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Line 627: from po_line_locations_all

623: from po_headers_all
624: where po_header_id = p_can_hdr_id;
625: else
626: select cancel_flag into l_cancel_flag
627: from po_line_locations_all
628: where line_location_id = p_can_line_loc_id;
629: end if;
630: update po_headers_all
631: set authorization_status = 'IN PROCESS'

Line 640: from po_line_locations_all

636: from po_releases_all
637: where po_release_id = p_can_rel_id;
638: else
639: select cancel_flag into l_cancel_flag
640: from po_line_locations_all
641: where line_location_id = p_can_line_loc_id;
642: end if;
644: update po_releases_all

Line 1764: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,

1760: null SPLIT
1761: from
1762: po_change_requests pcr,
1763: po_lines_archive_all pla,
1764: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,
1765: hr_locations_all hla, hz_locations hz,
1766: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
1768: where pcr.change_request_group_id =grp_id

Line 1810: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,

1806: fnd_message.get_string('PO','PO_WF_NOTIF_YES') SPLIT
1807: from
1808: po_change_requests pcr,
1809: po_lines_archive_all pla,
1810: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,
1811: hr_locations_all hla, hz_locations hz,
1812: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
1814: where pcr.change_request_group_id =grp_id

Line 2599: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,

2595: null SPLIT
2596: from
2597: po_change_requests pcr,
2598: po_lines_archive_all pla,
2599: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,
2600: hr_locations_all hla, hz_locations hz,
2601: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
2602: mtl_planners mtp,
2603: financials_system_params_all fsp

Line 2648: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,

2644: fnd_message.get_string('PO','PO_WF_NOTIF_YES') SPLIT
2645: from
2646: po_change_requests pcr,
2647: po_lines_archive_all pla,
2648: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,
2649: hr_locations_all hla, hz_locations hz,
2650: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
2651: mtl_planners mtp,
2652: financials_system_params_all fsp

Line 3419: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,

3415: null SPLIT
3416: from
3417: po_change_requests pcr,
3418: po_lines_archive_all pla,
3419: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,
3420: hr_locations_all hla, hz_locations hz,
3421: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
3423: where pcr.change_request_group_id =grp_id

Line 3462: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,

3458: fnd_message.get_string('PO','PO_WF_NOTIF_YES') SPLIT
3459: from
3460: po_change_requests pcr,
3461: po_lines_archive_all pla,
3462: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,
3463: hr_locations_all hla, hz_locations hz,
3464: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
3466: where pcr.change_request_group_id =grp_id

Line 3524: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,

3520: pa.note NOTE
3521: from
3522: po_acceptances pa,
3523: po_lines_archive_all pla,
3524: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,
3525: hr_locations_all hla, hz_locations hz,
3526: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
3528: where plla.po_header_id = l_po_document_id

Line 3537: from po_line_locations_archive_all plla2

3533: --and plla.latest_external_flag = 'Y'
3534: and pla.latest_external_flag = 'Y'
3535: and pa.revision_num = l_rev
3536: and plla.revision_num = (select max(revision_num)
3537: from po_line_locations_archive_all plla2
3538: where plla2.line_location_id = plla.line_location_id and
3539: plla.revision_num <= l_rev)
3540: and msi.inventory_item_id(+) = pla.item_id
3541: --and msi.organization_id(+) = pla.org_id

Line 3567: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,

3563: pa.NOTE NOTE
3564: from
3565: po_acceptances pa,
3566: po_lines_archive_all pla,
3567: po_line_locations_archive_all plla,
3568: hr_locations_all hla, hz_locations hz,
3569: mtl_system_items_kfv msi,
3571: where plla.po_release_id = l_rel_document_id

Line 3580: from po_line_locations_archive_all plla2

3576: --and plla.latest_external_flag = 'Y'
3577: and pla.latest_external_flag = 'Y'
3578: and pa.revision_num = l_rev
3579: and plla.revision_num = (select max(revision_num)
3580: from po_line_locations_archive_all plla2
3581: where plla2.line_location_id = plla.line_location_id and
3582: plla.revision_num <= l_rev)
3583: and msi.inventory_item_id(+) = pla.item_id
3584: --and msi.organization_id(+) = pla.org_id

Line 4477: from po_change_requests pcr, po_lines_archive_all pla, po_line_locations_archive_all plla,

4473: pcr.response_reason REASON,
4474: decode(pcr.parent_line_location_id, null, null, fnd_message.get_string('PO','PO_WF_NOTIF_YES')) SPLIT,
4475: pcr.action_type ACTION_CODE
4477: from po_change_requests pcr, po_lines_archive_all pla, po_line_locations_archive_all plla,
4478: hr_locations_all hla, hz_locations hz
4479: where change_request_group_id =grp_id
4480: and pla.po_line_id = pcr.document_line_id
4481: and pla.latest_external_flag = 'Y'

