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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 103

|                             added a call to Update_Flow_Status_Code in check_supply_
|                              creation_wf
|		  11/04/2003   Kiran Konada
|                             added a call to display_wf_status instead of
|                             Update_Flow_Status_Code in check_supply_
|                              creation_wf
|                 11/14/2003    Kiran Konada
|                            removed procedu set_parameter_lead_time_wf
|                            bcos of bug#3202825
|                 12/11/03    Sushant Sawant
|                             removed update_flow_status_code calls in create_config_item_wf
|                             and added display_wf_status
|                 01/19/04    Sushant Sawant
|                             Fixed Bug 3380730, 3380874 to provide proper status code on config line
|                             and corrected use of cto_workflow_api_pk.display_wf_status
|                 01/23/04    Sushant Sawant
|                             Fixed Bug 3388135 to provide message for match in case of dropship models.
|                02/23/2004  Sushant Sawant fixed Bug 3419221
|                            New LINE_FLOW_STATUS code 'SUPPLY_ELIGIBLE' was introduced.
|                            Config Lines with Internal and External source types will be assigned this status.
|                            when the config line reached check supply creation workflow activity.
|                03/01/2004  Kiran Konada
|                            Bugfix 2318060
|                            'N' value to BUILD_IN_WIP_FLAG is caught as expected error
|                            when workflow moves through set_parameter_work_order node
|                04/06/2004  KKONADA   removed fullstop after BOM , bugfix#3554874
|                05/10/2004  Sushant Sawant
|                            fixed bug 3548069 in procedure validate_line.
|                            model lines with schedule ship date null should not
|                            be picked for config creation.
|               04/04/2005   Renga Kannan
|                            Fixed bug 4197665 in procedure check_supply_type_wf
|                            The to_char function had a wrong parameter in it.
|                            It was erroring out only in 10G instance. Fixed it.
|              06/01/2005    Renga Kannan
|                            Added nocopy Hint to all out parameters.
|              06/16/2005   Kiran Konada :
|			    chnaged for OPM project
|			    change comment : OPM
|		            check_supply_type:
|				check for p_source_type in (1,66) is replaced by
|				l_can_create_supply = N
|				check_cto_can_create_supply new parameters l_sourcing_org
|				and l_message
|			    check_supply_creation api
|				check_cto_can_create_supply new parameters l_sourcing_org
|				and l_message
|           07/05/2005     Renga Kannan
|                          Changed for MOAC project
|                          Code change for ONT RESERVATION TIME FENCE
|           18-AUG-2005    Kiran Konada
|                          bugfix#4556596
|                          when Check_supply_type_wf node detects that
|                          multiple sources are present workflow moves
|                          shipline. But there is no call to display_wf_status
|                          so line status remains at "supply eligible"
|                          Fix is to call display_wf_status
Line: 362

		--       The exception block for the following select statement is added by Renga Kannan
		--       on 12/14/00. This part of the bug fix # 1381938
		--       When the start Model workflow is called and it is having configuration item
		--       in Oe_order_lines_all, it can be becasue of two things. One is the Auto create config
		--       batch program is running and the other is due to link_item
		--       In the case of Auto create config process we will get the program_id value in bcol table.
		--       But in the case of link item the data may not be there in bcol table at all. So in the
		--       case of link_item in the when_no_data_found exception we will set the l_program_id value to 0.
		--       This will move the model work flow as well as the config line workflow.

                  select program_id
                  into   l_program_id
                  from   bom_cto_order_lines
                  where  line_id = to_number(p_itemkey);
Line: 397

                select line_id
                into   l_config_line_id
                from   oe_order_lines_all
                where  ato_line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
                and    item_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 518

	    select ato_line_id
                   , order_quantity_uom , ordered_quantity -- added by sushant for reservation
                   , schedule_ship_date                    -- added by sushant for reservation
                   , source_type_code                      -- added by sushant for drop ship
	    into lTopAtoLineId
                 , l_reservation_uom_code , l_quantity_to_reserve
                 , l_schedule_ship_date
                 , v_source_type_code
	    from oe_order_lines_all
	    where line_id = to_number(p_itemkey);
Line: 547

            select  oeh.order_number , msi.segment1, oel.line_number || '.' || oel.shipment_number
                  , msi.inventory_item_id , msi.organization_id
            into  v_order_number, v_top_model_name, v_top_model_line_num
                  , v_top_model_id, v_ship_from_org_id
            from  oe_order_headers_all oeh , oe_order_lines_all  oel , mtl_system_items msi
            where  oeh.header_id = oel.header_id
            and  oel.line_id = lTopAtoLineId
            and  oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
            and  oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id ;
Line: 674

