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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 37

  l_sql_str :='select trunc(sum(total_time/1000000000),2) '||
              'from plsql_profiler_units ' ||
              'where runid in ( select runid from plsql_profiler_runs ' ||
              '                  where related_run = :RELATED_RUN)';
Line: 57

  l_sql_str:='select runid,TO_CHAR(run_date,''DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS''),'||
             '(select to_char(sum(total_time/1000000000),''999,999.00'') '||
             '   from plsql_profiler_units u '||
             '   where r.runid=u.runid), '||
             'run_comment||''   '' ||run_comment1 ' ||
             'from plsql_profiler_runs r '||
             'where related_run=:related_run order by runid';
Line: 107

  select instance_name into l_instance
  from v$instance;
Line: 167

      l_sql_str:='select p.line||decode(d.line#,null,null,'||
                 '''''), '||
       'to_char((d.total_time/1000000),''999,999.00'') ,ltrim(p.text) '||
  'from plsql_profiler_data d, '||
       'dba_source p '||
 'where p.line = d.line#(+)   '||
   'and p.type in (''PACKAGE'',''PACKAGE BODY'',''PROCEDURE'',''FUNCTION'') '||
   'and p.owner = :U_OWNER '||
   'and p.name = upper(:u_NAME ) '||
   -- 'and p.line between :l_line_min and :l_line_max '||
   'and d.runid(+)  = :RUN_ID '||
   'and d.unit_number(+)   = :U_NUMBER '||
   'and p.type = :U_TYPE '||
 'order by p.line ';
Line: 229

   l_tmp_str:='select nvl(ROUND(sum(total_time)/1000000000,3),0) '||
                  'from plsql_profiler_units where runid= :RUN_ID';
Line: 249

l_sql_str:=' SELECT ''''||
       ''''||TO_CHAR(run_date,''DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'')||
       ''''|| ''''||:l_run_total||''''||
       ''''||run_comment||''   '' ||run_comment1||''''||
  FROM plsql_profiler_runs
 WHERE runid = :RUN_ID';
Line: 292

   /* l_sql_str:='select unit_number,unit_type,unit_owner,unit_name, ' ||
              ' unit_timestamp, '||
              'to_char((total_time/1000000000),''999,999,999.00''), '||
              'to_char(((total_time*100)/(1000000000*:l_run_total)),''999,999,999.00'') '||
                         (select text from dba_source where type=unit_type and owner=unit_owner and name=unit_name and line=2),'' '')' ||
               'from plsql_profiler_units  '||
              -- 'where runid = :RUN_ID and total_time > 1000000 '||
              'where runid = :RUN_ID  '||
              'and (total_time*100)/(1000000000*:l_run_total) > :G_CUTOFF_PCT '||
              ' order by total_time desc';
Line: 304

    l_sql_str:='select unit_number,unit_type,unit_owner,unit_name, ' ||
              ' unit_timestamp, '||
              'trunc((total_time/1000000000),2), '||
              'trunc(((total_time*100)/(1000000000*:l_run_total)),2) '||
                         (select text from dba_source where type=unit_type and owner=unit_owner and name=unit_name and line=2),'' '')' ||
               'from plsql_profiler_units  '||
              'where runid = :RUN_ID  '||
              'and (total_time*100)/(1000000000*:l_run_total) > :G_CUTOFF_PCT '||
              ' order by total_time desc';
Line: 342

  l_sql_str:='select unit_number,unit_type,unit_owner,unit_name ' ||
           'from plsql_profiler_units  '||
           'where runid = :RUN_ID and total_time > 1000000 '||
           'and unit_owner = '''||l_db_user||''' and unit_type IN '||
           '(''PACKAGE'',''PACKAGE BODY'',''PROCEDURE'',''FUNCTION'') '||
            'and (total_time*100)/(1000000000*:l_run_total) > :G_CUTOFF_PCT '||
           ' order by total_time desc';
Line: 418

    select 'Y' into l_run_ok from all_objects
    where owner='SYS' and object_type='PACKAGE' and object_name='DBMS_PROFILER';
Line: 420

    select 'Y' into l_run_ok from all_objects
    where owner='SYS' and object_type='PACKAGE BODY'
    and object_name='DBMS_PROFILER';
Line: 424

    select 'Y' into l_run_ok from all_tables
    where table_name='PLSQL_PROFILER_RUNS' and rownum =1 and owner like '%';
Line: 426

    select 'Y' into l_run_ok from all_tables
    where table_name='PLSQL_PROFILER_UNITS' and rownum =1 and owner like '%';
Line: 428

    select 'Y' into l_run_ok from all_tables
    where table_name='PLSQL_PROFILER_DATA' and rownum =1 and owner like '%';
Line: 489

    l_sql_str:='select count(*) from plsql_profiler_runs '||
               'where related_run = :RELATED_RUN ';
Line: 495

       l_sql_str:='select runid from plsql_profiler_runs '||
                 'where related_run=:related_run order by runid';
Line: 510

       l_sql_str:='select runid from plsql_profiler_runs '||
                 'where related_run=:related_run order by runid';
Line: 533

         l_sql_str:='select runid from plsql_profiler_runs '||
                    'where related_run=:RELATED_RUN';
Line: 569

    l_sql_str:='delete plsql_profiler_data where runid in '||
       '(select runid from plsql_profiler_runs where related_run=:RELATED_RUN)';
Line: 573

    l_sql_str:='delete plsql_profiler_units where runid in '||
       '(select runid from plsql_profiler_runs where related_run=:RELATED_RUN)';
Line: 577

    l_sql_str:='delete plsql_profiler_runs where related_run=:RELATED_RUN';
Line: 590

    l_sql_str:='delete plsql_profiler_data where runid =:RUN_ID';
Line: 593

    l_sql_str:='delete plsql_profiler_units where runid =:RUN_ID';
Line: 596

    l_sql_str:='delete plsql_profiler_runs where runid=:RUN_ID';
Line: 618

  select upper(user) into l_db_user from dual;