Line 4512: from po_change_requests pcr, po_lines_archive_all pla, po_line_locations_archive_all plla,

4508: nvl(hla.location_code, substr(rtrim(hz.address1)||'-'||rtrim(hz.city),1,60)) SHIP_TO_LOCATION,
4509: pcr.response_reason REASON,
4510: decode(pcr.parent_line_location_id, null, null, fnd_message.get_string('PO','PO_WF_NOTIF_YES')) SPLIT,
4511: pcr.action_type ACTION_CODE
4512: from po_change_requests pcr, po_lines_archive_all pla, po_line_locations_archive_all plla,
4513: hr_locations_all hla, hz_locations hz
4514: where change_request_group_id =grp_id
4515: and pla.po_line_id = pcr.document_line_id
4516: and pla.latest_external_flag = 'Y'

Line 6603: from po_line_locations

6600: if (l_document_type in ('PO', 'PA')) then
6601: select max(need_by_date)+180
6602: into l_expiration_date
6603: from po_line_locations
6604: where po_header_id = to_number(l_document_id)
6605: and cancel_flag = 'N';
6607: if l_expiration_date <= sysdate then

Line 6613: from po_line_locations

6609: end if;
6610: elsif (l_document_type = 'RELEASE') then
6611: select max(need_by_date)+180
6612: into l_expiration_date
6613: from po_line_locations
6614: where po_release_id = to_number(l_document_id)
6615: and cancel_flag = 'N';
6617: if l_expiration_date <= sysdate then

Line 7497: update po_line_locations_all

7493: -- Bug 3771964
7495: if (l_rej_id is not null) then
7496: if (p_release_id is null) then
7497: update po_line_locations_all
7498: set approved_flag = 'Y'
7499: where po_header_id=p_header_id
7500: and po_release_id is null;
7501: else

Line 7502: update po_line_locations_all

7498: set approved_flag = 'Y'
7499: where po_header_id=p_header_id
7500: and po_release_id is null;
7501: else
7502: update po_line_locations_all
7503: set approved_flag = 'Y'
7504: where po_header_id=p_header_id
7505: and po_release_id = p_release_id;
7506: end if;

Line 7605: po_line_locations_all pll

7601: select pda.deliver_to_person_id
7602: from
7603: po_change_requests pcr,
7604: po_distributions_all pda,
7605: po_line_locations_all pll
7606: where pcr.change_request_group_id = grp_id
7607: and pcr.request_level = 'LINE'
7608: and pcr.document_line_id = pda.po_line_id
7609: and pda.line_location_id = pll.line_location_id

Line 7796: po_line_locations_all poll

7792: select distinct porh.requisition_header_id
7793: from po_requisition_headers_all porh,
7794: po_requisition_lines_all porl,
7795: po_headers_all poh,
7796: po_line_locations_all poll
7797: where porh.requisition_header_id = porl.requisition_header_id AND
7798: porl.line_location_id = poll.line_location_id AND
7799: poh.po_header_id = poll.po_header_id AND
7800: poh.po_header_id = p_po_header_id_csr;

Line 8372: po_line_locations_all polla

8368: IS
8369: CURSOR getReqHdrId(c_po_header_id in NUMBER) IS
8370: select distinct(porla.requisition_header_id)
8371: from po_requisition_lines_all porla,
8372: po_line_locations_all polla
8373: where polla.po_header_id = c_po_header_id
8374: and porla.line_location_id = polla.line_location_id;
8376: CURSOR getReqNum(c_req_header_id in NUMBER) IS

Line 8385: po_line_locations_all polla

8381: -- for releases
8382: CURSOR getReqHdrId_rel(c_po_header_id in NUMBER, c_po_release_id in NUMBER) IS
8383: select distinct(porla.requisition_header_id)
8384: from po_requisition_lines_all porla,
8385: po_line_locations_all polla
8386: where polla.po_header_id = c_po_header_id
8387: and polla.po_release_id = c_po_release_id
8388: and porla.line_location_id = polla.line_location_id;

Line 8491: FROM po_line_locations_all poll1,

8487: INTO l_ship_invalid_for_ctrl_actn
8490: SELECT 1
8491: FROM po_line_locations_all poll1,
8492: po_line_locations_all poll2
8493: WHERE poll1.line_location_id = po_line_location_id
8494: AND poll1.po_line_id = poll2.po_line_id
8495: AND NVL(poll2.cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'

Line 8492: po_line_locations_all poll2

8490: SELECT 1
8491: FROM po_line_locations_all poll1,
8492: po_line_locations_all poll2
8493: WHERE poll1.line_location_id = po_line_location_id
8494: AND poll1.po_line_id = poll2.po_line_id
8495: AND NVL(poll2.cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
8496: AND NVL(poll2.payment_type, 'NULL') NOT IN ('ADVANCE', 'DELIVERY') --