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Line 6689: -- Source Table should be OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B

6685: END IF;
6686: put_in_log(l_debug_enabled,is_debug_procedure_on,is_debug_statement_on,l_module, 'S',
6687: 'Validation 1 Successfull !');
6688: -- Validation 2:
6689: -- Source Table should be OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B
6690: IF p_pxlv_rec.source_table NOT IN ( G_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B )
6691: THEN
6692: -- Raise an Exception
6693: OKL_API.set_message(

Line 7133: ,'OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B' source_table

7129: -- sty_id, try_id
7130: CURSOR c_ap_fcase_csr (p_header_source_id NUMBER)
7131: IS
7132: SELECT tpl.id source_id
7133: ,'OKL_TXL_AP_INV_LNS_B' source_table
7134: ,tpl.khr_id khr_id
7135: ,tpl.kle_id kle_id
7136: ,tpl.sty_id sty_id
7137: ,tap.try_id try_id

Line 7140: ,okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_b tpl

7136: ,tpl.sty_id sty_id
7137: ,tap.try_id try_id
7138: ,tap.vendor_invoice_number trans_number
7139: FROM okl_trx_ap_invoices_b tap
7140: ,okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_b tpl
7141: WHERE tap.id = tpl.tap_id
7142: AND tap.id = p_header_source_id;
7144: -- Data structures based on the Cursor Variables