            CTO_CONFIG_BOM_PK.g_t_dropped_item_type.delete ;
Line: 703

                        select  oeh.order_number , msi.segment1, oel.line_number || '.' || oel.shipment_number
                          into  v_order_number, v_top_model_name, v_top_model_line_num
                          from  oe_order_headers_all oeh , oe_order_lines_all  oel , mtl_system_items msi
                         where  oeh.header_id = oel.header_id
                           and  oel.line_id = lTopAtoLineId
                           and  oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
                           and  oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id ;
Line: 808

	    select bcol.config_item_id,
                perform_match -- Sushant added this to check full item match
	    into l_config_id,
                l_perform_match  -- Sushant added this to check full item match
	    from bom_cto_order_lines bcol
	    where bcol.line_id = to_number(p_itemkey);
Line: 880

            select line_id, header_id, inventory_item_id
            into   l_config_line_id, l_header_id, l_config_item_id
            from   oe_order_lines_all
            where  ato_line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
            and    item_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 920

                        select  msi.segment1, oel.line_number || '.' || oel.shipment_number || '.'  || nvl( oel.option_number , '' )
                                || '.' || nvl(component_number , '' )
                          into  v_top_config_name, v_top_config_line_num
                          from  oe_order_lines_all  oel , mtl_system_items msi
                         where  oel.ato_line_id = lTopAtoLineId
                           and  item_type_code = 'CONFIG'
                           and  oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
                           and  oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id ;
Line: 957

                        select  msi.segment1, oel.line_number || '.' || oel.shipment_number || '.'  || nvl( oel.option_number , '' )
                                || '.' || nvl(component_number , '' )
                          into  v_top_config_name, v_top_config_line_num
                          from  oe_order_lines_all  oel , mtl_system_items msi
                         where  oel.ato_line_id = lTopAtoLineId
                           and  item_type_code = 'CONFIG'
                           and  oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
                           and  oel.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id ;
Line: 1331

               select segment1
               into   l_config_item_name
               from   mtl_system_items
               where  inventory_item_id = l_config_id
               and    organization_id = l_mfg_org_id ;
Line: 1512

        select subinventory
        from oe_order_lines
        where line_id = p_top_model_line_id;
Line: 1663

            select msi.primary_uom_code
            into   l_primary_uom_code
            from   mtl_system_items msi
            where  msi.inventory_item_id = p_config_id
            and    msi.organization_id = p_mfg_org_id;
Line: 1756

                    select segment1
		    into   l_config_item_name
                    from   mtl_system_items
                    where  inventory_item_id = p_config_id
		    and    organization_id = p_mfg_org_id ;
Line: 1770

                    select organization_name into l_organization_name
                    from mtl_organizations
                    where organization_id = p_mfg_org_id ;
Line: 1782

                       select organization_name into l_organization_name
                         from inv_organization_name_v
                        where organization_id = p_mfg_org_id ;
Line: 1873

                 select segment1
		 into  l_config_item_name
                 from  mtl_system_items
                 where inventory_item_id = p_config_id
         	 and   organization_id = p_mfg_org_id ;
Line: 1887

                 select organization_name into l_organization_name
                 from mtl_organizations
                 where organization_id = p_mfg_org_id ;
Line: 1899

                       select organization_name into l_organization_name
                         from inv_organization_name_v
                        where organization_id = p_mfg_org_id ;
Line: 1954

               select segment1
	       into   l_config_item_name
               from   mtl_system_items
               where  inventory_item_id = p_config_id
	       and    organization_id = p_mfg_org_id ;
Line: 2113

