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Line 290: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Test 3', 11, ' ')||': FND User');

286: --
287: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '--');
288: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '--');
289: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
290: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Test 3', 11, ' ')||': FND User');
291: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This table lists all the FND User (linked to a person) used within AME.');
292: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 11, ' ')||': Before migration these approvers are shown as FND Users.');
293: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 11, ' ')||': After migration these approvers will be shown as HR People.');
294: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));

Line 291: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This table lists all the FND User (linked to a person) used within AME.');

287: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '--');
288: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '--');
289: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
290: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Test 3', 11, ' ')||': FND User');
291: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This table lists all the FND User (linked to a person) used within AME.');
292: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 11, ' ')||': Before migration these approvers are shown as FND Users.');
293: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 11, ' ')||': After migration these approvers will be shown as HR People.');
294: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
295: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Source', 32, ' ') ||rpad('Source Name', 32,' ') || rpad('Migrated From', 32,' ') ||rpad('Migrated To', 30,' '));

Line 292: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 11, ' ')||': Before migration these approvers are shown as FND Users.');

288: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, '--');
289: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
290: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Test 3', 11, ' ')||': FND User');
291: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Data Changes', 11, ' ')||': This table lists all the FND User (linked to a person) used within AME.');
292: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 11, ' ')||': Before migration these approvers are shown as FND Users.');
293: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad(' ', 11, ' ')||': After migration these approvers will be shown as HR People.');
294: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('=', 132, '='));
295: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, rpad('Source', 32, ' ') ||rpad('Source Name', 32,' ') || rpad('Migrated From', 32,' ') ||rpad('Migrated To', 30,' '));
296: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.output, lpad('(User Name)', 75, ' ') ||lpad('(HR People)', 32,' '));

Line 682: ,fnd.user_name

678: --
679: cursor c_oldAppr_InvalidUser is
680: select distinct oldappr.user_id
681: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
682: ,fnd.user_name
683: from ame_temp_old_approver_lists oldappr
684: ,fnd_user fnd
685: where oldappr.user_id is not null
686: and oldappr.person_id is null

Line 684: ,fnd_user fnd

680: select distinct oldappr.user_id
681: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
682: ,fnd.user_name
683: from ame_temp_old_approver_lists oldappr
684: ,fnd_user fnd
685: where oldappr.user_id is not null
686: and oldappr.person_id is null
687: and fnd.employee_id is not null
688: and oldappr.user_id = fnd.user_id;

Line 688: and oldappr.user_id = fnd.user_id;

684: ,fnd_user fnd
685: where oldappr.user_id is not null
686: and oldappr.person_id is null
687: and fnd.employee_id is not null
688: and oldappr.user_id = fnd.user_id;
689: --
690: --ame_temp_deletions
691: --
692: cursor c_delAppr_InvalidUser is

Line 695: ,fnd.user_name

691: --
692: cursor c_delAppr_InvalidUser is
693: select distinct del.user_id user_id
694: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
695: ,fnd.user_name
696: from ame_temp_deletions del
697: ,fnd_user fnd
698: where del.user_id is not null
699: and del.person_id is null

Line 697: ,fnd_user fnd

693: select distinct del.user_id user_id
694: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
695: ,fnd.user_name
696: from ame_temp_deletions del
697: ,fnd_user fnd
698: where del.user_id is not null
699: and del.person_id is null
700: and fnd.employee_id is not null
701: and fnd.user_id = del.user_id;

Line 701: and fnd.user_id = del.user_id;

697: ,fnd_user fnd
698: where del.user_id is not null
699: and del.person_id is null
700: and fnd.employee_id is not null
701: and fnd.user_id = del.user_id;
702: --
703: --ame_temp_insertions
704: --
705: cursor c_insAppr_InvalidUser is

Line 708: ,fnd.user_name

704: --
705: cursor c_insAppr_InvalidUser is
706: select distinct ins.user_id user_id
707: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
708: ,fnd.user_name
709: from ame_temp_insertions ins
710: ,fnd_user fnd
711: where ins.user_id is not null
712: and ins.person_id is null

Line 710: ,fnd_user fnd

706: select distinct ins.user_id user_id
707: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
708: ,fnd.user_name
709: from ame_temp_insertions ins
710: ,fnd_user fnd
711: where ins.user_id is not null
712: and ins.person_id is null
713: and fnd.employee_id is not null
714: and fnd.user_id = ins.user_id;

Line 714: and fnd.user_id = ins.user_id;

710: ,fnd_user fnd
711: where ins.user_id is not null
712: and ins.person_id is null
713: and fnd.employee_id is not null
714: and fnd.user_id = ins.user_id;
715: --
716: --ame_conditions - LM
717: --
718: cursor c_condUser_InvalidUser is

Line 722: ,fnd.user_name

718: cursor c_condUser_InvalidUser is
719: select distinct condition_id
720: ,cond.parameter_two user_id
721: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
722: ,fnd.user_name
723: from ame_conditions cond
724: ,fnd_user fnd
725: where cond.parameter_one in ('any_approver_user_id','final_approver_user_id')
726: and fnd.employee_id is not null

Line 724: ,fnd_user fnd

720: ,cond.parameter_two user_id
721: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
722: ,fnd.user_name
723: from ame_conditions cond
724: ,fnd_user fnd
725: where cond.parameter_one in ('any_approver_user_id','final_approver_user_id')
726: and fnd.employee_id is not null
727: and cond.parameter_two = to_char(fnd.user_id);
728: --

