COUNT(*)
4397 	from pay_action_information pai,
4398 	      pay_payroll_actions ppa,
4399 	      pay_assignment_actions paa
4400 	where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
4401 	and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
4402 	and paa.assignment_action_id = pai.action_context_id
4403 	and pai.action_information_category = 'GB_SWF_ROLE_DETAILS'
4404 	and action_information1 = 'EPSY'
4405   and action_information2 = 'P';
4407   cursor epsy_fte_sum_part_time is
4408   select sum(pai2.action_information7)
4409 	from pay_action_information pai,
4410        pay_action_information pai2,
4411 	     pay_payroll_actions ppa,
4412 	     pay_assignment_actions paa
4413 	where ppa.payroll_action_id = pactid
4414 	and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
4415 	and paa.assignment_action_id = pai.action_context_id
4416   and pai.action_context_id = pai2.action_context_id
4417 	and pai.action_information_category = 'GB_SWF_ROLE_DETAILS'
4418 	and pai2.action_information_category = 'GB_SWF_HOURS_DETAILS'
4419 	and pai.action_information1 = 'EPSY'
4420   and pai.action_information2 = 'P';
4423 begin
4424     hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc,10);
4425     open param_details;
4426     fetch param_details into param_details_rec;
4427     close param_details;
4429     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,'Parameter Details:');
4430     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Census Year',25)||': '||param_details_rec.census_year);
4431     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Census Day',25)||': '||param_details_rec.census_day);
4432     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Continuous Start Day',25)||': '||param_details_rec.cont_st_day);
4433     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Continuous End Day',25)||': '||param_details_rec.cont_end_day);
4434     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('LEA Number',25)||': '||param_details_rec.lea_num);
4435     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Data Return Type',25)||': '||param_details_rec.data_return_type);
4436     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Establishment Number',25)||': '||param_details_rec.estb_num);
4437     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Exclude Absence',25)||': '||param_details_rec.exclude_abs);
4438     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Exclude Qualification',25)||': '||param_details_rec.exclude_qual);
4439     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Assignment Set',25)||': '||param_details_rec.asg_set);
4440     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,' ');
4441     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,' ');
4444 if param_details_rec.data_return_type <> 'TYPE4' then
4445     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Assignments Processed With Errors :',50));
4446     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,' ');
4447     for asg_rec in csr_asg loop
4448        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Employee Number',19) ||
4449                                          rpad('NI Number',11) ||
4450                                          rpad('Assignment Number',19) ||
4451                                          rpad('Employee Name', 50));
4452        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('-',18,'-') || ' ' ||
4453                                          rpad('-',10,'-') || ' ' ||
4454                                          rpad('-',18,'-') || ' ' ||
4455                                          rpad('-',50,'-'));
4456        l_temp := asg_rec.l_name || ', '|| asg_rec.title || ' ' || asg_rec.f_name || ' ' || asg_rec.m_name;
4457        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad(asg_rec.emp_no, 18) || ' ' ||
4458                                          rpad(asg_rec.ni_no ,10) || ' ' ||
4459                                          rpad(asg_rec.asg_no, 18) || ' ' ||
4460                                          rpad(l_temp,50));
4462        l_counter := 1;
4463          for msg_rec in messages(asg_rec.asg_act_id) loop
4464               if l_counter = 1 then
4465                 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Error Message(s) :',18));
4466               end if;
4467               fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,substr(msg_rec.error_text,1,255));
4468               l_counter:= l_counter +1;
4469          end loop;
4470        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,' ');
4471     end loop;
4473     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,' ');
4474     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,' ');
4475     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Assignments Processed Without Errors :',50));
4476     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Employee Number',19) ||
4477                                       rpad('NI Number',11) ||
4478                                       rpad('Assignment Number',19) ||
4479                                       rpad('Employee Name', 50));
4480     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('-',18,'-') || ' ' ||
4481                                       rpad('-',10,'-') || ' ' ||
4482                                       rpad('-',18,'-') || ' ' ||
4483                                       rpad('-',50,'-'));
4485      for asg_rec in asg_without_errors loop
4487        l_temp := asg_rec.l_name || ', '|| asg_rec.title || ' ' || asg_rec.f_name || ' ' || asg_rec.m_name;
4488        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad(asg_rec.emp_no, 18) || ' ' ||
4489                                          rpad(asg_rec.ni_no ,10) || ' ' ||
4490                                          rpad(asg_rec.asg_no, 18) || ' ' ||
4491                                          rpad(l_temp,50));
4492      end loop;
4494      l_counter := 0;
4495      for fte_hrs_errors in fte_hrs loop
4496 	l_counter := l_counter + 1;
4497 	if l_counter = 1 then
4498 	 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,' ');
4499 	 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,'The following person(s) has a total Full Time Equivalent ratio greater than 1.5');
4500 	 	fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Employee Number',19) ||
4501                                       rpad('NI Number',11) ||
4502                                       rpad('Employee Name', 50));
4503 		fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('-',18,'-') || ' ' ||
4504                                       rpad('-',10,'-') || ' ' ||
4505                                       rpad('-',50,'-'));
4506 	end if;
4508 	 open emp_details(fte_hrs_errors.person_id);
4509 	 fetch emp_details into emp_rec;
4510 		 l_temp := emp_rec.l_name || ', '|| emp_rec.title || ' ' || emp_rec.f_name || ' ' || emp_rec.m_name;
4511 		 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad(emp_rec.emp_no, 18) || ' ' ||
4512                                          rpad(emp_rec.ni_no ,10) || ' ' ||
4513                                          rpad(l_temp,50));
4514 	 close emp_details;
4516      end loop;
4518 	open hdtr_count;
4519 	fetch hdtr_count into l_hdtr_count;
4520 	close hdtr_count;
4522 	if param_details_rec.data_return_type <>'TYPE3' and l_hdtr_count = 0 then
4523 	  fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,'Atleast one staff record in this school''s return should show a role of Head Teacher');
4524         end if;
4525  end if ; --data_return_type <> 'TYPE4'
4527   if param_details_rec.data_return_type = 'TYPE4'  then
4528         open epsy_head_count_prm;
4529         fetch epsy_head_count_prm into l_espf_full_time;
4530         close epsy_head_count_prm ;
4532         open epsy_head_count_part_time;
4533         fetch epsy_head_count_part_time into l_espf_part_time;
4534         close epsy_head_count_part_time;
4536         open epsy_fte_sum_part_time;
4537         fetch epsy_fte_sum_part_time into l_espf_fte;
4538         close epsy_fte_sum_part_time;
4540     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Full Time Educational Psychologists Count',60)||': '||l_espf_full_time);
4541     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Part Time Educational Psychologists Count',60)||': '||l_espf_part_time);
4542     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output,rpad('Total FTE- part Time Educational Psychologists ',60)||': '||l_espf_fte);
4545   end if;
4547     hr_utility.set_location('leaving: '||l_proc,999);
4548   exception
4549      when others then
4550        hr_utility.set_location('Error in deinit: '||sqlerrm||l_proc,999);
4551 end deinit_code;
4553 end pqp_gb_swf_archive;