              SELECT  item_type_code, ato_line_id , header_id, line_id
              INTO    v_item_type_code, v_ato_line_id, v_header_id , v_config_line_id
              FROM    oe_order_lines_all
              WHERE   line_id =  p_itemkey;
Line: 2315

			  --below code calls display_wf_status to update the correct
           		  --before booking and scheduling if item is reserved
			  l_stmt_num := 100;
Line: 2429

    select reservation_id
    into   lReserveId
    from   mtl_reservations     mr,
           oe_order_lines_all   oel,
           oe_order_headers_all oeh,
           oe_transaction_types_all ota,
           oe_transaction_types_tl  otl,
           mtl_sales_orders     mso
    where  mr.demand_source_line_id = oel.line_id    --ato item line id
    and    oel.line_id              = pLineId
    and    oeh.header_id            = oel.header_id
    and    oeh.order_type_id        = ota.transaction_type_id
    and    ota.transaction_type_code='ORDER'
    and    ota.transaction_type_id  = otl.transaction_type_id
    and    oeh.order_number         = mso.segment1
    and    otl.name                 = mso.segment2
    and    otl.language 	    = (select language_code
					from fnd_languages
					where installed_flag = 'B')
    and    mso.sales_order_id       = mr.demand_source_header_id
    --and    mr.demand_source_type_id = INV_RESERVATION_GLOBAL.g_source_type_oe
    and    mr.demand_source_type_id = decode(oeh.source_document_type_id, 10,
                                             	INV_RESERVATION_GLOBAL.g_source_type_oe)	--bugfix 1799874
    and    mr.reservation_quantity  > 0
    and supply_source_type_id     = INV_RESERVATION_GLOBAL.g_source_type_inv
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 2517

    select count(*)
    into   lRsvCount
    from   mtl_reservations     mr,
           oe_order_lines_all   oel,
           oe_order_headers_all oeh,
           oe_transaction_types_all ota,
           oe_transaction_types_tl  otl,
           mtl_sales_orders     mso
    where  mr.demand_source_line_id = oel.line_id    --ato item line id
    and    oel.line_id              = pLineId
    and    oeh.header_id            = oel.header_id
    and    oeh.order_type_id        = ota.transaction_type_id
    and    ota.transaction_type_code='ORDER'
    and    ota.transaction_type_id  = otl.transaction_type_id
    and    oeh.order_number         = mso.segment1
    and    otl.name                 = mso.segment2
    and    otl.language 	    = (select language_code
					from fnd_languages
					where installed_flag = 'B')
    and    mso.sales_order_id       = mr.demand_source_header_id
    --and    mr.demand_source_type_id = INV_RESERVATION_GLOBAL.g_source_type_oe
    and    mr.demand_source_type_id = decode(oeh.source_document_type_id, 10,
    and    mr.reservation_quantity  > 0
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 2547

    	select count(*)
    	into   lFloCount
    	from   wip_flow_schedules
    	where  demand_source_type = inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe
    	and    demand_source_line = to_char(pLineId)
    	and    status <> 2;    -- Flow Schedule status : 1 = Open  2 = Closed/Completed
Line: 2656

            select oel.inventory_item_id, oel.ship_from_org_id,
                   --(oel.ordered_quantity - oel.cancelled_quantity)		--bugfix 2017099
            into   l_config_item_id, l_mfg_org_id, l_header_id,
            from   oe_order_lines_all oel
            where  oel.line_id = to_number(p_itemkey);
Line: 2706

                      p_header_id         => l_header_id,
                      p_line_id           => to_number(p_itemkey),
                      p_flow_status_code  => l_flow_status_code,
                      x_return_status     => l_return_status);
Line: 2800

          select oel.ato_line_id
          into   l_top_ato_line_id
          from   oe_order_lines_all oel
          where  oel.line_id = to_number(p_itemkey);
Line: 2937

               select oel.ato_line_id
               into   lAtoLineId
               from   oe_order_lines_all oel
               where  line_id = to_number(p_itemkey);
Line: 3070