Line 727: and cond.parameter_two = to_char(fnd.user_id);

723: from ame_conditions cond
724: ,fnd_user fnd
725: where cond.parameter_one in ('any_approver_user_id','final_approver_user_id')
726: and fnd.employee_id is not null
727: and cond.parameter_two = to_char(fnd.user_id);
728: --
729: --ame_approval_group_items
730: --
731: cursor c_grpItems_InvalidUser is

Line 735: ,fnd.user_name

731: cursor c_grpItems_InvalidUser is
732: select distinct grp.name
733: ,grpitems.parameter user_id
734: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
735: ,fnd.user_name
736: from ame_approval_group_items grpitems
737: ,ame_approval_groups grp
738: ,fnd_user fnd
739: where grpitems.parameter_name = 'user_id'

Line 738: ,fnd_user fnd

734: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
735: ,fnd.user_name
736: from ame_approval_group_items grpitems
737: ,ame_approval_groups grp
738: ,fnd_user fnd
739: where grpitems.parameter_name = 'user_id'
740: and fnd.employee_id is not null
741: and grpitems.parameter = to_char(fnd.user_id)
742: and grp.approval_group_id = grpitems.approval_group_id

Line 741: and grpitems.parameter = to_char(fnd.user_id)

737: ,ame_approval_groups grp
738: ,fnd_user fnd
739: where grpitems.parameter_name = 'user_id'
740: and fnd.employee_id is not null
741: and grpitems.parameter = to_char(fnd.user_id)
742: and grp.approval_group_id = grpitems.approval_group_id
743: and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
744: from ame_approval_groups
745: where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id);

Line 753: ,fnd.user_name

749: cursor c_grpMem_InvalidUser is
750: select distinct grp.name
751: ,grpmems.parameter user_id
752: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
753: ,fnd.user_name
754: from ame_approval_group_members grpmems
755: ,ame_approval_groups grp
756: ,fnd_user fnd
757: where grpmems.parameter_name = 'user_id'

Line 756: ,fnd_user fnd

752: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
753: ,fnd.user_name
754: from ame_approval_group_members grpmems
755: ,ame_approval_groups grp
756: ,fnd_user fnd
757: where grpmems.parameter_name = 'user_id'
758: and fnd.employee_id is not null
759: and grpmems.parameter = to_char(fnd.user_id)
760: and grp.approval_group_id = grpmems.approval_group_id

Line 759: and grpmems.parameter = to_char(fnd.user_id)

755: ,ame_approval_groups grp
756: ,fnd_user fnd
757: where grpmems.parameter_name = 'user_id'
758: and fnd.employee_id is not null
759: and grpmems.parameter = to_char(fnd.user_id)
760: and grp.approval_group_id = grpmems.approval_group_id
761: and grp.start_date = (select max(start_date)
762: from ame_approval_groups
763: where approval_group_id = grp.approval_group_id);

Line 770: ,fnd.user_name

766: --
767: cursor c_configVar_InvalidUser is
768: select distinct substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 ) user_id
769: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
770: ,fnd.user_name
771: from ame_config_vars config1
772: ,fnd_user fnd
773: where config1.variable_name = 'adminApprover'
774: and config1.variable_value like 'person_id:%'

Line 772: ,fnd_user fnd

768: select distinct substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 ) user_id
769: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
770: ,fnd.user_name
771: from ame_config_vars config1
772: ,fnd_user fnd
773: where config1.variable_name = 'adminApprover'
774: and config1.variable_value like 'person_id:%'
775: and lengthb(substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 )) > 0
776: and fnd.employee_id is not null

Line 777: and substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 ) = to_char(fnd.user_id);

773: where config1.variable_name = 'adminApprover'
774: and config1.variable_value like 'person_id:%'
775: and lengthb(substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 )) > 0
776: and fnd.employee_id is not null
777: and substrb(config1.variable_value, instrb(config1.variable_value,':',-1)+1 ) = to_char(fnd.user_id);
778: --
779: -- ame_actions (substitution)
780: --
781: cursor c_substituteAction_InvalidUser is

Line 785: ,fnd.user_name

781: cursor c_substituteAction_InvalidUser is
782: select distinct action_id
783: ,substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) user_id
784: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
785: ,fnd.user_name
786: from ame_actions
787: ,fnd_user fnd
788: where parameter like 'user_id:%'
789: and fnd.employee_id is not null

Line 787: ,fnd_user fnd

783: ,substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) user_id
784: ,fnd.employee_id person_id
785: ,fnd.user_name
786: from ame_actions
787: ,fnd_user fnd
788: where parameter like 'user_id:%'
789: and fnd.employee_id is not null
790: and substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) = to_char(fnd.user_id)
791: and exists (select null

Line 790: and substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) = to_char(fnd.user_id)

786: from ame_actions
787: ,fnd_user fnd
788: where parameter like 'user_id:%'
789: and fnd.employee_id is not null
790: and substrb(parameter, instrb(parameter,':')+1) = to_char(fnd.user_id)
791: and exists (select null
792: from ame_action_types
793: where name = ame_util.substitutionTypeName
794: and action_type_id = ame_actions.action_type_id