         select inventory_item_id, ship_from_org_id,item_type_code, source_type_code
         into   l_inventory_item_id, l_ship_from_org_id,l_item_type_code, l_source_type_code
         from   oe_order_lines_all
         where  line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
         and    ato_line_id is not null;
Line: 3268

      select NVL(cfm_routing_flag,2)
      into   l_supply_type
      from   oe_order_lines_all oel,
             bom_operational_routings bor
      where  oel.line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
      and    oel.inventory_item_id = bor.assembly_item_id (+)
      and    oel.ship_from_org_id = bor.organization_id (+)
      and    bor.alternate_routing_designator (+) is NULL;
Line: 3405

          select oel.ordered_quantity 						--bufix 2017099
          into   l_quantity
          from   oe_order_lines_all oel
          where  oel.line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
          and    exists (select '1'
                         from   bom_operational_routings bor
                         where  bor.assembly_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
                         and    bor.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
                         and    bor.alternate_routing_designator is null
                         and    nvl(bor.cfm_routing_flag, 2) = 1)
          and    not exists (select '1'
                         from   mtl_reservations mr
                         where  mr.demand_source_line_id = oel.line_id
                         and    mr.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
                         --and    mr.demand_source_type_id  =  inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe
                         and    mr.demand_source_type_id  =
                                   decode (l_source_document_type_id, 10, inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_internal_ord,
					   inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe )	-- bugfix 1799874
                         and    mr.reservation_quantity > 0);
Line: 3444

	  select schedule_ship_date, header_id
	  into l_sch_ship_date, l_header_id
	  from oe_order_lines_all oel
	  where line_id = to_number(p_itemkey);
Line: 3490

                      p_header_id         => l_header_id,
                      p_line_id           => to_number(p_itemkey),
                      p_flow_status_code  => 'PRODUCTION_OPEN',
                      x_return_status     => l_x_return_status);
Line: 3589

    SELECT '1' into l_dummy
    FROM   oe_order_lines_all
    WHERE  line_id = p_line_id
Line: 3594

    UPDATE oe_order_lines_all oel
    SET    oel.program_id = -99
    WHERE  oel.line_id = p_line_id
    AND    nvl(oel.program_id, 0) <> -99;
Line: 3610

		OE_DEBUG_PUB.add ('lock_line_id: ' || 'CTO_WORKFLOW.Lock_Line_Id: Could not lock line id '|| p_line_id ||' for update.');
Line: 3643

    UPDATE oe_order_lines_all oel
    SET    oel.program_id = null
    WHERE  oel.line_id = p_line_id
    AND    nvl(oel.program_id, 0) = -99;
Line: 3735

	  -- different sessions. If this api is called after SELECT FOR UPDATE, then it will fail.

	  -- begin bugfix 2105156: Call lock_line_Id to manually lock the row if possible.
	  -- Lock_Line_Id API will update the program_id in oeol to -99.
	  -- if you cannot, raise RECORD_LOCKED exception

	  Lock_Line_Id ( to_number(p_itemkey), l_result );
Line: 3761

            select oel.ordered_quantity, 					-- bugfix 2017099
		   oel.ato_line_id, oel.line_id,oel.top_model_line_id, oel.item_type_code          --fix for bug#1874380
            into   l_quantity, l_mfg_org_id, l_afas_line_id, l_ato_line_id, l_line_id,
            from   mtl_system_items msi,
                   oe_order_lines_all oel
            where  oel.line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
            and    (oel.open_flag is null
                   or oel.open_flag = 'Y')
            and    oel.ordered_quantity > 0
            and    oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
            and    msi.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
            and    oel.schedule_status_code = 'SCHEDULED'
            and    oel.booked_flag = 'Y'
            and    oel.ato_line_id is not null
            --and    oel.shipping_interfaced_flag = 'Y'
            and    msi.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
            and    msi.pick_components_flag = 'N'
            and    msi.build_in_wip_flag = 'Y'
            and    msi.bom_item_type = 4
              ATO items do not have to have
              a base model.
            and    msi.base_item_id is not NULL
            and    not exists
                     (select '1'
                      from   oe_order_lines_all oel2
                      where  oel2.ship_from_org_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
                      and    oel2.header_id      = oel.header_id
                      and    oel2.line_id        = oel.line_id
                      and    rownum = 1
                      and    WIP_ATO_UTILS.check_wip_supply_type(
                             not in (0,1)
            and    not exists
                     (select '1'
                      from   bom_operational_routings bor
                      where  bor.assembly_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
                      and    bor.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
                      and    bor.alternate_routing_designator is null
                      and    nvl(bor.cfm_routing_flag, 2) = 1)
            and    not exists
                     (select '1'
                      from   mtl_reservations mr
                      where  mr.demand_source_line_id = oel.line_id
                      and    mr.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
                      --and    mr.demand_source_type_id  = inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe
                      and    mr.demand_source_type_id  =
                                   decode (l_source_document_type_id, 10, inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_internal_ord,
					   inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe )	-- bugfix 1799874
                      and    mr.reservation_quantity > 0)
	    FOR UPDATE OF oel.line_id NOWAIT;		--bugfix 2053360
Line: 3865

				 p_itemkey ||' for update.');
Line: 3908

	         SELECT build_in_wip_flag
		 INTO   l_build_in_wip
		 FROM   mtl_system_items mtl,
		        Oe_order_lines_all oel
		 WHERE  oel.line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
		 AND    oel.inventory_item_id = mtl.inventory_item_id
		 AND    oel.ship_from_org_id  = mtl.organization_id;
Line: 4004

	-- An update is needed again in case of retry activity. During the first run of AFAS, if there is
        -- an error, the program_id is updated to null. When the AFAS activity is retried, the line
        -- doesn't get picked up because the program_id is null.

	UPDATE oe_order_lines_all
          SET program_id = -99
            WHERE line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
              AND NVL(program_id, 0) <> -99;
Line: 4015

	       oe_debug_pub.add ('submit_conc_prog_wf: ' || 'updated program_id to -99');
Line: 4023

             WHERE  source_line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
             AND    PROCESS_PHASE = 4
             AND    PROCESS_STATUS = 4);
Line: 4034

	       oe_debug_pub.add ('submit_conc_prog_wf: ' || 'Rows deleted from wie:' || l_cnt);
Line: 4038

         WHERE source_line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
            AND   I.PROCESS_PHASE = 4
            AND   I.PROCESS_STATUS = 4;
Line: 4046

	       oe_debug_pub.add ('submit_conc_prog_wf: ' || 'Rows deleted from wjsi:' || l_cnt);
Line: 4279

          Select line details to make sure the model line is valid.
          select 1
	  into   l_valid_model_line
	  from   oe_order_lines_all oel,
		 mtl_system_items msi
          where  oel.line_id = p_line_id
	  and    msi.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
          and    msi.inventory_item_id = oel.inventory_item_id
	  and    msi.bom_item_type = 1
          --and    msi.build_in_wip_flag = 'Y'
          and    msi.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
	  and    oel.open_flag = 'Y'
	  and    (oel.cancelled_flag = 'N'
              or  oel.cancelled_flag is null)
          and    ( oel.booked_flag = 'Y'   or v_aps_version >= 10 )
          and   schedule_ship_date is not null  /* Fixed bug 3548069 */
          and    (
                      (      oel.schedule_status_code = 'SCHEDULED'
                      and    oel.source_type_code = 'INTERNAL'
                      -- Bug 14474393
                      -- Commenting this check since as per OM team the condition based on
                      -- schedule status code should be enough as this flag is controlled by
                      -- the profile OM: Bypass ATP
                      -- and    oel.visible_demand_flag = 'Y'
                 OR  ( oel.source_type_code = 'EXTERNAL' )
                 ) ; /* BUG#2234858 additional changes  Made by sushant for Drop Ship */
Line: 4352

          Select line details to make sure the config line is valid.
          select 1
	  into   l_valid_config_line
	  from   oe_order_lines_all oel,
		 mtl_system_items msi
          where  oel.line_id = p_config_line_id
	  and    msi.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
          and    oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
	  and    msi.bom_item_type = 4
          and    msi.build_in_wip_flag = 'Y'
          and    msi.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
	  and    oel.open_flag = 'Y'
	  and    (oel.cancelled_flag = 'N'
               or oel.cancelled_flag is null)
          -- Bug 14474393
          -- Commenting this check since as per OM team the condition based on
          -- schedule status code should be enough as this flag is controlled by
          -- the profile OM: Bypass ATP
          -- and    oel.visible_demand_flag = 'Y'
          and    oel.booked_flag = 'Y'
          and    oel.schedule_status_code = 'SCHEDULED'
          and    ( oel.item_type_code = 'CONFIG' OR
                    --Adding INCLUDED item type code for SUN ER#9793792
		    ( oel.item_type_code in ('STANDARD','OPTION','INCLUDED') AND  --bugfix#2111718
                        oel.ato_line_id = p_config_line_id ) );
Line: 4417

       select 1
       into   l_config_item
       from   oe_order_lines_all oelM,
              oe_order_lines_all oelC
       where  oelM.line_id = p_model_line_id
       and    oelC.ato_line_id = oelM.line_id
       and    oelC.item_type_code = 'CONFIG';
Line: 4492

       select sum(nvl(mrs.reservation_quantity,0))
       into   x_reserved_quantity
       from   mtl_system_items msi,
              oe_order_lines_all oel,
              mtl_reservations mrs
       where  oel.line_id = p_config_line_id
       and    oel.open_flag = 'Y'
       --and    (oel.ordered_quantity - oel.cancelled_quantity) > 0
       and    oel.ordered_quantity  > 0					-- bugfix 2017099
       and    oel.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
       and    msi.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
       and    oel.item_type_code = 'CONFIG'
       and    oel.schedule_status_code = 'SCHEDULED'
       and    oel.booked_flag = 'Y'
       and    (oel.cancelled_flag = 'N'
           or  oel.cancelled_flag is null)
       and    msi.replenish_to_order_flag = 'Y'
       and    msi.pick_components_flag = 'N'
       and    msi.bom_item_type = 4
       and    msi.base_item_id is not NULL
       and    mrs.demand_source_line_id = oel.line_id
       and    mrs.demand_source_header_id is not NULL
       and    mrs.organization_id = oel.ship_from_org_id
       --and    mrs.demand_source_type_id  = inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe
       and    mrs.demand_source_type_id  =
                    decode (l_source_document_type_id, 10, inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_internal_ord,
			    inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe )	-- bugfix 1799874
       and    mrs.supply_source_type_id =
       and    mrs.reservation_quantity > 0
       group by oel.line_id;
Line: 4543

    select wip_entity_id
    into   lWipEntityId
    from   wip_flow_schedules   wfs,
           oe_order_lines_all   oel,
           oe_order_headers_all oeh,
           oe_transaction_types_all ota,
           oe_transaction_types_tl  otl,
           mtl_sales_orders     mso
    where  wfs.demand_source_line   = to_char(pLineId)    --config line id
    and    oel.line_id              = pLineId
    and    oeh.header_id            = oel.header_id
    and    oeh.order_type_id        = ota.transaction_type_id
    and    ota.transaction_type_code='ORDER'
    and    ota.transaction_type_id  = otl.transaction_type_id
    and    oeh.order_number         = mso.segment1
    and    otl.name                 = mso.segment2
    and    otl.language = (select language_code
			from fnd_languages
			where installed_flag = 'B')
    and    mso.sales_order_id       = wfs.demand_source_header_id
    and    oel.inventory_item_id    = wfs.primary_item_id
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 4609

	select ato_line_id
	into   l_ato_line_id
	from   oe_order_lines_all
	where  line_id  = p_itemkey;
Line: 4821

         select inventory_item_id, ship_from_org_id,item_type_code, source_type_code,header_id
         into   l_inventory_item_id, l_ship_from_org_id,l_item_type_code, l_source_type_code,l_header_id
         from   oe_order_lines_all
         where  line_id = to_number(p_itemkey)
         and    ato_line_id is not null;